• Title/Summary/Keyword: geographic knowledge

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Development of Subsurface Spatial Information Model with Cluster Analysis and Ontology Model (온톨로지와 군집분석을 이용한 지하공간 정보모델 개발)

  • Lee, Sang-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.170-180
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    • 2010
  • With development of the earth's subsurface space, the need for a reliable subsurface spatial model such as a cross-section, boring log is increasing. However, the ground mass was essentially uncertain. To generate model was uncertain because of the shortage of data and the absence of geotechnical interpretation standard(non-statistical uncertainty) as well as field environment variables(statistical uncertainty). Therefore, the current interpretation of the data and the generation of the model were accomplished by a highly trained experts. In this study, a geotechnical ontology model was developed using the current expert experience and knowledge, and the information content was calculated in the ontology hierarchy. After the relative distance between the information contents in the ontology model was combined with the distance between cluster centers, a cluster analysis that considered the geotechnical semantics was performed. In a comparative test of the proposed method, k-means method, and expert's interpretation, the proposed method is most similar to expert's interpretation, and can be 3D-GIS visualization through easily handling massive data. We expect that the proposed method is able to generate the more reasonable subsurface spatial information model without geotechnical experts' help.

Assessment of AnnAGNPS Model in Prediction of a Rainfall-Runoff Relationship (AnnAGNPS 모형의 강우-유출해석력 평가)

  • Choi, Kyung-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.125-135
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    • 2005
  • Generation and transport of nonpoint source pollution, especially sediment-associated pollutants, are profoundly influenced by hydrologic features of runoff. In order to identify pollutant export rates, hence, clear knowledge of rainfall-runoff relationship is a pre-requisition. In this study, performance of AnnAGNPS model was assessed based on the ability of the model to predict rainfall-runoff relationship. Three catchments, each under different nearly single land use, were simulated. From the results, it was found that the model was likely to produce better predictions for larger catchments than smaller catchments. Because of using the daily time scale, the model could not account for short durations less than 24 hours, especially high intensity events with multiple peak flow that significantly contribute to the generation and transport of pollutants. Since CN information for regional areas has not been built up, a careful selection of CN is needed to achieve accurate prediction of runoff volume. Storm distribution also found to be considered as an important calibration parameter for the hydrologic simulation.

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A Study on the Educational System Development for Distribution Design Using Web-GIS (Web-GIS를 활용한 배전설계 교육용 시스템 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Dong-Yeop;Kim, Dong-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.35-49
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    • 2010
  • KEPCO(Korean Electric Power Corporation) is now operating an incorporated system for designing and maintenance of electric power facilities called NDIS (New Distribution Information System). Given the structure of the nation which exclusively permits establishment of new electric facilities and maintenance, expertise (skilled knowledge) about the related system on the part of electric engineers is very important. But in the view of education and training, it is a reality that current offline ways of education based on application for educational courses at the KEPCO Academy, an education organization under KEPCO, are unsatisfactory in efficiency and availability to related engineers. Therefore, We realize that a simulation design education system which guarantees an easy access is required to make the best of the existing system NDIS. For this purpose the present work is a study on the development of a simulation education system to make local based NDIS real on the web, which enables related engineers to practice designing and get feedback of the result.

Design and Implementation of Forest Fire Prediction System using Generalization-based Classification Method (일반화 기반 분류기법을 이용한 산불예측시스템 설계 및 구현)

  • Kim, Sang-Ho;Kim, Dea-Jin;Ryu, Keun-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.12-23
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    • 2003
  • The expansion of internet and the development of communication technology have brought about an explosive increasement of data. Further progress has led to the increasing demand for efficient and effective data analysis tools. According to this demand, data mining techniques have been developed to find out knowledge from a huge amounts of raw data. This paper suggests a generalization based classification method which explores rules from real world data appearing repeatedly. Also, it analyzed the relation between weather data and forest fire, and efficiently predicted through it as a prediction model by applying the suggested generalization based classification method to forest fire data. Additionally, the proposed method can be utilized variously in the important field of real life like the analysis and prediction on natural disaster occurring repeatedly, the prediction of energy demand and so forth.

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Application of Spatial Information Technology to Shopping Support System (공간정보기술을 활용한 상품구매 지원 시스템)

  • Lee, Dong-Cheon;Yun, Seong-Goo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.189-196
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    • 2010
  • Spatial information and smart phone technology have made innovative improvement of daily life. Spatial and geographic information are in practice for various applications. Especially, spatial information along with information and telecommunication technology could create new contents for providing services for convenient daily life. Spatial information technology, recently, is not only for acquiring location and attribute data but also providing tools to extract information and knowledge systematically for decision making. Various indoor applications have emerged in accordance with demands on daily GIS(Geographic information system). This paper aims for applying spatial information technology to support decision-making in shopping. The main contents include product database, optimal path search, shopping time expectation, automatic housekeeping book generation and analysis. Especially for foods, function to analyze information of the nutrition facts could help to improve dietary pattern and well-being. In addition, this system is expected to provide information for preventing overconsumption and impulse purchase could help economical and effective purchase pattern by analyzing propensity to consume.

The Application of Geography Markup Language(GML) to the Maritime Information

  • Oh, Se-Woong;Park, Jong-Min;Suh, Sang-Hyun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • v.1
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    • pp.519-524
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    • 2006
  • This paper describes an application of information presentation based geographic map for maritime information, including navigation information. The work is motivated by the need to prepare maritime information representation and distribution for future generation Web network technology. This works consist of map generation using GML and application to maritime information. GML 3.0 became an adopted specification of the Open Geospatial Consortium(OGC) in January 2003, and is rapidly emerging as the world standard for the encoding, transport and storage of all forms of geographic information. This paper looks at the application of GML to one of the more challenging areas of maritime information. Specific features of GML of interest to maritime information provider are discussed and then illustrated through a series of maritime information case studies. The first phase of the work consists of the construction of GML application schema for using as a base map of maritime information. Maritime information is acquired from multiple sources, including standards documents, database schemas, lexicons, collections of symbol definition. The sources of GML ontological knowledge and the contribution of each source to the overall ontology are described in this paper. In the second phase, the prepared GML is used to create a prototype of the mixed maritime information as a base map - for tagging documents within the maritime domain. An overview of this prototype is included. One application area for these information elements described here is the integrated retrieval of maritime information from diverse sources, ranging from Web sites to nautical chart databases and text documents.

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A Study on Object-Based Image Analysis Methods for Land Cover Classification in Agricultural Areas (농촌지역 토지피복분류를 위한 객체기반 영상분석기법 연구)

  • Kim, Hyun-Ok;Yeom, Jong-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.26-41
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    • 2012
  • It is necessary to manage, forecast and prepare agricultural production based on accurate and up-to-date information in order to cope with the climate change and its impacts such as global warming, floods and droughts. This study examined the applicability as well as challenges of the object-based image analysis method for developing a land cover image classification algorithm, which can support the fast thematic mapping of wide agricultural areas on a regional scale. In order to test the applicability of RapidEye's multi-temporal spectral information for differentiating agricultural land cover types, the integration of other GIS data was minimized. Under this circumstance, the land cover classification accuracy at the study area of Kimje ($1300km^2$) was 80.3%. The geometric resolution of RapidEye, 6.5m showed the possibility to derive the spatial features of agricultural land use generally cultivated on a small scale in Korea. The object-based image analysis method can realize the expert knowledge in various ways during the classification process, so that the application of spectral image information can be optimized. An additional advantage is that the already developed classification algorithm can be stored, edited with variables in detail with regard to analytical purpose, and may be applied to other images as well as other regions. However, the segmentation process, which is fundamental for the object-based image classification, often cannot be explained quantitatively. Therefore, it is necessary to draw the best results based on expert's empirical and scientific knowledge.

Design and Implementation of Thesaurus System for Geological Terms (지질용어 시소러스 시스템의 설계 및 구축)

  • Hwang, Jaehong;Chi, KwangHoon;Han, JongGyu;Yeon, Young Kwang;Ryu, Keun Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.23-35
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    • 2007
  • With the development of semantic web technologies in information retrieval area, the necessity for thesaurus is recently increasing along with internet lexicons. A thesaurus is the combination of classification and a lexicon, and is the topic map of knowledge structure expressing relations among concepts(terms) subject to human knowledge activities such as learning and research using formally organized and controlled index terms for clarifying the context of superordinate and subordinate concepts. However, although thesaurus are regarded as essential tools for controlling and standardizing terms and searching and processing information efficiently, we do not have a Korean thesaurus for geology. To build a thesaurus, we need standardized and well-defined guidelines. The standardized guidelines enable efficient information management and help information users use correct information easily and conveniently. The present study purposed to build a thesaurus system with terms used in geology. For this, First, we surveyed related works for standardizing geological terms in Korea and other countries. Second, we defined geological topics in 15 areas and prepared a classification system(draft) for each topic. Third, based on the geological thesaurus classification system, we created the specification of geological thesaurus. Lastly, we designed and implemented an internet-based geological thesaurus system using the specification.

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Financing and Knowledge Accumulation in the Film Industry: Spatial Characteristics of Korean and American Film Industry (영화산업의 자본조달구조와 지식축적과정에 대한 공간적 고찰: 한국과 미국 영화산업의 비교를 통하여)

  • Chung, SunWha
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.453-485
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    • 2017
  • One of the oldest chestnuts in economic geography is this: Cultural and creative industries strongly gather in large cities and this geographic concentration of economic activities leads to regional development. Of course, depending on the circumstances, such a proposition still holds good. But, under the current paradigm shift to knowledge-based economy, it may be open to question. This study aims to investigate financing and knowledge accumulation in the film industry through an alternative framework for explaining their spatial distributions, "formation mechanism of economic space." From the fact that their production organizations are formed on a project basis, project-based financing structure in the investment stage and knowledge accumulation process in the production stage form both axes of it. Film industry as the most mature industry among the cultural and creative industries does not always concentrate in a certain place (industrial agglomeration) or show metropolis-oriented preference. This allows us to reconsider our long brooding theory.

Development of Road Bridge Information Management System based on Internet (교량 현황정보 관리를 위한 인터넷 기반 정보시스템 개발)

  • Park, Kyung-Hoon;Sun, Jong-Wan
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.11
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    • pp.716-723
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    • 2016
  • A computerized information management system of road bridges as a national key infrastructure is needed to effectively collect data of the current status, improve the reliability of data, and use the results from the analysis of the accumulated data as fundamental resources for supporting the establishment of policies. The Internet-based Bridge Information System (BIS), including a database and geographic information systems (GIS), was designed, and the data items were comprised of essential information, such as GIS-based location coordinates, bridge condition grade information and so on. The BIS was developed to be connected with a related information system, and it is possible to make the current information of traffic volume, address and so on by adopting the GIS. To enhance the reliability of the information of current bridge status, it is also possible to improve the accuracy of data through an information verifying function to prevent entry errors. In addition, the BIS can easily support the establishment of policies offering various types of knowledge information that were available in the past based on an analysis of the accumulated data. The intuitive identification and analysis of the current status is to be feasible through a GIS screen. Improvement of the business efficiency and data accuracy and time-series information analysis are available by managing the information of current status through BIS. In the future, it is expected that BIS can be used effectively for the establishment of reasonable maintenance policies of the nation.