• Title/Summary/Keyword: formal language

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A Study on Characteristics of Eclectic Expression in contemporary Architecture (현대건축의 절충적 표현특성에 관한 연구)

  • 배준현;전명현
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • no.17
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    • pp.166-172
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    • 1998
  • Eclecticism had begun at 1820's and ended at the beginning of the 20c quoted historic and contemporary architecture. This trend is considered with architectural quotation and the meaning has the same text of the eclectic trend of Postmodernism, This study focuse on eclectic characteristics and have purposes of theoretical approaching to and formal analyzing to Contemporary Architecture. And it will be necessary to construct contemporary built environment for diversity of form Because expression of Architectural form by ecleticism is a method without experience designers can take architectural language by indirect experience of another worlds' architectural styles. Architectural form of Ecleticism has to be expressed by designer's own analysis when take a normal identity by creative principal of form-composition it will be a methodology of form composition and a prope necessity.

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A Formal Description and Analysis of 2-beolsik Hangul Input Methods (두벌식 한글 입력 방식의 정형적인 기술과 분석)

  • Kim, Yongmook;Kim, Kuk
    • 한국어정보학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2016.10a
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    • pp.27-32
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    • 2016
  • 한글 입력 방식은 글쇠배열과 더불어 추가적인 낱자들을 입력하기 위한 결합 규칙이라는 형태로 정의할 수 있다. 그런데 이 규칙을 토대로 입력 방식을 실제로 구현해 보면 겹낱자를 결합하거나 음절이 바뀌는 과정에서 모호성 같은 문제가 발생할 수 있다. 초성과 종성을 문맥에 따라 구분해야 하는 두벌식, 모바일 환경처럼 매우 적은 글쇠, 수십 종류의 낱자들을 조합해야 하는 옛한글이라는 조건이 더해지면 입력 방식을 기술하고 분석하는 난이도가 더욱 높아진다. 본 논문에서는 한글 낱자의 결합 규칙을 대결합과 소결합으로 구분해서 기술하는 체계를 제안하며, 이를 토대로 입력 방식의 예상 동작을 분석해 주는 프로그램을 소개하였다. 그리고 모바일용 삼성 천지인과 KT 나랏글 한글 입력 방식을 동일 프로그램으로 기술하고 분석한 결과를 제시하였다.

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Verifying Code toward Trustworthy Software

  • Kim, Hyong-Soon;Lee, Eunyoung
    • Journal of Information Processing Systems
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.309-321
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    • 2018
  • In the conventional computing environment, users use only a small number of software systems intensively. So it had been enough to check and guarantee the functional correctness and safety of a small number of giant systems in order to protect the user systems and their information inside the systems from outside attacks. However, checking the correctness and safety of giant systems is not enough anymore, since users are using various software systems or web services provided by unskilled developers. To prove or guarantee the safety of software system, a lot of research has been conducted in diverse areas of computer science. We will discuss the on-going approaches for guaranteeing or verifying the safety of software systems in this paper. We also discuss the future research challenge which must be solved with better solutions in the near future.

A Study on the Space Planning and Formal Design of Nursing Lab (대학 간호학 실습실의 공간구성 및 형태계획에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Joo-Hye
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Interior Design Conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.67-70
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    • 2007
  • The meaning of the space planning which has from modern interior space has played important role, space composition planning itself is the concept creation tool as well as the unique expression sphere in field of interior space far away from fixed idea relevant to the existing space which was only simple division or secondary element in design. Thus, this current work expresses that the space-Function is related with space-division as well as basic designed-conceptual work process including the space is formed. Furthermore, through the side-composition with form, it activates the various space aspect perceptually, which created the visual environment in using lightning, reflection of glass and penetrated nature etc. The keyword on elevation design concept is as like various aspects, third dimension, non-materiality and symbolical meaning. In addition, it provides the color space equipped with functionality and artistry capable to arouse the diverse sensual capacity to space users on default of image language.

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A Study on the Architectural Device for Giving Distinction (이행과정에 있어서, 이질성을 부여하는 건축적장치에 관한 연구)

  • JeongInBae
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.35-46
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    • 1992
  • The purpose of this study is to find out the architectural device for two places to be perceived as having distinct characteristics from each other. A residence of Yi Dynasty is selected as the object appropriate for this purpose and analyzed accordingly. The result of the analysis can be presented on two demensionis one is that of the concrete form and the other is that of the abstract meaning generated by the form. It is meaningless to employ the form of the architecture of the past in today's architecture. The language of the architecture of the past must be reinterpreted into that of tody. This means understanding and expressing the meaning of the architecture of the past, using the form and materials available today. Without limiting its scope to figuring out "the architectural device for giving destinction" on the formal demension. this study tries to clarify the meaning generated by the form, on which its significance can be said to lie.

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A Formal Model of Managed Objects with Temporal and Active Properties Using BDL (BDL을 이용한 망관리 객체의 시간지원 능동특성에 대한 정형적 모델)

  • Choe, Eun-Bok;No, Bong-Nam
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.7 no.8S
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    • pp.2688-2699
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    • 2000
  • 본 논문에서는 시간속성과 능동특성을 지원하는 관리객체의 동적특성 표현언어 BDL(Behaviour Description Language)을 이용하여 시스템 망관리 모델의 관리기능을 정형적으로 표현하였다. 그리고 BDL로 표현된 관리기능을 CORBA IDL로 변환하는 BDL_to_IDL 컴파일러를 설계·구현하였다. 특히, 망 관리 정보베이스에 저장되어있는 관리객체를 안전하게 보호하기 위해 ITU-T 권고안에 정의된 강제적 접근제어 모델과 역할기반 접근제어 모델을 상호연동한 접근제어모델을 정의하였다. 또한, 관리속성값을 제어하는 관리연산을 연관된 유형별로 묶어 역할로 정의하고 관리자와 관리객체에 인가등급과 보안등급을 부여하여 역할배정규칙과 제약조건에 따라 관리정보의 접근을 제어함으로써 보다 무결성을 보장받도록 하였다.

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A study of developmental process of infinitive : From purposive to infinitive - a universal path of grammaticization (부정사의 발전 과정에 관한 연구 -문법화의 보편적인 통로로서의 목적에서 부정사로-)

  • Choi, Jong-Wook
    • English Language & Literature Teaching
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    • no.3
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    • pp.123-139
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    • 1997
  • This paper describes the evolution of the infinitive in terms of its progressive formal and semantic grammaticization, using the German infinitive as an example. It is shown that the infinitive has its diachronic origin in a nominal purposive form and that the grammaticization of a purposive form to an infinitive is a widespread phenomenon in the languages of the world. This original function of the infinitive is important for understanding its nature, and the most interesting syntactic property of infinitive, the absence of an explicit subject, can be shown to follow from it. Finally, this paper shows that the diachronic process of the grammaticization of a purposive form is even more general, occurring also in the case of purposive markers in finite clauses.

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SDL-OPNET Model Conversion Technique for the Development of Communication Protocols with an Integrated Model Design Approach (통합 모델 설계 방식 기반 통신 프로토콜 개발을 위한 SDL-OPNET 모델 변환 기법)

  • Kim, Jae-Woo;Kim, Tae-Hyong
    • IEMEK Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.67-76
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    • 2010
  • Although both functional verification and performance evaluation are necessary for the development of effective and reliable communication systems, they have been often performed independently; by functional modeling with formal language tools and by performance modeling with professional network performance evaluation tools, respectively. Separate and repeated modeling of one system, however, would often result in cost increase and inconsistency between the models. This paper proposes an integrated model design approach in order to overcome this problem that evaluates the performance of a communication protocol designed in SDL with SDL-OPNET model conversion. The proposed technique generates OPNET skeleton code from Tau-generated C code of the SDL model by analyzing the relations between SDL and OPNET models. IEEE 802.2 LLC protocol was used as an example of model conversion to show the applicability and effectiveness of the proposed technique.

An Approach to Composing a Structured Model from Validated Submodels

  • Suh, Chang-Kyo;Suh, Eui-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.85-95
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    • 1990
  • Structured modeling provides a formal mathematical framework, language, and computer-based environment for conceiving, representing, and manipulating a wide variety of model. It provides a natural framework for integrated modeling owing to its explicit representation power for computational dependencies among submodles. Nevertheless, it doesn't seem to offer a systematic way of composing a structured model from submodels. In order to develop a systematic way, this paper discusses three key issues : (1) Genus structure for model composition, (2) Storage of structured models, and (3) Integration of structured models. To formalize and visualize the approach, a programming module is developed to implemented the step-by-step integration.

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Composing a structured model from validated submodels for effective model management

  • Suh, Chang-Kyo;Suh, Eui-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korean Operations and Management Science Society Conference
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    • 1990.04a
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    • pp.49-60
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    • 1990
  • Structured modeling provides a formal mathematical framework, language, and computer-based environment for conceiving, representing, and manipulating a wide variety of models. It provides a natural framework for integrated modeling owing to its explicit representation power for computational dependencies among submodels. Nevertheless, it doesn't seem to offer a systematic way of composing a structured model from submodels. In order to develop a systematic way, this paper discusses three key issues; (1) Genus structure of validated submodel, (2) Storing method of genus structure, and (3) Integration of genus structures to generate a new genus structure. To visualize the approach, a programming module is developed to implement the step-by-step integration.

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