• Title/Summary/Keyword: gender division

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The Influence of SNS Addiction Tendency and Mental Health on Adjustment to College life (SNS 중독경향성과 정신건강이 대학생활 적응에 미치는 영향)

  • Baek, Sun-Sook;Cho, Ju-Yeon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.7
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    • pp.77-85
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    • 2016
  • The present study evaluated the SNS addiction tendency, mental health, and the student's adjustment to college life to identify the correlations between each of these independent variables on the dependent variable, the adjustment to university life of undergraduate students. Data were collected from 197 subjects in K university of G city, using a self-administered questionnaire. Mental health was negatively correlated with the adaptation to university life. A significant influence of gender and mental health on the adjustment to college life was found in this sample. These findings are expected contribute to understanding and improving the adjustment to college life of undergraduate students. Based on these findings, it will be necessary to improve mental health and multidisciplinary interventions will be needed to support the adjustment to college life in undergraduate students. In addition, these findings would contribute to the development of programs for student's adaptation to college life.

Anatomical variations of trabecular bone structure in intraoral radiographs using fractal and particles count analyses

  • Amer, Maha Eshak;Heo, Min-Suk;Brooks, Sharon L.;Benavides, Erika
    • Imaging Science in Dentistry
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.5-12
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    • 2012
  • Purpose : This study was performed to evaluate possible variations in maxillary and mandibular bone texture of normal population using the fractal analysis, particles count, and area fraction in intraoral radiographs. Materials and Methods : Periapical radiographs of patients who had full mouth intraoral radiographs were collected. Regions of interest (100×100100×100 pixels) were located between the teeth of the maxillary anterior, premolar, and molar area, as well as the mandibular anterior, premolar, and molar areas. The fractal dimension (FD) was calculated by using the box counting method. The particle count (PC) and area fraction (AF) analyses were also performed. Results : There was no significant difference in the FD values among the different groups of age, gender, upper, and lower jaws. The mean FD value was 1.49±0.011.49±0.01. The mean PC ranged from 44 to 54, and the mean AF ranged from 10.92 to 11.85. The values of FD, PC, and AF were significantly correlated with each other except for the upper molar area. Conclusion : According to the results, patients with normal trabecular pattern showed a FD of approximately 1.5. Based on these results, further investigation would be recommended if the FD value of patient significantly differenct from this number, since the alteration of this value indicates microstructural modification of trabecular pattern of the jaws. Additionally, with periapical radiographs, simple and cost-effective, PC and AF could be used to assess the deviation from the normal.

Daily calcium intake and its relation to blood pressure, blood lipids, and oxidative stress biomarkers in hypertensive and normotensive subjects

  • Kim, Mi-Hyun;Bu, So Young;Choi, Mi-Kyeong
    • Nutrition Research and Practice
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    • v.6 no.5
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    • pp.421-428
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    • 2012
  • Several studies revealed that low calcium intake is related to high prevalence of cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension. The prevalence of hypertension is high in Koreans along with their low dietary calcium consumption. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the status of calcium intake between the hypertension and normotension groups and to investigate the correlation between dietary calcium intake and blood pressure, blood lipid parameters, and blood/urine oxidative stress indices. A total of 166 adult subjects participated in this study and were assigned to one of two study groups: a hypertension group (n = 83) who had 140 mmHg or higher in systolic blood pressure (SBP) or 90 mmHg or higher in diastolic blood pressure (DBP), and an age- and sex-matched normotension group (n = 83, 120 mmHg or less SBP and 80 mmHg or less DBP). The hypertension group consumed 360.5 mg calcium per day, which was lower than that of the normotension group (429.9 mg) but not showing significant difference. In the hypertension group, DBP had a significant negative correlation with plant calcium (P < 0.01) after adjusting for age, gender, body mass index (BMI), and energy intake. In the normotension group, total calcium and animal calcium intake were significantly and positively correlated with serum triglycerides. No significant relationship was found between calcium intake and blood/urine oxidative stress indices in both groups. Overall, these data suggest reconsideration of food sources for calcium consumption in management of the blood pressure or blood lipid profiles in both hypertensive and normotensive subjects.

Novel Insights into the Pathogenesis and Management of the Metabolic Syndrome

  • Wang, Helen H.;Lee, Dong Ki;Liu, Min;Portincasa, Piero;Wang, David Q.H.
    • Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.189-230
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    • 2020
  • The metabolic syndrome, by definition, is not a disease but is a clustering of individual metabolic risk factors including abdominal obesity, hyperglycemia, hypertriglyceridemia, hypertension, and low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels. These risk factors could dramatically increase the prevalence of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The reported prevalence of the metabolic syndrome varies, greatly depending on the definition used, gender, age, socioeconomic status, and the ethnic background of study cohorts. Clinical and epidemiological studies have clearly demonstrated that the metabolic syndrome starts with central obesity. Because the prevalence of obesity has doubly increased worldwide over the past 30 years, the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome has markedly boosted in parallel. Therefore, obesity has been recognized as the leading cause for the metabolic syndrome since it is strongly associated with all metabolic risk factors. High prevalence of the metabolic syndrome is not unique to the USA and Europe and it is also increasing in most Asian countries. Insulin resistance has elucidated most, if not all, of the pathophysiology of the metabolic syndrome because it contributes to hyperglycemia. Furthermore, a major contributor to the development of insulin resistance is an overabundance of circulating fatty acids. Plasma fatty acids are derived mainly from the triglycerides stored in adipose tissues, which are released through the action of the cyclic AMP-dependent enzyme, hormone sensitive lipase. This review summarizes the latest concepts in the definition, pathogenesis, pathophysiology, and diagnosis of the metabolic syndrome, as well as its preventive measures and therapeutic strategies in children and adolescents.

A Survey on the Nationwide Customers' Usage of Kimchi Consumption (국내 소비자들의 김치 소비 실태 연구)

  • Kim, Ju-Hyeon;Yoon, Hei-Ryeo
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.299-307
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    • 2012
  • In this study, Kimchi usage was examined by nationwide consumers. 1,000 consumers between 20~60 years olds from 15 cities/province based on an administrative district participated in this questionnaire, which were one-on one interviews from September 23th to October 14th, 2009. 76.1% of the customers prepared Kimchi by them self, 26.9% customers received Kimchi from relatives and, 13.1% purchase Kimchi from the market. In addition, the rate of preparing Kimchi by themselves increased with age(p<0.05). 4~6 cabbage heads(34.5%) was the most preferred quantity for preparing Kimchi at a time, which was followed by more than 10 heads(25.2%) and 2~3 heads(22.9%). Chinese cabbage Kimchi was the most preferred type for purchase. 49.1% of customers purchased Kimchi at the supermarket and warehouse market and the origin of the ingredients, taste and-, price of Kimchi were considered important factors. The satisfactory scores of selling Kimchi were variety 3.60, taste 3.11, freshness of main ingredient 3.10, hygiene 2.86, -appropriate salt usage 2.99 and-, the origin of ingredients 2.94. There were significant difference between gender in taste and hygiene of selling Kimchi (p<0.05). In conclusion, to provide more appropriate Kimchi based on changes in Kimchi usage and consumption patterns at home and in the community, new types of Kimchi should be developed.

Coincidence of calcified carotid atheromatous plaque, osteoporosis, and periodontal bone loss in dental panoramic radiographs

  • Ramesh, Aruna;Soroushian, Sheila;Ganguly, Rumpa
    • Imaging Science in Dentistry
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.235-243
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: This study was performed to assess the correlation of calcified carotid atheromatous plaque (CCAP), the mandibular cortical index, and periodontal bone loss in panoramic radiographs. Materials and Methods: One hundred eighty-five panoramic radiographs with CCAP and 234 without this finding were evaluated by 3 observers for the presence of osseous changes related to osteoporosis and periodontal bone loss. Chi-squared and Mann-Whitney U tests were used to compare the two groups for an association of CCAP with the mandibular cortical index and periodontal bone loss, respectively. Results: There was a statistically significant coincidence of CCAP and osseous changes related to osteopenia/osteoporosis, with a p-value <0.001. There was no statistically significant coincidence of CCAP and periodontal bone loss. When comparing the 2 groups, "With CCAP" and "Without CCAP", there was a statistically significant association with the mean body mass index (BMI), number of remaining teeth, positive history of diabetes mellitus, and vascular accidents. There was no statistically significant association with gender or a history of smoking. Conclusion: This study identified a possible concurrence of CCAP and mandibular cortical changes secondary to osteopenia/osteoporosis in panoramic radiographs. This could demonstrate the important role of dental professionals in screening for these systemic conditions, leading to timely and appropriate referrals resulting in early interventions and thus improving overall health.

A Study on the subjective cognition and conflict degree of work-family balance and family strength of a dual career men (맞벌이 기혼남성의 일-가정 균형의 주관적 인식 및 갈등정도와 가정의 건강성 인식)

  • Yoon, So-Young;Kim, Hye-Jin
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.19-35
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the effective factors that influence subjective cognition, conflict degree of work-family balance, and cognition of family strength according to general characteristic factors, working environmental factors, and home environmental factors, as well as analyze the relationships among subjective cognition, conflict degree, and cognition of family strength. The main data source for analysis in this study is the Second National Survey of Korean Families by the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family in 2010. The survey includes the analysis of 419 respondents who have a dual income and live with their wife. The collected data are analyzed using SPSS 19.0. The results of the study are as follows. First, subjective cognition of work-family balance is influenced by satisfaction of work, division of housework, and care of family. Second, the conflict degree of work-family balance is influenced by age, working week, and satisfaction with work. Third, the relationship between subjective cognition and conflict degree of work-family balance is a negative correlation. The relationship between subjective cognition of work-family balance and cognition of family strength is a positive correlation but the difference between conflict degree of work-family balance and cognition of family strength is not significant. Finally, for the married men, the working environmental factor is a significant factor for the work-family balance. And the higher the satisfaction of work and division of domestic work, the greater is the balance between work and family. This suggests that they also have a higher cognition of family strength.

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Comparative Study on Suicidal Ideation Factors between the Elderlies Living Alone and the Elderlies Cohabiting (독거노인과 비독거노인의 자살생각 영향 요인 비교)

  • Lee, Dong-No;Chun, Dong-Il
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.138-145
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to identify factors influencing suicidal ideation for the elderly living alone. Utilizing the identified factors as the base data, the study aims to develop community programs for suicide prevention. This research is a secondary analysis of the 2017 national survey, 'Survey on the Elderly,' conducting logistics regression analysis on the data collected on 10,299 elderly aged 65 or older living in 17 general residential facilities as of 2017. The analysis reveals that 10.5% of the elderly living alone have contemplated suicide. The frequency of suicidal ideation was attributed to such factors as gender, age, chronic disease, depression and experiences of abuse and discrimination. To prevent suicide among the elderly, therefore, active management from both public and private sectors are needed for early detection of chronic diseases and depression.

Assessment of the anterior loop of the mandibular canal: A study using cone-beam computed tomography

  • Nascimento, Eduarda Helena Leandro do;Pontual, Maria Luiza dos Anjos;Pontual, Andrea dos Anjos;Perez, Danyel Elias da Cruz;Figueiroa, Jose Natal;Frazao, Marco Antonio Gomes;Ramos-Perez, Flavia Maria de Moraes
    • Imaging Science in Dentistry
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.69-75
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: Sufficient area in the interforaminal region is required for dental implant placement, and the anterior loop of the mandibular canal is located within the limits of this area. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence and extent of the anterior loop in a Brazilian sample population using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). Materials and Methods: CBCT images from 250 patients (500 hemimandibles) obtained for various clinical indications were randomly selected and evaluated to determine the presence and length of the anterior loop. The length of the anterior loop was then compared based on gender, age, and the side of the mandible. The data were analyzed using the Pearson chi-square test and linear regression analysis. Results: An anterior loop was identified in 41.6% of the cases, and its length ranged from 0.25 mm to 4.00 mm (mean, 1.1±0.8mm1.1±0.8mm). The loop had a greater mean length and was significantly more prevalent in males (p=0.014). No significant differences were found between the right and left sides regarding length (p=0.696) or prevalence (p=0.650). Conclusion: In this study, a high prevalence of the anterior loop of the mandibular canal was found, and although its length varied greatly, in most cases it was less than 1 mm long. Although this is a prevalent anatomical variation, safety limits for the placement of implants in this region cannot be established before an accurate evaluation using imaging techniques in order to identify and preserve the neurovascular bundles.

Analysis of Factors Influencing Consumption of Environment-Friendly Forest Products (친환경임산물 소비에 영향을 미치는 요인 분석)

  • Jung, Byung Heon;Chang, Chu Youn
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.108 no.4
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    • pp.628-638
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the characteristics of consumers purchasing environmentfriendly forest products, and to examine the factors affecting consumption expansion. A survey was conducted among 400 consumers over the age of 20 years. A logistic regression analysis was performed based on age, income, gender, level of education, residence area, whether or not they had children, satisfaction with product price, and product reliability. The results revealed that females were more likely to consume environment-friendly forest products than males; married people tended to buy more environment-friendly forest products than single people; and respondents with a high level of education and with children consistently showed higher willingness to purchase environmentfriendly forest products. To expand consumption of environment-friendly forest products, marketing strategies targeting well-educated, female consumers with children should be implemented.