• Title/Summary/Keyword: globally asymptotic stability

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Stabilization Inverse Optimal Control of Nonlinear Systems with Structural Uncertainty (구조적 불확실성을 갖는 비선형 시스템의 안정화 역최적제어)

  • Cho, Do-Hyeoun;Lee, Chul;Lee, Jong-Yong
    • 전자공학회논문지 IE
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.49-56
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, stabilization inverse optimal control for nonlinear systems with structural uncertainty is considered. Based on the control Lyapunov function, a theorem for the globally asymptotic stability is presented. From this a less conservative condition for the inverse optimal control is derived. The result is used to design an inverse optimal controller for a class of nonlinear systems, that improves and extends the existing results. The class of nonlinear system considered is also enlarger. The simulation results show the effectiveness of the method.

Recent results on the analysis of viscoelastic constitutive equations

  • Kwon, Youngdon
    • Korea-Australia Rheology Journal
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.33-45
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    • 2002
  • Recent results obtained for the port-pom model and the constitutive equations with time-strain separability are examined. The time-strain separability in viscoelastic systems Is not a rule derived from fundamental principles but merely a hypothesis based on experimental phenomena, stress relaxation at long times. The violation of separability in the short-time response just after a step strain is also well understood (Archer, 1999). In constitutive modeling, time-strain separability has been extensively employed because of its theoretical simplicity and practical convenience. Here we present a simple analysis that verifies this hypothesis inevitably incurs mathematical inconsistency in the viewpoint of stability. Employing an asymptotic analysis, we show that both differential and integral constitutive equations based on time-strain separability are either Hadamard-type unstable or dissipative unstable. The conclusion drawn in this study is shown to be applicable to the Doi-Edwards model (with independent alignment approximation). Hence, the Hadamardtype instability of the Doi-Edwards model results from the time-strain separability in its formulation, and its remedy may lie in the transition mechanism from Rouse to reptational relaxation supposed by Doi and Edwards. Recently in order to describe the complex rheological behavior of polymer melts with long side branches like low density polyethylene, new constitutive equations called the port-pom equations have been derived in the integral/differential form and also in the simplifled differential type by McLeish and carson on the basis of the reptation dynamics with simplifled branch structure taken into account. In this study mathematical stability analysis under short and high frequency wave disturbances has been performed for these constitutive equations. It is proved that the differential model is globally Hadamard stable, and the integral model seems stable, as long as the orientation tensor remains positive definite or the smooth strain history in the flow is previously given. However cautious attention has to be paid when one employs the simplified version of the constitutive equations without arm withdrawal, since neglecting the arm withdrawal immediately yields Hadamard instability. In the flow regime of creep shear flow where the applied constant shear stress exceeds the maximum achievable value in the steady flow curves, the constitutive equations exhibit severe instability that the solution possesses strong discontinuity at the moment of change of chain dynamics mechanisms.

Inverse optimal control of nonlinear systems with structural uncertainty (구조적 불확실성을 갖는 비선형 시스템의 역최적제어)

  • Lee, Sang-Hun;Kim, Jin-Soo;Lee, Jong-Yong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.10 no.10
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    • pp.2651-2659
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, inverse optimal control for nonlinear systems with structural uncertainty is considered. The first, the bounded of structural uncertainty is introduced and based on the control Lyapunov function, a theorem for the globally asymptotic stability is presented. From this a less conservative condition for the inverse optimal control is derived. The result is used to design an inverse optimal controller for a class of nonlinear systems, that improves and extends the existing results. The class of nonlinear system considered is also enlarger. The simulation results show the effectiveness of the method.

Adaptive Anti-Sway Trajectory Tracking Control of Overhead Crane using Fuzzy Observer and Fuzzy Variable Structure Control (퍼지 관측기와 퍼지 가변구조제어를 이용한 천정주행 크레인의 적응형 흔들림 억제 궤적추종제어)

  • Park, Mun-Soo;Chwa, Dong-Kyoung;Hong, Suk-Kyo
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.452-461
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    • 2007
  • Adaptive anti-sway and trajectory tracking control of overhead crane is presented, which utilizes Fuzzy Uncertainty Observer(FUO) and Fuzzy based Variable Structure Control(FVSC). We consider an overhead crane system which can be decoupled into the actuated and unactuated subsystems with its own lumped uncertainty such as parameter uncertainties and external disturbance. First, a new method for anti-sway control using FVSC is proposed to improve the conventional method based on Lyapunov direct method, while a conventional trajectory tracking control law using feedback linearization is directly adopted. Second, FUO is designed to estimate one of the two lumped uncertainties which can compensate both of them, based on the fact that two lumped uncertainties are coupled with each other. Then, an adaptive anti-sway control is proposed by incorporating the proposed FVSC and FUO. Under the condition that the observation error is Uniformly Ultimately Bounded(UUB) within an arbitrarily shrinkable region, the overall closed-loop system is shown to be Globally Uniformly Ultimately Bounded(GUUB). In addition, the Global Asymptotic Stability(GAS) of it is shown under the vanishing disturbance assumption. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed scheme has been confirmed by numerical simulations.

Robust H∞ Fuzzy Control for Discrete-Time Nonlinear Systems with Time-Delay (시간 지연을 갖는 이산 시간 비선형 시스템에 대한 H∞ 퍼지 강인 제어기 설계)

  • Kim Taek Ryong;Park Jin Bae;Joo Young Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.324-329
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    • 2005
  • In this paper, a robust $H\infty$ stabilization problem to a uncertain discrete-time nonlinear systems with time-delay via fuzzy static output feedback is investigated. The Takagj-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy model is employed to represent an uncertain nonlinear system with time-delayed state. Then, the parallel distributed compensation technique is used for designing of the robust fuzzy controller. Using a single Lyapunov function, the globally asymptotic stability and disturbance attenuation of the closed-loop fuzzy control system are discussed. Sufficient conditions for the existence of robust $H\infty$ controllers are given in terms of linear matrix inequalities via similarity transform and congruence transform technique. We have shown the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed method through the simulation.