• Title/Summary/Keyword: essential map

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Flood Hazard Map in Woo Ee Stream Basin Using Conclusive Hydraulic Routing Model (결정론적 홍수위 추적 모형을 이용한 우이천 유역의 홍수범람도 작성)

  • Moon, Young-Il;Yoon, Sun-Kwon;Kim, Jae-Hyun;Ahn, Jae-Hyun
    • 한국방재학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.02a
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    • pp.637-640
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    • 2008
  • Flood control and river improvement works are carried out every year for the defense of the flood disaster, it is impossible to avoid the damage when there is a flood exceeding the capacity of hydraulic structures. Therefore, nonstructural counter plans such as the establishment of flood hazard maps, the flood warning systems are essential with structural counter plans. In this study, analysis of the internal inundation effect using rainfall runoff model such as PC-SWMM was applied to Woo Ee experimental stream basin. Also, the design frequency analysis for effects of the external inundation was accomplished by main parameter estimation for conclusive hydraulic routing using HEC-RAS model. Finally, inundated areas for flood hazard map were estimated at Woo Ee downstream basin according to flood frequency using HEC-GeoRAS model linked by Arc View GIS.

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Current Status of Development of Rendering Drawings Service for Mobile Indoor Location Based Service (모바일 옥내위치기반서비스를 위한 도면 출력 서비스 구현 현황 소개)

  • Yim, Jaegeol;Le, Thanh C.
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2012.04a
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    • pp.191-194
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    • 2012
  • Rendering maps is an essential feature of the user interface component of a location based service (LBS) system. However, a developer may not too much worry about implementing the rendering maps part of his or her system because there are quite a few publicly available libraries that provide all kinds of functions of manipulating maps. Google Maps, Yahoo Map, Naver Map, Daum Map, and so on are example sites that provide those libraries. Rendering drawings is to indoor LBS as rendering maps is to LBS. However, there is no such thing as Google Maps that provides libraries for rendering drawings. This paper introduces a few web services and a library that is useful in developing user interfaces of indoor LBS systems.

Implementation and Operation of Network Interface Module based on Mini- MAP Environment (Mini-MAP 환경에서 네트워크 접속장치의 구현과 시험 운영)

  • Lee, Min-Nam;Kim, Jeong-Ho;Lee, Sang-Beom
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.263-271
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    • 1994
  • Automation of production in modern manufacturing is based on the integration of the various stage of production process by means of processing system. Information processing and network interface are of fundamental importance in programmable device in industrial automation, as they essential in order to active integration in production lines. In this paper, TBC(token bus controller) in the Mini-MAP board performs the function of the MAC sublayer, The LLC sublayer is implemented according to the specification of Class 3 that includes Type 1 and 3. And the MMS services are designed within the scope of implementation MAP 3.0 All the softwares are implemented under the real time executive for real time application of the Mini-MAP and they are loaded into PROMs at the network board. We tested the LLC functions to make use of a protocol analyzer for the token bus protocol. Also the MMS conformance test was carried out by exchanging primitives between a model system(including NIU) and a MMS product that had already passed the conformance the conformance test based on measurement method of network analysis.

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Interaction of Microtubule-associated Protein 1B Light Chain(MAP1B-LC1) and p53 Represses Transcriptional Activity of p53

  • Kim, Jung-Woong;Lee, So-Youn;Jeong, Mi-Hee;Jang, Sang-Min;Song, Ki-Hyun;Kim, Chul-Hong;Kim, You-Jin;Choi, Kyung-Hee
    • Animal cells and systems
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.69-75
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    • 2008
  • The tumor suppressor and transcription factor p53 is a key modulator of cellular stress responses, and can trigger apoptosis in many cell types including neurons. In this study, we have shown that Microtubule-associated protein 1B(MAP1B) light chain interacts with tumor suppressor p53. MAP1B is one of the major cytoskeletal proteins in the developing nervous system and essential in forming axons during elongation. We also demonstrate that both p53 and MAP1B-LC1 interact in the nucleus in HEK 293 cells. Indeed, we show that the MAP1B-LC1 negatively regulates p53-dependent transcriptional activity of a reporter containing the p21 promoter. Consequently, MAP1B light chain binds with p53 and their interaction leads to the inhibition of doxorubicin-induced apoptosis in HEK 293 cells. Furthermore, these examinations might be taken into consideration when knock-down of MAP1B-LC1 is used as a cancer therapeutic strategy to enhance p53's apoptotic activity in chemotherapy.

Survey Research on Satisfaction and Utilization of New & Renewable Energy Resource Map Service (신재생에너지 자원지도 서비스의 만족도 및 활용도 조사연구)

  • Kim, Hyun-Goo;Kang, Yong-Heaok;Yun, Chang-Yeol;Ko, Yuna
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.24 no.8
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    • pp.1003-1013
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    • 2015
  • The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy is now placing emphasis on the importance of a new and renewable energy resource map service as an essential means of promoting the dissemination and adoption of renewable energy and other related industrial activities. To raise satisfaction with the new and renewable energy resource map service and promote its utilization, a survey was conducted on a sample group with an academic research background, i.e. employees of the Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER) who have a thorough understanding of the technological concepts behind the new and renewable energy resource map. Statistical analysis of the survey results showed a high level of overall satisfaction with the web service for the new and renewable energy resource map. Therefore, it was concluded that the development of practical contents rather than the enhancement of web service convenience is required. A statistically significant trend was also observed whereby, the longer the professional career of the survey respondents, the greater their perception and utilization of, and satisfaction with, the enhanced service, which indicates that their level of understanding and utilization of technological concepts corresponds to their research experience record. In addition, the results obtained from the questionnaires regarding the evaluation of the utilization value of the resource map service indicated that use of the service was equally high in terms of political, business and academic applications. The results confirmed the need to develop multidimensional resource map contents that can be applied to as many fields as possible, rather than focusing on a specific terrain.

RDBMS based Topic Map Constraint Checking Mechanism (RDBMS 기반의 토픽맵 무결성 검사 기법)

  • Lee, Han-Jun;Min, Kyung-Sub;Kim, Hyoung-Joo
    • Journal of KIISE:Databases
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.493-502
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    • 2007
  • Due to a growing interest in searching and expressing knowledge effectively, knowledge management methods such as Topic Map are becoming more important. Topic Map organizes knowledge that is full of intricate relations, so maintaining and managing Topic Map consistently is very essential. TMCL and other constraint languages have limits as they can check simple constraints but can not support complex constraints like dependence constraints. Current constraint checking systems operating at the application level are also showing an inferiority in performance. In this paper, we extend TMCL based on the characteristics of other constraint languages in the information system field and related fields. We build and propose an RDBMS-based Topic Map constraint checking system to support the extended constraint language effectively. This new system handles complex types of constraints like dependency constraint as well as basic Topic Map constraints present in the TMCL. As the system examines each constraint it uses templates to generate queries for effective checking and overall shows a higher performance level than current systems.

Quickly Map Renewal through IPM-based Image Matching with High-Definition Map (IPM 기반 정밀도로지도 매칭을 통한 지도 신속 갱신 방법)

  • Kim, Duk-Jung;Lee, Won-Jong;Kim, Gi-Chang;Choi, Yun-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.5_1
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    • pp.1163-1175
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    • 2021
  • In autonomous driving, road markings are an essential element for object tracking, path planning and they are able to provide important information for localization. This paper presents an approach to update and measure road surface markers with HD maps as well as matching using inverse perspective mapping. The IPM removes perspective effects from the vehicle's front camera image and remaps them to the 2D domain to create a bird-view region to fit with HD map regions. In addition, letters and arrows such as stop lines, crosswalks, dotted lines, and straight lines are recognized and compared to objects on the HD map to determine whether they are updated. The localization of a newly installed object can be obtained by referring to the measurement value of the surrounding object on the HD map. Therefore, we are able to obtain high accuracy update results with very low computational costs and low-cost cameras and GNSS/INS sensors alone.

Depth Map Correction Algorithm based on Segmentation in Multi-view Systems (다중시점 환경에서의 슈퍼픽셀 세그먼테이션 기반 깊이 영상 개선 알고리즘)

  • Jung, Woo-Kyung;Han, Jong-Ki
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.954-964
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    • 2020
  • In immersive media, the most important factor that provides immersion is depth information. Therefore, it is essential to obtain high quality depth information in order to produce high quality immersive media. In this paper we propose an algorithm to improve depth map, considering the segmentation of images and the relationship between multiple views in multi-view systems. The proposed algorithm uses a super-pixel segmentation technique to divide the depth map of the reference view into several segments, and project each segment into adjacent view. Subsequently, the depth map of the adjacent view is improved using plane estimation using the information of the projected segment, and then reversed to the reference view. This process is repeated for several adjacent views to improve the reference depth map by updating the values of the improved adjacent views and the initial depth map of the reference view. Through simulation, the proposed algorithm is shown to surpass the conventional algorithm subjectively and objectively.

The Study for the Assessment of the Noise Map for the Railway Noise Prediction Considering the Input Variables (철도소음예측시 입력변수의 영향을 고려한 소음지도 작성 및 평가)

  • Lee, Jaewon;Gu, J.H.;Lee, W.S.;Seo, C.Y.
    • Transactions of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.295-300
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    • 2013
  • The noise map can be applied to predict the effect of noise and establish the noise reduction measure. But the predicted value in the noise map can vary depending on the input variables. Thus, we surveyed the several prediction models and analyzed the changes corresponding to the variables for obtaining the coherency and accuracy of prediction results. As a result, we know that the Schall03 and CRN model can be applied to predict the railway noise in Korea and the correction value, such as bridges correction, multiple reflection correction, curve correction must be used for reflecting the condition of the prediction site. Also, we know that the prediction guideline is an essential prerequisite in order to obtain the unified and accurate predicted value for railway noise.

Dynamic Knowledge Map and RDB-based Knowledge Conceptualization in Medical Arena (동적지식도와 관계형 데이터베이스 기반의 의료영역 지식 개념화)

  • Kim, Jin-Sung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems Conference
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    • 2004.04a
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    • pp.111-114
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    • 2004
  • Management of human knowledge is an interesting concept that has attracted the attention of philosophers for thousands of years. Artificial intelligence and knowledge engineering has provided some degree of rigor to the study of knowledge systems and expert systems(ES) re able to use knowledge to solve the problems and answer questions. Therefore, the process of conceptualization and inference of knowledge are fundamental problem solving activities and hence, are essential activities for solving the problem of software ES construction Especially, the access to relevant, up-to-date and reliable knowledge is very important task in the daily work of physicians and nurses. In this study, we propose the conceptualization and inference mechanism for implicit knowledge management in medical diagnosis area. To this purpose, we combined the dynamic knowledge map(KM) and relational database(RDB) into a dynamic knowledge map(DKM). A graphical user-interface of DKM allows the conceptualization of the implicit knowledge of medical experts. After the conceptualization of implicit knowledge, we developed an RDB-based inference mechanism and prototype software ES to access and retrieve the implicit knowledge stored in RDB. Our proposed system allows the fast comfortable access to relevant knowledge fitting to the demands of the current task.

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