• Title/Summary/Keyword: food services management

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Implementation and Evaluation of Nutrition Capacity Training Program for Dietitians and Related Professionals Working at Customized Home Visiting Health Services (방문건강관리사업 담당 영양사와 연계전문인력을 위한 영양부문 교육 프로그램 운영과 평가)

  • Kim, Sook Bae;Yoon, Jin Sook;Kim, Kyung Won
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.71-83
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of the study was to implement and evaluate a nutrition capacity training program for dietitians and other professionals working at customized home visiting health services (CHVHS). This program focused on nutrition services for hypertension or diabetes mellitus patients including topics regarding CHVHS, and composed of 10 sessions with lectures, discussion and practice. Dietitians (n = 54) and other professionals (n = 20) participated in the program and completed the questionnaire to assess their understanding of nutritional management, nutrition services and CHVHS before and after the program, and to examine program satisfaction and education needs. Subjects were mostly women (98.6%) and college or university graduates (93.2%). Total score (p < 0.001), as well as all items (p < 0.001 or p < 0.01) of understanding regarding nutritional management, nutrition services and CHVHS, were significantly increased after the program both in dietitians and in other professionals. Subjects were generally satisfied with the program, showing more satisfaction with items regarding subject's participation, acquiring new knowledge, usefulness of the program for CHVHS, and education materials. In future nutrition capacity training programs, subjects wanted to have classes regarding nutrition services for specific chronic diseases, development of education materials, methods for dietary life education, modifying eating habits and so on. Other professionals compared to dietitians, showed higher education needs in meal management (p < 0.01) and nutrition counseling skills (p < 0.05). This study showed the effectiveness of a nutrition capacity training program for home-visiting dietitians and other professionals, and suggests the need and direction for future nutrition capacity training programs.

Effects of Service Value on Attitude, and Loyalty in Food-Service Franchise (외식프랜차이즈의 서비스 가치가 인지적 태도, 정서적 태도, 그리고 충성도에 미치는 영향)

  • LEE, Shin-Hwa;LEE, Yong-Ki;LEE, Jae-Gyu
    • The Korean Journal of Franchise Management
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.13-23
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    • 2019
  • Purpose - The recent franchise industry is rapidly developing. Some franchisees have a low barriers to entry and competition among companies is intensifying. In this dynamic competitive environment, companies need to focus on customer preferences, quality, and technical interfaces to gain competitive advantage. As a result, companies are required to measure the performance of service values in order to provide differentiated services from competitors. In the franchise industry, customer experience marketing of service values will enable companies to create new businesses. Franchise firms should explore a variety of services to increase service value and reduce failures. Research design, data, methodology - The questionnaire of this study was based on the previous research. Surveys were conducted on panels of online surveys. Surveys were conducted on the panel who had visited the restaurant franchise within the past month. The survey was conducted for about 7 days from February 13, 2019 to February 19, 2019. Total 300 samples, 293 were used in the analysis except for seven unfair questionnaires. Results - The findings of this study are as follows: Emotional, monetary, and reputation values have positive effects on cognitive and affective attitudes. Quality value and behavioral value did not effect cognitive attitude and affective attitude significantly. In addition, affective attitude has positive effect on loyalty, but cognitive attitude did not significant effect on loyalty. Conclusions - First, food-service franchise company should develop a service that enables customers to use the store conveniently. We need to develop a comfortable environment for our customers and provide intangible services. Second, food-service franchise company should provide a reasonable price service. Food-service franchise company needs to sell a high quality menu at a reasonable price to generate profits. Third, food-service franchise companies need to strategically respond to their reputation. In other words, food-service franchise company needs to constantly monitor the reputation of its customers and respond appropriately to market conditions. Fourth, food-service franchise company needs to develop a service method capable of emotional interaction with customers. Food-service franchise firms need to develop ongoing service methods and educate their staff.

Analysis of Factors Affecting Smart HACCP Utilization: Job Performance, Job Satisfaction, and Job Stress among School Food Service Employees in Gyeonggi-do and Incheon (경기ㆍ인천지역 학교급식 조리종사원의 스마트 HACCP 사용의 직무수행도, 직무만족도, 및 직무스트레스에 미치는 요인 분석)

  • So Yeon Park;Chan Yoon Park
    • Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.95-111
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    • 2024
  • The Smart Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) management system, which integrates information technology (IT) to automate and analyze big data, has been introduced into school food services. This study investigated the job performance, job satisfaction, and job stress of employees in school food services using Smart HACCP. Data were collected via questionnaires from 350 employees in school food services who utilized Smart HACCP and worked in Gyeonggi-do or Incheon. The questionnaire included general information, workplace characteristics, HACCP education status, job performance, and job satisfaction according to the use of Smart HACCP, and general job stress. The responses showed that 92.3% of the participants had received HACCP education in the workplace, and 66.6% understood the content of the education. Among the HACCP process stages, CCP2 (Food Handling and Cooking) and CCP3 (Cooking Completion and Distribution) were the stages at which all participants were using Smart HACCP. CCP3 had the highest percentage (61.4%) of participants who experienced feeling the maximum reduction in their tasks by using Smart HACCP. The Smart HACCP job performance at CCP1 (Inspection) and Smart HACCP job satisfaction were higher in workplaces with 6~10 employees, compared to those with 10≤ employees (both P<0.05). The Smart HACCP job performances at of CP1 (Refrigeration and Freezer Temperature Management) and CP2 (Cleaning and Disinfection of Food Contact Surfaces) were significantly affected by the work area. General job stress was significantly higher in cooks than in cook practitioners, higher in employees with cook certification than in those without it, and higher in employees with work experience (<1 year), compared to those with 5~10 years or 10~15 years' experience. In conclusion, employees' job performance and satisfaction with Smart HACCP need to be enhanced to improve hygiene in school food service. This requires the effective management of their job stress.

Evaluation of the Management of Sanitation in Food Service Establishments in Korea and Strategies for Future Improvement (국내 급식위생관리의 현황고찰 및 발전방안)

  • 김종규
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.186-198
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    • 2000
  • The quality of the management of sanitation in food service establishments (school lunch programs, hospital patient food services, and commercial catering food services) in Korea was reviewed and evaluated, and ten strategies fur future improvement were suggested. They were: (1) An increase of qualified manpower and improvement of the professional training of the staff; (2) Obtaining special facilities exclusively for food service; (3) Improvement of facilities especially the kitchens; (4) Improvement of policy fur procuring raw materials and being assured of their quality by designing some standards and specifications for the raw materials to be purchased; (5) Production and use accurate and reliable kitchen apparatus and instruments; (6) An increase of the laboratory apparatus and instruments for inspection and evaluation of the sanitary level of raw materials and food service environments; (7) Enforced improvement of personal hygiene of the staff; (8) Use of a variety of methods in sanitary education and training; (9) Actively inspect the quality of imported foods; (10) Strengthening the research and accumulation of background data regarding sanitation management. There is a long process from the production of food to eating. The cooking process is the ultimate end of preparation of food before eating. This process sometimes increases the occurrence of food-borne diseases if we mishandle the food, even we obtained safe food. The process can also remove health hazards and reduce the risk from the hazards if we handle the food well although we have unsafe foods. This means the cooking process is a major key to preventing food-borne diseases. The concepts of hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP) should be applied and practiced in food service establishments in Korea as soon as possible.

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Clinical Nutrition Management Status in Convalescent Hospitals Before and After Healthcare Accreditation Process (요양병원인증제 전·후의 요양병원 임상영양관리 현황 비교)

  • Lee, Changhee;Lee, Soo-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.199-211
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    • 2014
  • The increasing elderly population has created an urgent need for well-managed convalescent hospitals, which should provide appropriate clinical nutrition services. The new accreditation policy requiring participation of all convalescent hospitals since 2013 may promote improvement of clinical nutrition services. This study examined whether or not the accreditation policy has increased practice level and dietitians' perception of the importance of clinical nutrition management. Of the 177 convalescent hospitals accredited by January 30, 2014, dietitians from 73 hospitals (41.2%) completed the survey questionnaire. The pre-tested questionnaire surveyed general characteristics of the hospital and dietitians, current status of clinical nutrition management, and changes in the perception and practice levels of various aspects of food and clinical nutrition management. In average, dietitians with more than 5 years of work experience (68.1%) provided food and clinical nutrition services (71.2%). After accreditation, dietitians' perception of the importance and practice level of clinical nutrition service increased (P<0.001). Level of perception, however, was significantly (P<0.001) higher than practice level before and after accreditation. During perception and practice level of initial nutrition assessment, a compulsory accreditation item, notably and significantly (P<0.001) improved after accreditation. The significant difference between perception and practice level disappeared after accreditation. In conclusion, the accreditation process had positive effects on clinical nutrition management in terms of dietitians' perception and practice levels. Making more accreditation items compulsory and providing motivation and professional education to dietitians in convalescent hospitals could lead to additional improvements.

A Study on the Market Substitutes for Housework in the United States (미국내 가사노동의 시장대체실태와 관련변수와 관한연구)

  • 정순희
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.22-34
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    • 1993
  • The purposes of this study are as follows: 1) To estimate the amounts of differences in service expenditures resulting from the effects of mother's marital and employment status. 2) To find out the relationship of socio-economic variables to expenditures for time-saving durables and services Data were taken from the 1988-1989 Consumer Expenditure Survey. The sample consisted of 2,216 families with 334 single-mother families and 1,792 married-mother families. Tobit regres-sion analyses were used to test of variables related to expenditures for (a) food away from home. (b) clothing care (c) child care (d) domestic services and (e) total services. The results of this study were as follows; 1) The percentage difference from non-employed married-mother families was higher for employed single-mother families than for other types of families indicating the positive effect on expenditures on market substitutes of mother's marital and employment status. 2) The father's wage rate was associated only with expenditures for domestic services. A positive relationship was found between family nonlabor income and domestic services Total family income was positively associated with expenditues for all dependent variables. There was a negative relationship between expenditures for child care and age of mother squared. Mother's education was associated with expenditures in all categories. Families of nonwhite spent less on time-saving durables. food away from home, and total services and spent more on apparel services than families of white mothers. The presence of young child was positively related to total services and child care services and negatively related to food away from home.

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A Comparative Study on Sanitary Practices and Perception of Employees in Elementary School, Hospital and Industry Food Service in the Inchon Area (인천지역 단체급식소별 조리종사자의 위생실천도 및 위생지식 비교 조사)

  • Lee, Yun-Ju
    • Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.22-31
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    • 2003
  • The purposes of this study were to compare performance of HACCP-based sanitary management and sanitation knowledge of employees in some food services (hospitals, elementary school, industry) in Inchon. Therefore, the survey questionnaire consisted of general background, sanitation performance, sanitation knowledge evaluation. The subjects were 370 employees in hospital, elementary school, industrial food service. The statistical analysis of data was completed using SPSS program. The results were summarized as follows: 99.3% of surveyed employees were female. 95.7% of employees were attended sanitation education and 76.8% of them were educated once a month. Employees in school food service showed higher academic career than the other food service employees. The food service employees' performance level was high(4.48). The performance level of school employees was significantly higher compared to other food services(p<0.001). Average score of sanitation knowledge was 16.36/20. The school food service employees' knowledge 17.03 was also higher compared to other food services. There was no significant correlation between sanitary performance and knowledge for total score. But among items of sanitary performance, a personal hygiene and food sanitary was significantly correlated with sanitation knowledge. The results of survey imply that the suitable contents and methods of education and training must be developed. Also, Financial supports to install necessary sanitary facilities are very important in order to raise effectiveness of education.

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Food Waste Management Practices and Influencing Factors at Elementary School Food Services (서울지역 초등학교 급식에서의 음식물쓰레기 관리 실태와 영향 요인)

  • Kim, Seoung-Hee;Kwak, Tong-Kyung;Choi, Eun-Hui;Lee, Kyung-Eun
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.815-825
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    • 2007
  • The study was designed to investigate food waste management practices and to identify factors affecting food waste generation at school food services. A total of 202 dietitians employed at elementary schools participated in the survey. The mean food waste weight per school was 77.54 kg, forty percent of the schools generated food waste of $50{\sim}100kg$ every day and 53% generated plate waste less than 50 kg. Three quarters of the dietitians perceived plate waste as a major component of the food waste and vegetable dishes were a major source of the plate waste. Half of the dietitians used a food waste pick-up service for waste disposal, which was the most preferred waste disposal method. Approximately 90% of the dietitians conducted education on plate waste reduction for students but their perceptions on the effectiveness of the education was inconsistent. The contents were environmental issues (70.3%) and unbalanced food choice (56.7%). According to factor analysis based on performance score, solid waste management practices were grouped into 'information collecting and education', 'supervision of production process', 'cooperation with related groups', and 'control over production planning'. Practices appertaining to 'cooperation with related groups', 'information collecting and education' factor need to be improved. Dietitians should pay attention to 'recycle and reuse of left over' practice. Waste generation differed significantly by dietitians' ages and working experience. In order to reduce plate waste, more effective education materials and methods need to be developed and support from principals, teachers, and parents is necessary.