• Title/Summary/Keyword: food services management

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The study of Influences of Physical Environment of Choir Performance Services on Quality of Interaction, Quality of Outcome and Behavioral Intention (합창 공연의 서비스품질인 물리적 환경, 상호작용 품질, 결과 품질이 행동의도에 미치는 영향연구)

  • Koo, Eun-ja;Ku, Yeong-ae;Choi, Sung-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.12
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    • pp.8297-8305
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    • 2015
  • A cultural and art performance is a domain of the service from which consumers want to get a value through the experience, and a comprehensive study of the service quality the consumers judge to be important is necessary. Also, there are active studies of service quality in various service industries and fields, but there are not many studies related to service quality in the performance business. In the performance industry, the service quality of the theater has a great influence in order to express the distinct theme, and yet, there has been no study of the influences of the choice factors of performing arts, the quality of the physical environment, in other words, the quality of interaction and the quality of the outcome of their selection of a performance of each type of use by the audience of performing arts. Thus, this study aims to understand the quality of physical environment considered by the audience of a choir performance in the selection of the performance according to the type of use of the choir performance and analyze the influences of these factors on the quality of interaction, the quality of outcome and behavioral intention to provide suggestions for the establishment of marketing strategies in the future.

The Single-Session Group Education for Advanced & Terminal Cancer Patients and their Family Members (진행암 및 말기암 환자와 가족을 위한 집단 교육 프로그램)

  • Lee, Young-Sook;Heo, Dae-Seuk;Kim, Mi-Ra;Kim, Won-Gyung;Choi, Jeong-Yun
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.64-72
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    • 2004
  • Purpose: This research aims to assess the effect of a single session of group education of hospice program at Seoul National University Hospital for the advanced and terminal cancer patients and their family members. Methods: Response to questionnaires from 89 participants were evaluated using SAS and CHISQ analysis. The questionnaires included the following items: 1) the characteristics of participants; 2) the characteristics of patients; 3) the difficulties of patient care; 4) the satisfaction with the program Results: The participants consist of 33 patients (37.5%) and 56 family members (56.2%). Diagnosis included mainly stomach, lung, breast, and colon cancer. Participants of family members consisted of spouse, parent, children, daughter-in-law, and siblings (in decreasing order). The participants were interested in the medical information, nutrition, pain and symptom management, and psychosocial adaptation. They had difficulties in emotional problem, nutrition and symptom management. Even though it was a single session of group education, the level of satisfaction was high (95%). Conclusion: This research shows that even the single session of the group education for the advanced and terminal cancer patients and their family members is very helpful by giving them the necessary information. In order to develop comprehensive care-giving services, more specific informations, more opportunities to participate in such sessions and longer question-answer time is required.

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Effects of Restaurants' e-Wom Characteristics on Attitude and Visit Intention: Focused on Visit Intention Over Time (레스토랑의 e-Wom 특성이 시간 경과에 따른 방문의도를 중심으로 한 태도 및 방문의도에 미치는 영향)

  • KIM, Sung-Hwan;JEON, Young-Mi;LEE, Ji-Ah
    • The Korean Journal of Franchise Management
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.17-31
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: With the development of the Internet, consumers can quickly access the electronic word-of-mouth. Consumers seek to reduce uncertainty by referring to the opinions of other consumers about products and services when making purchase decisions. In the food service industry, evaluating a restaurant before an actual visitation is difficult. Therefore, electronic word-of-mouth is important to interact with the customer in restaurants. as it can be used as an exchange of information in which consumers participate and interact with other customers. This study was conducted to verify how online word-of-mouth characteristics (Consensus, Vividness, Neutrality) on attitudes and visit intention from the perspective of social exchange theory. And it was performed to verify the structural relationship between short-term visit intention, mid-term visit and long-term visit intention. Research design, data, and methodology: A survey was conducted on customers who have visited restaurants. Of a total of 312 responses, 306 responses were used, excluding insincere responses and missing values for factors analysis. SPSS 25.0 and AMOS 25.0 were used for statistical analysis, and hypothesis testing was conducted after verifying the validity and reliability of the questionnaire items. Result: The result of the analysis showed that, consensus and neutrality have a positive effect on attitude but not much on vividness. In addition, consensus, vividness, and neutrality have no effect on the short-term visit intention. Finally, the short-term visit intention has a positive effect on mid-term visit intention, and mid-term visit intention has a positive effect on long-term visit intention. Conclusions: Based on the results, this study suggested that it is necessary to have practical implications for marketing and monitoring restaurant reviews in consideration of the characteristics of electronic word-of-mouth. When managing electronic-word-of-mouth, it is necessary to manage the consensus and neutrality is essential to provide sufficient information about the restaurant. The focus should not only be on vividness, such as photos and videos. In addition, restaurants should also provide a good experience for first-time visitors as the short-term visit intention positively affects mid-term and long-term visit intention.

Assessment of Nutrient Intakes of Lunch Meals for the Aged Customers at the Elderly Care Facilities Through Measuring Cooking Yield Factor and the Weighed Plate Waste (조리 중량 변화 계수 및 잔반계측법을 이용한 노인복지시설 이용자의 점심식사 영양섭취평가)

  • Chang, Hye-Ja;Yi, Na-Young;Kim, Tae-Hee
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.42 no.7
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    • pp.650-663
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    • 2009
  • The purposes of this study were to investigate one portion size of menus served and to evaluate nutrient intake of lunch at three elderly care facility food services located in Seoul. A weighed plate method was employed to measure plate wastes and consumption of the menus served. Yield factors were calculated from cooking experiments based on standardized recipes, and were used to evaluate nutrient intake. One hundred elderly participated in this study for measuring plate waste and were asked to complete questionnaire. Nutrient analyses for the served and consumed meal were performed using CAN program. The yield factors of rice dishes after cooking are 2.4 regardless of rice dish types, 1.58 for thick soups, 0.60 to 0.70 for meat dishes, and 1.0 to 1.25 branched vegetable. Average consumption quantity of dishes were 235.97 g for rice, 248.53 g for soup, 72.83 g for meat dishes, 39.80 g for vegetables and 28.36 g for Kimchi. On average the food waste rate is 14.0%, indicating the second highest plate waste percentage of Kimchi (26.2%), and meat/fish dish (17.3%). The evaluation results of NAR (Nutrition Adequacy Ratio) showed that iron (0.12), calcium (0.64), riboflavin (0.80), and folic acid (0.97) were less than 1.0 in both male and female elderly groups, indicating significant differences of NAR among three facilities. Compared to the 1/3 Dietary Reference Intake (DRIs) for the elderly groups, nutrient intake analysis demonstrated that calcium (100%) and iron (100%), followed by riboflavin, vitamin A, and Vitamin B6 did not met of the 1/3 EAR (Estimated Average Requirement). For the nutritious meal management, a professional dietitian should be placed at the elderly care center to develop standardized recipes in consideration of yield factors and the elderly's health and nutrition status.

A Study on the Effects of the Characteristics of Franchise Business Members on Affiliate Outcomes (업종별 프랜차이즈 선택결정요인이 가맹점 성과의 만족도와 성공·실패에 미치는 영향연구)

  • Jang, Jae-Nam;Kang, Chang-Dong;Ahn, Sung-Sik
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.49-59
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    • 2011
  • A franchise can be said to be the main method of distribution and marketing. It appears to be the future of the retail industry and is one of the world's fastest growing businesses sectors, as many policy reports and research results have acknowledged. Korea's franchise industry began in the 1970s, spread out into many areas (including food services, retail, and the service industry), and has grown by over 10% each year ever since. The industry's influence on the national economy becomes ever greater. Although the size of the franchise industry is expected to grow as it spreads and as the government expands its support, it has not yet attracted much academic interest. Research has so far been very fragmented. The main interest has been the relationship and conflicts between the head offices and the affiliates. No study has yet occurred on whether the concepts of satisfaction and intent to conclude a contract directly affect the success or failure of the affiliates. Few studies have empirically inquired into the demographic characteristics and abilities of the affiliates that significantly affect their results. Domestic franchise industries must prepare to leap from quantitative to qualitative growth. Most important is the need for affiliate headquarters and affiliates to build confidence between them. A friendly and reliable relationship between affiliate headquarters and affiliates will eliminate distrust from the franchise and maintain a healthy franchise system. This study suggests that current and prospective heads of affiliation should concentrate not on attracting affiliates but on investment and techniques of affiliate support. They should work on the reinforcement of brand power, the appropriate affiliate business environment, systematic education/training, taking burdens off the affiliate business persons, consolidating the relationship with the affiliate business persons, marketing mix factors (e.g. products, price conditions, logistics and shipping services, promotion, supervising and supervisor, operation procedures/processes, and material evidence); these all greatly affect the success or failure of the affiliate business. Supporting the affiliates is an important factor that enhances their results and satisfaction and consequently increases the positive recommendations to others and the ratio of recurrent conclusions of contracts, which ultimately generate the growth of the franchises. In addition, it is suggested that prospective franchise founders should make every effort to choose a good head office since the characteristics of the head office greatly influence the success of the affiliates. This study is significant in that it grasps the characteristics of the head office of affiliation and of the affiliates that influence affiliate results in ways not yet academically attempted.

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Effect of Health Promotion and Characteristics of Elderly used Day Care Service in Community Health Practitioner's Post (보건진료소의 주간보호실 이용노인의 특성과 건강증진 정도)

  • Jeong, In-Suk;Cho, Yoo-Hyang;Park, Yoon-Chang
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.127-136
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    • 2002
  • This study was taken to provide data for the approaches of day care service for the elderly in community health practitioner's post through the study on the utilization rate, characteristics and health promotion that the elderly used the day care services. Data collection used three records that case management in take sheet, dementia check list and ADL record during the one year, from June 21, 2001 to June 30, 2002. During the one year, the elderly used day care services were 119 persons that 26.9% of the total elderly population, 1.5 time per used the elderly, and female elderly(88.9%) more used than male elderly. 39.5%of the elderly user have chronic diseases that was arthritis and hypertension and etc. 41.2% of the elderly users have dementia state that score was $17.39{\pm}7.17$(handicapped elderly), $18.43{\pm}7.36$(healthy elderly), but statistically not significant PADL score was $2.18{\pm}0.55$(handicapped elderly), $2.78{\pm}0.30$(healthy elderly), IADL score was $1.78{\pm}0.51$(handicapped elderly), $2.47{\pm}0.60$(healthy elderly) that were statistically significant. One year later, PADL and IADL of the elderly users were improved that statistically significant(p=0.01). The elderly users were wanted rehabilitation service(22.2%), talking service(20.6%), bath service(12.7%), food service(9.5%) of day care services in CHP's post. We are recommended that day care service for the elderly in CHP's post was very useful and contributed to promote ADL functions.

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Unusual Delay of Heading Date in the 2022 Rice Growth and Yield Monitoring Experiment (2022년도 벼 작황시험에서 관찰된 출수기 지연 현상 보고)

  • HyeonSeok, Lee;WoonHa, Hwang;SeoYeong, Yang;Yeongseo, Song;WooJin, Im;HoeJeong, Jeong;ChungGen, Lee;HyeongJoo, Lee;JongTae, Jeong;JongHee, Shin;MyoungGoo, Choi
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.330-336
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    • 2022
  • It is likely that the heading would occur early when air temperature increases. In 2022, however, the heading date was delayed unusually, e.g., by 3 to 5 days although temperature during the vegetative growth stage was higher than normal years. The objective of this study was to identify the cause of such event analyzing weather variables including average temperature, sunshine hours, and day-length for each growth stage. The observation data were collected for medium-late maturing varieties, which has been grown at crop yield experiment sites including Daegu, Andong, and Yesan. The difference in heading date was compared between growing seasons in 2021 and 2022 because crop management options, e.g., the cultivars and cultivation methods, were identical at those sites during the study period. It appeared that the heading date was delayed due to the difference in temperature responsiveness under a given day-length condition The effect of the temperature increase on the heading date differed between the periods during which when the day-length was more than 14.3 hours before and after the summer-solstice.. The effect of the temperature decrease during the period from which the day-length decreased to less than 14.3 hours to the heading date was relatively greater. This merits further studies to examine the response of rice to the temperature change under different day-length and sunshine duration in terms of heading.

A Comparative Study of Domestic Travel Patterns and Determinant Factors Affecting Satisfaction by Generations (대한민국 국민의 세대별 국내여행 방식 및 만족도 영향요인)

  • Mi-Sook Lee;Yoon-Joo Park
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.137-166
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    • 2020
  • While South Koreans overseas travelling rate has been increased every year, domestic travelling rate has been at a standstill for several years. The purpose of this study is to analyze domestic traveling styles of Koreans according to their generations in order to provide generation-specific traveling services. For this purpose, we categorized the survey respondents into four different generations, which are Millennium (age 19~34), X generation (35~54), Baby Boomer (55~64) and senior by following the criterions of the Korea National Tourism Organization. After then, we analyze factors related to travel preparation process, the actual traveling activities and satisfaction after the travel. In this study, 16,713 data collected by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism are used. The results of this study show that Korean people tends to acquire domestic traveling information from their own or acquaintances past experiences. Also, they do not prefer the organized trip for domestic travels, thus do not buy package products a lot. In addition, natural scenery, rich in cultural heritage, and convenient accommodation are the most important determinant factors affecting the overall travel satisfaction of level for all generations. The traveling characteristics for each generation are as follows. Millennium get traveling information from the internet a lot, and more specifically, they refer portal sites and social network services (SNS) in many cases. Also, they tend to travel in summer peak season to popular destinations and pursues active traveling experiences. Generation X has similar traveling patterns with Millennium, however they major transportation method is using their own car. Also, transportation convenience and satisfactory leisure activity are important factors affecting the overall satisfaction level to Generation X. On the other hand, Baby boomer generation has a greater emphasis on appreciation of nature, visiting famous restaurants, and relaxation, rather than actively participating experiencing programs. They travel evenly in summer and spring/fall season to many different areas instead of focusing on popular tourist spots. In addition, shopping and eating delicious food are the important factors affecting the overall satisfaction level for them. Lastly, Senior generation has similar characteristics with Baby boomer in many ways, however, they travel a lot on the same day using public transportations or car rental service. They prefer spring and autumn trips rather than summer peak season, and tend to buy packaged travel products a lot compared with other generations. If these different traveling characteristics of each generation are considered for organizing and customizing tourism services, it is expected that domestic tourism satisfaction level will be ultimately increased.

A Study on the Present Condition and Reform Plan of School Health in a Rural Area (한 농촌지역 학교보건의 현황과 개선방안에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Young-Jeon;Noh, Hak-Jae;Choi, Boyul;Park, Hung-Bae;Kim, Hyun-Joo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.55-67
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    • 1996
  • This research has incorporated a postal survey from the principals, nurse-charging teachers and nurse-teachers of the fiftyfive elementary, middle and high school in Yang-pyeong county area where its supplementary rate of nurse-teachers is less than adequate. It is to analyse the current status of the school health service in the area and to come out with a plan to improve the school health program through the participations of the health related experts of the local community. The survey was done in the two months of period of April to May of 1994. The result of the survey follows. The student population in the Yang-pyeong county area is 13,998 and the school employee population is 904 which counts for about 19.2% of the whole population of the area. However, the supplementary rate of nurse-teachers is only 10.8% (4 in 55 schools) which is very low in terms of relativity. School health committee only exist in 17% of the whole number of schools in the area and 50 of school health committee answered that their activity do not meet the adequate level. Only 54. 3% of the whole school numbers has included the school health finance in their financial plans and the amount set for the school health finance is about 500,000 wons (100,000-1,600,000 wons). 64.9% of the schools in the Yang-pyeong county area have the permanent nursing room established in the school. But, often than the equipment for a simple physical examinations, their supply of the health related equipments are less than adequate. Particitations of school doctor in the school health service is at only 67.6% which pretty much include only the physical examinations. Nurse-charging teachers consider their utmost important role is to teach health education but, they answered that they spent most of their times and efforts on physical examinations & immunizations. The average number of students visition to the nursing room is 2.5 persons and complains for basic discomfort as headache, concussion, stomachache and indigestion problems and usual pills used are the analgesics and digestives. Physical examination is done in the most schools every year but, 51.4% of nurse-charging teachers answered the physical examination does not really help. About the emergency treatment ability, 75.7% reports that both manpower & equipment are short. The school food services are present in only 8 schools (21.6%) but, 89.2% of nurse-charging teachers answer that there is a definite need of the food service. The survey says that the utmost important environmental health and safety factors are the traffic accidents followed by improper heat system, lighting, the stools and desks that do not consider the student physical status The overall evaluation of school health program reports that there are adequate physical examination, immunization, environmental hygiene, and management of safety but, on the other hand, health education, health councelling & management of nursing room are not managed properly. The principals of the survey pool report shortage of public agency support, lack of understanding of school health, shortage of nursing equipments and school health finance as the barrier factors of school health. The nurse-charging teachers report on the same questions as their less than qualitifying expertise, extraload of work upon the nursing affairs, shortage of nursing equipments & school health finance. The head masters & nurse-charging teachers answered that they are desperate for the meetings of nurse-charging teachers, construction of school health councelling system & training education in order to improve school health and if these are available, they will actively participate in them. After the careful analysis of the survey result, it is apparent that through the relations of the manpowers, establishment of community-oriented school health is definitely in need in rural area where there is low supplementary rate of nurse-teachers and poor school health environment.

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Situations of GAP certified ginseng and 4P's strategies (GAP 인증인삼 현황과 4P 전략)

  • Hong, Seung-Jee;Kim, Kwan-Hoo
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.369-381
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    • 2011
  • Ginseng in Korea has not only the big production value but also till a good reputation from overseas in the name of 'Korea Ginseng'. Having spread rapidly nationwide from 2000 year, its production keeps on increasing but its consumption becomes lazy and its price is also falling down because of comsumer's concern about mainly overusing pesticide for ginseng. In order to cope with this problem, the government introduced the GAP certification system to ginseng in 2006 to reflect consumer's needs for food safety. This system will be a good opportunity to promote ginseng consumption dramatically. In this aspect it is very important to know how well this system is established and how ginseng farmers build marketing strategies to draw new wind in the market. This study was carried out to look over the GAP certified ginseng system and show its marketing strategies using 4P's(product, place, promotion and price). The main results are as follows. GAP ginseng system currently has some weaknesses such as lack of systematic certification management and after-service, nonrealistic certification fee and poor linkage from production to consumption. In the marketing mix strategies, product strategy suggests that the most desirable appearance be transplanted ginseng filled with branch roots and 4 to 5 year-ginseng, and it is necessary to choose multi-brand strategy divided for present into for self-sufficiency and family brand strategy by use if its brand enlarges to processed products in the future. In the place strategy, 3 stages like 'producer group' - 'GAP certified facility' - 'sales shop' are based as the physical marketing channel according to traceability, and connected with giant retail market and environment friendly stand, and if its sales volume enlarges, it should be considered the GAP ginseng specialized marketplace which is a type of chain store. In the promotion strategy, the promotion of government level is necessary at first and producer alliances require the promotion targeting at the group of women under 40 with differentiation from price, quality, and safety. In the price strategy, the early stage-high price strategy which sets 20~25% higher for self-sufficiency and 30~35% for present is desirable.