• Title/Summary/Keyword: empirical factor analysis

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A Study on two cases of Insanity in "WooJam JabJeo(愚岑雜著)" ("우잠잡저(愚岑雜著)" 소재(所在) 광증(狂證) 이안(二案)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Park, Sang-Young;Kwon, Oh-Min;Lee, Jung-Hwa;Oh, Jun-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.101-110
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    • 2011
  • There are not a few cases in Oriental medicine where a different prescription should be given to some of the patients whose symptoms are similar to each other. In other words, there might happen a misdiagnosis due to an extremely delicate difference in symptoms of the same diseases, causing a patient's condition to get worse or to be even on the brink of death. In such a context, the records in "WooJam JabJeo(愚岑雜著)" are worthwhile to do in-depth research on. Jang-Taegyung described his first-hand experience in major medical treatment very vivaciously during his ages between 25 and 42. Particularly, most of the prescriptions recorded in this book include not only his empirical prescriptions on the patients who life was almost on the brink of death but it also so plentifully contained the process of overcoming the side effect caused by other clinics' misdiagnosis; thus, that this book is drawing attention in that it could be indispensable materials not only in the research on medical history but also for clinical treatment. Particularly, as regards two cases of insanity, this book mentions the reason for using totally different prescription on one case from the other case even though the two cases had a similar symptom, through which we can acquire somewhat concrete experience in curing scenes though indirectly during the period of the Joseon Dynasty. We were able to get the result from the analysis of the two cases of insanity as follows: 1. WooJam, in treating the two cases of insanity due to the severe exacerbation of yang energy, managed to treat the one case by inducing a bowel movement and the other case by inducing urination. Such a different treatment seems to be greatly attributable to the constitutional factor of the two patients. Such an Oriental-medicine-based method of diagnosis and prescription as WooJam's is rarely found in Western medicine-i.e., that's why more thorough research on Oriental medicine is deeply required. 2. In case of the second patient, the patient arrived at insanity due to another clinic's treatment on perspiration on the patient with severe mouth thirst. This medical story once again highlights the importance of a diagnosis in today's Oriental medicine and at the same time it's a good example showing how big the side effect caused by the abuse of medicinal herbs is. The second patient's body fluids ran dry and finally his yang energy got exacerbated all the more due to the treatment by perspiration.

Development of U-Service Priority Model Based on Customer and Provider's View (수요·공급자를 통합한 u-서비스 우선순위 평가모형 개발)

  • Jang, Jae-Ho;Um, Jung-Sup
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.132-147
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    • 2008
  • So far ubiquitous service (u-service) priority has seldom been empirically examined based on the customer's view. It is usual to prioritize the relative importance of u-service variables by the supplier's intuition and a few specialist's experienced knowledge. Such approaches have the disadvantage that they provide only limited empirical information on the field practices in relation to u-service since customer demand of u-service is poorly defined despite abundant interest in this problem. Therefore, the aim of this research was to develop u-service priority model in the context of multi-criteria framework integrating customer and supplier's view, using high technology acceptance theory as major controlling factors. An important question was how to measure or represent criteria that is important to u-service and should be included in a priority model. The selection criteria for the model variables were derived from high technology acceptance theory and AHP approach through the analysis of frequency count, elimination of overlapping factors and brainstorming with specialists. Daegu showed top-rankings in transportation-aid service, guidance service for the eyesight disabled and u-telematics service. In contrast, disaster prevention service and industrial specialized town service ranked highly in the typical supplier's approach were not a dominant determining factor in the u-service priority. The model identified the fact that typical high priority service in terms of supplier's view did not necessarily accompany the important predictor for the u-service priority.

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Truck Destination Choice Behavior incorporating Time of Day, Activity duration and Logistic Activity (출발시간, 통행거리 및 물류활동 특성을 고려한 도착지 선택행태분석)

  • Sin, Seung-Jin;Kim, Chan-Seong;Park, Min-Cheol;Kim, Han-Su
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.73-81
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    • 2009
  • While various factors in passenger and freight demand analysis affect on destination choice, a key factor, in general. is an attractiveness measure by size variable (e.g., population. employment etc) in destination zone. In order to measure the attractiveness, some empirical studies suggested that disaggregate gravity model are more suitable than aggregate gravity model. This study proposes that truck travelers trip diary data among Korean commodity flow data could be used to estimate the behaviors of incorporating trip departure time, activity duration and attractiveness in destination. As a result, the main findings of size and distance variables coincide with the conventional gravity model having a positive effect of population variable and a negative effect of distance variable. Due to disaggregate gravity modeling, the unique findings of this study reports that small trucks are more likely to choose short distance and early morning, morning peak and afternoon peak departure time choice. On the other hand, large trucks are more likely to choose long distance and night time departure time choice.

An Empirical Study on Service Quality and Patient Satisfaction in Specialty and General Hospitals (전문병원과 일반병원의 서비스의 질과 환자만족도에 관한 실증적 분석)

  • Kim, Mi-Sun;Park, Ha-Young
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.31-53
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    • 2006
  • The objective of this study is to examine the effectiveness of the strategy of hospital specialization by analyzing the differences in expected and perceived services, perceived service quality, satisfaction, and intentions to revisit and recommend the hospital to others between general and specialty hospitals. Data were collected using self-administered questionnaire from patients admitted to four study hospitals: two speciality and two general hospitals. The questionnaire was developed based on SERVQUAL to measure five dimensions of service quality. Four hundreds questionnaires were distributed to inpatients or their guardians and 282 returned questionnaires were used in the analyses. The significance of the differences in study variables between specialty and general hospitals were tested by t-test and $x^2$-test. The factor analysis result confirmed the construct validity of 28 questions asked to measure service quality and resulted in four dimensions of service quality: reliability, assurance, tangible and empathy/responsiveness. Cronbach's Alpha ranged from .9013 to .9358, that confirmed the internal consistency of answers. The study results indicated that patients who used specialty hospitals had higher levels of expected and perceived service, a higher level of perceived service quality, and higher levels of service satisfaction than patients who used general hospitals. Percents of patients who had the intention to revisit the hospital and to recommend the hospital to others were higher among patients in specialty hospitals. The most frequent reason to choose the hospital was the excellence of doctors in both general(29.9%) and specialty(43.8%) hospitals, that was followed by convenient transportation(15.3%) and someone know works at the hospital(15.3%) in general hospitals and other's recommendation(14.6%), and nice amenities(13.1%) in specialty hospitals. Although there were no significant differences in clinical department, age, and sex of patients between general and specialty hospitals, patients who visited speciality hospitals had higher levels of education and income than their counter part in general hospitals. These results suggested that specialty hospitals performed better than general hospitals. Specialization could be a viable strategy to tide over recent financial difficulties experienced by hospitals, particularly small- and medium-sized hospitals.

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The Mediating Effect and Moderating Effect of Pseudonymized Information Combination in the Relationship Between Regulation Factors of Personal Information and Big Data Utilization (개인정보 규제요인과 빅데이터 활용간의 관계에서 가명정보 결합의 매개효과 및 조절효과)

  • Kim, Sang-Gwang
    • Informatization Policy
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.82-111
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    • 2020
  • Recently, increasing use of big data have caused regulation factors of personal information and combination of pseudonymized information to emerge as key policy measures. Therefore, this study empirically analyzed the mediating effect and moderating effect of pseudonymized information combination as the third variable in the relationship between regulation factors of personal information and big data utilization. The analysis showed the following results: First, among personal information regulation factors, definition regulation, consent regulation, supervisory authority regulation, and punishment intensity regulation showed a positive(+) relationship with the big data utilization, while among pseudonymized information combination factors, non-identification of combination, standardization of combined pseudonymized information, and responsibility of combination were also found to be in a positive relationship with the use of big data. Second, among the factors of pseudonymized information combination, non-identification of combination, standardization of combined pseudonymized information, and responsibility of combination showed a positive(+) mediating effect in relation to regulation factors of personal information and big data utilization. Third, in the relationship between personal information regulation factors and big data utilization, the moderating effect hypothesis that each combination institution type of pseudonymized information (free-type, intermediary-type, and designated-type) would play a different role as a moderator was rejected. Based on the results of the empirical research, policy alternatives of 'Good Regulation' were proposed, which would maintain balance between protection of personal information and big data utilization.

Two Factors of Overseas Online Shopping : Self-Efficacy and Impulsivity (해외직접구매의 두 요소 : 자기효능감과 구매충동성)

  • Lee, Han-Suk
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.16 no.8
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    • pp.79-89
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    • 2018
  • Purpose - This research aims to investigate the factors that influence consumer's overseas online shopping behavior. Consumers adopt overseas online shopping as a new buying way and more and more consumers prefer overseas online shopping than traditional shopping ways. Consumers' behaviors in this shopping experience can be different from other shopping experiences. With the increase of overseas online shopping, we need to find antecedents and results of overseas online shopping. Especially there would be positive or negative factors which influence overseas online shopping motivation. To find the relationship, this study examines self-efficacy and impulsivity as major factors which influence overseas online shopping. We also suggest that several attitude factors increase self-efficacy and it is positively related to customer satisfaction. On the other hand, we assume that overseas online shopping factors influence impulsivity of buying and it will decrease customer satisfaction. Research design, data, and methodology - This empirical study data were collected from Korean people who experience overseas online shopping. The subjects for this study were confined to shoppers who used overseas online shopping within the past six months. A total of 267 responses were gathered. SPSS 23.0, PLS 2.0 software were used in the data analysis. Descriptive statistics were used to show sample characteristics. We examined reliability, validity test for constructs. All measurement items used seven-point scales(1= very strong disagree, 7 = very strongly agree) drawn from previously published papers. Partial Least Square method was applied to find the relationship between antecedent factors and dependent factors and hypotheses were estimated. Results - Results show that perceived superiority, perceived ease of use, perceived transaction safety, perceived behavioral control positively affect self-efficacy. Self-efficacy influences positively to consumer's post purchase satisfaction. Perceived monetary benefit and perceived uniqueness motivated impulse buying. This can make consumer's post purchase dissatisfaction. Conclusions - This paper attempted to confirm the existence of both the positive and negative faces of overseas online shopping. The result reveals that self-efficacy is a major factor which may increase satisfaction in the overseas online shopping. Usually, we can think monetary benefit and uniqueness of products motivate overseas online shopping. But it can also intrigue impulse buying and negatively affect customer relationship. Therefore companies should provide enough products information to their potential customers and they might apply adequate processes such as recommendation, comparing systems to build long term relationship with their customers.

Micro Enterprise Policy to Reduce Trade Conflict Due to SSM Enter Restriction : An Empirical Analysis on the Determinants of Micro Enterprise Organization (SSM 진출규제에 따른 국제통상마찰 완화를 위한 소상공인 정책방향 : 소상공인 조직화 결정요인 실증분석)

  • Jun, In-Woo;Moon, Sun-Ung
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.245-270
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    • 2011
  • It is known that weak competitiveness of micro enterprises can be overcome when they are organized with enterprise associations, franchise systems, and joint affiliation. In this paper, we empirically analyze the determinants of organization of micro enterprises, and propose the policy implementations to enhance the competitiveness of micro enterprises as a measure to reduce trade conflict due to SSM entry restrictions. Logit estimation results based on survey data consisted of 467 samples, show that insufficient labor force and high material costs had negative effects on organization. The unexpected findings generally support the rationale that organization is not helpful to solve insufficient labor force and high material costs. However, the decrease in sales due to the economic recession and the decreasing number of customers due to customer transition to large enterprises had a more positive effect on organization than usually expected. There are differences in estimation results between two types of business(restaurants and retail). In case of the restaurant business, insufficient labor force, high material costs and a decreasing of number of customers are important factors for organization, while the sales decrease is a relatively important factor in the case of retail businesses.

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An Empirical Study on Information Liberal Education in University based on IT Fluency and Computational Thinking Concept (IT 유창성과 컴퓨팅적 사고 개념을 이용한 대학 정보교양 교육에 관한 실증적 연구)

  • Jung, Hae-Yong
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.263-274
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    • 2014
  • The objectives of this research are to develop information education framework and derive detail IT curriculums in University Liberal education, which is essential to effective learning all special knowledge and a base skill in university education. In order to achieve these research objectives, first this study theoretically derives three categories of IT education area based on comprehensive review of the previous research including IT Fluency, Information Literacy and Computational Thinking concepts, and explicates concrete items for each category. And then, with respect to each of these items, we empirically investigate the degree of necessity measured by the gap between the required level of knowledge and skills which student should have for effective studying of major curriculum and the present level of them which they really have. Field survey is employed for the data collection: 350 questionnaires are distributed to the students, and 313 questionnaires are collected in useful condition and are analyzed. The findings of this research shows that three dimensions of IT Liberal Education are empirically derived by factor analysis as following: (1) Foundational Concepts of IT, (2) Utilization Capabilities of IT, (3) Intellectual Capabilities of IT. And the results of this study can provide the theoretical basis for constructing the IT education. Also they can be used as a practical guideline in developing and promoting specific University IT education programs in Liberal Education.

The Effects of e-Service Quality of Online Travel Agency on Relationship Quality and Reuse Intention: Focused on Chinese Individual Tourists (온라인 여행사의 e-서비스품질이 관계품질과 재이용의도에 미치는 영향: 중국 개별여행객을 중심으로)

  • Zhang, Xin-Yi;Yeo, Young-Suk
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.171-177
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    • 2020
  • This study investigates e-service quality of online travel agency and influence on relationship quality and Reuse. The individual Chinese tourists with experiences using online travel agencies were chosen for the study. The survey was carried out at Jeju International Airport, which is the most frequently used by Chinese tourists visiting Korea. Data were collected for 7 days from July 15, 2019 to July 21, 2019. A total of 320 tourists were attended in this research and finally 300 samples were used for empirical analysis. The result of the study showed that e-service quality of online travel agencies all factors(convenience, individuality, accuracy and price attractiveness) influences on relationship quality all factors(satisfaction, trust) and the factor 'accuracy' was analyzed as the biggest among them. Moreover satisfaction and trust factors of all sub-factors of relationship quality influences on reuse. In the future, we intend to provide basic marketing data for Chinese tourists using online travel agencies to officials and practitioners. Particularly, focusing on the tourism behaviors of individual Chinese tourists, we are going to propose effective business cooperation plans and strategic alternatives with online travel agencies.

THE DEGREE OF EGO IMPAIRMENT IN ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRIC PATIENT GROUPS (청소년 정신과 환자군을 대상으로 한 자아기능의 장애정도 비교 - Rorschach검사의 자아손상지표를 중심으로 -)

  • Oh, Youn-Hee;Kim, Zoung-Soul;Shin, Min-Sup
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.178-185
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    • 1999
  • Objective:This study was designed to examine the validity of the Ego Impairment Index(EII) in adolescent psychiatric patients(depression, depressive-conduct disorder, schizophrenia), and to explore the validity of the depressive-conduct disorder as a diagnostic entity. Method:19 depressives, 13 depressive-conduct disordered, and 10 schizophrenics with the age from 12 to 18 were selected based on DSM-IV and ICD-10 criteria, and their responses of the Rorschach and MMPI were analyzed. The EII was empirically developed by Perry and Viglione(1991) in order to assess the degree of ego impairment, and was derived from the Rorschach test. Results:It was founded that a single factor, ego impairment, was derived from the principal component analysis and explained 57.18% of total variances. The degree of ego impairment was grater in schizophrenics than in the other two groups, but there were no difference between depressives and depressive-conducts. Conclusions:These results offered support for the use EII as an empirical means of assessing the degree of ego impairment in adolescent patients. And these results suggest that depressive-conduct disorder group is more similar to the depressive group, implying that depressive-conduct disorder might correspond to so called masked depression. The clinical implication and limitation of present study were discussed.

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