• Title/Summary/Keyword: growth conditions

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Deposition of Atmospheric Pollutants in Forest Ecosystems and Changes in Soil Chemical Properties (대기오염물질(大氣汚染物質)의 산림생태계내(山林生態系內) 유입(流入)과 토양(土壤)의 화학적(化學的) 특성(特性) 변화(變化))

  • Kim, Dong Yeob;Ryu, Jung Hwan;Chae, Ji Seok;Cha, Soon Hyung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.85 no.1
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    • pp.84-95
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    • 1996
  • Environmental pollution has recently been progressed in the metropolitan and industrial areas of Korea and concerns have been evolved against the chronic effects of the pollution on natural ecosystem. This study was carried out to investigate the environmental pollution impacts on ion input into forest ecosystems and soil environmental changes. Study plots were established at Seoul, Ulsan, Yeochon, and Seosan for pollution sites and at Pyungchang for a non-pollution site. Atmospheric deposition was measured with rain, throughfall, and stem flow samples collected in the forest areas. Soil chemical properties were investigated to compare the pollution impacts on the sites. Precipitation acidity in the metropolitan and industrial areas ranged from pH 4.5 to 5.5, showing the levels lower than pH 5.8 of mountain area. Ion concentrations in the precipitation had increased significantly while passing the crown layer in the metropolitan and industrial areas, showing the increase by 4 times at the maximum. Total ion input in the metropolitan and industrial areas was greater than that in mountain area by approximately 2-3 times. Soil acidification caused by acidic ion input seemed to be greatest at Seoul, showing pH 1 decrease compared to that of Pyungchang. Soil canon contents were relatively high in the metropolitan and industrial areas. Although the canon leaching loss was not apparent, soil acidification process seemed to be continued by acidic ion input. Environmental pollution in the metropolitan and industrial areas exerted changes in ion input into the forest ecosystems and soil conditions. The chronic effects of environmental pollution should be monitored and investigated further to explain the processes of ecosystem change and the impacts on plant growth.

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Strategies about Optimal Measurement Matrix of Environment Factors Inside Plastic Greenhouse (플라스틱온실 내부 환경 인자 다중센서 설치 위치 최적화 전략)

  • Lee, JungKyu;Kang, DongHyun;Oh, SangHoon;Lee, DongHoon
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.161-170
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    • 2020
  • There is systematic spatial variations in environmental properties due to sensitive reaction to external conditions at plastic greenhouse occupied 99.2% of domestic agricultural facilities. In order to construct 3 dimensional distribution of temperature, relative humidity, CO2 and illuminance, measurement matrix as 3 by 3 by 5 in direction of width, height and length, respectively, dividing indoor space of greenhouse was designed and tested at experimental site. Linear regression analysis was conducted to evaluate optimal estimation method in terms with horizontal and vertical variations. Even though sole measurement point for temperature and relative humidity could be feasible to assess indoor condition, multiple measurement matrix is inevitably required to improve spatial precision at certain time domain such as period of sunrise and sunset. In case with CO2, multiple measurement matrix could not successfully improve the spatial predictability during a whole experimental period. In case with illuminance, prediction performance was getting smaller after a time period of sunrise due to systematic interference such as indoor structure. Thus, multiple sensing methodology was proposed in direction of length at higher height than growing bed, which could compensate estimation error in spatial domain. Appropriate measurement matrix could be constructed considering the transition of stability in indoor environmental properties due to external variations. As a result, optimal measurement matrix should be carefully designed considering flexibility of construction relevant with the type of property, indoor structure, the purpose of crop and the period of growth. For an instance, partial cooling and heating system to save a consumption of energy supplement could be successfully accomplished by the deployment of multiple measurement matrix.

Effect of packing type and storage temperature on microbial growth and quality of fresh-cut onions (Allium cepa cv. turbo) (포장방법과 저장온도가 신선편이 양파의 품질 및 미생물 생장에 미치는 영향)

  • Bae, Yeoung-Seuk;Choi, Hyun-Jin;Lee, Jung-Soo;Park, Mehea;Choi, Ji-Weon;Kim, Ji-Gang
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.623-630
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    • 2016
  • Inappropriate storage of fresh-cut onions may result in losses of good quality. To understand storage conditions for shelf-life and quality of fresh-cut onions, The effect of packing type and storage temperature on the quality of fresh-cut onions was evaluated. Onions stored at $0^{\circ}C$ for 2 months were peeled off after removing root and shoot parts. Each three peeled onions were packed in a polyethylene film (PE, $50{\mu}m$) or in a polyethylene/polypropylene film (PE/PP, $100{\mu}m$) with vacuum treatment (70 cmHg) and stored at different temperatures (4, and $10^{\circ}C$) for 21 days. The following analyses were examined to evaluate the quality of fresh-cut onions: microbial population, surface color, titratable acidity and pH, respiration rate, and sensory quality. Fresh-cut onions stored at $4^{\circ}C$ showed less aerobic and coliform bacterial population than those stored at $10^{\circ}C$ during observation periods. Fungal populations of fresh-cut onions packed in PE film stored at $10^{\circ}C$ increased significantly after 13 days. E. coli was not detected in all treatments during whole storage periods. Surface colors of fresh-cut onions were not affected by packing type and storage temperature, however, color difference (${\Delta}E$) of fresh-cut onions in PE/PP film stored at $10^{\circ}C$ was significantly higher than those of other treatments. Titratable acidity of fresh-cut onions was not affected by packing type and storage temperature. However, pH of fresh-cut onions packed in PE film stored at $10^{\circ}C$ increased gradually over the whole storage period. Fresh-cut onions packed in PE film showed higher $CO_2$ and less $O_2$ concentrations at $10^{\circ}C$ than those at $4^{\circ}C$. The sensory quality of fresh-cut onions was significantly affected by packing type and storage temperature after 13 days. Particularly, vacuum treatment in PE/PP film showed better sensory quality than that of PE film package at the same storage temperature. It was concluded that vacuum treatment and storage at $4^{\circ}C$ could be effective to prolong the quality of fresh-cut onions up to 21 days.

Socioeconomic Determinants of Suicide Rate in Korea (경제적 양극화와 자살의 상관성: 1997년 외환위기를 전후하여)

  • Eun, Ki-Soo
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.97-129
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    • 2005
  • Korean society recently witnesses a rapid lllcrease of suicide across all ages. In particular, suicide in old ages jumps up ill a very unexpected way. Furthermore, the order of suicide in the cause of death across all ages is becoming higher and higher in Korea. This study provides details of suicide that occurs in Korean society with the comparison to that of Japan at the descriptive level. It is not well known why suicide in Korean surges recently. Several previous research show the possibility that surging suicide is closely related to the worsened economic conditions especially since the economic crisis in 1997. They adopt economic growth, unemployment rate, income distribution, household finance index as economic indicators in their research. This study also adopts those indicators and conducts a correlation analysis in two periods, 1990-1997 and 1998-2004. It is found that there is no correlation between economic indicators and suicide in the period of 1990-1997. On the other hand, there is a very strong correlation between income distribution and suicide in the period of 1998-2004. Other economic indicators except income distribution does not have any significant correlation with suicide. This finding suggests that currently increasing suicide in Korea may be a result of economic polarization, which has been worsened since the economic crisis in 1997.

Studies on the Enzyme from Arthrobacter luteus Accelerating the Lysis of Yeast Cell Walls - I. Effects of Various Factors on the Lysis of Yeast Cell Walls by the Preparation of Crude Zymolyase (Arthrobacter luteus가 생산(生産)하는 효모(酵母) 세포벽(細胞壁) 용해(溶解) 촉진(促進) 효소(酵素)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) - 제(第) 1 보(報) : Zymolyase 조(粗) 효소(酵素)에 의한 효모(酵母) 세포벽(細胞壁) 용해(溶解)에 미치는 제(諸) 인자(因子)의 영향(影響) -)

  • Oh, Hong-Rock;Shimoda, Tadahisa;Funatsu, Masaru
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.242-248
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    • 1979
  • To detect proper lytic assay conditions of the crude zumolyase from Arthrobacter luteus, effets of the various factors involved in the lytic system of Sacchromyces sake cultured with shaking in the malt extracts medium were investigated. The results are summarized as follows : 1. The susceptibilities of viable cells of S. sake from logarithmic growth phase to the lytic enzmye were much greater than those of the cells in lag and stationary phases. The cells cultured for 18 hr were the most susceptible to the enzyme. 2. Lytic activity of the enzyme toward the viable cells of S. sake was very low. It was, however, enhanced 4 folds of more by the pretreatment of the cells with 0.05 M sodium sulfite. 3. Lytic activity of the enzyme toward commercial baker's yeast cells was negligible, and the effect of sodium sulfite on the lysis of the cells also was nothing but a little. 4. The lyophilized cells of the baker's yeast showed more susceptibility to the lytic enzyme than viable cells of the yeast. No definite effect of sodium sulfite on the lysis of the lyophilized cells, however, was observed either baker's yeast of S. sake. 5. It appeared that the relationship between the reaction rate and the enzyme concentration on the lysis of the yeast cell walls followed enzyme kinetic theory, but one between the reaction rate and concentration of the yeast cells as substrates showed different pattern from that in enzyme kinetic theory. 6. After the preparation of crude zymolyase was kept at $7^[\circ}C$ for 10 days in the 0.05 M phosphate buffer, pH 7.5, the remainning lytic activity was about 80 %.

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Studies on Cropping System for Year-Round Cultivation of Forage Crops in Gyeongnam Province (경남지방에서 조사료 주년생산 작부체계에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Dal-Soon;Kim, Dae-Ho;Shin, Hyun-Yul;Son, Gil-Man;Rho, Chi-Woong;Kim, Jung-Gon
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.137-152
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    • 2009
  • Present experiment was conducted at the field of Gyeongnam Agricultural Research and Extension Services in Jinju city for two continuous cropping seasons to develop several adaptable and valuable year-round forage-producing system for elevating self-sufficiency and dollar-saving by reduced importing of crude forage. Twenty cropping systems were tested in experiment using whole crop barley (WCB), oat, rye, Italian ryegrass (IRG), and triticale in winter season and com, sorghum, sorghum ${\times}$ sudangrass hybrid, and oat in summer time. Sorghum ${\times}$ sudangrass hybrid showed highest fresh forage yield among experimented summer season crops, and followed com. Com produced the most dry matter yield, and followed sorghum${\times}$sudangrass hybrid, sorghum and oat in order. There was no significant effect of former winter crops on fresh and dry matter production succeeding summer time crops. Among winter season forage crops tested, oat showed the highest fresh and dry matter when clipped on mid-May, and followed triticale, IRG, rye and WCB. Winter-time cultivated crops showed no clear effect on the growth and forage (fresh and dry matter) producing ability of following summer crops. There was the most protein content in oat plant among summer season planted crops, and in sorghum for acid detergent fiber (ADF) and in sorghum ${\times}$ sudangrass hybrid for neutral detergent fiber (NDF), respectively. While, com showed highest value of relative feed value (RFV) and total digestive nutrients (TDN) among those crops. Among winter crops, the highest crude protein was in oat plant showing no significant differences of ADF and NDF, while, relatively higher value of RFV was recognized with rye and triticale. Also, triticale contained more TDN as compare to other forage crops. The cropping combinations such as com followed by (fb) rye and maize fb triticale were regarded as promising systems having higher dry matter producing ability among tested combinations. Considering TDN producing potential, the combinations with sorghum ${\times}$ sudangrass hybrid fb triticale andlor rye were would be suitable ones, coincidently. There was a tendency which elevating pH, electric conductivity (EC) and organic matter (OM) contents in soil after experiment comparing to before planting. More crude protein content in plant was shown at mid-May clipping as compared to the forage at April cut in all winter season grown crops. ADF and NDF contents were increased by delayed clipping showing decreased tendency of RFV and TDN in plant. In conclusion, many cropping systems would be available using above mentioned forage crops according to farmer's conditions and scale, etc.

Histological studies on in vitro Propagation of Pulsatilla koreana Nakai (할미꽃 기내증식(器內增殖)에 관(關)한 조직학적(組織學的) 연구(硏究))

  • Lee, Man-Sang;Oh, Ki-Hong
    • Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.137-157
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    • 1993
  • This study was carried out to investigate the optimal condition for multiple propagation through leaf tissue culture and to apply anther culture techniques to Pulsatilla koreana Nakai breeding. Leaf and anther of Pulsatilla koreana Nakai were cultured on MS, MT, LS and $B_5$ media supplemented with several growth regulators and nitrogen sources under various conditions. For callus induction and differentiation from the Pulsatilla koreana leaf segments were more effective in the combination of zeatin and auxin than auxin alone. The color of the callus was green when treated with IBA alone. Shoot differentiation was more effective when treated with zeatin than auxin alone, especially the best hormoal combination for shoot differentiation was zeatin 1.0mg/l +NAA 0.1mg/l, while 2,4-D inhibited shoot differentiation. The appeared rate of S pollen was 35% in vivo, while that of S pollen by low temperature$(4^{\circ}C)$ pretreatment for 4 days was increased by 53% and the optimum culture time for callus induction from anther was uni-nucleate stage. $B_5$ basal medium supplemented with NAA 0.5mg/l and zeatin 1 mg/l was the most effective on callus formation and the best results of plant regeneration were obtained from combination of NAA 0.5mg/l and zeatin 0.5mg/l in anther culture. $NH_{4}NO_3$ as more effectives as the nitrogen source than $KNO_3$ and the combination with zeatin 2.0mg /L was the best effective. The best combination for plant regeneration in callus induced from anther was $NH_{4}NO_3$ 1650mg/l + $KNO_3$ 3800mg/l + zeatin 2.0mg/l. Ploidy level of anther-derived plants appeared 28% haploid, 47% diploid and the others were triploid, tetraploid and mixploid. In compare with E.S.T, M.D.H and P.X banding patterns were distinguished among callus, haploid and diploid plants in electrophoresis.

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Gahnite-Sillimanite-Garnet Mineral Assemblage from the Host Rocks of the Cannington Deposit, North Queensland, Australia: Relationship between Metamorphism and Zn-Mineralization (호주 퀸즈랜드 주 캔닝턴 광상 모암의 아연-첨정석-규선석-석류석에 관한 연구 :변성작용과 아연-광화작용에 대해서)

  • Kim Hyeong Soo
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.309-325
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    • 2004
  • The Cannington Ag-Pb-Zn deposit, northwest Queensland, Australia developed around the host rocks composing banded and migmatitic gneisses, sillimanite-garnet schist and amphibolite. Three crystal habits of sillimanite, gahnite (Zn-spinel) and garnet porphyroblasts occurred on the host rocks of the Cannington deposit could be used to delineate metamorphism that closely associated with Zn-mineralization in the deposit. Linkages the metamorphism to Zinc-mineralization is determined in four chemical systems, KFMASH (K$_2$O-FeO-MgO-Al$_2$O$_3$-SiO$_2$-$H_2O$), KFMASHTO (K$_2$O-FeO-MgO-Al$_2$O$_3$-SiO$_2$-$H_2O$-TiO$_2$-Fe$_2$O$_3$), NCKFMASH (Na$_2$O-CaO-K$_2$O-FeO-MgO-AlO$_3$-SiO$_2$-$H_2O$) and MnNCK-FMASH (MnO-Na$_2$O-CaO-K$_2$O-FeO-MgO-AlO$_3$-SiO$_2$-$H_2O$), using THERMOCALC program (version 3.1; Powell and Holland 1988). Partial melting in MnNCKFMASH and NCKFMASH systems occurs at lower temperature than in the KFMASH and KFMASHTO systems. The partial melting temperature decreases with increasing of Na/(Na+Ca+K) of the bulk rock compositions in the MnNCKFMASH system. The host rocks have melted ca 15 vol.% in the MnNCKFMASH system at peak metamorphic conditions (634$\pm$62$^{\circ}C$ and 4.8$\pm$1.3 kbar), but partial melting have not occurred in KFMASHTO system. Based on calculations of sillimanite isograd in different systems and sillimanite modal pro-portion, prismatic and rhombic sillimanite and gahnite porphyroblasts including prismatic sillimanite inclusion probably have resulted from pressure and temperature increasing through partial melting (from 550~$600^{\circ}C$, 2.0~3.0 kbar to 700~75$0^{\circ}C$, 5.0~7.0 kbar), furthermore have experienced N-S then W-E crustal shortening during D$_1$ and D$_2$ deformation. Consequently, Zinc mineralization related to gahnite growth occurred during D$_2$ and was redistributed and upgraded by partial melting and retrograde metamorphism into structural and rheological sites during shearing in D$_3$.

Cryopreservation of CHO Cell using Serum-Free Media (무혈청 배지를 이용한 CHO 세포의 동결보존)

  • Kim, Yoo-Kang;Park, Hong-Woo;Choe, Tae-Boo
    • KSBB Journal
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.110-117
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    • 2006
  • During routine maintenance, animal cell lines are commonly cryopreserved in growth medium containing serum with 10% DMSO. But, in case of bioprocess under the serum-free conditions, including cultivation of cell lines and producing of pharmaceuticals, the cryopreservation should be executed without serum to prevent a cross-contamination. This experiments were performed to investigate the effects of the serum-free cryopreservation on the CHO cells. To improve the survival rates of the cryopreserved CHO cells in serum-free condition, first, the effects of permeable and non-permeable additives for substitute serum on cell viability were investigated. The combination of 10% DMSO and 0.03 M raffinose in MEM-${\alpha}$ without serum indicated 76% of cell viability. However, it did not reach the survival rates(more than 95%) of the conventional cryopreservation. In the second, to evaluate the cryopreservative ability of the serum-free medium(SFM) we compared viability of the CHO cells cryopreserved in the SFMs(Sigma C5467, C4726, and C1707, JBI SF486 and PF486), the cryoprotectant(Genenmed CAN-1000) and the MEM-${\alpha}$ with serum. All solution contained 10% DMSO. As a result of the comparison, cryopreserved cells in the SFMs showed over 95% of viability and appeared predominant viability better than cryoprotectant CAN-1000. Finally, we assessed the stability of the CHO cells in the long-term cryopreservation(LTC) using SFM. Every three months, the cryopreserved CHO cells were thawed to estimate the cell viability and the recovery rates. Then, real-time RT-PCR analyzed the inserted CHO DHFR gene. All results for the LTC appeared the same stability as the serum containing cryopreservation. In the conclusion, it could be seen that the LTC in the SFM can substitute for serum using methods in the bioprocess proceeded by CHO cells for more than 18 months.

A Basic Study on the Euryale ferox Salisbury for Introduction in Garden Pond(II) - Focusing with Soil and Water Conditions - (정원 연못내 가시연꽃(Euryale ferox Salisbury) 도입을 위한 기초연구 II - 토양과 수환경을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Suk-Woo;Rho, Jae-Hyun;Park, Jae-Cheol;Kim, Hwa-Ok
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.28-37
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    • 2016
  • Through the research and analysis on the hydrological environment and soil environment of habitats through documentary and field studies over 14 habitats of Euryale ferox Salisb. within Jeollabukdo, with the objective of acquiring the basic data for forming an environment based on plantation of reservoirs that are composed with Euryale ferox, the following results were obtained. As a result of analyzing the construction period of the habitats of Euryale ferox from a total of 14 places, the average period of duration after construction of all subject reservoirs appeared to be 71.8 years. Moreover, when examining the relationship between the age of reservoirs and eutrophication, it could be judged that at least the eutrophication of subsoil and water environment is not an obstacle to the growth of Euryale ferox grows in habitats that have a reservoir age of approximately 70 years or more. As a result of analyzing the gardening of soil sediment of the Euryale ferox habitats, the component ingredients appeared to be composed of 80.2% of clay, 16.7% of silt and 3.1% of sand, and the soil class pursuant to such was classified as 'heavy clay'. The organic matter contents of soil sediment appeared to be an average of 36g/kg, and there appeared to be no noticeable difference between the habitats and non-habitats of Euryale ferox. The water quality environment of Euryale ferox habitat appeared to be pH 6.5~7.9, concentration of dissolved oxygen to be $1.8{\sim}8.8mg/{\ell}$, concentration of COD to be $6.8{\sim}74mg/{\ell}$, floating materials to be $2.0{\sim}213mg/{\ell}$, total nitrogen to be $0.422{\sim}10.723mg/{\ell}$, and phosphate to be $0.003{\sim}0.126mg/{\ell}$. The average DO concentration of Aedang Reservoir at Jeongeup, Daejeong Reservoir at Imsil, and Myeongdeokji at Gimje with high vitality and green coverage ratio of Euryale ferox appeared to be $3.5mg/{\ell}$, total nitrogen to be $1.33mg/{\ell}$, and concentration of phosphorus-phosphate to be $0.061mg/{\ell}$. When comparing such with the entire average value, the DO and total nitrogen concentration appeared to be rather low, and the phosphorus-phosphate concentration appeared to be higher by two times or more, thus, an in-depth study on the correlation of the vitality of Euryale ferox Salisb. and concentration of phosphorate-phosphorus will be needed in the future.