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A Study of Influencing Factors in Acupuncture De Qi Sensation (득기 감각에 영향을 미치는 인자에 대한 연구)

  • Shin, Kyung Min;Jung, Dal Lim;Kim, Eun Jung;Lee, Seung Deok
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.15-28
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    • 2013
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences in kind, intensity and depth of de Qi sensation by patients' gender, age, BMI and sensitivity. Methods: Sixty-four healthy volunteers (mean age 26.51±4.72, range 22-39) who had been studying anatomy, meridianology, acupuncture & moxibustion for more than five years at Dongguk University, Go-yang, Korea, were invited to take part in an investigation of the sensations associated with acupuncture needling. Needling was self-administered on Hegu (LI4) in the hand and Zusanli (ST36) in the leg randomly. After obtaining de Qi, the participants were asked the kind, intensity and depth of de Qi sensation. Results: There was no statistically significant difference in the kind of de Qi sensation found by acupoints and needling methods (p>0.05). Hegu (LI4) was found to be significantly higher in the intensity (p<0.001), and the depth of de Qi sensation was significantly higher in Zusanli (ST36) than Hegu (LI4) (p<0.001). There was statistically significant difference found in the intensity of de Qi sensation by depth and sensitivity (p<0.05). In the depth of de Qi sensation, there was statistically significant difference found by sensitivity (p<0.05). In de Qi sensation of practitioners, there was statistically significant difference found by gender, BMI, the intensity of de Qi sensation (VAS) and sensitivity. Conclusions: Further study involving acupuncture de Qi sensation and the influencing factors is needed.

Evaluation of the palatal soft tissue thickness by cone-beam computed tomography

  • Vu, Trang;Bayome, Mohamed;Kook, Yoon-Ah;Han, Seong Ho
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.42 no.6
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    • pp.291-296
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    • 2012
  • Objective: The purposes of this study were to measure the palatal soft tissue thickness at popular placement sites of temporary anchorage devices (TADs) by cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) and evaluate the age, gender, and positional differences in this parameter. Methods: The study sample consisted of 23 children (10 boys and 13 girls; mean age, 10.87±1.24 years; range, 6.7 to 12.6 years) and 27 adults (14 men and 13 women; mean age, 21.35±1.14 years; range, 20.0 to 23.8 years). Nine mediolateral and nine anteroposterior intersecting reference lines were drawn on CBCT scans of the 50 subjects, and the resultant measurement areas were designated according to their mediolateral (i.e., lateral, medial, and sutural) and anteroposterior (i.e., anterior, middle, and posterior) positions. Repeated-measures analysis of variance was performed to analyze intragroup and intergroup differences. Results: No significant age and gender differences were found (p = 0.309 and 0.124, respectively). Further, no significant anteroposterior change was observed (p = 0.350). However, the lateral area presented the thickest soft tissue whereas the sutural area had the thinnest soft tissue (p < 0.001). Conclusions: Clinical selection of the placement sites of TADs should be guided by knowledge of the positional variations in the palatal soft tissue thickness in addition to other contributing factors of TAD stability.

The Effect of Shopping Satisfaction on China, Japan and US Tourists' Travel Satisfaction and Post-tour Behavior (중국, 일본, 미국 여행자의 쇼핑만족도가 여행만족도 및 여행후행동에 미치는 영향)

  • Jeon, Yangjin
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.207-219
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    • 2016
  • This study was performed to investigate shopping behavior of Chinese, Japanese, and US tourists in Korea. For this purpose, travel activities and shopping items were identified first. And thereafter the shopping satisfaction, travel satisfaction, intention to word-of-mouth, and intention to re-visit were compared by country, gender and age. Finally, the effect of shopping satisfaction on travel evaluations as well as the effect of demographics on shopping satisfaction were examined. Secondary data were used for this survey, while χ2 test, t-test, ANOVA, Duncan test and regression analysis were applied to analyze data. The results were listed below. First, main travel activities were shopping, followed by enjoying natural scenery and visiting historic sites. Apparel, cosmetics, leather goods, and shoes were major shopping products. Chinese and Japanese tourists preferred cosmetics and apparel most, while US travellers bought lots of apparel and shoes. Men and older tourists tended to buy food products more than women and younger people did. Second, degree of shopping satisfaction significantly differed by country and age. The US tourists showed highest satisfaction, followed by Japanese and Chinese ones. Younger people tended to be satisfied more than older people significantly. In terms of travel satisfaction and intention for word-of-mouth, the US tourists, women, and younger people revealed higher scores than the other counterparts. Intention to re-visit Korea were significantly different, based on country and gender, showing higher for the US people and women. Third, shopping satisfaction was found to affect travel satisfaction, intention for word-of- mouth, and intention to revisit Korea significantly. In turn, travel satisfaction was also shown significantly to affect on intention for word-of-mouth, and intention to re-visit Korea.

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Recognition of the Threat of Employment, Individual Abilities and Gender Discrimination against Female Workers and the Effect on Job Performance in Korean Shipping Industry (해운산업 여성인력의 고용저해요인, 개인능력 및 성차별 인식 분석과 성차별이 직무성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Shin Yong-John
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.29 no.10 s.106
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    • pp.915-920
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    • 2005
  • This paper is aimed to survey threats of employment in Korean shipping industry, review the importance and speciality of women power, and diagnose its sexual discrimination and the actual condition of that. Therefore, this survey research will provide substantial data concerning issues in the employment and the significance of women power in the shipping firms, and give solutions for problems in managing women resource in the shipping companies. In conclusion, this study is able to identify the fact that threats of female employment are social costumes and prejudice, the speciality of work in shipping firms, and the shortage of occupations for women. This result of survey shows that the exclusive recognition about female employment in unique shipping industry should be revised as soon as possible.

A Comparative Analysis on the Costume Patterns Between 18th Century France and Chinese Qing Dynasty (중국 청조(淸朝)의 복식 문양과 18세기 프랑스 복식 문양 비교연구)

  • Kim, Myung-Eun;Bae, Soo-Jeong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.64 no.7
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    • pp.29-44
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    • 2014
  • This thesis aims to compare the representative costume patterns of the Chinese Qing dynasty and contemporary 18th century French costumes. As a research method, qualitative research was performed to compare and analyze the patterns of the flowers, the birds and pagoda shown in Qing dynasty and France. The results are as follows: The Chinese flower patterns used the embroidery technique for 3-step gradation colors to decorate flowers with less than 10 petals. Also, the forms of the flowers were large and simple in China. The flower patterns of the 18th century France is more similar to those of Qing dynasty than to the traditional French flower patterns. They used the drawing technique for the gradation colors and completed the work by embroidery. In the case of bird patterns, the crane on menswear, and the phoenix on women's wear were applied to signify the symbolic feature of the Chinese symbolism. On the other hand, those in France were used solely for the division of the gender. As a result the clear form of the birds in China contrasted with the unclear forms of birds in France. During the influx of mandarine square to France from China, the application of crane and phoenix according to gender seems to be stressed emphatically without considering their symbolic meaning. In light of the pagoda pattern, Qing dynasty showed interest only in the form of pagoda, denoting the simple two-tier structure without detailed description. Whereas in France, the pagodas were three or four tiers, with gorgeous colors and much more detail than those of Qing dynasty. In conclusion, the main determinants of influences on the patterns of France from China would be forms, colors, constructions and technique of embroidery, along with the disregard for symbolic significance.

Related factors of preventive behavior experiences toward dental caries and periodontal disease in Korean adolescents (한국 청소년의 치아우식증과 치주질환에 대한 예방행위 경험 관련요인)

  • Park, Sin Young;Han, Yeo Jung;Ryu, So Yeon
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.417-426
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    • 2016
  • Objectives: The objective of the study was to investigate the related factors of preventive behavior experience toward dental caries and periodontal disease in Korean adolescents. Methods: The study subjects were 72,060 adolescents in 800 schools who completed 2014 Korean Youth Risk Behavior Web-based survey. Dependent variables included general characteristics of the subjects, oral health behavior, and oral disease experience. The experience rate of sealant and scaling showed the prevention behavior of dental caries and periodontal disease. Data were analyzed by IBM SPSS statistics 20.0. Results: The experience rate of sealant accounted for 26.9%. The experience of sealant was related with gender, school, maternal education level, economic status, vigorous physical activity, smoking, usual stress, fruit consumption, milk consumption, soda consumption, snack consumption, tooth brushing, oral health education experience, periodontal bleeding and pain, mucosal disorders, and bad breath. The experience rate of scaling was 22.6%. The experience of scaling was related with gender, school, city division, learning achievement, maternal education level, economic status, residential type, vigorous physical activity, usual stress, fruit consumption, milk consumption, tooth brushing, oral health education experience, periodontal bleeding and pain, mucosal disorders, and bad breath. Conclusions: To expand preventive oral health behavior in the adolescents, it is necessary to support the systematic policy making and monetary establishment in the future.

A Study on Preschool Children's Perceptions of a Robot's Theory of Mind (유아에게 인지된 로봇의 마음이론에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Hawon;Shin, Wonae;Cho, Hyekyung
    • The Journal of Korea Robotics Society
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.365-374
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    • 2020
  • In this paper, we analyzed how 5-year-old children perceive a robot's ability to attribute mental states to oneself and to others, which shall hereafter be referred to as a robot's theory of mind (RToM). A total of 34 5-year-old children were given two typical false-belief tasks, an 'unexpected-contents task' and a 'change-of-location task', in order to evaluate whether a child's perceived RToM was connected to their own ToM. In addition, we investigated whether a child's perception of RToM was influenced by either a priori experience with robots or that child's gender. The results are as follows. Firstly, the 5- year-old preschool children universally recognized robots as beings that have a human-like mind both in 1st order and 2nd order perspectives, which indicates that children perceive robots as beings distinct from mechanical toys. Secondly, a priori child-robot interaction experience was found to have a positive influence on a child's perceived RToM. Thirdly, the gender of children did not significantly affect their perceived RToM. This study serves to add to the macroscopic results of prior research, which indicate that children perceive robots as intermediate beings between living and inanimate objects: significantly, it analyzes the children's perception of robots through the lens of theory of mind, which is one of the key elements of cognitive development. This research lays the foundations for designing effective child-robot interactions, in situations in which robots serve as peers or assistants for educational purposes.

Marginal folate inadequacy observed in a group of young children in Kwangju, Korea

  • Kim, Young-Nam;Lee, Ji-Young;Driskell, Judy A.
    • Nutrition Research and Practice
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.120-125
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    • 2007
  • Folate is important for multiple metabolic processes such as nucleic acid synthesis and interconversions, and cell division. Folate deficiency may be a risk factor for several pathologies, such as neural tube birth defects, dementia, and cardiovascular diseases. The objectives of this study were to estimate folate intakes and plasma concentrations of young children living in Kwangju, Korea. Three consecutive 24-h food recalls and fasting blood samples were obtained from 24 boys and 30 girls, aged 2-6 y, living in Kwangju, Korea. The daily folate intake (mean±SD) of the children was 146.7±73.6μg dietary folate equivalents. No differences in folate intakes were observed by gender (p0.05). The mean folate intakes of the 2 and 3 y old groups were significantly lower (p<0.05) than those of 5 and 6 y old groups. Over half of subjects consumed mean±SD) of all subjects was 19.2±8.7nmol/L, and there was no significant difference by age nor gender (p0.05). No significant correlation was observed between folate intakes and plasma folate concentrations. One subjeci (1.9%) in this study had a plasma folate concentration <6.8 nmol/L, which is indicative of folate deficiency. Approximately 24% of subjects had plasma folate concentrations of 6.8-13.4 nmol/L, which is representative of marginal folate status. In conclusion, some young children may have less than adequate folate status in Korea.

A Classification of Sitting Strategies based on Driving Posture Analysis

  • Park, Jangwoon;Choi, Younggeun;Lee, Baekhee;Jung, Kihyo;Sah, Sungjin;You, Heecheon
    • Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.87-96
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    • 2014
  • Objective: The present study is intended to objectively classify upper- & lower-body sitting strategies and identify the effects of gender and OPL type on the sitting strategies. Background: A sitting strategy which statistically represents comfortable driving posture can be used as a reference posture of a humanoid in virtual design and evaluation of a driver's seat. Although previous research has classified sitting strategies for driving postures in various occupant package layout (OPL) types, the existing classification methods are not objective and the factors affecting sitting strategies have not been identified. Method: Forty drivers' preferred driving postures in three different OPL types (coupe, sedan, and SUV) were measured by a motion capture system. Next, the measured driving postures were classified by K-means cluster method. Results: Sitting strategies of upper-body were classified as erect (33%), slouched (41%), and reclined (26%) postures, and those of lower-body were classified as knee bent (42%), knee extended (32%), and upper-leg lifted (26%) postures. Significant differences at α = 0.05 in the upper-body sitting strategy by gender and lower-body sitting strategy by OPL type were found. Application: Both the classified sitting strategies and the identified factors would be of use in ergonomic seat design and evaluation.

Illness Representations of Cancer among Healthy Residents of Kolkata, India

  • Das, Lala Tanmoy;Wagner, Christina D.;Bigatti, Silvia M.
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.845-852
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    • 2015
  • Cancer illness representations and screening history among residents of Kolkata, India, were investigated along with socio-demographic characteristics in an effort to understand possible motivations for health behavior. A total of 106 participants were recruited from community locations in Kolkata, India and completed surveys including demographics, the illness perception questionnaire-revised (IPQ-R), and previous experience with cancer and screening practices. Participants were 51.5% college educated, 57% female, 51.5% full-time employed with average age of 32.7 years (R: 18-60 years). Descriptive statistics were generated for the subscales of the IPQ-R, cancer-screening practices and cancer experience. Correlation analyses were conducted to investigate associations between cancer representations and socio-demographic variables. Univariate ANOVAs were calculated to determine gender differences in IPQ-R subscales and differences between participants who knew someone diagnosed with cancer versus those who did not. While 76% of participants knew someone with cancer, only 5% of the sample engaged in cancer screening. Participants perceived cancer as a serious illness with negative emotional valence. Younger age (r(100)=-.36, p<0.001) and male gender (F(1, 98)=5.22, p=0.01, η2=0.05) were associated with better illness coherence. Males also reported greater personal control (F(1, 98)=5.34, p=0.02, η2=0.05) were associated with better illness coherence. Low screening rates precluded analyses of the relationship between illness representations and cancer screening. Cancer was viewed as a threatening and uncontrollable disease among this sample of educated, middle class Kolkata residents. This view may act as a barrier to seeking cancer screening. Public awareness campaigns aimed at improving understanding of the causes, symptoms and consequences of cancer might reduce misunderstandings and fear, especially among women and older populations, who report less comprehension of cancer.