• Title/Summary/Keyword: head and neck reconstruction

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Aesthetic Considerations after Free Flap Reconstruction

  • Lee, Sang Shin;Kim, Eun Key
    • Archives of Reconstructive Microsurgery
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.8-12
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: The success rate of free flap operation has shown a recent increase. Especially for breast reconstructive patients, aesthetic results are considered a necessity. However, for patients who underwent reconstruction in parts of the body other than breast, for example, head and neck, lower and upper extremities, aesthetic considerations are underscored. Nowadays, however, aesthetic standpoint toward these patients is changing. Materials and Methods: We conducted a retrospective review of 8 patients who underwent secondary procedures after free flap surgery from March of 2011 to April of 2014. Results: Secondary refinement was a safe and less time-consuming technique for maximizing the function and aesthetic appearance for the patient. Conclusion: Appearance has become increasingly important with regard to function and quality of life. Therefore, for free flap reconstructive patients, secondary refinements may be considered in order to change the shape and contour. The secondary refinements are critical to the final result and must be a planned part of the entire reconstructive sequence.

Exclusive tongue tip reconstruction of hemiglossectomy defects using the underrated lateral arm free flap with bilobed design

  • Oh, Jeongseok;Lee, Tae Hyeon;Lee, Jang Hyun;Tae, Kyung;Park, Seong Oh;Ahn, Hee Chang
    • Archives of Craniofacial Surgery
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.37-43
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    • 2019
  • Background: Tongue reconstruction is challenging with the unique function and anatomy. Goals for reconstruction differ depending on the extent of reconstruction. Thin and pliable flaps are useful for tongue tip reconstruction, for appearance and mobility. This study reports lateral arm free flap (LAFF) as a safe and optimal option for hemi-tongue reconstruction, especially for tongue tip after hemiglossectomy. Methods: Thirteen LAFFs were performed for hemi-tongue reconstruction after hemiglossectomy from 1995 to 2018. Of the 13 patients, seven were male and six were female, age varying from 24 to 64 years. Results: All flaps healed uneventfully without complications. Donor sites were closed primarily. The recipient vessels for microvascular anastomosis were mainly superior thyroidal artery, external jugular vein. All patients returned to normal diet, with no complaints regarding reconstructed tongue and donor site. Conclusion: The LAFF is hairless, thin (especially with lateral epicondyle approach), and potentially sensate. They are advantageous features for tongue tip and hemi-tongue reconstruction. Donor site sacrifices the inessential posterior radial collateral artery, and the scar is hidden under short sleeve shirts. We believe that LAFF can be considered as the first choice flap for hemitongue reconstruction, over radial forearm free flaps.

Esophagus and Pharynx reconstruction for head & Neck cancer (두경부암종에서 식도와 인두의 재건)

  • Son, Jin-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Bronchoesophagology
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    • v.11 no.2 s.22
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    • pp.10-15
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    • 2005
  • 식도와 인두 재건은 연하작용을 원활하게하고 발선기능을 보존하면서 위험부담이 가장 절은 술식을 선택하는 것이 원칙이다. 술식의 선택에 고려되어야 할 주요 인자는 결손부위의 크기, 창상의 상태, 술전 방사선치료 여부, 환자의 전신상태 등이다. 부분인두결손에는 유경근피판(pedicled myocutaneous flap)이나 유리피판이 적합하며 방사선 치료를 받은 경우는 유리피판이 유리하다. 흉곽입구 상부에 국한된 인두와 식도의 전체둘레결손에는 전완부, 외측 대퇴부, 공장의 유리피판이 좋다. 전완부는 피판이 다루기 쉽다는 장점이 있지만 공여부에 합병증이나 미용상의 문제가 있고 외측 대퇴부는 공여부의 문제는 매우 적으나 피판의 사용이 전완부에 비하여 약간 제한적이다. 공장은 허혈에 약하고 공여부 합병증이 다른 피판에 비해 불리하다. 저자의 경험으로는 흉곽상부에 국한된 결손의 재건에 환자가 비만하거나 대퇴부에 털이 많은 경우는 전완부 유리피판이 좋고 그렇지 않으면 외측 대퇴부 유리피판을 선택하는 것이 좋다고 생각된다. 흉곽입구 하방까지 연장된 결손이나 식도전적출술로 인한 결손에는 위전위술이 가장 적합하다. 방사선치료 등으로 창상에 혈관보호가 요구되는 경우는 대흉근피판이 유용하다. 앞으로 새로운 재건술의 개발이 이어지겠지만 모든 환자에게 맞는 이상적인 재건술은 없다. 재건술마다의 장단점과 제약점을 파악하고 환자의 조건에 따라 가장 적절한 재건술을 선택하는 것이 중요하다.

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Through-and-through Nasal Reconstruction with the Bi-Pedicled Forehead Flap

  • Agostini, Tommaso;Perello, Raffaella;Russo, Giulia Lo;Spinelli, Giuseppe
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.40 no.6
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    • pp.748-753
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    • 2013
  • Background Nasal reconstruction is one of the most difficult challenges for the head and neck surgeon, especially in the case of complex full thickness defects following malignant skin tumor resection. Full-thickness defects require demanding multi-step reconstruction. Methods Seven patients underwent surgical reconstruction of full-thickness nasal defects with a bi-pedicled forehead flap shaped appropriately to the defect. Patients were aged between 58 and 86 years, with a mean age of 63.4 years. All of the tumors were excised using traditional surgery, and in 4 of the patients, reconstruction was performed simultaneously following negativity of fresh frozen sections of the margins under general anesthesia. Results Nasal reconstruction was well accepted by all of the patients suffering non-melanoma skin tumors with acceptable cosmetic outcomes. The heart-shaped forehead flap was harvested in cases of subtotal involvement of the nasal pyramid, while smaller defects were reconstructed with a wing-shaped flap. No cartilaginous or osseous support was necessary. Conclusions This bi-pedicled forehead flap was a valid, versatile, and easy-to-implement alternative to microsurgery or multi-step reconstruction. The flap is the best indication for full-thickness nasal defects but can also be indicated for other complex facial defects in the orbital (exenteratio orbitae), zygomatic, and cheek area, for which the availability of a flap equipped with two thick and hairless lobes can be a valuable resource.

Current status and evolution of microsurgical tongue reconstructions, part I

  • Choi, Jong-Woo;Alshomer, Feras;Kim, Young-Chul
    • Archives of Craniofacial Surgery
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.139-151
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    • 2022
  • Reconstructive surgery in the management of head and neck cancer has evolved to include structure-specific approaches in which organ-specific treatment algorithms help optimize outcomes. Tongue cancer management and reconstruction are surgical challenges for which well-executed reconstructive plans should be completed promptly to avoid delaying any subsequently planned oncologic treatment. Crucial considerations in tongue cancer resection are the significant functional morbidity associated with surgical defects, particularly in terms of speech and swallowing, and the consequent negative impact on patients' quality of life. With the evolution of microsurgical techniques and the development of the perforator flap concept, flap options can be tailored to the characteristics of various tongue defects. This has allowed the implementation of pliable flaps that can help restore tongue mobility and yield subsequent functional outcomes. Using an evolutional framework, we present this series of reviews related to tongue reconstruction. The first part of the review summarizes flap options and flap-related factors, such as volume and tissue characteristics. Related functional aspects are also presented, including tongue mobility, speech, and swallowing, as well as ways to evaluate and optimize these outcomes.


  • Kim, Jong-Ryoul;Kang, Young-Ki;Seo, Jong-Cheon;Sung, Iel-Yong
    • Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.212-216
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    • 2001
  • The cervical flap, comprising skin, fascia, and platysma muscle, has significant application in the head and neck region after radical ablative surgery for cancer of the oral cavity. The flap may be used for reconstruction of the cheek, floor of the mouth, and lateral side of the tongue. This flap minimizes donor morbidity by use of cervical operation wound and flap size available is adequate for most oral defects and the procedure is relatively simple and time-saving. However the flap is not applicable in patients where there are large tissue defects and metastasis is suspected. We have used the cervical flap for its rapid, simple, and effective closure of oral defects after cancer ablation and found it is very useful for the reconstruction of relatively small oral defects.

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Flap reconstruction of soft tissue defect after resecting a huge hemangioma of the nose

  • Lim, Joonho;Oh, Jeongseok;Eun, Seokchan
    • Archives of Craniofacial Surgery
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.69-72
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    • 2020
  • Hemangioma is a benign vascular tumor that grows by endothelial cell hyperplasia. It occurs most frequently in the head and neck region. Nose reconstruction is tricky because of its unique three-dimensional structure and different tissue components. We report a case of successful reconstruction of near-total nose defect using the paramedian forehead flap combined with a nasolabial flap, immediately after excision of nasal hemangioma. A 49-year-old male patient was presented with a huge mass at the nose. Preoperative magnetic resonance imaging showed prominent vascular channels extending to the forehead and cheek. Complete resection of the mass was performed, which resulted in an eccentric defect. The right paramedian forehead flap and the left nasolabial flap were designed and transferred to the defect. Flap division was performed 1 month later. The patient is satisfied with the overall appearance and did not develop any functional deficit.

Computer Simulation Surgery for Mandibular Reconstruction Using a Fibular Osteotomy Guide

  • Jeong, Woo Shik;Choi, Jong Woo;Choi, Seung Ho
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.41 no.5
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    • pp.584-587
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    • 2014
  • In the present study, a fibular osteotomy guide based on a computer simulation was applied to a patient who had undergone mandibular segmental ostectomy due to oncological complications. This patient was a 68-year-old woman who presented to our department with a biopsy-proven squamous cell carcinoma on her left gingival area. This lesion had destroyed the cortical bony structure, and the patient showed attenuation of her soft tissue along the inferior alveolar nerve, indicating perineural spread of the tumor. Prior to surgery, a three-dimensional computed tomography scan of the facial and fibular bones was performed. We then created a virtual computer simulation of the mandibular segmental defect through which we segmented the fibular to reconstruct the proper angulation in the original mandible. Approximately 2-cm segments were created on the basis of this simulation and applied to the virtually simulated mandibular segmental defect. Thus, we obtained a virtual model of the ideal mandibular reconstruction for this patient with a fibular free flap. We could then use this computer simulation for the subsequent surgery and minimize the bony gaps between the multiple fibular bony segments.

Osteoradionecrosis of Jaw in Head and Neck Cancer Patient Treated with Free Iliac Bone and Umbilical Fat Pad Graft

  • Choi, Yuri;Kim, Su-Gwan;Moon, Seong-Yong;Oh, Ji-Su;You, Jae-Seek;Jeong, Kyung-In;Lee, Sung-Seok
    • Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.62-66
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    • 2014
  • Osteoradionecrosis is one of the most serious complications of patients receiving radiation therapy. It is characterized by hypovascularity, hypocellularity, and hypoxia-inducing necrosis of bone and soft tissue following delayed healing. In this case, a 72-year-old man was referred to the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery complaining of trismus following extraction three months before first visit. He had a history of right tonsillectomy, radical neck dissection and radiotherapy performed due to right tonsillar cancer seven years prior. After the diagnosis of osteoradionecrosis on right mandibular body and angle, conservative antibiotic therapy was used first, but an orocutaneous fistula gradually formed, and extensive bony destruction and sequestrum were observed. Sequestrectomy, free particulated iliac bone and umbilical fat pad graft were performed via a submandibular approach under general anesthesia. Preoperative regular exams and delicate wound care led to secondary healing of the wound without vascularized free flap reconstruction.

Correction of malocclusion using sliding fibula osteotomy with sagittal split ramus osteotomy after mandible reconstruction

  • Lee, Dong-Hun;Kim, Seong Ryoung;Jang, Sam;Ahn, Kang-Min;Lee, Jee-Ho
    • Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
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    • v.42
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    • pp.21.1-21.6
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    • 2020
  • Background: Fibula free flap mandible reconstruction is the standard procedure after wide resection of the mandible. Establishment and maintenance of normal occlusion are important in mandible reconstruction both intraoperatively and after surgery. However, scar formation on the surgical site can cause severe fibrosis and atrophy of soft tissue in the head and neck region. Case presentation: Here, we report a case of severe soft tissue atrophy that appeared along with scar formation after mandibular reconstruction through the fibular free flap procedure. This led to normal occlusion collapse after it was established, and the midline of the mandible became severely deviated to the affected side that was replaced with the fibula free flap, leading to facial asymmetry. We corrected the malocclusion with a secondary operation: a sagittal split ramus osteotomy on the unaffected side and a sliding osteotomy on the previous fibula graft. After a healing time of 3 months, implants were placed on the fibula graft for additional occlusal stability. Conclusion: We report satisfactory results from the correction of malocclusion after fibula reconstruction using sliding fibula osteotomy and sagittal split ramus osteotomy. The midline of the mandible returned to its original position and the degree of facial asymmetry was reduced. The implants reduced difficulties that the patient experienced with masticatory function.