• Title/Summary/Keyword: growth.

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An Outlook on Cereal Grains Production in South Korea Based on Crop Growth Simulation under the RCP8.5 Climate Change Scenarios (RCP8.5 기후조건의 작물생육모의에 근거한 우리나라 곡물생산 전망)

  • Kim, Dae-Jun;Kim, Soo-Ock;Moon, Kyung-Hwan;Yun, Jin-I.
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.132-141
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    • 2012
  • Climate change impact assessment of cereal crop production in South Korea was performed using land attributes and daily weather data at a farm scale as inputs to crop models. Farmlands in South Korea were grouped into 68 crop-simulation zone units (CZU) based on major mountains and rivers as well as existing land use information. Daily weather data at a 1-km grid spacing under the A1B- and RCP8.5 scenarios were generated stochastically to obtain decadal mean of daily data. These data were registered to the farmland grid cells and spatially averaged to represent climate conditions in each CZU. Monthly climate data for each decade in 2001~2100 were transformed to 30 sets of daily weather data for each CZU by using a stochastic weather generator. Soil data and crop management information for 68 CZU were used as inputs to the CERES-rice, CERE-barley and CROPGRO-soybean models calibrated to represent the genetic features of major domestic cultivars in South Korea. Results from the models suggested that the heading or flowering of rice, winter barley and soybean could be accelerated in the future. The grain-fill period of winter barley could be extended, resulting in much higher yield of winter barley in most CZUs than that of rice. Among the three major cereal grain crops in Korea, rice seems most vulnerable to negative impact of climate change, while little impact of climate change is expected on soybeans. Because a positive effect of climate change is projected for winter barley, policy in agricultural production should pay more attention to facilitate winter barley production as an adaptation strategy for the national food security.

Effects of Elevated Atmospheric CO2 and Nitrogen Fertilization on Growth and Carbon Uptake of Yellow Poplar Seedlings (대기 이산화탄소 증가와 질소 시비가 백합나무 유묘의 생장과 탄소 흡수에 미치는 영향)

  • Chung, Mi-Sook;Han, Sim-Hee;Kim, Du-Hyun;Lee, Jae-Cheon;Kim, Pan-Gi
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.108-118
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    • 2012
  • To investigate the responses of yellow poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera L.) seedlings to the interactive effects of the elevated atmospheric $CO_2$ level and nitrogen addition, we measured biomass, photosynthetic pigments, photosynthesis, and the contents of nitrogen (N) and carbon (C) from the seedlings after 16 weeks of the treatments. Yellow poplar seedlings were grown under the ambient ($400{\mu}mol\;mol^{-1}$) and the elevated (560 and $720{\mu}mol\;mol^{-1}$) CO2 concentratoins with three different N addition levels (1.2, 2.4, and $3.6g\;kg^{-1}$) in the Open Top Chambers (OTC). The dry weight of the seedlings enhanced with the increased N levels under the elevated $CO_2$ concentrations and the increment of the dry weight differed among the different N levels. Photosynthetic pigment content of the yellow poplar leaves also increased with the increase of the $CO_2$ concentration levels. The effects of the N levels on the photosynthetic pigment content, however, were significantly different among the $CO_2$ levels. Photosynthetic rates were affected by the levels of $CO_2$ and N concentrations. Stomatal conductance and transpiration rates increased with increasing $CO_2$ concentration. The carboxylation efficiency of the seedlings without N addition increased under the higher $CO_2$ concentrations whereas that with N addition decreased under the elevated $CO_2$ concentrations. Nitrogen and carbon uptake in leaf, stem, and root increased with the elevated $CO_2$ concentration level and N addition. In conclusion, under the elevated $CO_2$ concentrations, physiological characteristics and carbon uptake of the yellow poplar seedling were improved and increased with N addition.

Evaluation of Community Land Model version 3.5-Dynamic Global Vegetation Model over Deciduous Forest in Gwangneung, Korea (광릉 활엽수림에서 Community Land Model 3.5-Dynamic Global Vegetation Model의 평가)

  • Lim, Hee-Jeong;Lee, Young-Hee;Kwon, Hyo-Jung
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.95-106
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    • 2010
  • The performance of Community Land Model version 3.5 - Dynamic Global Vegetation Model (CLM-DGVM) was evaluated through a comparison with the observation over temperate deciduous forest in Gwangneung, Korea. Influence of plant phenology, composition of plant functional type, and climate variability on carbon exchanges was also examined through sensitivity test. To get equilibrium carbon storage, the model was run for 400 years driven by the observed atmospheric data at the deciduous forest of the year 2006. We run the model for 2006 with the equilibrium carbon storage at Gwangneung forest and compared the model output with the observation. A comparison of leaf area index (LAI) between the model and observation indicated that the simulated phenology poorly represented the timing of budburst, leaf-fall, and evolution of LAI. Senescence of the phenology was delayed about four weeks and the simulated maximum LAI (of 5.8 $m^2$ $m^{-2}$) was greater than the observed value (of 4.5 $m^2$ $m^{-2}$). The overestimated LAI contributed to overestimation of both gross primary productivity (GPP) and ecosystem respiration $(R_e)$ through increased photosynthesis and foliar autotropic respiration $(R_a)$, respectively. Despite the discrepancy between the simulated and observed LAI, the simulated tree carbon storage amounts were comparable with the reported values at the site. Change in plant phenology from the simulated to the observed reduced more than six weeks of the plant growth period, resulting in the decreased amount of GPP and $R_e$. These values, however, were still higher (~10% of GPP and 40% of $R_e$) than the observed values. The effect of change in plant functional type composition (from dominant temperate deciduous forest to the coexistence of temperate deciduous and needle leaf forests) on the estimated amount of GPP and $R_e$ was marginal. The influence of climate variability on carbon storage amounts was not significant. The simulated inter-annual variation of GPP and $R_e$ from 1994 to 2003 depended on annual mean air temperature and total radiation but not on precipitation. Other deficiencies of CLM3.5-DGVM have been discussed.

Cultural and chemical approaches for controlling postharvest diseases of garlics (마늘 저장병 방제를 위한 경종적, 화학적 접근)

  • Kim, Yong-Ki;Lee, Sang-Bum;Lee, Sang-Seob;Shim, Hong-Sik;Choi, Inn-Hoo
    • The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.139-148
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate damages of garlics occurred under cold storage and farmhouse storage condition, influence of cultural and environmental factors on storage spoilage of garlics, and to establish control strategies to reduce damages occurred under storage of garlics. Decays of garlics were highly related with cultural condition (paddy field or upland soil), ventilation, storage temperature and relative humidity, continuous cropping years, and harvesting stage. Early-harvested garlics were more decayed than late-harvested garlics. Garlics cultivated on paddy field were less decayed than ones cultivated on upland soil under farmhouse storage condition. The densities of Penicillium spp. and Fusarium spp. were higher on plot with long term continuous cropping cultivation history than on plot with short term continuous cropping cultivation history. However there is no relation between continuous cropping years and percent of decay of garlics. As a result of investigating influence of environmental factors on decay of garlics, P. hirsutum caused severe spoilage under high relative humidity condition, while F. oxysporum and Stemphyllium botryosum were not related with relative humidity. The three postharvest pathogens grew well above woe. In addition when P. hirsutum and S. botryosum were cultured for two months, they grew even at $-1^{\circ}C$. Except for environmental factors, wounds occurred through farming works. had an effect on storage spoilage of garlics. Garlics only hurt with a toothpick without inoculation of pathogens were decayed more severe than those inoculated with pathogens without wounds. Seven agro-chemicals showed highly suppressive effect were selected by measuring mycelial growth of three major pathogens of garlics on potato dextrose agar amended with 0.1% (v/v) of each fungicide. When they were foliar-sprayed on garlics 30 days before harvesting, it was confirmed that they suppressed storage spoilage of garlics. Also when garlics were sprayed with and drenched into the suspension of Benoram WP very after harvesting garlics, garlic damages by postharvest pathogens were reduced remarkably.

Optimization of Culture Conditions for D-Tagatose Production from D-Galactose by Enterobacter agglomerans. (Entrobacter agglomerans에 의한 D-Galactose로부터 D-Tagatose 생산조건의 최적화)

  • 오덕근;노회진;김상용;노봉수
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.250-256
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    • 1998
  • D-Tagatose production from D-galactose was investigated using 35 type strains of American Culture Type Collection (ATCC) and Korean Collection for Type Cultures (KCTC) which have potential to produce D-tagatose. Enterobacter agglomerans ATCC 27987 was selected as a D-tagatose producing strain due to its short fermentation time and high production of D-tagatose. Optimization of the culture conditions for D-tagatose production by E. agglomerans ATCC 27987 was performed. Among various carbon sources, D-galactose was the most effective carbon source for D-tagatose production. As the D-galactose concentration was increased, cell growth and D-tagatose production increased. Effect of nitrogen sources on D-tagatose production was studied. Of inorganic nitrogen sources, ammonium sulfate was effective one for D-tagatose production and yeast extract was the most suitable organic nitrogen nutrient. The concentrations of inorganic compounds such as KH$_2$PO$_4$, K$_2$HPO$_4$, and MgSO$_4$$.$7H$_2$O were also optimized for D-tagatose production. The optimal medium was determined to contain D-galactose of 20 g/l, yeast extract of 5.0 g/l, (NH$_4$)$_2$SO$_4$ of 2.0 g/l, KH$_2$PO$_4$ of 5.0 g/l, K$_2$HPO of 5.0 g/l, and MgSO$_4$$.$7H$_2$O of 5 mg/l. The optimal environmental conditions in a 250-$m\ell$ flask were found to be pH of 6.0, temperature of 30$^{\circ}C$, and agitation speed of 150 rpm. D-tagatose of 0.41 g/l could be obtained in 24 h from 20 g/l D-galactose at the optimal culture condition without induction and cell concentration.

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Evaluation for the Antimicrobial, Antioxidant and Anti-thrombosis Activity of Korean Traditional Liquors (시판 전통주의 항균, 항산화 및 항혈전 활성 평가)

  • Ryu, Hee-Young;Kum, Eun-Joo;Bae, Kyung-Hwa;Kim, Young-Kwan;Kwun, In-Sook;Sohn, Ho-Yong
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.238-244
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    • 2007
  • To identify the useful biological activities and the superiority in quality of Korean traditional liquors, we prepared the alcohol-free concentrates from different types of commercial traditional liquors, Takju ($T1{\sim}T3$), Yakju/Cheongju ($Y-1{\sim}Y-5$), Fruit wine (F-1) and Soju (S-1, S-2), respectively. We investigate their compositions as well as antimicrobial, antioxidant, and anti-thrombosis activity. Among the 11 traditional liquors, Y-3, Y-4, Y-5 and F-1 showed higher total-polyphenol, total-flavonoids and reducing sugars than the others. The strong antibacterial and anti-thrombosis activities were identified in Y-3, Y-4, Y-5 and F-1, and a minor antioxidant activity was found in F-l. The antibacterial activity of the Y-3, Y-4, Y-5 and F-1 alcohol-free concentrates showed a broad-spectrum, and growth inhibition was found in gram-positive, gram-negative, and ampicillin-resistant bacteria. The sequential solvent fractionation of Y-3, Y-4, Y-5 and F-1, and following analysis showed that ethyl acetate fractions of Y-3, Y-4, Y-5 and F-1 possess strong antibacterial and anti-thrombosis activity. Especially, the ethyl acetate fractions of Y-3, Y-4 and F-1 showed superior anti-thrombosis activity compared than that of aspirin. Our results suggest that the useful substances are produced from substrates and edible plant added during the fermentation, and the Korean traditional liquors could be developed as strong antibacterial and anti-thrombosis agents.

Selection and Mechanisms of Indigenous Antagonistic Microorganisms against Sheath Rot and Dry Rot Disease of Garlic (마늘 잎집썩음병과 마른썩음병을 길항하는 토착길항미생물의 선발 및 기작)

  • Jeong, Hee-Young;Lim, Jong-Hui;Kim, Byung-Keuk;Lee, Jung-Jong;Kim, Sang-Dal
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.295-301
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    • 2010
  • Sheath rot and dry rot disease caused by Pseudomonas marginalis and Fusarium oxysporum were serious problems in garlic farmland. In this study, total of 160 indigenous antagonistic bacteria were isolated from 16 farmlands in Yeongcheon, Korea. Among these, 15 strains were able to inhibited P. marginalis and F. oxysporum. The 16s rDNA genes of the selected 15 strains were amplified and sequenced. The strains has strong antagonistic ability against garlic pathogens was achieved Bacillus subtilis YC82, B. vallismortis YC84, B. amyloliquefaciens YC240. The selected 3 strains tested for investigation of antifungal mechanisms further analyses; 3 strains of these validated for production of siderophore, ${\beta}$-glucanase and chitinase using CAS (chrome azurol S) blue agar, CMC-congo red agar and DNS method. The 3 strains were able to utilized insoluble phosphate as dertermined by vanado-molybdate method. The 3 strains verified for production of auxin and gibberellic acid using Salkowski test and holdbrook test. Also, 3 strains showed stimulation germination, stem growth promoting activity on the in vivo test. The 3 strains were able to effectively suppress P. marginalis and F. oxysporum causing sheath rot and dry rot diseases on the in vivo pot test.

Effects of High Pressure Treatment on the Microbiological and Chemical Properties of Milk (초고압 처리가 우유의 미생물학적 및 이화학적 특성에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Jieun;Choi, Eun-Ji;Park, Sun Young;Jeon, Ga Young;Jang, Ja-Young;Oh, Young Jun;Lim, Seul Ki;Kim, Tae-Woon;Lee, Jong-Hee;Park, Hae Woong;Kim, Hyun Ju;Jeon, Jung Tae;Choi, Hak-Jong
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.267-274
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    • 2014
  • High pressure processing (HPP) is a non-thermal method used to prevent bacterial growth in the food industry. Currently, pasteurization is the most common method in use for most milk processing, but this has the disadvantage that it leads to changes in the milk's nutritional and chemical properties. Therefore, the effects of HPP treatment on the microbiological and chemical properties of milk were investigated in this study. With the treatment of HPP at 600 MPa and $15^{\circ}C$ for 3 min, the quantity of microorganisms and lactic acid bacteria were reduced to the level of 2-3 log CFU/ml, and coliforms were not detected during a storage period of 15 d at $4^{\circ}C$. An analysis of milk proteins, such as ${\alpha}$-casein, ${\beta}$-casein, ${\kappa}$-casein, ${\alpha}$-lactalbumin, ${\beta}$-lactoglobulin by on-chip electorophoresis revealed that the electrophoretic pattern of the proteins from HPP-treated milk was different from that of conventionally treated commercial milk. While the quantities of vitamins and minerals in HPP-treated milk were seen to be comparable to amounts found in raw milk, the enzyme activity of lipase, protease and alkaline phosphatase after HPP treatment was reduced. These results suggest that HPP treatment is a viable method for the control of undesirable microorganisms in milk, allowing for minimal nutritional and chemical changes in the milk during the process.

Summer Environmental Evaluation of Water and Sediment Quality in the South Sea and East China Sea (남해 및 동중국해의 하계 수질 및 저질 환경평가)

  • Lee, Dae-In;Cho, Hyeon-Seo;Yoon, Yang-Ho;Choi, Young-Chan;Lee, Jeong-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.83-99
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    • 2005
  • To evaluate environmental charateristics of the South Sea and East China Sea on summer, water and sediment quality were measured in June 2001-2003. Surface layer was affceted by Warm water originated from the high temperature and salinity-Tsushima Warm Current, on the other hand, Yellow Sea Cold Water was spread to the bottom layer in the south-western part of the Jeju island, and salinity at stations near the Yangtze River was decreased below 29psu because of a enormous freshwater discharges. Thermocline-depth was formed at about 10m, and chlorophyll maximum layer was existed in and below the thermocline. COD(Chemical Oxygen Demand), TN(Total Nitrogen), and TP(Total Phosphorus) concentrations showed seawater quality grade II in surface layer of the most area, but concentrations of such as COD, Chl. a, TSS(Total Suspended Solid), and nutrients were greatly increased in the effect area of Yangtze River discharges. Correlations between dissolved inorganic nitrogen, Chl. a and salinity were negative patterns strongly, in contrast, those of inorganic phosphorus, COD and Chl. a were positive, which indicates that phytoplankton biomass and phosphorus are considered as important factors of organic matter distribution and algal growth, respectively. in the study area. The distribution of ignition loss, COD, and $H_2S$ of surface sediment were in the ranges of 2.61-8.81%, $0.64-11.86mgO_2/g-dry$, and ND-0.25 mgS/g-dry, respectively, with relatively high concentration in the eastern part of the study area. Therefore, to effective and sustainable use and management of this area, continuous monitoring and countermeasures about major input sources to the water and sediment, and prediction according to the environmental variation, are necessary.

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The Performance Formation Model of Service Quality Factors for Courier Service (택배산업의 서비스품질 성과형성 모델)

  • Song, Jang-Gwen;Kim, Tae-Ryong
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.37-45
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    • 2012
  • The popularity of courier services in Korea has made it an essential part of the country's domestic logistics industry, bolstering the growth not only of the national economy, but also the quality of people's daily lives. An effective strategy for courier companies in Korea would be to provide high-quality services to their existing target markets with the goal of maximizing customer loyalty. This study investigates structural relationships between customer loyalty and service quality as a set of factors and between customer trust and customer satisfaction. These antecedent relationships will be used to understand the "performance formation model" through service quality. In this study, service quality, as a set of factors, is considered to be the independent variable, while customer satisfaction and customer trust are both treated as intervening variables. Finally, customer loyalty is the dependent variable. Following a review of the literature, this paper's proffered hypothesis will be investigated in terms of whether the independent and intervening variables significantly affect customer loyalty. A statistical analysis of the empirical research was carried out using both SPSS 18.0 and AMOS 18.0 The results of this study's empirical analysis show three conclusions. First, among the intervening variables (customer satisfaction and customer trust), customer satisfaction is significantly correlated with customer loyalty. Customer trust, however, was shown to have little or no relationship to customer loyalty. Second, the quality of service variable seems to influence customer satisfaction, customer trust, and customer loyalty. Third, with respect to the relationship of intervening variables, customer trust affects customer satisfaction. Thus, the companies that have a competitive advantage in Korea have successfully maximized customer loyalty for their existing customers. Courier companies will need to research and study customer needs. Therefore, this research suggests that effective courier service management can be better understood through the application of the service quality performance formation model, which can enhance the quality of service provided by domestic courier services. This research is limited to investigating qualitative variables, such as the service quality factors, customer satisfaction, and customer trust. It would be helpful for future research on courier services to consider quantitative variables, such as price and weight.

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