• Title/Summary/Keyword: hue information

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Food recognition service using HSV data preprocessing function (데이터 전처리 기능을 활용한 음식 사진 인식 서비스 설계 및 구현)

  • Kim, Hakkyeom;Yoo, Yeonjoon;Shin, Daehyun;Oh, Juhyeon;Lee, Jin-a;Kim, Youngwoon
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2021.11a
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    • pp.1215-1218
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    • 2021
  • 한국을 방문하는 외국인들은 매년 증가하고 있고 방한 목적 중 식도락관광이 3위에 오를 만큼 세계에서 한국 음식은 위상이 높아지고 있다. 하지만, 한국에서의 알레르기 성분 표시는 법적 의무가 아니기 때문에 대부분의 한식당에서는 이를 표시하지 않고 있고 알레르기가 있는 외국인 관광객들은 한국 음식 섭취에 있어서 상당한 위험과 불편함을 부담하고 있다. 이에 본 논문에서는 머신러닝을 활용하여 사진 촬영만으로 쉽고 정확하게 알레르기 성분을 제공하고자 사물 이미지 데이터 전처리를 위한 HSV(Hue, Saturation, Value) 데이터 전처리 기법을 제안한다. 제안하는 기법은 이미지의 HSV의 평균 및 분산, 표준편차를 통해 불필요한 데이터를 제거한다. 성능평가에서는 비빔밥, 불고기, 제육볶음 등 사진 약 500장의 데이터 셋을 구성하여 HSV의 평균 및 분산을 통해 이미지를 제거하는 방식으로 구축한 데이터 셋을 TensorFlow를 통해 정확도와 학습시간을 측정한다. 측정결과, 제안하는 기법으로 구축한 데이터 셋은 최소 15%에서 최대 25% 높은 정확도와 최소 37.96%에서 최대 42.85% 높은 정도 낮은 학습시간을 보여주었다. 향후 HSV를 활용한 데이터 전처리 기법은 더 많은 데이터를 통해 더욱 구체적인 성능 분석이 필요하다. 또한, 실질적인 개발 및 구현을 통해 제안하는 데이터 전처리 기법의 더욱 현실적인 검증이 필요하다.

Vehicle HUD's cognitive emotional evaluation - Focused on color visibility of driving information (차량용 HUD의 인지적 감성 평가 -주행정보의 색채 시인성을 중심으로-)

  • Choi, Won-Jung;Lee, Won-Jung;Lee, Seol-Hee;Park, YungKyung
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.195-206
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    • 2013
  • The main causes of traffic accidents while driving a car is of the driver's visual distraction. In this study, the color sensitivity of the information projected on the windshield were evaluated for HUD (Head Up Display) system which helps the driver's eyes on the road while driving. The driving Information were projected $9^{\circ}$ downward from front sight $0^{\circ}$ under lab's fluorescent lights, LED floorlights and the TV had having 25 [lux] illumination when driving at night environment and 100,000 [lux] of daylight environment. Munsell color hue of the basic five colors (R, Y, G, B, P) and the color of traffic lights YR, W were the color of the seven characters, each character were outlined by White, Gray except for W. Total of 19 experimental stimuli was shown in the environment of day and night driving for asking visibility information of color, fatigue, preferences, and evaluate the degree of interference. The results came out that the bright Y and G color is visibility significantly for daylight. Second, with the outline of the text, the color of the outline works as a background for luminance contrast effects and affects visibility. Third, without the outline, the glass in front of the vehicle acts as the background and the luminance contrast of characters achieve greater brightness and visibility. The luminance contrast between the stimuli and background should be considered for increasing color visibility for driving information which is an important factor for HUD commercialization.

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The Extraction of Face Regions based on Optimal Facial Color and Motion Information in Image Sequences (동영상에서 최적의 얼굴색 정보와 움직임 정보에 기반한 얼굴 영역 추출)

  • Park, Hyung-Chul;Jun, Byung-Hwan
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.193-200
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    • 2000
  • The extraction of face regions is required for Head Gesture Interface which is a natural user interface. Recently, many researchers are interested in using color information to detect face regions in image sequences. Two most widely used color models, HSI color model and YIQ color model, were selected for this study. Actually H-component of HSI and I-component of YIQ are used in this research. Given the difference in the color component, this study was aimed to compare the performance of face region detection between the two models. First, we search the optimum range of facial color for each color component, examining the detection accuracy of facial color regions for variant threshold range about facial color. And then, we compare the accuracy of the face box for both color models by using optimal facial color and motion information. As a result, a range of $0^{\circ}{\sim}14^{\circ}$ in the H-component and a range of $-22^{\circ}{\sim}-2^{\circ}$ in the I-component appeared to be the most optimum range for extracting face regions. When the optimal facial color range is used, I-component is better than H-component by about 10% in accuracy to extract face regions. While optimal facial color and motion information are both used, I-component is also better by about 3% in accuracy to extract face regions.

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Reduction of Color Distortion by Estimating Dominant Chromaticity in Multi-Scaled Retinex (다중 Retinex 알고리즘에서 주색도 추정을 이용한 색상 왜곡 보정)

  • Jang, In-Su;Park, Kee-Hyon;Ha, Yeong-Ho
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.52-59
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    • 2009
  • In general, methods based on histogram or a correction of gamma curve are usually utilized to enhance the contrast of captured image in the dark scene. These methods are efficient to enhance the contrast globally, however, they locally induced the low quality of image. Recently, to resolve the problem, the multi-scaled refiner algorithm improving the contrast with locally averaged lightness is proposed. However, estimating the locally averaged lightness, if there is the object with a high saturated color, the color distortion might be induced by the color of object. Thus, in this paper, the dominant chromaticity of image is estimated to correct the locally averaged lightness in multi-scaled retinex algorithm. Because the average chromaticity of image includes the chromaticity of illumination, the dominant chromaticity is estimated with dividing the average chromaticity of image by the estimated chromaticity of illumination from highlight region. In addition, to improve the lower chroma by multi-scaled retinex algorithm generally, the chroma was compensated preserving the hue in the CIELAB color space.

A Study on Clustering and Color Difference Evaluation of Color Image using HSV Color Space (HSV색공간을 이용한 칼라화상의 클러스터링 및 색차평가에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Young-Il
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics T
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    • v.35T no.2
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    • pp.20-27
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    • 1998
  • This paper describes color clustering method based on color difference in the uniform Munsell color space obtained from hue, saturation, and value. The proposed method operates in the uniform HSV color space which is approximated using ${L^*}{a^*}{b^*}$ coordinate system based on the RGB inputs. A clustering and color difference evaluation are proposed by thresholding NBS unit which is likely to Balinkin color difference equation. Region segmentation and isolation process are carried out ISO DATA algorithm which is a self iterative clustering technique. Through the clustering of 2 input images according to the threshold value, satisfactory results are obtained. So, in conclusion, it is possible to extract result of better region segmentation using human color perception of the objects.

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Comparison of Breeding and Cultural Contribution to Yield Gains of Korean Rice

  • Song, Moon-Tae;Heu, Mun-Hue;Moon, Huhn-Pal;Kang, Yang-Soon
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    • v.48 no.4
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    • pp.316-321
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    • 2003
  • Analysis of breeding gains in grain yield has been intensively conducted in wheat, barley, oat, maize, and soybean. Such information is limited in rice. The objective of this study was to compare the breeding gains and cultural gains contributed to yield gains of Korean rice varieties since early 1900s. Two sets of yield data were used for analysis; the historical yield data of 1908 for old japonica cultivars, and present yield data in the years from 1996 to 1998 for the six cultivars, consisting of previous two old cultivars and four contemporary cultivars. The old cultivars were two native cultivars, Jodongi and Damageum, while contemporary cultivars were two premium quality japonica cultivars, Hwaseongbyeo and Dongjinbyeo, and two Tongil-type cultivars, high yielding cultivars developed from indica/japonica hybridization, Milyang23 and Dasanbyeo. The yield differences of old cultivars between the experiments in 1908 and the experiments from 1996 to 1998 were estimated as cultural gains (1.84 tons $\textrm{ha}^{-1}$) due to the improvement of cultivation technology. Yield differences between the old cultivars and contemporary cultivars were considered total yield gains during the periods. These were 2.51 tons $\textrm{ha}^{-1}$ for japonica cultivars and 3.81 tons $\textrm{ha}^{-1}$ for Tongil-type cultivars. From these data, the genetic gain of 0.67 tons $\textrm{ha}^{-1}$ and 1.97 tons $\textrm{ha}^{-1}$ were estimated for japonica cultivars and Tongil-type cultivars respectively. The ratio between cultural gain and genetic gain appeared to be 2.7:1 for japonica cultivars and 1:1 for Tongil-type cultivars. This analysis clearly showed the higher genetic contribution in Tongil-type cultivars than in japonica cultivars, suggesting a guideline to be used when planning new yield improvement programs. Additional implication has emerged when a better yield response to modem cultivation technology was found in one of the old cultivars, suggesting the combined improvement between breeding and cultural improvement is necessary for attaining the maximum yield capacity of a crop.

A Study on Tactile Visuality Using Sandpapers (연마지를 이용한 촉각적 시각에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Eun-Suk;Kim, Ji-Sun;Oh, Han-Byeol;Baek, Jin-Young;Jun, Jae-Hoon
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.66 no.9
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    • pp.1424-1430
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    • 2017
  • Human senses have been studied widely. Many studied are being actively conducted to analyze correlations between two or more different senses. Among them, research on tactile visuality where a subject can indirectly experience visual sensation through tactile elements is also progressing in various fields. In this study, we analyzed color information by having subjects perceive sandpapers with different roughness through tactile sense, then having them choose a color that is reminiscent of the tactile sensation. Unlike existing tactile-visuality studies allowing the perception of indirect visual sense by using tactile sense, this study shows that it is possible to analyze with quantitative value by representing visual image perceived by tactile sense as a color. This study will contribute to emotional evaluation research that combines two or more of the senses felt by humans, and especially is considered to be useful as basic data when conducting research about tactile visuality or auditory tactile sense.

Adaptive Channel Attenuation Compensation Scheme for Minimum PAR in Satellite OFDMA Downlink (위성 OFDMA Downlink에서 PAR을 최소화 하기 위한 사용자 부채널 할당 및 채널 보상 기법)

  • Kim, Han-Nah;Choi, Kwon-Hue;Ahn, Do-Seob;Kang, Kun-Seok;Kim, Hee-Wook
    • Journal of Satellite, Information and Communications
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.28-35
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    • 2009
  • We investigate the adaptive channel attenuation compensation of satellite OFDMA downlink users for minimum PAR (Peak to Average power Ratio), which is one of the main challenging issues in satellite OFDMA application. First, we analyze and compare PAR performances of two main different channel attenuation compensation schemes for OFDMA, i.e., PC-OFDMA (power control OFDMA) and AMC-OFDMA (Adaptive Modulation and Coding). While AMC-OFDMA maintains the constant transmission powers through entire user data subcarriers, PC-OFDMA has non-uniform subcarrier transmission powers because subcarrier powers are separately controlled to compensate each user's sub-channel attenuation. We newly found the fact that non-uniform subcarrier power in PC-OFDMA achieves rather reduced PAR compared to AMC-OFDMA and the amount of reduction becomes larger as the power differences among subcarriers increase. Also, there is an additional PAR reduction in PC-OFDMA by optimizing subcarrier grouping scheme for user's sub-channelization.

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Efficient Multiple Access Scheme for DVB-RCS System with Doppler-offset (큰 도플러 천이가 존재하는 DVB-RCS시스템을 위한 효율적인 다중접속 방식)

  • Kim, Han-Nah;Kim, Bong-Seok;Choi, Kwon-Hue
    • Journal of Satellite, Information and Communications
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.8-14
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, we analyze throughput performance of MF-TDMA scheme and QS MC-DS/CDMA(quasi-synchronous MC-DS/CDMA) scheme based on scrambling on WH sequence and PPGC sequence in early frequency offset caused by high speed transfer terminal. QS MC-DS/CDMA scheme with scrambled WH sequence shows 5.7% higher throughput than MF-TDMA scheme and 8% higher throughput than QS MC-DS/CDMA with PPGC sequence in high speed transfer terminal environment such as maximum 1000Km/h speed with high frequency of Ka-band. Finally, we show that QS MC-DS/CDMA scheme with scrambled WH sequence is more efficient than traditional MF-TDMA scheme at the aspect of throughput in DVB-RCS system with Ka frequency band.

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Color Inverse Halftoning using Vector Adaptive Filter (벡터적응필터를 이용한 컬러 역하프토닝)

  • Kim, Chan-Su;Kim, Yong-Hun;Yi, Tai-Hong
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.162-168
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    • 2008
  • A look-up table based vector adaptive filter is proposed in color inverse halftoning. Inverse halftoning converts halftone image into a continuous-tone image. The templates and training images are required in the process of look-up table based methods, which can be obtained from distributed patterns in the sample halftone images and their original images. Although the look-up table based methods usually are faster and show better performances in PSNR than other methods do, they show wide range of qualities depending on how they treat nonexisting patterns in the look-up table. In this paper, a vector adaptive filter is proposed to compensate for these nonexisting patterns, which achieves better quality owing to the contributed informations about hue, saturation, and intensity of surrounding pixels. The experimental results showed that the proposed method resulted in higher PSNR than that of conventional Best Linear Estimation method. The bigger the size of the template in the look-up table becomes, the more outstanding quality in the proposed method can be obtained.