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Gender Relations and Psychological Well-Being Among the Elderly (노년기 젠더관계와 심리적 복지감: 유배우 노인의 성역할태도와 가사노동분담의 영향에 대하여)

  • Kim Young-Hye
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.1-30
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate (1) the relationship between gender-role attitude and psychological well-being related to the division of household labor and (2) the effect of congruency between gender-role attitude and the division of household labor on psychological well-being for the elderly. In this study, independent variable is gender-role attitude, mediating variable is the division of household labor and dependent variable is psychological well-being. Psychological well-being consists of depression and happiness. The hypotheses of this study are as follows: 1) Gender-role attitude affects psychological well-being of the elderly. The more egalitarian gender-role attitude, the higher degree of psychological well-being, whereas the more traditional gender-role attitude, the lower degree of psychological well-being. 2) The division of household labor influences psychological well-being of the elderly. The higher degree of division of household labor is likely to show the higher degree of psychological well-being. 3) The congruency between gender-role attitude and the division of household labor affects psychological well-being. As the relationship between gender-role attitude and the division of household labor is more congruent. psychological well-being increases. The results of the study are summarized as follows: 1) There is no relation between gender-role attitude and psychological well-being for the elderly. 2) The division of household labor affects psychological well-being for husband. The higher degree of division of household labor, the higher degree of psychological well-being. The result shows that husbands are involved in household labor involuntarily. 3) Congruency between gender-role attitude and the division of household labor affects psychological well-being. As the relationship between gender-role attitude and the division of household labor is more congruent, the degree of depression decreases. 4) Wives participate in most of household labor. Gender segregation in household labor is found in elderly family. 5) Health, income, network of children or sibling, and community network affect psychological well-being. The healthier, higher income and stronger network are likely to show the higher degree of psychological well-being.

Analysis of Gender Differences in Physician's Desk Reference (Physician's Desk Reference에 나타난 성별차이 분석)

  • Heo, Jung-Sun;Kim, Kyung-Hee;Yoon, In-Kyung;Kim, Hyun-Ju;Kim, You-Jin;Choi, Jong-Min;Lee, Byeong-Gu;Lee, Hwa-Jeong;Gwak, Hye-Sun
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Pharmacy
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.22-29
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: This study aims to investigate how gender-based differences are actually reflected on drug approval. Methods: Data on gender-based differences of drugs were analyzed by searching PDR (Physician's Desk Reference) with the keyword, "GENDER". Results: There were descriptions related to gender in product directions of 361 drugs in 2009 PDR, out of which 63 items actually showed gender-related differences. Drug categories showing comparatively high gender-based differences were nervous system, cardiovascular system, and alimentary tract and metabolism. Pharmacokinetic differences between genders were observed most frequently; compared to men, 32 drugs showed higher absorption while 18 drugs revealed lower clearance in women. There were 2 drugs which gender should be considered before prescribing, and 5 drugs which showed different severity of adverse effects according to gender. Conclusions: It is necessary to establish domestic policies for drug approval and use which reflects gender-based differences through sufficient researches.

The Gender Division of Housework in the Choson Period as Expressed in Genre Painting (조선시대 가사노동의 성별분업: 풍속화 분석을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Sung-Hee;Lee, Ki-Young
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.1-21
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the gender division of housework in the Choson period. The gender division in the Choson period has been considered as discriminative because women had to remain indoors and were excluded in social works. But in fact the Confucian idea, which regulated the relation between women and men, emphasized the gender difference and not gender discrimination. Actually it can be seen in genre painting of Choson period that women and men worked complimentarily indoors. So this article intends to explore the possibilities of the new analysis of the traditional gender division of housework by reviewing the paintings. As the results indicate, men in the Choson period were involved in some housework, in contrast to the common idea that they maintained their authority by not participating housework. There is also some evidence that gender division benefited women to protect their own productive territory or to satisfy their needs. So it is suggested that gender division in the Choson period should be considered as a source of power as well as a disadvantage to women. Forth, the employed mens' reemployment decision was affected from their household income, expected income after retirement, pension ownership, and attitude toward retirement. From the findings, it can be concluded that the employed mens' age, economic status, and attitude toward retirement played a important role in the process of retirement and reemployment decision making.

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Gender Differences in Paediatric Patients of the Swiss Inflammatory Bowel Disease Cohort Study

  • Herzog, Denise;Buehr, Patrick;Koller, Rebekka;Rueger, Vanessa;Heyland, Klaas;Nydegger, Andreas;Spalinger, Johannes;Schibli, Susanne;Braegger, Christian P.;The Swiss IBD Cohort Study Group
    • Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.147-154
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: Gender differences in paediatric patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) are frequently reported as a secondary outcome and the results are divergent. To assess gender differences by analysing data collected within the Swiss IBD cohort study database since 2008, related to children with IBD, using the Montreal classification for a systematic approach. Methods: Data on gender, age, anthropometrics, disease location at diagnosis, disease behaviour, and therapy of 196 patients, 105 with Crohn's disease (CD) and 91 with ulcerative or indeterminate colitis (UC/IC) were retrieved and analysed. Results: The crude gender ratio (male : female) of patients with CD diagnosed at <10 years of age was 2.57, the adjusted ratio was 2.42, and in patients with UC/IC it was 0.68 and 0.64 respectively. The non-adjusted gender ratio of patients diagnosed at 10 years was 1.58 for CD and 0.88 for UC/IC. Boys with UC/IC diagnosed <10 years of age had a longer diagnostic delay, and in girls diagnosed with UC/IC >10 years a more important use of azathioprine was observed. No other gender difference was found after analysis of age, disease location and behaviour at diagnosis, duration of disease, familial occurrence of IBD, prevalence of extra-intestinal manifestations, complications, and requirement for surgery. Conclusion: CD in children <10 years affects predominantly boys with a sex ratio of 2.57; the impact of sex-hormones on the development of CD in pre-pubertal male patients should be investigated.

Review of Gender Differences in Medicine and Primary Factors Resulting in Gender Differences (의약품에서의 성별차이 및 유발요인)

  • Kim, Hyun-Ju;Choi, Jong-Min;Kim, You-Jin;Chae, Song-Wha;Park, Jung-Hyun;Oh, Ji-Hyun;Kim, Kyung-Hee;Heo, Jung-Sun;Gwak, Hye-Sun;Lee, Hwa-Jeong
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Pharmacy
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.128-137
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    • 2010
  • This review summarizes gender differences in pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and adverse drug reactions. Gender differences in pharmacokinetics are categorized by four major factors: absorption/bioavailability, distribution, metabolism, and elimination. There are sex-based differences in gastric emptying time, gastric alcohol dehydrogenase activity, apparent volume of distribution, α1-acid glycoprotein level, phase I (CYP) and phase II metabolizing enzymes, glomerular filtration rate, and drug transporters. This review also reports gender differences in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of cardiovascular agents, central nervous system acting agents and antiviral agents. In addition, it has been reported that females experience more adverse reactions such as coughing, tachycardia, nausea, vomiting, rash, hypersensitivity, hepatotoxicity, and metabolic disorder after taking cardiovascular, central nervous system acting and antiviral agents. Therefore, in order to provide optimal drug dosage regimens both in male and female, gender differences in pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and adverse drug reactions must be considered.

Economic Dependence and Gender Division of Household Labour in the Republic of Korea

  • An, Mi-Young
    • International Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.51-63
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    • 2011
  • This paper examines the relationship between economic dependence and gender differences in housework in Korea. There are three explanatory alternatives for the relationship; economic rule of exchange, gender display perspective and deviant neutralization. We analysed both 2004 and 2009 time use survey data. The findings show the significant gender differences in time spent on housework that wives spend much more time on housework than husbands. However, among couples with non-normative gender roles, in some cases the more economically powerful wives spend more time on housework than breadwinner wives with weaker economic power, although such cases are rare. Rather, it is appropriate to conclude that, the more economically independent the wives, the less time they spend on housework; this is also the case for husbands. Overall, the Korean case shows what the economic exchange theory predicts. Thus, improvements in working wives' economic power will lead to gender equity in the division of housework.

Attitudes and Practices on the Gender Division of Household Labor in South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan (동아시아 기혼여성의 성별분업에 관한 태도와 실천: 한국, 일본, 대만 비교 연구)

  • Lee, Jae Kyung;Na, Sung-Eun;Jo, Inkyung
    • Women's Studies Review
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.139-173
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    • 2012
  • This paper examines the delayed situations for gender equality in South Korean, Japanese, and Taiwanese families despite the challenge to the gender division of labor in modern society, and to analyze the contradiction between the notions of gender equality and the experiences women face in East Asia countries. Using EASS data, we analyze the effective difference over the division of household labor according to women's age and length of school time, attitude for gender division of labor, couple's labor time, and family network. In South Korea and Taiwan, men's actual ratio of household division is higher than Japanese men's. On the other hand, Japanese women's ratio of household division is the highest in spite of their progressive attitude for gender equality. It is due to the difference of women's working time among the countries. In South Korea and Taiwan, women tend to work in full time job, so that they seem to inevitably reduce the time for household labor. The family characteristics have an effect on the women's ratio of household division in Taiwan, and the feature of women's employment does in South Korea. The high percentage of three-generation household contributes to the reduction of housework burden in Taiwan. In South Korea, the higher women's education levels, the higher the women's ratio of household division. Women's weakened bargaining power for household labor is due to the relatively low level of high-educated women's economic participation in South Korea. This paper reveals the effective factors on the gender division of household labor. We propose the necessity of the macro-level analysis as well as the analysis of the personal and conjugal feature.

A Study of Predictors of Children's Dual Gender Identity (아동의 양성형 성역할 정체감 예측요인)

  • Hong, Yean-Ran;Chei, Chung-Suk;Park, Jin-Ok
    • The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.5-13
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    • 2005
  • Purpose : The purpose of this study was to investigate dual gender identity, masculine gender identity, feminine gender identity, undifferentiated gender identity with related to Sex, home environments, parental child-rearing attitude of warmth, parental child-rearing attitude of control, role division of parents and determine predictors for dual gender identity. Method : Study subjects were 6th grade of primary students with 2,118. Data was collected from Oct to Nov 2003 by using structured questionnaire. Results : Among the children, 345 had masculine gender identity, 529 had feminine gender identity, 526 had undifferentiated gender identity, and 718 had dual gender identity. There were significant differences in the children's sex, mother's age, father's age, mother's educational level, father's educational level, existence of mother's job, father's job, social economic status, sex of siblings, mother's job satisfaction, family structure, family atmosphere, child-rearing attitude(warmth and control), role division of parents(p0.001) among 4 groups. The significant predictors for dual gender identity were children's sex (OR = 0,196, P =0.001), father's age(OR = 31.053, p = 0.020), mother's educational level(OR = 43,980, p = 0.001), father's job(OR=27.465, p = 0.001), social economic status(OR=O.941, p=0.001), sex of siblings(OR = 0.329, p = 0.005), mother's job satisfaction(OR = 0.673, p =0.001), family structure(OR = 0.887, p = 0.001), family atmosphere(OR = 23.786, p = 0.001), parental Child-rearing attitude of warmth(OR = 8.043, p = 0.001) and child-rearing attitude of control(OR = 0.666, p = 0.005), role division of parents(OR = 3.009, p = 0.001). Conclusions : These findings suggest the necessity of broad understandings about factors which influence dual gender role, and construction of combinative model. Also they suggest parent education for establishment of children's dual gender identity.

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Gender Affirming Surgery in Nonbinary Patients: A Single Institutional Experience

  • Allison C. Hu;Mengyuan T. Liu;Candace H. Chan;Saloni Gupta;Brian N. Dang;Gladys Y. Ng;Mark S. Litwin;George H. Rudkin;Amy K. Weimer;Justine C. Lee
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.50 no.1
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    • pp.63-69
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    • 2023
  • Background An increasing number of nonbinary patients are receiving gender-affirming procedures due to improved access to care. However, the preferred treatments for nonbinary patients are underdescribed. The purpose of this study was to investigate the goals and treatments of nonbinary patients. Methods A retrospective study of patients who self-identified as nonbinary from our institutional Gender Health Program was conducted. Patient demographics, clinical characteristics, surgical goals, and operative variables were analyzed. Results Of the 375 patients with gender dysphoria, 67 (18%) were nonbinary. Over half of the nonbinary patients were assigned male at birth (n = 57, 85%) and nearly half preferred the gender pronoun they/them/theirs (n = 33, 49%). A total of 44 patients (66%) received hormone therapy for an average of 2.5±3.6 years, primarily estrogen (n = 39). Most patients (n = 46, 69%) received or are interested in gender-affirming surgery, of which, almost half were previously on hormone therapy (n = 32, 48%). The most common surgeries completed or desired were facial feminization surgery (n = 15, 22%), vaginoplasty (n = 15, 22%), mastectomy (n = 11, 16%), and orchiectomy (n = 9, 13%). Nonbinary patients who were assigned male at birth (NB-AMAB) were more often treated with hormones compared to nonbinary patients assigned female at birth (NB-AFAB) (72% vs. 30%, p = 0.010). Conversely, patients who were AFAB weremore likely to complete or desire surgical intervention than those who were AMAB (100% vs. 63.0%, p < 0.021). Conclusion Majority of nonbinary patients were assigned male at birth. NB-AFAB patients all underwent surgical treatment, whereas NB-AMAB patients were predominantly treated with hormone therapy.

Nurses' Work-family Balance: The Gender Perspectives (간호사의 일-가정 양립: 젠더 관점)

  • Kim, Mi-Young
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.87-95
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to explore the perspectives of gender and role in the family for nurses' work-family balance. Method: Data were collected through in-depth interviews with 14 married nurses having children, who were selected through convenience sampling and purposive sampling from November 1, 2011 to January 20, 2012. The data were analyzed using qualitative thematic analysis. Results: The common themes resulted from data analysis included following traditional gender roles, giving up any expectation of spouse's role, coordinating the division of family roles, and refusing to stick to gender roles. The age of nurse, family background of husband, and social-economic contexts were essential to explain the couple dynamics. Conclusions: Nurses who received private family support were stably leading a work-family balance, yet unable to change the gender structure of spouse for the work-family balance. On the other hand, young nurses who were unable to get any support, had a tendency of cooperating with their spouses and adopting more negotiable and pragmatic approach to work-family balance.