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A Study on the Proper Quantity of Ventilation through Changing Floor Temperature in Sleeping (수면시 바닥표면온도에 따른 적정 환기량에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Dong-Gyu;Lee, Sung;Kim, Se-Hwan
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.19-24
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    • 2010
  • Modern people are spending most of time in interior area. Indoor air environmental problem is one of the most effective factors influenceable to human health. Furthermore, saving energy and making ventilation system for pleasant indoor environment are necessary when it is faced shortage of energy over the world. In our country's case, it is already imposed that required quantity of air ventilation in buildings is 0.7 times per hour on "The regulation on building engineering system". As on the rise of the interests about Indoor air environment, Heat and Carbon dioxide emissions from User's metabolism, activity, furniture, and construction materials etc. could be the causes of Indoor air pollution. If these materials stays in Indoor air for so long, it could directly influence the user's health condition with a disease. As of building's sterilization improved that raised more mechanical ventilation. It also leads much energy waste in a period of high price of fossil fuel. Therefore, the way that saves energy and effective control of indoor ventilation is urgently needed. So, this study places the purpose on validating volume of indoor ventilation and user's comfortable degree by comparison CO2 emission rate through changing floor temperature.

Study on the Atomic Layer Deposition System and Process of the MgO Thin Layer for the Thin Film Encapsulation of OLED (OLED의 Thin Film Encapsulation을 위한 MgO 박막의 원자층 증착 장치 및 공정에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Eou Sik;Kwon, Sang Jik
    • Journal of the Semiconductor & Display Technology
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.22-26
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    • 2021
  • Thin-film encapsulation (TFE) technology is most effective in preventing water vapor and oxygen permeation in the organic light emitting diodes (OLED). Of those, a laminated structure of Al2O3 and MgO were applied to provide efficient barrier performance for increasing the stability of devices in air. Atomic layer deposition (ALD) method is known as the most promising technology for making the laminated Al2O3/MgO and is used to realize a thin film encapsulation technology in organic light-emitting diodes. Atomic layer deposited inorganic films have superior barrier performance and have advantages of excellent uniformity over large scales at relatively low deposition temperatures. In this study, the control system of the MgCP2 precursor for the atomic layer deposition of MgO was established in order to deposit the MgO layer stably by the injection time of second level and the stable heating temperature. The deposition rate was obtained stably to be from 4 to 10 Å/cycle using the injection pulse times ranging from 3 to 12 sec and a substrate temperature ranging from 80 to 150 ℃.

Effect of reaction temperature and time on the formation of calcite precipitation of recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) for drainage applications

  • Boo Hyun Nam;Jinwoo An;Toni Curate
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.65-75
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    • 2023
  • Recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) is widely used as a construction material in road construction, concrete structures, embankments, etc. However, it has been reported that calcite (CaCO3) precipitation from RCA can be a cause of clogging when used in drainage applications. An accelerated calcite precipitation (ACP) procedure has been devised to evaluate the long-term geochemical performance of RCA in subsurface drainage systems. While the ACP procedure was useful for the French Drain application, there remained opportunities for improvement. In this study, key factors that control the formation of calcite precipitation were quantitatively evaluated, and the results were used to improve the current prototype ACP method. A laboratory parametric study was carried out by investigating the effects of reaction temperature and time on the formation of calcite precipitation of RCA, with determining an optimum reaction temperature and time which maximizes calcite precipitation. The improved ACP procedure was then applied to RCA samples that were graded for Type I Underdrain application, to compare the calcite precipitation. Two key findings are (1) that calcite precipitation can be maximized with the optimum heating temperature (75℃) and time (17 hours), and (2) the potential for calcite precipitation from RCA is not as significant as for limestone. With the improved ACP procedure, the total amount of calcite precipitation from RCAs within the life cycle of a drain system can be determined when RCAs from different sources are used as pipe backfill materials in a drain system.

A 3-D Measuring System of Thermoluminescence Spectra and Thermoluminescence of CaSO4 : Dy, P (열자극발광 스펙트럼의 3차원 측정 장치와 CaSO4 : Dy, P의 열자극발광)

  • Lee, Jung-Il;Moon, Jung-Hak;Kim, Douk-Hoon
    • Journal of Korean Ophthalmic Optics Society
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.71-75
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    • 2001
  • In this paper, a three-dimensional measuring system of thermoluminescence(TL) spectra based on temperature, wavelength and luminescence intensity was introduced. The system was composed of a spectrometer, temperature control unit for thermal stimulation, photon detector and personal computer for control the entire system. Temperature control was achieved by using feedback to ensure a linear-rise in the sample temperature. Digital multimeter(KEITHLEY 195A) measures the electromotive force of Copper-Constantan thermocouple and then transmits the data to the computer through GPIB card. The computer converts this signal to temperature using electromotive force-temperature table in program, and then control the power supply through the D/A converter. The spectrometer(SPEX 1681) is controlled by CD-2A, which is controlled by the computer through RS-232 communication port. For measuring the luminescence intensity during the heating run, the electrometer(KEITHLEY 617) measures the anode current of photomultiplier tube(HAMAMATSU R928) and transmits the data to computer through the A/D converter. And, we measured and analyzed thermoluminescence of CaSO4 : Dy, P using the system. The measuring range of thermoluminescence spectra was 300K-575K and 300~800 nm, CaSO4 : Dy. P was fabricated by the Yamashita's method in Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute(KAERI) for radiation dosimeter. Thermoluminesce spectra of the CaSO4 : Dy, P consist of two main peak at temperature of 205C, wavelength 476 nm and 572 nm and with minor ones at 658 nm and 749 nm.

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Evaluation on Termite Damage of the Traditional Wooden Building by Non-destructive Methods (비파괴 검사에 의한 전통목조건축물의 흰개미 열화 특성 조사)

  • Son, Dong-Won;Lee, Dong-heub
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.21-29
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    • 2008
  • The deterioration of Korean traditional wooden house located in seoul was estimated. This house was attacked by termite. To estimate damage status of buildings, non-destructive methods were applied. Some of the post needed to be replaced due to low strength, estimated by nondestructive methods. The house was installed with boiler heating facility, to use office and public education. This kind of heating system changed the environmental condition of the wooden house. The termite which attacked the house was classified as Reticulitermes speratus. Because of durability of wooden house effected by environment, control of the environmental condition is essential for maintaining the wooden house. The installation of modern facility to traditional wooden house should not change the traditional structure and do not effect to durability of wooden house.

A Study on the BEMS Installation and performance Evaluation Method for Energy Monitoring(Measuring) of New Building (신축건물 에너지효율관리를 위한 환경 및 에너지모니터링(계측) 방법론)

  • Kwon, Won Jung;Yoon, Ji Hye;Kwon, Dong Myung
    • Journal of Energy Engineering
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.32-48
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    • 2018
  • Monitoring of energy use should be a priority in order to efficiently manage building energy use. Energy use in buildings can be managed by dividing them into energy sources, uses, and ZONE. By energy source, electricity, gas, fuel, and district heating are supplied to run the building's facilities. The purpose can be divided into five main applications, including cooling, heating, lighting, hot water and ventilation, but not many elevators and electric heaters that are difficult to include in the five applications are classified. ZONE Star refers to the comparison or separate management of areas for which the purpose of the building is similar or different. In addition, energy efficiency management requires control of the temperature, humidity, and people who will be measuring energy in the building, and the recent problem of fine dust should directly affect the ventilation of the building.

Analyses of Behaviors of a Shape-Memory-Alloy Torque Tube Actuator (형상기억합금 비틀림 튜브 작동기의 거동 해석)

  • Kim, Jun-Hyoung;Kim, Cheol
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.34 no.8
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    • pp.1083-1089
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    • 2010
  • Shape memory alloys (SMAs) are smart materials. The unique characteristics of SMAs enable the production of large force and displacement. Hence, SMAs can be used in many applications such as in actuators and active structural acoustic controllers; the SMAs can also be used for dynamic tuning and shape control. A SMA torque tube actuator consisting of SMA tubes and superelastic springs is proposed, and the behaviors of the actuator are investigated. From the results of heat transfer analysis, it is proved that the SMA torque tube actuator with both resistive heating of SMA itself and a separate conventional heating rod in the tube core has good performance. The behavior of an actuator system was analyzed by performing a contact analysis, and the twisting motion was noticed when checking the actuation. 3D SMA nonlinear constitutive equations were formulated numerically and implemented by performing a nonlinear analysis by using Abaqus UMAT.

An Analysis of Aerosols Impacts on the Vertical Invigoration of Continental Stratiform Clouds (에어로솔의 대륙 층운형 구름 연직발달(Invigoration)에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • Kim, Yoo-Jun;Han, Sang-Ok;Lee, Chulkyu;Lee, Seoung-Soo;Kim, Byung-Gon
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.321-329
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    • 2013
  • This study examines the effect of aerosols on the vertical invigoration of continental stratiform clouds, using a dataset of Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Intensive Operational Period (IOP, March 2000) at the Southern Great Plains (SGP) site. To provide further support to our observation-based findings, the weather research and forecasting (WRF) sensitivity simulations with changing cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) concentrations have been carried out for the golden episode over SGP. First, cross correlation between observed aerosol scattering coefficient and cloud liquid water path (LWP) with a 160-minutes lag is the highest of r = 0.83 for the selected episode, which may be attributable to cloud vertical invigoration induced by an increase in aerosol loading. Modeled cloud fractions in a control run are well matched with the observation in the perspective of cloud morphology and lasting period. It is also found through a simple sensitivity with a change in CCN that aerosol invigoration (AIV) effect on stratiform cloud organization is attributable to a change in the cloud microphysics as well as dynamics such as the corresponding modification of cloud number concentrations, drop size, and latent heating rate, etc. This study suggests a possible cloud vertical invigoration even in the continental stratiform clouds due to aerosol enhancement in spite of a limited analysis based on a few observed continental cloud cases.

Study on the energy-saving constant temperature and humidity machine operating characteristics (에너지 절감형 항온항습기 운전 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Cha, Insu;Ha, Minho;Jung, Gyeonghwan
    • Journal of Energy Engineering
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.27-33
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    • 2016
  • The heat recovery system that was applied in this study, is the energy-saving type that can produce the maximum cooling capacity less power in use. In order to have a more precise control function the temperature and humidity of the constant temperature and humidity machine, control algorithm is applied to designed a fuzzy PID controller, and the outside air compensation device (air-cooled) demonstrated excellent ability to dehumidify the moisture, 20C in winter. High efficiency and the low-noise type sirocco fan operate quitely and designed to fit the bottom-up and top-down in accordance with the characteristics of equipment. as a result of experiment data, the conversion efficiency is 95% or more, power recovery time is within 5sec, stop delay time is within 30sec, pump down time is 10sec, pump delay time is 5sec, heating delay time is 5sec, temperature deviation is ±2C (cooling deviation: 2C, Heating deviation : 2C), humidity deviation is a ±5 (humidification deviation 3.0%, dehumidification deviation 3.0%). Recently, ubiquitous technology is important. so, the constant temperature and humidity machine designed to be able to remotely control to via the mobile phone, and more scalable to support MMI software and automatic interface. Further, the life of the parts and equipment is extended by the failure.

A Study on the Housing Satisfaction of Elderly Living Alone or with Spouse - A Comparision between Urban and Rural Area - (단독가구노인의 주거만족도에 관한 연구 - 도시.농촌지역간의 비교를 중심으로 -)

  • 이경희;장온정
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.225-240
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    • 1991
  • The purpose of this study is to find the main factor which influences the housing satisfaction of elderly who lives alone or with spouse and to make it sure that housing satisfaction is an important factor to life satisfaction of elderly. The specific purpose of this study is as follows; 1) How does the locus of control of elderly influence a housing satisfaction\ulcorner 2) How does the housing characteristics of elderly influence on the housing satisfaction and this relationship has any difference between urban and rural area. 3) Which variables influence upon the housing satisfaction and life satisfaction of elderly and how much do they influence \ulcorner The locus of control scale, housing satisfaction scale. life satisfaction scale were composed on the basis of precedent researches. For this study 202 elderly sho live in urban and rural area ere interviewed. To analyze the data, such as F-test, t-test, two-way ANOVA, Multiple regression analysis were used with SPSS program. The results are as follows; 1) The interrelation between locus of control and housing satisfaction is as follows. Namely , if he believes in his deeds and will rater than his fate, he feels more housing satisfaction. 2)the housing satisfaction of the elderly was found to be influenced by location, Namely, the elderly living in the urban area feels more housing satisfaction, especially he lives in apartment and unshared house. On the contrary, the elderly living in the rural area was not affected by housing type and the number of household who live together, The housing satisfaction of the elderly living in the rural area or the urban area equally influenced by the housing tenure, heating system, bathroom facility, flush toilet, and convenient service form the outside. 3) The main factoers which influence the housing satisfaction of the single household elderly are bathroom facility louse of control and income. When we concern about the location in urban area the housing satisfaction of the elderly were mainly influenced by income, but in the rural area, they were influenced by the service facility from the outside. As a Conclusion, the main factor which influenced life satisfaction of the elderly proved to be housing satisfaction inn both rural and urban area.

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