• Title/Summary/Keyword: environmental approach

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Potential of Coal Gasification Slag as an Alkali-activated Cement (석탄가스화 복합발전 슬래그의 알칼리 활성 시멘트로서의 가능성)

  • Kim, Byoungkwan;Lee, Sujeong;Chon, Chul-Min;Choi, Hong-Shik
    • Resources Recycling
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.38-47
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    • 2018
  • Integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) is a next generation energy production technology that converts coal into syngas with enhanced power generation efficiency and environmental performance. IGCC produces almost coal gasification slag as the solid by-product. IGCC slag is generated about 140,000 tons for a year although recycling of it is still in the early stages. We evaluated the potential of IGCC slag which is generated from a pilot plant in South Korea as an alkali-activated cement. Samples which were activated with the combined activator of sodium silicate solution and caustic soda had an average compressive strength of 4.5 MPa, showing expansion. Expansion of the alkali-activated slag was presumed to be caused by free CaO in the slag, although it was not detected by the ethylene glycol method. Samples that were activated with the combined activator of sodium aluminate and caustic soda had an average compressive strength of 10 MPa. Hydroxy sodalite and $C_3AH_6$ were found to be the new crystalline phases. IGCC slag can be used as an alkali-activated material, but the strength performance should be improved with proper mix design approach to calculate optimum proportions which can alleviate the expansion issue at the same time.

Internet-of-Things Based Approach for Monitoring Pharmaceutical Cold Chain (사물인터넷을 이용한 의약품 콜드체인 관리 시스템)

  • Chandra, Abel Avitesh;Back, Jong Sang;Lee, Seong Ro
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.39C no.9
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    • pp.828-840
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    • 2014
  • There is a new evolution in technological advancement taking place called the Internet of Things (IoT). The IoT enables physical world objects in our surroundings to be connected to the Internet. For this idea to come to life, two architectures are required: the Sensing Entity in the environment which collects data and connects to the cloud and the Cloud Service that hosts the data. In particular, the combination of wireless sensor network for sensing and cloud computing for managing sensor data is becoming a popular intervention for the IoT era. The pharmaceutical cold chain requires controlled environmental conditions for the sensitive products in order for them to maintain their potency and fit for consumption. The monitoring of distribution process is the only assurance that a process has been successfully validated. The distribution process is so critical that anomaly at any point will result in the process being no longer valid. Taking the cold chain monitoring to IoT and using its benefits and power will result in better management and product handling in the cold chain. In this paper, Arduino based wireless sensor network for storage and logistics (land and sea) is presented and integrated with Xively cloud service to offer a real-time and innovative solution for pharmaceutical cold chain monitoring.

An Analysis of Dynamic Characteristics of RDX Combustion Using Rigorous Modeling (상세 모델링을 통한 RDX 연소 동특성 분석)

  • Kim, Shin-Hyuk;Yeom, Gi-Hwoen;Moon, Il;Chae, Joo-Seung;Kim, Hyeon-Soo;Oh, Min
    • Clean Technology
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.398-405
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    • 2014
  • In the treatment of spent high energetic materials, the issues such as environmental pollution, safety as well as working capacity should be carefully considered and well examined. In this regard, incineration has been recommended as one of the most promising processes for the disposal of such explosives. Due to the fact that high energetic materials encompass various types and their different characteristics, the technology development dealing with various materials is not an easy task. In this study, rigorous modeling and dynamic simulation was carried out to predict dynamic physico-chemical phenomena for research department explosive (RDX). Plug flow reactor was employed to describe the incinerator with 263 elementary reactions and 43 chemical species. Simulation results showed that safe operations can be achieved mainly by controlling the reactor temperature. At 1,200 K, only thermal decomposition (combustion) occurred, whereas increasing temperature to 1,300 K, caused the reaction rates to increase drastically, which led to ignition. The temperature further increased to 3,000 K which was the maximum temperature recorded for the entire process. Case studies for different operating temperatures were also executed and it was concluded that the modeling approach and simulation results will serve as a basis for the effective design and operation of RDX incinerator.

The Economic Assessment of Claims for Oil Pollution Damages : The Canadian Experience (유류해양오염으로 인한 환경피해에 대한 경제적 가치평가: 캐나다의 유류해양오염에 대한 사례연구)

  • Jung, Hyung-Chan
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.157-183
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    • 2003
  • 유류오염 사고를 사전에 예방할 수 있는 정책 수단으로는 여러 가지가 있지만 주요한 것으로는 인센티브제의 활용을 들 수 있다. 유류오염 사고를 예방하고 관리하기 위한 인센티브는 유출 사고로 인해 발생한 해양자원의 피해에 대해 가해자에게 배상책임(liability for losses due to spills)을 부과함으로써 제공될 수 있다. 유류오염 사고로 인한 피해액을 실제 화폐단위로 계량화하는 작업은 배상책임 부과제도를 정책수단으로 활용하기 위해 해결해야 할 가장 어려운 과제이다. 따라서, 최근 미국과 캐나다를 중심으로 발전하고 있는 자연자원 피해에 대한 가치 평가법(Natural Resource Damage Assessment : NRDA)은 배상책임 부과제도를 정책적으로 보완할 수 있는 이론적 도구로 간주되고 있다. NRDA는 잠재적인 가해자들에게 그들이 자연환경을 보존해야 하는 사회적 의무를 이행하지 못하고 이를 훼손하게 될 때 이로 인해 발생하는 모든 사회적 비용을 직접 부담해야 한다는 명확한 재무적 인센티브(financial incentive)를 부여함으로써 가해자 보상 원칙 (polluter pays principle)을 실현 할 수 있게 한다. 본 연구는, 유류오염 사고로 인한 환경자원 피해의 경제적 가치를 추정하는 가장 중요한 이론적 모형으로 활용되고 있는 가상상황평가법(CVM)에 대한 기초 개념과 이론적 체계, 그리고 이를 실제 피해액 추정에 성공적으로 적용시키기 위해 해결해야 할 문제점 등을 다루었다. 이를 위해, 본 연구에서는 1988년 캐나다 북서부 연안에서 발생한 Nestucca 유류오염 사고를 사례연구의 대상으로 선정하고, 사고 당시 캐나다 연방정부와 British Columbia 주정부를 대신하여 해양오염에 의한 환경피해의 경제적 가치를 추정한 미국의 컨설팅 회사인 RCG/Hagler, Baily Inc.의 가상상황평가법(CVM) 적용 사례를 분석 검토하였다. Nestucca 사례연구에서는 이들 연구자들이 실제로 활용한 설문지 설계, 설문방법 및 표본설계 등을 분석하였으며, 또한 CVM이 본질적으로 갖고 있는 방법론적 문제점들을 연구자들이 어떻게 해결하려고 했는가를 고찰하였다. 그리고, WTP 추정을 위해 RCG 연구자들이 사용한 사전규제접근법(ex ante regulatory approach)으로 인해 야기될 수 있는 환경자원 피해액 추정 방법의 한계점도 함께 검토하였다. 캐나다 연방정부와 British Columbia 주정부는 Nestucca 유류오염 사고로 인한 자연 자원 피해에 대한 손해배상으로 $4.3 Million의 보상금을 지급 받게 된다. 캐나다 정부는 이 보상금으로 Nestucca Oil Spill Trust Fund를 설립하여 피해를 입은 자연자원의 원상회복(restoration)을 위한 다양한 연구 프로젝트에 자금을 지원하고 있다. Nestucca 유류오염 사고를 계기로 캐나다 정부와 학계는 해양자원의 피해에 대한 경제적 가치평가와 자원의 원상회복에 대한 체계적인 접근 방안을 처음으로 마련 시행하게 되었다는 점에서, Nestucca 유류오염 사고에 대한 사례연구는 캐나다의 해양환경 보존 정책을 연구하는 출발점으로 평가될 수 있을 것이다. 이에 비해, 우리나라에서 대표적인 유류오염사고로 알려져 있는 시프린스호 사고와 관련된 손해배상금은 주로 연안어민들의 어업피해 배상으로 이루어져 있으며, 간접피해에 대한 배상액 48억 5천만원도 대부분 치어방류, 여수대학교 종묘배양장건립 등 피해지역 연안어업 발전을 위한 사업에 투자되었다.

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Model of Water, Energy and Waste Management for Development of Eco-Innovation Park ; A Case Study of Center for Research of Science and Technology "PUSPIPTEK," South Tangerang City, Indonesia

  • Setiawati, Sri;Alikodra, Hadi;Pramudya, Bambang;Dharmawan, Arya Hadi
    • World Technopolis Review
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.89-96
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    • 2014
  • Center for Research of Science and Technology ("PUSPIPTEK") has 460 hectares land area, still maintained as a green area with more than 30% green space. There are 47 centers for research and testing technology, technology-based industries, and as well as public supporting facilities in PUSPIPTEK area. Based on the concepts developed to make this area as an ecological region, PUSPIPTEK can be seen as a model of eco-innovation. The purpose of this research is to develop a model of water, energy and waste management with eco-innovation concept. As a new approach in addressing environmental degradation and maintaining the sustainability of ecosystem, studies related to eco-innovation policy that combines the management of water, energy and waste in the region has not been done. In order to achieve the objectives of the research, a series of techniques for collecting data on PUSPIPTEK existing conditions will be carried out, which includes utilities data (water, electricity, sewage) and master plan of this area. The savings over the implementation of the concept of eco-innovation in water, energy, and waste management were calculated and analyzed using quatitative methods. The amount of cost savings and feasibility were then calculated. Eco innovation in water management among other innovations include the provision of alternative sources of water, overflow of rain water and water environments utilization, and use of gravity to replace the pumping function. Eco-innovation in energy management innovations include the use of LED and solar cell for air conditioning. Eco-innovation in waste management includes methods of composting for organic waste management. The research results: (1) The savings that can be achieved with the implementation of eco innovation in the water management is Rp. 3,032,640 daily, or Rp.1,106,913,600 annually; (2) The savings derived from the implementation of eco innovation through replacement of central AC to AC LiBr Solar Powered will be saved Rp.1,933,992,990 annually and the use of LED lights in the Public street lighting PUSPIPTEK saved Rp.163,454,433 annually; (3) Application of eco innovation in waste management will be able to raise awareness of the environment by sorting organic, inorganic and plastic waste. Composting and plastic waste obtained from the sale revenue of Rp. 44,016,000 per year; (4) Overall, implementation of the eco-innovation system in PUSPIPTEK area can saves Rp. 3,248,377,023 per year, compared to the existing system; and (5)The savings are obtained with implementation of eco-innovation is considered as income. Analysis of the feasibility of the implementation of eco-innovation in water, energy, and waste management in PUSPIPTEK give NPV at a 15% discount factor in Rp. 3,895,228,761; 23.20% of IRR and 4.48 years of PBP. Thus the model of eco-innovation in the area PUSPIPTEK is feasible to implement.

Evaluating Monitoring Condition for Forest Carbon Offset Project to Demonstrate CSR in North Korea (대북 사회공헌형 산림탄소상쇄사업 모니터링 여건평가)

  • Joo, Seung-Min;Heo, ManHo;Kim, Jong-Dall;Um, Jung-Sup
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.11-20
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    • 2015
  • Abstract Monitoring is the most critical element in implementing "forest carbon offset project" to enhance the visibility of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) in North Korea. This study is intended to explore monitoring potential in terms of forest carbon offset project using satellite image for Baekdu mountain of North Korea. The permanent record of standard satellite remote sensing system demonstrated its capability of presenting area-wide visual evidences of monitoring conditions in Mt. Baekdu mountain of North Korea (site suitability, carbon stock by forest biomass growth, carbon emission by forest biomass loss, deforestation and degradation, environmental, social and economic impact specified in the Carbon Sequestration Law). It doesn't seem very difficult to comply with monitoring requirements for "the forest carbon offset project" due to the probative value of satellite data. Therefore, it could be considerable or realistic approach to utilize CSR based forest carbon offset project as a point of reform and open-door in North Korea. It is anticipated that this research output could be used as a valuable reference for Korea-based enterprises to ensure monitoring potentials using satellite image in exploring forest carbon offset project sites in North Korea.

A Grounded Theory Approach on the School Dropout of Adolescents in Korea (청소년의 학업중퇴 적응과정에 대한 현실기반이론적 접근)

  • Park, Hyun-Sun
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.53
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    • pp.75-104
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    • 2003
  • This study was performed to analyze the process and develop the pattern of school dropout in the context of the Korean educational systems. Participants were 30 adolescents experiencing dropout one more times and their age ranged from 16 to 23. A major category derived and analysed from a grounded theory method of Strauss and Corbin(1990). The qualitative analysis indicated that dropout is contradictory experiences in Korea. Because it is emancipation from various distress of school systems as well as loss of various benefit as students, Main causes of dropout were identity problems, school frustrations(failure in school achievements), environmental disadvantaged and delinquencies. Sometimes these various causes are emerged at the same time. Most important condition of context which was decided was whether dropout was voluntary and considered. After dropout from school, it was important if there were resources such as emotional and informative supports. Especially informative support was critical to adjust after dropout. Dropout experience was divided largely into 4 patterns such as type of 'searching the identity', 'being disorganized', 'escaping' and 'frustration'. In chronological analysis resulted in 4 stages including 'stage I. loss of motivation', 'stage II. escaping from school', 'stage III. trial and error', 'stage IV changing the meaning of dropout in the life.

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Assessment of the quality of life in maxillectomy patients: A longitudinal study

  • Kumar, Pradeep;Alvi, Habib Ahmad;Rao, Jitendra;Singh, Balendra Pratap;Jurel, Sunit Kumar;Kumar, Lakshya;Aggarwal, Himanshi
    • The Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.29-35
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    • 2013
  • PURPOSE. To longitudinally assess the quality of life in maxillectomy patients rehabilitated with obturator prosthesis. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Thirty-six subjects were enrolled in the span of 16 months, out of which six were dropouts. Subjects (age group 20-60 years) with maxillary defects, irrespective of the cause, planned for definite obturator prosthesis, were recruited. The Hindi version of European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer, Head and Neck version 1 of Quality of Life Questionnaire was used before surgical intervention and one month after definitive obturator. Questionnaire includes 35 questions related to the patient's physical health, well being, psychological status, social relation and environmental conditions. The data were processed with statistical package for social science (SPSS). Probability level of P<.05 was considered statistically significant. RESULTS. The quality of life after rehabilitation with obturator prosthesis was 81.48% (${\pm}13.64$) on average. On item-level, maximum mean scores were obtained for items problem with teeth ($1.87{\pm}0.94$), pain in mouth ($1.80{\pm}0.92$), trouble in eating ($1.70{\pm}0.88$), trouble in talking to other people ($1.60{\pm}1.22$), problems in swallowing solid food ($1.57{\pm}1.22$) and bothering appearance ($1.53{\pm}1.04$); while minimum scores were obtained for the items coughing ($1.17{\pm}0.38$), hoarseness of voice ($1.17{\pm}0.53$), painful throat ($1.13{\pm}0.43$), trouble in having social contacts with friends ($1.10{\pm}0.40$) and trouble having physical contacts with family or friends ($1.10{\pm}0.31$). CONCLUSION. Obturator prosthesis is a highly positive and non-invasive approach to improve the quality of life of patients with maxillectomy defects.

Radiation Safety Management Guidelines for PET-CT: Focus on Behavior and Environment (PET-CT의 방사선안전관리 가이드라인 개발: 행위와 환경을 중심으로)

  • Jung, Jin-Wook;Han, Eun-Ok
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.140-147
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    • 2011
  • Our purpose is to specify behavior and environmental factors aimed at reducing the exposed dosage caused by PET-CT and to develop radiation safety management guidelines adequate for domestic circumstances. We have used a multistep-multimethod as the methodological approach to design and to carry out the research both in quality and quantity, including an analysis on previous studies, professional consultations and a survey. The survey includes responses from 139 practitioners in charged of 109 PET-CTs installed throughout Korea(reported by the Korean Society of Nuclear Medicine, 2010). The research use 156 questions using Cronbach's ${\alpha}$ (alpha) coefficients which were: 0.818 for "the necessity of setting and installing the radiation protective environment"; 0.916 for "the necessity of radiation protection", "setting and installing the radiation protective environment"; and 0.885 for "radiation protection". The check list, derived from the radiation safety management guidelines focused on behavior and environment, was composed of 20 items for the radiation protective environment: including 5 items for the patient; 4 items for the guardian; 3 items for the radiologist; and 8 items applied to everyone involved; for a total of 26 items for the radiation protective behavior including: 12 items for the patient; 1 item for the guardian, 7 items for the radiologist; and 6 items applied to everyone involved. The specific check list is shown in(Table 5-6). Since our country has no safety management guidelines of its own to reduce the exposed dosage caused by PET-CTs, we believe the guidelines developed through this study means great deal to the field as it is not only appropriate for domestic circumstances, but also contains specific check lists for each target who may be exposed to radiation in regards to behavior and environment.

A Development of Method for Surface and Subsurface Runoff Analysis in Urban Composite Watershed (I) - Theory and Development of Module - (대도시 복합유역의 지표 및 지표하 유출해석기법 개발 (I)- 이론 및 모듈의 개발 -)

  • Kwak, Chang-Jae;Lee, Jae-Joon
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.39-52
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    • 2012
  • Surface-subsurface interactions are an intrinsic component of the hydrologic response within a watershed. In general, these interactions are considered to be one of the most difficult areas of the discipline, particularly for the modeler who intends simulate the dynamic relations between these two major domains of the hydrological cycle. In essence, one major complexity is the spatial and temporal variations in the dynamically interacting system behavior. The proper simulation of these variations requires the need for providing an appropriate coupling mechanism between the surface and subsurface components of the system. In this study, an approach for modelling surface-subsurface flow and transport in a fully intergrated way is presented. The model uses the 2-dimensional diffusion wave equation for sheet surface water flow, and the Boussinesq equation with the Darcy's law and Dupuit-Forchheimer's assumption for variably saturated subsurface water flow. The coupled system of equations governing surface and subsurface flows is discretized using the finite volume method with central differencing in space and the Crank-Nicolson method in time. The interactions between surface and subsurface flows are considered mass balance based on the continuity conditions of pressure head and exchange flux. The major module consists of four sub-module (SUBFA, SFA, IA and NS module) is developed.