• Title/Summary/Keyword: face make-up

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Developement of Scope for Military Rangefinder Using Schmidt Prism and Biprism Theory of Optometric Instrument (안광학기기에 사용되는 바이프리즘원리와 슈미트 프리즘을 이용한 군사 거리측정기용 스코프 개발)

  • Cha, Jung-Won;Lee, Dong-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Ophthalmic Optics Society
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.167-175
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: The new-type rangefinder, which is using the biprism principle, is introduced to develop the range finder which can be easily carried by soldiers, and in order to realize those technologies specifically, we try to develop a scope for military rangefinder by doing optical design which can secure enough space to move the biprism. Methods: After setting up the verious initial condition to realize two kinds of goals, that are the securement of enough space to move the biprism and the easy-exchangeability of two kinds of biprisms, and then the optical system was optimized by using optical design program CodeV in order to minimize the finite ray aberrations. Results: We designed the biprism housing to makes it possible to swap the two kinds of biprisms. It was appeared that the Schmidt prism is suitable as erecting prism which can make sure the space to move the biprism. 16.5 mm was good for the face length of Schmidt prism. The optical system with a Schmidt prism and a biprism was designed, and the finite ray aberrations was minimized. Conclusions: We developed a 5X scope for an optical rangefinder using a biprism and a Schmidt prism with 16.5 mm face length. This scope is valid for the optical system which has the effective field angle of ${\pm}3.6^{\circ}$, and the finite ray aberrations are well controlled within the ${\pm}8.95^{\prime}$.

Relationship between Body Satisfaction and Appearance Enhancement Behavior of College Students (대학생의 성에 따른 신체만족도와 외모향상행동과의 관계)

  • Cho, Hye-Ran;Choi, Jong-Myoumg
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.825-835
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this research is to examine the relationship between body satisfaction and appearance enhancement behavior of college students. A questionnaire survey was conducted on 234 college students in Cheong-ju area, Korea. Frequency, descriptive analysis, $x^2$ and t-tests were used for data analysis. Male students were generally satisfied with their height but not with their weight, while female students were not satisfied with their height and weight. There were significant gender differences in satisfaction with their skin color: male students were mostly satisfied with their skin color other than female students. The body satisfaction degree of college students depended on gender: the male students showed more satisfaction with their physical condition than the female students. Of the college student's improving-appearance behaviors such as face-lifting by plastic surgery, make-up by cosmetics and skin care, their preferable choice depended on their gender. When purchasing clothes, they considered if the clothes could cover their defects of their body line and improve their physical appearance. The levels of body satisfaction were significantly different according to their appearance enhancement behaviors.

Study on Emotional Words and Favorableness Associated with the Faces of Women in Their 60s

  • Kim, Ae Kyung;Oh, Yun Kyoung
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.995-1000
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    • 2014
  • This study, using the free language association method, examined the characteristics of emotional words of respondents who were exposed to facial photos of women in 60s, and favorableness and favorable styles of them. To analyze mood characteristics on the faces, they were divided into positive mood words and negative mood words. Following previous researches, they were divided into introversion, extraversion, and ambiversion. It was found that the proportion of positive emotional words respondents used was 37%, and that of negative ones was 63%, demonstrating that respondents are more likely than not to get the negative impressions from the faces of their contemporaries. The characteristics of the words consists of 38% introversion, 47% extraversion, and 14% ambiversion. And, respondents used the words like 'beautiful' and 'good-looking' to the stimuli to which they felt favorable, and 'ill-tempered' and 'stubborn' to the stimuli to which they felt unfavorable. Third, the most favorable style to both male and female respondents in 60s were sentimental and good-mannered. They generally favor women who are soft and caring, and dislike talkative, snobbish, and thick make-up women. The analysis results in this paper may help image making and personal relations. Further study needs to expand the survey area to ensure more significant influence on the social life and interpersonal relationship of senior citizens.

The study on the number of customer to be estimated when cultural theme park is constructed in Busan (부산지역 역사ㆍ문화 테마파크 조성을 위한 내ㆍ외래 관광객의 수요추정 기초조사연구)

  • 최승복;오세두
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.33-42
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    • 2004
  • It is a matter of fact that Susan, doesn't have enough systematic history and culture, has face on very difficult situation. A competitive and fashionable tourist theme park need to be constructed to develop their historical theme park, and to make own culture which is related to Busan' tradition. The subject of this study is to suggest the basic knowledge about number of customer to be estimated When cultural theme park is built up. The questionaries to customer is consist of the propensity of leasure, the use of similar facility, the type of theme park, and inclination of visitation to foreign and domestic tourist.

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Analysis of Advertisement for Men's cosmetics on Magazines (잡지에 나타난 남성화장품 광고 분석)

  • Park, Kil-Soon;Park, Su-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fashion and Beauty
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    • v.3 no.1 s.4
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    • pp.39-49
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the consumption value and characteristic of content in cosmetics & perfume advertisement in men's fashion magazines in order to understand the changes of men's cosmetics market which is recently getting great attention along with the craze for 'florally handsome men', and 'eolzzang'(=gorgeous face), and examine the changes of the culture of men's make-up. I selected Esquire which had firstly produced men's fashion magazine in Korea, and implemented the content analysis, the quantitative analysis method, by separating linguistic elements ken visual elements. The results are as follows: In the analysis of consumption value revealed in the linguistic elements of cosmetics advertisement, emotion value was the highest in both cosmetics and perfume, while function value was the second highest in cosmetics and rarity value was the second highest in perfume. About the changes of content characteristics of visual elements, in both cosmetics and perfume advertisement, there were a lot of visual advertisements focused on figures without the mixture of linguistic expressions. Between advertisement in 1990s and that in 2000s, there were meaningful differences only in types and object of meaning of used symbols.

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Specialty of customer to be expected when cultural theme park is constructed in Pusan (부산지역 역사ㆍ문화테마파크 조성을 위한 예상고객성향 기초조사연구)

  • 최승복
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.463-470
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    • 2003
  • It is a matter of fact that Pusan, doesn't have enough systematic history and culture, has face on very difficult situation. A competative and fashionate tourist theme park need to be constructed to develop their historical theme park, and to make own culture which is related to Pusan' tradition. The subject of this study is to suggest the basic knowledge about specialty of customer to be expected when cultural theme park is built up. The questionare to customer is consist of the propensity of lesure, the use of similar facility, the type of theme park, and inclination of visitation to forign and domestic tourist.

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Problems in the Use of Microforms in Research Libraries -With a special reference to the users' attitude in Korean research organizations- (마이크로형태자료 이용의 문제점 -우리나라 연구기관의 이용자조사를 중심으로-)

  • Lee Soon Ja
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.7
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    • pp.197-223
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    • 1980
  • This paper consists of two parts: the first part discusses general problems of microforms as transmission and storage media of research information, especially in view of user's reactions to this unconventional media. Many articles and surveys from major American library journals and other professional publications have been mentioned and reviewed to find out the common issues which could be relevent to Korean case. The latter part is the analysis of the two sets of surveys. One was done from 5 research libraries in Seoul and the other, from 150 researchers who were the users of the libraries. The major findings are: The research libraries in Korea are in the infant stage of building their microform research collection. They are doing their special effort to level up the weaknesss of the collection. Presently, general level of usage is very low, although the users showed a positive attitude toward this unaccustomed media. They are well convinced with necessity of use of microforms in their research and they have correct ideas about some of the problems they are going to face along with the eventual heavier use of the materials. They are psychologically ready to accept them and to make a good use out of them if some of the external conditions for proper use of the material would be guaranteed.

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Examining the Potentialities for Building Fisheries Cluster in Regional Level (지역별 수산업 클러스터 형성가능성 검토)

  • Choe, Sung-Ae;Chae, Dong-Ryul
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.1-28
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    • 2009
  • In recent, the Korean fisheries industry face an overall crisis. Annual fish catch is continuously decreasing for last two decades even though various programs to improve fish population. Moreover, domestic fish market is more and more occupied by imported cheap fish products from abroad due to the consequence of open economic policy, FTA and WTO/DDA entente. Under the circumstances, this study aims to examine the potential for building fisheries cluster as a policy tool to promote fisheries and fisheries-associated industries in Korea. To achieve this goal, the authors firstly reviewed the theoretical concept of Industrial Cluster in the evolutionary economics point of view, secondly, analyzed the main components of Porterian Cluster(or innovation cluster), thirdly, derived the key reasons to induce the improvement of productivity within the cluster network system and lastly evaluated fisheries capability and industrial infrastructures of each province as a basic condition to build a fisheries cluster. The result of the study demonstrates the voluntary accumulation of fish products and processing techniques in Korea, however, it is not enough to make up a Porterian innovation. Therefore, the present is most opportune for applying fisheries cluster as a strategic policy tool. Government supports to establish innovation cluster for fisheries may contribute both fisheries industry and local economy by developing the latent capacity of fisheries and helping concentrate innovation capabilities.

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Clothes Development with Human Design for Dwarf (왜소인을 위한 휴먼디자인 의복개발)

  • 김인경;최정욱;신정숙
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.485-500
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study is to develop the formal wear for social activity of dwarf. Second investigation for choices of designs based upon data from the first questionnaire investigation, led us to make proposals for design, pattern production, garment-cutting and dressmaking. The effect of wearing the made-up garments was carefully evaluated in order to establish principles for the development of clothes for dwarf. Conclusion is as follow. Dwarf felt uneasy in conventional street dress. When buying clothes their most important criteria was design wanted clothes that would help them to look taller. Analysis of design preference to complement perceived physical weak points revealed: 'a pink ensemble' comprising of a high-waist, one-piece dress, and a black slacks suit comprising of a striped, single-breasted, tailored jacket, and straight-type slacks and blouse. It was found that a bolero jacket and a high-waist, ankle-length, one-piece dress helped create an optical illusion of increased height, for both the wearer and an observer. A pastel ton-pink, one-piece also created this effect on small bodily types, as well as offering a silky, mellow attractiveness. A suit of a striped, single-breasted tailored jacket, and straight-type slacks and blouse, created the two fold illusion of disguising hip imbalance with the length of the jacket and drawing an onlooker\`s gaze to the wearer\`s face through the tailored collar, they also looked taller due to the stripes.

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Autophagy Is Pro-Senescence When Seen in Close-Up, but Anti-Senescence in Long-Shot

  • Kwon, Yoojin;Kim, Ji Wook;Jeoung, Jo Ae;Kim, Mi-Sung;Kang, Chanhee
    • Molecules and Cells
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    • v.40 no.9
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    • pp.607-612
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    • 2017
  • When mammalian cells and animals face a variety of internal or external stresses, they need to make homeostatic changes so as to cope with various stresses. To this end, mammalian cells are equipped with two critical stress responses, autophagy and cellular senescence. Autophagy and cellular senescence share a number of stimuli including telomere shortening, DNA damage, oncogenic stress and oxidative stress, suggesting their intimate relationship. Autophagy is originally thought to suppress cellular senescence by removing damaged macromolecules or organelles, yet recent studies also indicated that autophagy promotes cellular senescence by facilitating the synthesis of senescence-associated secretory proteins. These seemingly opposite roles of autophagy may reflect a complex picture of autophagic regulation on cellular senescence, including different types of autophagy or a unique spatiotemporal activation of autophagy. Thus, a better understanding of autophagy process will lead us to not only elucidate the conundrum how autophagy plays dual roles in the regulation of cellular senescence but also helps the development of new therapeutic strategies for many human diseases associated with cellular senescence. We address the pro-senescence and anti-senescence roles of autophagy while focusing on the potential mechanistic aspects of this complex relationship between autophagy and cellular senescence.