• Title/Summary/Keyword: human cases

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Anti-inflammatory and utero-relaxant effect of α-bisabolol on the pregnant human uterus

  • Munoz-Perez, Victor Manuel;Ortiz, Mario I.;Ponce-Monter, Hector A.;Monter-Perez, Vicente;Barragan-Ramirez, Guillermo
    • The Korean Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.391-398
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    • 2018
  • The aim of this study was to evaluate the in vitro anti-inflammatory and utero-relaxant effect of ${\alpha}$-bisabolol on the pregnant human myometrium. Samples from the pregnant human myometrium were used in functional tests to evaluate the inhibitory effect of ${\alpha}$-bisabolol (560, 860, 1,200 and $1,860{\mu}M$) on spontaneous myometrial contractions. The intracellular cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) levels generated in response to ${\alpha}$-bisabolol in human myometrial homogenates were measured by ELISA. The anti-inflammatory effect of ${\alpha}$-bisabolol was determined through the measurement of two pro-inflammatory cytokines, tumor necrosis factor-${\alpha}$ ($TNF{\alpha}$) and interleukin $(IL)-1{\beta}$, and the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10, in pregnant human myometrial explants stimulated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Forskolin was used as a positive control to evaluate the cAMP and cytokine levels. ${\alpha}$-Bisabolol was found to induce a significant inhibition of spontaneous myometrial contractions at the highest concentration level (p<0.05). ${\alpha}$-Bisabolol caused a concentration-dependent decrease in myometrial cAMP levels (p<0.05) and a concentration-dependent decrease in LPS-induced $TNF{\alpha}$ and $IL-1{\beta}$ production, while IL-10 production did not increase significantly (p>0.05). The anti-inflammatory and utero-relaxant effects induced by ${\alpha}$-bisabolol were not associated with an increase in cAMP levels in pregnant human myometrial samples. These properties place ${\alpha}$-bisabolol as a potentially safe and effective adjuvant agent in cases of preterm birth, an area of pharmacological treatment that requires urgent improvement.

The Design and Implementation of an Agent for Resolving the Problem of Redundant Input of Distributed Human Resources Information (산재된 인력정보의 중복입력 문제 해결을 위한 에이전트 설계 및 구현 방법에 관한 연구)

  • Shon, Kang-Ryul;Han, Hee-Jun;Lim, Jong-Tae
    • Journal of Information Management
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.75-98
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    • 2007
  • Each domain of web services increased in geometrical progression by remarkable growth of the Internet serves various services or functions, and earns an income. And all services are divided by individual goal in each domain. What counts is that we must offer a personal data, our human resource information to use web service in the majority of cases. Otherwise we have to act under constraint in using the many web services. In this paper, we analyze the database structure or schema for managing human resource information from several web sites or service demands, and propose an agent design and implementation method for preventing duplication input of personal human resource information and sharing the human resource data.

A Study on Meayres to Minimize Human Damage in Natural Disaster Vulnerable Areas (자연재해 취약지역 인명피해 최소화 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Seo, Jung Pyo;Cho, Won Cheol
    • Journal of Korean Society of Disaster and Security
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.17-25
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    • 2014
  • Due to the recent climate change impact, natural disasters occur due to sea surface rising, typhoon attacks, flash floods, local heavy rainfalls, landslides, and coastal area erosion, continuing to cause human and property damage. These impacts, coupled with urbanization and industrialization activities, are turning the previously safe areas into disaster-vulnerable areas, increasing human and economic damage. This paper aimed to prepare measures designed to minimize human damage in natural disaster vulnerable parts of South Korea in summer. Toward that end, how vulnerable areas were managed and what the damage was like were studied. Also, cases of human damage and statistics there of were reviewed and analyzed, relevant problems were derived, and thus structural and non-structural measures designed to minimize human damage were presented.

A Study on the Performance of Causal Links between Error Causes: Application to Railroad Accident Cases

  • Kim, Dong San;Yoon, Wan Chul
    • Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.535-540
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    • 2013
  • Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of causal links between various error causes in human error analysis. Background: As finding root causes of human error in safety-critical systems is often a cognitively demanding and time-consuming task, it is particularly necessary to develop a method for improving both the quality and efficiency of the task. Although a few methods such as CREAM have suggested causal linking between error causes as a means to enhance the quality and efficiency of human error analysis, no published research to date has evaluated the performance of the causal links. Method: The performance of the CREAM links between error causes were evaluated with 80 railway accident investigation reports from the UK. From each report, errorneous actions of operators were derived, and for each error, candidate causes were found by following the predefined links. Two measures, coverage and selectivity, were used to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the links, respectively. Results: On average, 96% of error causes actually included in the accident reports were found by following the causal links, and among the total of 121 possible error causes, the number of error causes to be examined further was reduced to one-tenth on average. As an additional result of this work, frequent error causes and frequently used links are provided. Conclusion: This result implies that the predefined causal links between error causes can significantly reduce the time and effort required to find the multiple levels of error causes and their causal relations without losing the quality of the results. Application: The CREAM links can be applied to human error analysis in any industry with minor modifications.

Palatal Mucoperiosteal Island Flaps for Palate Reconstruction

  • Kim, Hong Youl;Hwang, Jin;Lee, Won Jai;Roh, Tai Suk;Lew, Dae Hyun;Yun, In Sik
    • Archives of Craniofacial Surgery
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.70-74
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    • 2014
  • Background: Many options are available to cover a palatal defect, including local or free flaps. The objective of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of palatal mucoperiosteal island flap in covering a palatal defect after tumor excision. Methods: Between October 2006 and July 2013, we identified 19 patients who underwent palatal reconstruction using a palatal mucoperiosteal island flap after tumor excision. All cases were retrospectively analyzed by defect location, size, tumor pathology, type of reconstruction, and functional outcomes. Speech and swallowing functions were evaluated using a 7-point visual analog scale (VAS) score. Results: Among the 19 patients, there were 7 men and 12 women with an age range of 25 to 74 years (mean, $52.5{\pm}14.3$ years). The size of flaps was $2-16cm^2$ (mean, $9.4{\pm}4.2cm^2$). Either unilateral or bilateral palatal island flaps were used depending on the size of defect. During the follow-up period (mean, $32.7{\pm}21.4$ months), four patients developed a temporary oronasal fistula, which healed without subsequent operative. The donor sites were well re-epithelized. Speech and swallowing function scores were $6.63{\pm}0.5$ and $6.58{\pm}0.69$ on the 7-point VAS, indicating the ability to eat solid foods and communicate verbally without significant disability. Conclusion: The palatal mucoperiosteal island flap is a good reconstruction modality for palatal defects if used under appropriate indications. The complication rates and donor site morbidity are low, with good functional outcomes.

Chemical Ranking and Scoring Methodology for the Protection of Human Health and Aquatic Ecosystem in Korean Surfacewater: CRAFT (Chemical RAnking of surFacewater polluTants) (인체 및 수생태 보호를 위한 지표수 우선관리대상 항목 선정기법: CRAFT (Chemical RAnking of surFacewater polluTants))

  • Nam, Sun-Hwa;Kwak, Jin Il;Yoon, Sung-Ji;Jeong, Seung-Woo;An, Youn-Joo
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.804-812
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    • 2011
  • To prevent the overflow of various harmful chemicals, it is necessary to modify the chemical management system with an expansion to institutionally regulated substances. This modification should be preceded by selection of the priority chemicals, with a diverse chemical ranking system (CRS) applied to select the chemicals in developed countries. In Korea, a systematic CRS was used in a project related to soil and groundwater, however, it is inadequate to compare soil and groundwater CRS to that of surfacewater. In this study, a priority chemical ranking system for surfacewater was proposed through the analysis of international and domestic CRS cases. This was then applied to 161 chemicals to derive the priority list of harmful chemicals. As a result, Chemical RAnking of surFacewater polluTants (CRAFT) is presented for the protection of human health and the aquatic ecosystem from surfacewater pollutants. The components of CRAFT are the human health toxicity, aquatic ecosystem toxicity and reliability assessment factors. Three lists were derived from the 161 priority harmful chemicals for the protection of human health, aquatic ecosystem or both. It is expected that this result can be useful to prioritize harmful chemicals for the protection of human health and the aquatic ecosystem from Korean surfacewater.

Data Privacy Law and International Human Rights Regime: An Event History Analysis on the Diffusion of Data Privacy Law(1960~2011) (정보보호법의 전 세계적인 확산에 관한 연구: 국제인권레짐 효과를 중심으로)

  • Yoo, Eunhye
    • 한국사회정책
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.117-140
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    • 2013
  • This research focuses on the effects of international and national factors on the legislation of data privacy law in 117 countries from 1960 to 2011. Previous research on data privacy law usually put its emphasis on the contents of data privacy law, legal interpretation of data privacy law or legal cases; yet it lacks academic approaches from human rights perspectives. This paper points out the diffusion of data privacy law in nation states and analyzes the effects of national international factors affecting the legislation of data privacy law using an event history analysis. It turns out that the increasing number of internet users and international human rights regime are positively associated with the likelihood of having data privacy law. Contrary to our hypotheses, FDI, internal human rights practices, and the level of high technology do not show any effects on the likelihood of having a data privacy law.

Development of an Objective Judgement Procedure for Determining Involvement of Violation-Type Unsafe Acts caused Industrial Accidents (사고 유발 불안전행동의 위반 여부에 대한 객관적 판단절차 개발)

  • Lim, Hyeon Kyo;Ham, Seung Eon;Bak, Geon Yeong;Lee, Yong Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.35-42
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    • 2022
  • When an accident occurs, the associated human activity is typically regarded as a "human error," or a temporal deviation. On the other hand, if the accident results in a serious loss or if it evokes a social issue, the person determined to be responsible may be punished with a "violation" of related laws or regulations. However, as Heinrich stated, it is neither appropriate nor reasonable in terms of probability theory and cognitive science to distinguish whether it is a "human error" or a "violation" with a criterion of resultant accident severity. Nonetheless, some in society get on the social climate to strengthen regulations on workers who have caused accidents, especially violations. This response can present a social issue due to the lack of systematic judgment procedure which distinguishes violations from human errors. The purpose of this study was to develop an objective and systematic procedure to assess whether workers' activities which induced industrial accidents should be categorized as violations rather than human errors. Various analysis techniques for the determination of violation procedure were investigated and compared using an analysis approach method. An appropriate technique was not found, however, for judging the culpability of intentional violations. As an alternative, this study developed the process of creating violations, based on cognitive procedure, as well as the criteria to determine and categorize an activity as a violation. In addition, the developed procedure was applied to cases of industrial accidents and nuclear power plant issues to test its practical applicability. The study demonstrated that the proposed model could be used to determine the existence of a violation even in the case of multiple workers who work simultaneously.

Criminal Psychological Analysis of Serial Killer Focused Study on On Bo Hyun's Women Kidnapping and Murder Case (연쇄 살인범에 대한 범죄심리학적 분석 -온보현 부녀자 납치${\cdot}$살인 사건을 중심으로-)

  • Oh, Yoon-Sung
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.6
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    • pp.215-233
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    • 2003
  • The Serial murder is a serious social phenomenon that gives a shock to community and society, because of it's habituate and scheme. We could identify a happening of serial killing crime at Western society, especially in U. S, but hardly to find many cases in Korea except some of cases. We can easily prospect the happening of serial killing crime at Korea in the future, at least it exists that home and social disorganization cause by divorcing and hasty economic development. There will be a reserve criminal who have distorted personality effected by undesirable surrounding, therefore he may become a serial murder. This study examines criminal psychological analysis of On Bo Hwan's serial murder case in 1994 at Korea, according to criminal records and press report and his statement and confession. This paper also show his domestic background and growing atmosphere and human relation between his parents.

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Environmental Change of Groundwater due to Urbanization (도시화(都市化)에 의한 지하수환경(地下水環境)의 변화(變化))

  • KIM, Su Won;BAE, Sang Keun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Water and Wastewater
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.69-77
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    • 1996
  • To evaluate the change of the groundwater flow and the water table response resulting from urbanization, two cases of the transient three-dimensional numerical simulations were performed. Variations of the groundwater flow system caused by withdrawals were analyzed. Two cases of infiltration rates were applied in this study to verify the water table changes. One is the rate under the circumstance during 1994 and the other is the revised rate. The numerical results from this study indicated that groundwater flow was influenced by human impacts. Groundwater flow has been concentrated to Taegu Textile Complex area where had large amount of pumping. Water table so far decreased -2.76m a year due to withdrawals. Water tables of many points were increased more than 30cm when the surface was reformed by infiltrating the rainfall. It was appeared that the improvement of surface to recharge the precipitation was very important to preserve and manage for the groundwater.

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