• Title/Summary/Keyword: gender division

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How facial emotion affects switching cost: Eastern and Western cultural differences (얼굴 표정 정서가 전환 과제 수행에 미치는 영향: 동서양 문화차)

  • Jini Tae;Yeeun Nam;Yoonhyoung Lee;Myeong-ho Sohn;Tae-hoon Kim
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.227-241
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    • 2023
  • This study aimed to examine the influence of emotional information on task switching performance from a cross-cultural perspective. Specifically we investigated whether the impact of affective information differs between Koreans and Caucasian when they perform a switching task using pictures that express positive and negative emotions. In this study, Korean and Caucasian college students were presented with either positive or negative faces and asked to perform either an emotion or a gender judgment task based on the color of the picture frame. The results showed that the switching cost from the gender judgment task to the emotion task was significantly larger than the switching cost from the gender task to the emotion task for both Koreans and Caucasians. This asymmetric switching cost was maintained when the previous and current pictures showed the same emotion but disappeared when two images presented different emotions. Regardless of the participant's cultural background, switching costs were greater for emotional tasks where the emotion was directly related to the task than for gender tasks. However, the effect of emotional switching on switching costs varied by the individual's background. Koreans were less sensitive to whether poser's emotion was changed than Americans. These results demonstrate that emotional information affects cognitive task performance and suggest that the effects of emotion may differ depending on the individual's cultural background.

Understanding Gender Differences in Social Media "like" Behavior: Empathy, Social Support, Relationship Building and Information Sharing (소셜 미디어 상 '좋아요'를 누르는 행위를 인식함에 있어 남녀 차이에 대한 탐색적 연구: 공감 혹은 지지, 그리고 관계 강화 혹은 정보 공유)

  • Jung Lee;Soonhui Lee
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.101-121
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    • 2017
  • This study explored the emotional and social implications of social media "like" behavior and examined the difference in this behavior across gender. Most studies on social media have analyzed the "like" behavior quantitatively and determined the number of "likes" produced and exchanged. The current study presented a different view by applying a social perspective and analyzing the user intrinsic motives embedded in the "like" behavior. Specifically, we identified empathy and social support as the "like" motivations and used relationship building and information sharing as the mediators. Furthermore, we hypothesized that empathy and social support exhibit different effects on the use of social media across gender: the female group shows strong empathy, and the male group shows strong social support. Validation was performed through a survey of 285 social media users. The results confirmed that empathy and social support have significant effects on the use of social media. However, gender difference in the use of social media was not evident and was only partially evident in the effects of empathy and social support.

Gender Roles, Accessibility, and Gendered Spatiality (성역할, 접근성, 그리고 젠더화된 공간성)

  • Kim, Hyun-Mi
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.42 no.5
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    • pp.808-834
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    • 2007
  • This study attempts to elucidate manifold dimensions of gendered accessibility experiences. How gender roles(household responsibilities) differentiate accessibility experiences between women and men is explored through the comparison of married dual-earner couples' parental status, using the US Portland activity-travel diary dataset with GIS-based geocomputation results of(time-geography based) space-time accessibility. First, this study shows how gender division of labor within the household still permeates current society, despite the widespread belief of the social change toward a gender-egalitarian society. Then, the study pays special attention to the way gender roles structure individual accessibility experiences of women and men differently, and, in turn, the way such accessibility experiences take a form of gendered spatiality. Gendered spatiality is examined through the analysis of accessibility space as well as activity space in order to ascertain women's home-attached and spatially entrapped characteristics. More household responsibilities throughout a day and, even more, the time constraint of picking up children at the daycare centers after work lead women's possible activity space to be more home-centered. The analysis of the spatio-temporal context of accessibility space makes gendered spatiality visible. However, the findings suggest that behavioral outcomes should be understood with an explicit awareness of constraints individuals face. It is because the revealed activity spaces can be not only an outcome of constraint but also an outcome of choice. Behavioral outcomes should not be treated as a straightforward expression of the level of constraints. It is problematic to expect that behavioral outcomes directly mirror the level of constraints. It is also problematic to suppose that the level of constraints can be straightforwardly elicited from revealed behavioral outcomes.

Depressive Disorders among Hansen Disease Patients Living in a Collective Farm (한 집단 농원 한센병 환자들의 우울장애)

  • Kim, Yun-Gu;Park, Min-Ho;Park, Jae-Won;Song, Joon-Ho;Sim, Seong-Gyun;Lee, Joo-Hyoung;Lee, Hee-Young;Yun, Dong-Il;Jung, Sung-Hwan;Min, Young-Sun;Bae, Geun-Ryang;Jung, Cheoll;Lim, Hyun-Sul;Cheong, Hae-Kwan
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.133-145
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    • 2004
  • Objectives: Depression is a major health concern that can be life threatening if not recognized and treated early. However, there is few report on the depressive disorder of Hansen disease patients in Korea. Therefore, the authors executed this study in order to check factors related to a depressive disorder of a Hansen disease patients and compare with factors to reach to a depressive symptoms of ordinary people with studying their life state and the trouble that Hansen disease patients were currently experiencing Method: The authors surveyed depressive symptoms using self-reported questionnaires in 74 Hansen disease patients and 84 controls. The severity of depressive symptoms was measured using Korean Form of Geriatric Depression Scale (KGDS) score. Result: Positive rate of depressive disorders among Hansen disease patients was 70.3% and that the referents was 31.0%. There is significant difference positive rate of depressive disorders between Hansen disease group and the referents in the factors such as gender, age, frequency of going out, familial type, and familial income. Depressive disorder of Hansen disease group was associated with sex, familial income. According to the multiple logistic regression, the odds ratios of the Hansen disease group versus referents, gender, familial income, frequency of going out were significant (p<0.05). Conclusion: Hansen disease patients had statistically significant higher depressive symptom score than the referents. Also, Hansen disease patients who have lower familial income were more likely to have depressive disorders. Therefore, Economical supports and policy are required for the Hansen disease patients.

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  • Jung, Hye-Young;Park, Sang-Hyuk;Choi, Gi-Woon
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.102-111
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study was to assess the incidence of flare-ups among patients who received endodontic treatment and to examine the correlation with pre-operative and operative variables. Analysis was in two aspects (a) overall incidence of flare-ups as expressed by a percentage of all patients visits and (b) percentage of flare-ups that occurred as related to various factors suck as patient demo-graphics, diagnosis, and treatment procedures. 1. From the 840 teeth which were examined in this study, the total number of flare-ups was 13. 2. As to gender of patients, there was no significant difference in flare-ups. 3. As to tooth groups, there was no significant difference in flare-ups. 4. In the teeth with pre-operative symptom, there was a statistically significant higher incidence of flare-ups than the teeth without it. 5. In the teeth with apical periodontitis, there was a statistically significant higher incidence of flare-ups. 6. As to pulp and periapical status. non-vital teeth had a higher incidence as compared with vital teeth, irreversible pulpitis. 7. Multi-visit treatment resulted in the higher incidence of flare-ups than one visit treatment. 8. Re-treatment procedures had a statistically significant higher incidence of flare-ups than root canal treatment. In this study, overall percentages of flare-ups was 1.55%. It showed a statistically significant higher incidence related to pre-operative symptom, apical periodontitis, and re-treatment. There was no significant difference in flare-ups related to gender, tooth groups, and fistula.


  • Kim, Ji-Young;Choi, Kyoung-Kyu;Park, Sang-Jin
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.460-469
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    • 2006
  • This article complies a survey on the replacement of the posterior restorations and accesses possible factors that influence the replacement of posterior restorations. The data was collected from patients that visited department of conservative dentistry from Dec 1st 2003, to Sep 3rd 2004. Teeth was restricted to posterior permanent teeth. 9 dentists recorded age, gender of patients, tooth location, cavity farm and restorative material. They rated marginal adaptation, anatomic form, secondary caries of old restoration by modified Ryge criteria system. The statistical analysis was performed with Chi square test (p < 0.05) for replacement ratio according to patients, tooth factor and One way ANOVA was performed for comparison of old restoration according to restorative material. The results were as follows; 1. The female (62%) was statistically higher ratio than the male (38%). 2. The distribution of replacement case according to age, the rate of replacement was in descending order, 20's (38.3%), 40's (16.8%), 30's (15.9%), 10's (11.1%), 50's (9.2%), 60's (8.7%). 3. The rate of replacement was 88% for molar and 12% for premolar (p gt;0.05).4.Therateofreplacementwas39gt; 0.05). 5. The material of restorations was amalgam (69%), gold inlay (17%), composite resin (13%). 6. In rating system by modified Ryge criteria system on margin adaptation, there was statistically significant difference between amalgam and gold inlay. But on anatomic form and caries, there was no statistically significant difference among the material of restorations.

Analysis of Korean Citizens' Preparedness for Earthquake Hazards (지진 재해에 대한 시민들의 준비도 분석)

  • Lee, Kiyoung;Ha, Minsu;Han, Ju;Lee, Changwook
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.199-209
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    • 2022
  • In this study, we analyzed the preparedness of Korean citizens for earthquake hazards. For this purpose, we developed a questionnaire on the preparedness of citizens for earthquake hazards, consisting of three constructs (knowledge, awareness, and management). A total of 1,256 citizen responses were collected through probability proportionate-to-size sampling and then subjected to Rasch analysis, inferential statistical analysis, and cluster analysis. The findings are as follows. First, questionnaire analysis showed that overall, the earthquake preparedness of citizens was 'normal', with a lower management score than knowledge and awareness scores. Second, analysis of variables related to preparedness for earthquake hazards, gender, education level, actual distance, and safety awareness were found to influence preparedness for earthquake hazards. Third, correlation analysis revealed a high correlation between the three constructs of preparedness for earthquake hazards, namely knowledge, awareness, and management, indicating a structurally close relationship with each other. In addition, even if gender and education level differed, these structural correlations were similar. Through cluster analysis, the citizens were further divided into five groups; the group with moderate levels of the three constructs accounted for the majority of citizens. Considering these findings, we propose an educational orientation that fosters the preparedness of citizens for earthquake hazards.

Urine Cotinine for Assessing Tobacco Smoke Exposure in Korean: Analysis of the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES)

  • Jung, Sungmo;Lee, In Seon;Kim, Sae Byol;Moon, Chan Soo;Jung, Ji Ye;Kang, Young Ae;Park, Moo Suk;Kim, Young Sam;Kim, Se Kyu;Chang, Joon;Kim, Eun Young
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.73 no.4
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    • pp.210-218
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    • 2012
  • Background: The level of urine cotinine is an indicator of tobacco smoke exposure. The purpose of this study is to investigate urine cotinine for the purpose of assessing the smoking status of Korean smokers and non-smokers exposed to tobacco smoke. Methods: The subjects were identified from the 2007-2009 and the 2010 data sets of the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES). They were assigned as non-smokers, current smokers and ex-smokers. Non-smokers were also divided into three subset groups according to the duration of smoke exposure. Each group was stratified by gender prior to analysis. Results: The median value of urine cotinine in the male current smokers was 1,221.93 ng/mL which was the highest among all groups. The difference between levels of urine cotinine for male and the female groups was statistically significant (p<0.01). In the female group, passive smoke exposure groups reported higher urine cotinine levels than non-exposure groups (p=0.01). The cutoff point for the discrimination of current smokers from non-smokers was 95.6 ng/mL in males and 96.8 ng/mL in females. The sensitivity and specificity were 95.2% and 97.1%, respectively, in males, 96.1% and 96.5% in females. However, the determination of urine cotinine level was not useful in distinguishing between passive smoke exposure groups and non-exposure groups. Conclusion: Urine cotinine concentration is a useful biomarker for discriminating non-smokers from current smokers. However, careful interpretation is necessary for assessing passive smoke exposure by urine cotinine concentration.

Influencing factor on the prognosis of arthrocentesis

  • Kim, Yoon Ho;Jeong, Tae Min;Pang, Kang Mi;Song, Seung Il
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.155-159
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    • 2014
  • Objectives: The purpose of this article is to evaluate factors influencing prognosis of arthrocentesis in patients with temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder. Materials and Methods: The subjects included 145 patients treated with arthrocentesis at the Dental Center of Ajou University Hospital from 2011 to 2013 for the purpose of recovering mouth opening limitation (MOL) and pain relief. Prognosis of arthrocentesis was evaluated 1 month after the operation. Improvement on MOL was defined as an increase from below 30 mm (MOL 30mm) to above 40 mm (MOL 40mm), and pain relief was defined as when a group with TMJ pain with a visual analog scale (VAS) score of 4 or more (VAS 4) decreased to a score of 3 or more. The success of arthrocentesis was determined when either mouth opening improved or pain relief was fulfilled. To determine the factors influencing the success of arthrocentesis, the patients were classified by age, gender, diagnosis group (the anterior disc displacement without reduction group, the anterior disc displacement with reduction group, or other TMJ disorders group), time of onset and oral habits (clenching, bruxism) to investigate the correlations between these factors and prognosis. Results: One hundred twenty out of 145 patients who underwent arthrocentesis (83.4%) were found to be successful. Among the influencing factors mentioned above, age, diagnosis and time of onset had no statistically significant correlation with the success of arthrocentesis. However, a group of patients in their fifties showed a lower success rate (ANOVA P=0.053) and the success rate of the group with oral habits was 71% (Pearson's chi-square test P=0.035). Conclusion: From this study, we find that factors influencing the success of arthrocentesis include age and oral habits. We also conclude that arthrocentesis is effective in treating mouth opening symptoms and for pain relief.

Perineural Invasion Independent Prognostic Factors in Patients with Gastric Cancer Undergoing Curative Resection

  • Selcukbiricik, Fatih;Tural, Deniz;Buyukunal, Evin;Serdengecti, Suheyla
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.13 no.7
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    • pp.3149-3152
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    • 2012
  • Objective: The prognostic significance of perineural invasion (PNI) in gastric cancer has been previously investigated but not clearly clarified. The objective of our study was to investigate the role of PNI as prognostic factor in patients undergoing curative surgical resection and without distant metastasis in comparison with other clinicopathological factors. Methods: Between 2001 and 2010, 287 cases of gastric adenocarcinoma underwent radical gastrectomy recorded in hospital based registries. PNI was assessed as positive when cancer cells were seen in the perinerium or neural fascicles intramurally. Categorical and continuous variables were summarized using descriptive statistics and compared using chi-square and Mann-Whitney U tests, respectively. Cancer related survival rates were estimated by the Kaplan-Meier method. Results: PNI was positive in 211 of 287 cancers (73%), with a positive relation to lymph node metastases and advanced stage (p=0.0001, p=0.0001, respectively), mural invasion, and lymphatic and blood vessel invasion (p=0.0001, p=0.0001, respectively). The median survival of the PNI positive patients was significantly shorter than that of their PNI negative counterparts (24.1 versus 38.2 months, p=0.008). In the multivariate analysis, we detected PNI was an independent prognostic factor (p=0.025, HR=1.21, 95% CL 1.08-2.3) along with classical clinicopathological variables such as lymph node involvement (p=0.001), pT stage (p=0.03), and LVI (p=0.017), but not age, gender, tumour localization, stage, histologic type, and surgery procedure. Conclusions: PNI positivity in gastric cancers was related mural invasion, lymph node involvement, advanced stage and lymphatic and venous blood vessels. The presence of PNI appeared as an independent prognostic factor on survival on multivariate analysis, not influenced by tumor stage, lymph node metastases and other classical factors.