• Title/Summary/Keyword: geotechnical behavior

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Frequency-Phase Method to Measure Material Damping in a Nonlinear Range (비선형 영역에서의 재료감쇠비 측정을 위한 주파수-위상각법)

  • 우규석;조성호
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2001.03a
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    • pp.533-540
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    • 2001
  • Material damping is an important parameter to evaluate the site response by a dynamic loading. Currently the material damping of the subgrade is mainly determined by a resonant column testing. Typical methods to evaluate material damping include half-power bandwidth method and free-vibration decay method. In the large strain range, the half-power bandwidth method gives an erratic damping factor, because the method is based on the assumption of the linear behavior of a specimen. The free-vibration decay method has also limitations in that the damping factors vary with the range of cycles in calculation, and also in that the specific shear strain can not be designated for the free vibration. In this study, the frequency-phase method, which was developed to evaluate material damping of a beam simply supported, is introduced to evaluate the material damping by the resonant column testing. Also, the comparison among half-power method, free-vibration decay method and the frequency-phase method is provided for a remolded sand.

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Field Measurements of Soil-Steel Bridge (파형강판을 이용한 지중-강판 교량의 시공현장계측)

  • 이종구;김경석;이종화;조성민;김명모
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2001.03a
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    • pp.331-338
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    • 2001
  • The soil-steel bridges which were introduced in Korea recently are widely used instead of underpasses of highway or small bridges. This bridge is a kind of flexible buried conduit which sustain the applied load by the interaction with the backfill soil. The 6.25m din. round soil-steel bridge was instrumented so as to investigate the behavior of load sustenance, The axial forces and moments at the 7 locations around the metallic shell were calculated from the measurement of strains during backfilling. The maximum axial force and moment were compared with those of various design predictions. Finally, the stability of bridge was evaluated.

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The Behavior of Retention Wall By 3-D Finite Element Method (3차원 유한요소해석에 의한 흙막이 벽체의 거동특성)

  • 이진구;장서만;전성곤;이종규
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2001.03a
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    • pp.347-354
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    • 2001
  • In this study, 3-D FEM analysis are carried out to investigate the effect of the corners and re-entrant corners which can't be analysed by 2-D analysis. The excavation shape is re-entrant type conditions. The wall displacement, earth pressure and effectiveness of the corner struts are investigated in the re-entrant case, The 3D analysis are peformed to evaluate the effect of various factors, such as re-entrant corner size, excavation depth, and presence of struts. The wall displacement and earth pressures are influenced the size of re-entrant corner. Therefore, the effect of re-entrant corner should be considered in the evaluation of the earth pressure and displacement of the corners. Finally, strut-support systems are not effective at the re-entrant corner.

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A Study on Increase of Bearing Capacity of Dense Sandy Ground installed by Vertical Micropiles (연직 마이크로파일이 설치된 조밀한 모레지반의 지지력 증가에 관한 연구)

  • 최상민;임종철;이태형;공영주
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2001.03a
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    • pp.355-362
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    • 2001
  • Since micropiles were conceived in Italy in the early 1950s, which have been widely used for In-situ reinforcement, bearing pile or the concept of combination in the world-wide. The meaning of micropiles usually differs from that of a general deep foundation. Because the load capacity of it was mainly affected by skin friction. Also, it could be obtained the improvement effects of load capacity or ground's rigidity by the unitary behavior of ground and micropiles. In this study, The model tests were peformed on the dense sand where micropiles are set to the vertical direction. Strip footing was used in it. Steel bars of dia. 2 and 4㎜ were used in model tests of which the sand was attached on the surface, and the length of it was changed as 2B to 6B(where, B is width of strip footing) Through this process, the load capacity were analyzed from the test results in the relationship between load and displacement.

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Analysis of Pile Groups Considering Pile-Cap Interaction (말뚝-캡 강성을 고려한 군말뚝기초의 해석)

  • 정상섬;원진오;허정원
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2001.03a
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    • pp.363-370
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    • 2001
  • A computationally efficient algorithm to analyze a group pile behavior is proposed by consideration of both soil-pile and pile-cap interactions. Using toad transfer method the nonlinear characteristics of the soil-pile interaction for a single pile is modeled by piecewise linear soil springs (p-y, t-z, and q-z curves). Beam-column method, one of the most practical approaches, is used for numerical modeling of the soil-pile system. In addition to the group effect resulting from the soil-pile-soil interaction, for a more realistic analysis it is essential to consider the effect of pile-cap interaction including geometric configuration of the piles in a group and conectivity conditions between piles and the cap. This paper mainly focuses on the pile-cap interaction and the development of a rational numerical procedure of its incorporation with the beam-column method.

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Dynamic Interface Friction Behavior Between Soils and Construction Material(Steel) (조립토와 건설재료(steel)사이의 동마찰계수)

  • Kim, Dae-Sang
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2001.03a
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    • pp.461-468
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    • 2001
  • 지진등에 의해 유발된 동 하중에 의한 지반-구조물 계의 응답은 지반-구조물사이의 경계에서의 마찰특성과 미끄러짐에 의해 크게 영향을 받게 된다 본 논문에서는 진동대(Shaking table)를 이용하여 조립토와 건설재료(Steel)의 경계에서 지반으로부터 지중구조물에 전달되는 전단응력 의 전달정도를 파악하기 위한 실험을 실시하였다. 본 실험에서 설정한 미끌어짐속도 범위내에서는 미끄러짐속도 변화에 따른 조립토와 건설재료(Steel)사이의 동마찰계수의 변화가 작다는 사실이 관찰되었다. 그리고 조립토의 평균유효입경의 변화가 동마찰계수에 미치는 영향도 함께 조사되었다. 또한 이 동마찰계수를 같은 조립토에 대한 평면변형률시험을 통해 얻어진 최대내부마찰각으로부터 구한 마찰계수와 비교하여 정량화하였다.

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Long-Term Measurement under the Moving train at the Test Reinforced Roadbed Site in Railway (철도강화노반 시험부설구간에서의 열차 주행시 장기거동 계측)

  • 황선근;신민호;이성혁;최찬용;이시한
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2001.03a
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    • pp.223-230
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    • 2001
  • Nine different types of the reinforced railroad roadbeds which . are located in between Suwon-Chunan station of Kyongbu line were constructed in order to increase the bearing capacity of railroad roadbed and to improve the ridability as a part of speed-up project of conventional railroad systems. Each three sections were composed of weathered granite soil, crushed stone and furnace slag(HMS25), and fully instrumented with earth pressure cells, settlement plates and geophones to monitor the behavior of roadbeds under actual train loads. Field measurement has continued since October 31, 2000 and presently with rather longer measurement interval. The measurement data such as settlement, earth pressure and vibration levels are currently under analysis process. In this paper, only cumulative measurement data of railroad roadbeds were introduced. In the near future, comprehensive measurement data and result of analysis will be presented and design technique for the reinforced railroad roadbed will be proposed as a final product of this study.

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Characteristics of Behavior of the Crushed Stone Reinforced Roadbed under Cyclic Loading (동적하중 재하시 쇄석강화노반의 거동 특성)

  • 황선근;이성혁;이일화;최찬용
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2001.03a
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    • pp.525-532
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    • 2001
  • In this study, performance of reinforced railroad roadbeds with the crushed stones was investigated through the real scale railroad roadbed tests. Several real scale reinforced railroad roadbeds were constructed in the laboratory with different subgrade conditions and were tested with the estimated actual train loads including the impact loading of train. The affecting factors such as settlement, earth pressure and stress change at the surface of reinforced roadbed, subgrade layers as well as surface of rails were measured. It was found through the actual testing that for the roadbed with the same thickness, the settlement and vibration level (velocity) of reinforced roadbed decreases with the increase of reaction modulus of subgrade. The settlement of reinforced roadbed with the same reaction modulus of subgrade also decreases with the increase of thickness of the reinforced roadbed.

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The shear strength and soil water characteristic curve for Unsaturated Soils (불포화토의 전단 및 함수특성곡선)

  • Lim, Seong-Yoon;Song, Chang-Seob;Lyu, Tae-Jin
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers Conference
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.361-366
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    • 2005
  • Since most soils exist above the ground water table, negative pore pressure exist in unsaturated soils. Negative pore water pressure in unsaturated soil affects the soil structure and degree of saturation and it is important for accurate evaluation of unsaturate flow and behavior. This negative pore pressure is called a matric suction which causes an increased shear strength. Therefore, it is required that the effect of increase in the shear strength should be included in a geotechnical analysis. From the test result, the influence of net confining pressure and matric suction on the shear strength was analyzed and strength parameter was increased with matric suction increase and a unliner relationship was found to relate matric suction and shear strength.

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Development of experimental apparatus to evaluate frost heave and pressure (토사의 동상량 및 동상력 측정을 위한 실내 실험장치 개발)

  • Ko, Sung-Gyu;Choi, Chang-Ho;Chae, Jong-Gil
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2010.09b
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    • pp.131-137
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    • 2010
  • `Frost heave' is volumetric extension behavior of soil due to freezing. It could have a bad effect to foundations of infrastructures like building, road, railroad and bridge. Therefore, it is considered as a primary design parameter with 'adfreeze bond' and 'creep deformation' for foundation design in cold region. In some countries, studies for analyzing frost heave in many ways have being performed, however, only a few studies for evaluating frost susceptibility of soils by measuring frost heave rate of frozen soils in Korea. For analyzing frost heave as a foundation design parameter, both frost heaving rate and heaving pressure are should be addressed in study. Hence, in this study, development of experimental apparatus to evaluate frost heave and pressure is suggested.

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