Purpose: It is generally believed that alopecia is caused by various factors such as scars, stress, genetical factors, androgens, etc. Androgenic alopecia is one of the most common cause of alopecia and found mainly in males. Propecia (Merck & Co., USA) and Minoxidil (McNEIL-PPC, Inc, USA) were the drugs approved from FDA for treatment of androgenic alopecia. Surgical treatments such as flap, tissue expansion, scalp reduction and hair transplantation can be considered if necessary. Hair micrograft techniques were developed for natural hair shapes and minimal adverse effect. There were attempts to measure the length of the forehead of the Korean young adults. However attempts to classify the shape and location of forehead hairline were rare. This study attempted to find out standard hairlines of young adults in their 20s & 30s and the result would be the guideline of the hairline in hair replacement surgery of male patients in their 40s & 50s. Methods: 200 male adults in 20s and 30s were photographed and measured the length of 11 vertical index lines to determine hairline. The indexes are the distances from hairline to intercanthal midpoint (A), to medial canthus (B), to upper eyelid fissure (C), to lower eyelid fissure (D), to lateral canthus (E) and distance from lateral highest point to medial lowest point, if the hairline is M-shape (F). Additionally, we classified the hairlines into 4 groups, M, horizontal, inverted U and irregular shapes. Results: The most common hairline of male adults in their 20s is inverted U-shape (53.3%), followed by horizontal-shape, M-shape, irregular-shape. In their 30s, inverted U-shape (59%) is followed by irregular-shape, M-shape, horizontal-shape. The M-shape is more frequently found in males in 30s than those in 20s. The mean values of the indexes in their 20s are as follows: A (76.14 mm), B (Rt: 75.78 mm, Lt:76.41 mm), C (Rt: 69.43 mm, Lt: 69.92 mm), D (Rt: 76.92 mm, Lt:77.46 mm), E (Rt: 64.16 mm, Lt: 64.73 mm), F (4.09 mm). Those in their 30s are as follows: A (76.13 mm), B (Rt: 76.114 mm, Lt: 76.02 mm), C (Rt: 69.87 mm, Lt: 70.37 mm), D (Rt: 77.37 mm, Lt: 77.58 mm), E (Rt: 69.63 mm, Lt: 69.85 mm), F (6.14 mm). Conclusion: The knowledge about human body measurement is indispensable to plastic surgeons. In this study, inverted U shape is the most common type of hairline in 30s, and similar distribution is found in 20s. The percentage of M shape in their 30s is elevated more than 10% compared to that in their 20s. The study of hairline shapes and 11 indexes of hairlines can be useful for planning of the hair transplantation and postoperative evaluation. This study being based on photogrammetry, there may be differences between actual distance of curved face and projected distance on flat photographs.