• Title/Summary/Keyword: house price

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Effects of Minimizing the Heating Space on Energy Saving and Hot Pepper(Capsicum annuum L.) Growth in the Plastic Greenhouse (온실 난방공간 최소화가 에너지 절감 및 고추 생육에 미치는 영향)

  • Tae Young Kim;Young Hoe Woo;Ill Hwan Cho;Young Sam Kwon;Si Young Lee;Han Ik Jang
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.213-218
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    • 2001
  • In 2000, domestic protected cultivation area was about 52,189 ha including 13,621 ha of heating greenhouses. Recently, heating cost accounts for 25 to 30% of total production cost which has been increased due to the rise of oil price, while the heating cost was about 15% in other advanced countries. To reduce the heating energy cost, the study of minimizing the heating space of greenhouse have been conducted from 1998 to 1999. The system was developed to control the heating space according to crop growth by moving horizontal curtain up and down. Installation of the heating space-control curtain in greenhouse decreased heating capacity to 264 m$^3$compared to 661.5 m$^3$in the traditional curtain, and consumpted fuel was saved about 56% point in semiforcing culture and 28% point in retarding culture of pepper. In addition, uniform distribution of air temperature and relative humidity in greenhouse environment resulted in earlier flowering and higher yields in hot pepper.

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Changes of the cultivation methods of Poria cocos and its commercialization (복령(Poria cocos) 재배기술의 변천과 실용화)

  • Jo, Woo-Sik;Yoo, Young-Bok;Hong, In-Pyo;Kim, Dong-Geun
    • Journal of Mushroom
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.303-307
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    • 2013
  • The cultivation of Poria cocos on tree-stumps and logs, was first described at the beginning of the 13th century. Poria cocos has been used for medicinal purposes to treat physical and mental recuperation, promote diuresis, forgetfulness and physical weakening. The artificial cultivation techniques of P. cocos was reported in China in 1957. are reported. The basic study on morphological characteristics and artificial cultivation method of Poria cocos with pine tree log buried under ground were initiated by Rural Development Administration. To widen the utilization of harvested sclerotia of Poria cocos as new food stuffs, powder of the sclerotia were used for producing new soft drinks and supplemented to wheat flour to make functional bread. Last 30 years, the supply of P. cocos in Korea through cultivation could not meet the domestic demand, Korea collected P. cocos in the mountainous areas and also import the sclerotia from China. Since the domestic demand of the sclerotia in China increased, the price of imported sclerotia of P. cocos also increased. Recently, high-quality and high-yielding cultivation methods were developed in Gyeongbuk Agricultural Research and Extension Services (GARES). The new cultivation methods of P. cocos developed by GARES was to change traditional cultivation method from under ground to above ground cultivation house, and shortened cultivation period by half, and improved the quality of the sclerotia. Therefore, it is suggested that advanced new technology for production of sclerotia of P. cocos from under ground and above ground must be developed for fullfil the domestic demand of the sclerotia.

A Study on the Sale Conditions of the Current Brassiere Products - Focusing on the Sale of Brassiere for the Elderly Women - (시판(市販) 브래지어 판매실태(販賣實態) 연구(硏究) -老年女性用(노년여성용) 브래지어 판매(販賣)를 중심(中心)으로-)

  • Park, Eun-Mee;Kim, Young-Sook;Sohn, Hee-Soon
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.1 no.3
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    • pp.60-70
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study is to survey the sales of brassieres positively those of elderly women's (aged 50 or older) ones in particular through 72 sales outlets and thereby, in order to present the more comfortable brassiere models which can serve to reinstate elderly women's constitution and provide the useful basic data to brassiere makers and distributors for their business. The results of this survey and the suggestions therefrom can be summarized as follows; 1) Brassieres usually sell at 10,000-20,000 wons, which allows for 15% or more margin rate. Brassieres are disposed through bargain sales once or twice every year where their price are discount 10% or higher. Meanwhile, the majority of the brassieres distributors maintain more than 15% stock rate. The accumulated stocks are primarily disposed through return to makers or bargain sales. About 15% of the brassieres sold are returned by consumers to distributors to be replaced. 2) About a half of distributors operate some or other types of sales education programs. Most of these distributors feel that their educational program have been effective which suggests the effectiveness of sales educational program. On the other hand, 83.3% of the distributors operate in-house repair shops, while the absolute majority of them brief their customers on how to wear brassieres or clean them. 3) Because elderly women's understanding of brassieres sizes is very poor, they tend to ask help of the 'sales people about their sizes before purchasing and proper one personally. In other words, it has been disclosed that old women respond positively to seller's recommendation for their brassiere sizes. 4) It has been found that the brasseries sizes purchased by old women most are. 85A, 90A and 85B in their order, which suggests that the most popular size for under bust circumference is 85~90cm, while their primary cup size is "A". 5) The type of brasseries favored most by elderly women is the "full-cup" type, while their most favorite brassiere design is a soft and simple one. The colors preferred most by them are white, beige and pink in their order. 6) When being consulted by elderly women, sales people experience various difficulties due to their poor understanding of sizes and complaint about prices. Lastly, it has been found through this survey that elderly women want to see some sales promotion material featuring their brassiere sizes and their production arid ask the brasseries makers to produce more diverse brasseries sizes.

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The Characteristics of Farm Household in Suburban Areas Classified by the Farming Types and Changes of Facility Farm Household's Management Size - A Case Study of Munsanli, Taegu - (대도시근교 농촌지역의 농가특성과 시설농가의 경영규모 변화 - 대구광역시 문산리를 사례로 -)

  • Park, Yang-Choon;Woo, Jong-Hyeon
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.21-34
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    • 2001
  • Summarized results of this study that examined the characteristics of farm household in suburban areas classified by the fanning types are as follows. When it was looked into with the side of farm household and his family, the type of the farm household in suburban areas are related to the quality of fanning labor rather than the quantity of it. Regardless of the type of the farm household, it depends upon the family labor (usually men and wives). And the age of farm manager is an important part in the quality of fanning labor. The size of the farm household is related to the individual fanning labor. The size of self-sufficient crops(mainly rice) farm household will be small as the farmer gets to be old. But the size of commercial crops farm household has less tendency to change in terms with the age of farm manager. The fanning commercialism takes an important part in the maintenance and development of suburban agricultural areas. But, in fact, there is a shortage of farming labor. So the physical condition of farmland is the most important part in agricultural durability. After this study, we can conclude that we won't have enough chance to solve the problem of family member separation and shortage of fanning labor even though it is in the suburban area or in the profitable farm until we give them more enough chance to get a job(except fanning) and the better education infrastructure. To make matters worse, the aggravation of farm house-hold's economy due to unstable price of farming products' threatens the agricultural durability. Consequently, in order to get a development of agriculture and rural community, a qualitative change with improvement of agricultural conditions and of products distribution system is needed.

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A Study on the Effects of Migration History on Tenure Choice : Focusing on the Determinants and Relationship between Migration Typology and Housing Choice (이주 유형이 자가소유에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 : 결정요인과 이동유형 별 주거선택과의 연계성을 중심으로)

  • Chun, Jin-Hong;Lee, Seong-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.651-673
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    • 2007
  • In the studies on residential move, there has been tendency of dichotomy where short distance moves are largely caused by housing to adjust to changes in households while long distance moves are induced by shift in labor market. However, some empirical studies have proven that residential move is so complex process that the simple dichotomy should be elaborated. In this sense, the present study seeks to identify compounded course of residential move in Korea. In determining migration history, families with younger householders, renters, householders with higher educational attainment and smaller households show a higher probability to move. In case of mobility, women were more prone to move compared to man. Women compared to man, older age augmented the probability to own a house after migration. Families with householders following an occupation of sales and technical service showed lowest tendency to own houses while it marked the highest in the group of professionals. Higher land price of a region was negatively related to owning houses after migration. The present study revealed that factors in macro level as well as micro level significantly affect the move of individuals with varying effects in accordance with migration history.

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Occurrence of the Mite Pathogenic Fungus Neozygites floridana on Two Spotted Spider Mite (Tetranychus urticae) in Korea (점박이응애에서 병원성 곰팡이 Neozygites floridana의 발생)

  • Choi, Seon-U;Lee, Gong-Jun;Moon, Young-Hun;Seo, Kyoung-Won;Kang, Chan-Ho;Kim, Jin-Ho;Kim, Jae-Su
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.55 no.4
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    • pp.465-469
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    • 2016
  • An entomopathogenic fungus was isolated from the two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae) in a rearing house, and identified as Neozygites floridana (Entomophthorales: Neozygitaceae). A high infection rate induced by N. floridana could increase the price of the natural enemy. The body color of mites infected by this fungus changed to red or orange and swelling occurred. Fungal conidia were discharged into the webbing produced by the spider mites, making it relatively easy to infect the mites. Primary conidia were pear shaped and capilliconidia almond shaped. The fungus could not be cultured on solid media (PDA, SDAY, or EYSDA), but could possibly be cultured in liquid media (Grace's insect tissue culture medium + 5% fetal bovine serum). Kidney beans were supplied as food for T. urticae; the mite infection rate in a kidney bean canopy was about 36.1%. The density of infected mites was higher on the underside than on the upper side of leaves. Based on the results of this survey, we need to identify methods of fungal control for natural enemy production and biological control agents for T. urticae for effective crop management.

A Survey of Recognition and Use for Native Pork (재래종 돼지고기에 대한 인식 및 실태)

  • 한재숙;한경필;김태선
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.489-500
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study was to survey the recognition and the actual state of use of Native pork. The recognition on Native pork were examined using a questionary to eight hundred males and females in Kyeongbuk and Daegu. The results were as follows : The meats which they often ate in the order of pork, beef and chicken. When people eat out, 43.7% of those ate pork and 42.7% of those ate beef, the younger people liked pork more than the older people. The recognition on pork dishes showed the a high mean value of 3.38 to "I like Pork dishes" 53.5% of the respondants liked three-ply flesh and 33.6% of those liked rib among the part of pork. The favorite pork dish was pork roast meat at 48.1 o/e, Kimchichige at 13.6%, and sweet and sour pork 10.9%. Suitable and garnish food with pork were lettuce, sesame leaf and garlic, and alcoholic drinks such as soju. The Native pork showed a higher mean value than improved pork in taste(lightness, tasty) . sticky meat qualify, low fat content and good food for health. 30.9% of the respondants recognised as a traditional food. 59.1% of respondants have used the native pork, ingest place came out special eating house 42.2%. 38.3% of respondants suggested' convenience of purchase' and 31.6% of those suggested 'low price' as facts that has been improved in the native pork.tive pork.

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The Development of Risk Management Process Model during Bidding Phase for Success of Oversea Construction Projects (성공적 해외건설사업을 위한 입찰단계의 리스크 관리 프로세스 모델 개발 - 발전 플랜트 EPC 사업을 중심으로 -)

  • Seo, Jae-Pil;Ryu, Han-Guk;Son, Bo-Sik;Choi, Yoon-Ki
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.76-86
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    • 2016
  • Recently, the Contracts of International Construction Business has been decreased from the beginning of 2015 in Korea, although it has been steadily increased until 2014. This trend could be caused by Low-Price Contracts, the lack of Know-how and experience in operating, the poor management of Claims and Low-Profitability in Business. It has been recognized that the qualitative improvement of Business Contacts are necessary for successful Projects. In the Bidding Process, therefore, Experience data as In-House Data and Lessons Learned for projects should be strategically involved to assure riskless offers. Accordingly the Proposal Process are needed to be organized and enhanced by including processes for risks review about technical, marketing and commercial part during the bidding. This paper proposes a Risk Management Process model during Bidding Phase, using Risk Evaluation Method through the project life-cycle. The Concept of Model is to define CSF (Critical Success Factor) in the bidding process and Risk Factors are linked to CSF and Organization based on RAM (Responsibility assignment matrix).

A Study on the Application of the Solar Energy Seasonal Storage System Using Sea water Heat Source in the Buildings (해수냉열원을 이용한 태양열계간축열시스템의 건물냉방 적용에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Myung-Rae;Yoon, Jae-Ock
    • 한국태양에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2009.11a
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    • pp.56-61
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    • 2009
  • Paradigm depending only on fossil fuel for building heat source is rapidly changing. Accelerating the change, as it has been known, is obligation for reducing green house gas coming from use of fossil fuel, i.e. reaction to United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. In addition, factors such as high oil price, unstable supply, weapon of petroleum and oil peak, by replacing fossil fuel, contributes to advance of environmental friendly renewable energy which can be continuously reusable. Therefore, current new energy policies, beyond enhancing effectiveness of heat using equipments, are to make best efforts for national competitiveness. Our country supports 11 areas for new renewable energy including sun light, solar heat and wind power. Among those areas, ocean thermal energy specifies tidal power generation using tide of sea, wave and temperature differences, wave power generation and thermal power generation. But heat use of heat source from sea water itself has been excluded as non-utilized energy. In the future, sea water heat source which has not been used so far will be required to be specified as new renewable energy. This research is to survey local heating system in Europe using sea water, central solar heating plants, seasonal thermal energy store and to analyze large scale central solar heating plants in German. Seasonal thermal energy store necessarily need to be equipped with large scale thermal energy store. Currently operating central solar heating system is a effective method which significantly enhances sharing rate of solar heat in a way that stores excessive heat generating in summer and then replenish insufficient heat for winter. Construction cost for this system is primarily dependent on large scale seasonal heat store and this high priced heat store merely plays its role once per year. Since our country is faced with 3 directional sea, active research and development for using sea water heat as cooling and heating heat source is required for seashore villages and building units. This research suggests how to utilize new energy in a way that stores cooling heat of sea water into seasonal thermal energy store when temperature of sea water is its lowest temperature in February based on West Sea and then uses it as cooling heat source when cooling is necessary. Since this method utilizes seasonal thermal energy store from existing central solar heating plant for heating and cooling purpose respectively twice per year maximizing energy efficiency by achieving 2 seasonal thermal energy store, active research and development is necessarily required for the future.

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Analysis of the Factors Affecting on Internal Population Migration in Seoul Metropolitan Area (수도권 도시유형별 내부 인구이동 영향요인 분석)

  • Kim, Sang-Won;Lee, Hoon-Rae
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.9
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    • pp.737-744
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    • 2016
  • Seoul Metropolitan Area has been changed by fierce internal migration during the last several decades. To determine the regional structure, we analyzed the in-and-out migration pattern and main factors affecting the intense of mobility. The migration within metropolitan city and province shows that in Seoul, Songpa and Dobong Gu gained a large population, in Incheon, Namdong Gu experienced a huge population influx, and in Gyeonggi Province, Hwasung, Yongin and Paju city gained a great population. In Seongnam, Suwon city lost a lot of population. These population gains and losses came from mainly residential redevelopment projects in the metropolitan city and new land development projects in Gyeonggi Province. The main factors affecting the intense of mobility diverse from city characters. In central type cities, house price gets the more population influx. In job-housing balanced cities, total income growth rate, housing supply rate and roads cause in-migration. In bed-town type cities, the increase of housing supply rate and parks increase the population. In suburban type cities, business density, housing supply rate, housing, subway station number and educational facilities increase population from outside the city. So, we have to prepare more detailed urban and housing policy responses.