• Title/Summary/Keyword: educational application plan

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Knowledge Management Assessment Using PDCA based in Global and Local Standards: in the Case of Technics and Informatics Studies

  • Ruzicic, Vesna S.;Micic, Zivadin M.
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.2022-2042
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    • 2020
  • This research aims to contribute to the discipline of knowledge management (KM) in Higher Education (HE), and is conducted using the case of the study programme (SP) for Integrated Academic Studies (IAS) of Technics and Informatics (TI). A deduction-induction methodology is applied, using a Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) approach to design a suitable KM concept for making improvements to the SP IAS TI on the standardisation platform. Based on the application of the International Classification of Standards (ICS), the research analyses the correlations and competences acquired during the courses within the accredited TI study programme of two-course studies. On the basis of the results of a comparative analysis of the developmental learning process and educational goals, it is shown that knowledge management in correlation with standardisation leads to the improvement of study programmes in the upcoming accreditation cycle on the standardisation platform. Frequent innovations within standardised thematic fields (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.) indicate the need for appropriate changes to the SP. The contribution to KM is through an original analysis of annual samples of more than 90,000 standardised sources in correlation with the TI study programme. Expert System (ES) modelling and the original results enable an analogous contribution to the future KM of other SPs.

Construction of Fashion Cultural Goods Design Database using Gaya Relics (가야(伽倻) 유물을 활용한 패션문화상품 디자인 데이터베이스 구축)

  • Song, Mi-Jung;Park, Hye-Won
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.160-179
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    • 2012
  • One of the representative local cultures in Gyeongnam is Gaya culture. This research aim s to develop fashion cultural goods design applying Gaya relics. Based on the study on cu ltural character, formative characteristics of relics, and questionnaire survey on cultural reco gnition and fashion cultural goods purchasing status of Gaya, the plan of Gaya fashion cul tural goods design was made and progressed. To develop design pattern, TexPro Design CAD was used. As to selection of relics to extract motif, Mounted vessel in the shape of warrior on horseback, Chariot wheel-shaped Pottery, Armor and Shield were selected. The main concept of design was 'Timeless Images of Gaya' to re-illuminate a long forgotten p eriod of Gaya, and to create modernization image of ancient period into modern living. By using oring image scale of IRI C or Lab, the 4 main themes of 'Timeless Images of Gaya' including 'Romantic Gaya', 'Dynamic Gaya', 'E -friendly Gaya', 'Modern Gaya' were constructed. According to the 4 themes, basic pattern, repeating pattern, application patter n were developed. And applied cases were developed to seek reality of design in the fashi on cultural goods. Also web page was constructed to develop educational and industrial accessibility and utilization in collaboration with design patterns and fashion cultural goods ap plying cases.

A Study for Activities to Improve Ability to Perform Intravenous Injection Chemotherapy Medication Safety Management of Nurses - Using 6 Sigma Techniques - (병원간호사의 항암화학요법 제제 정맥주사 투약안전 수행능력 향상 활동을 위한 연구 -6시그마 기법을 적용하여-)

  • Kim, Mi-Ran
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.10 no.11
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    • pp.467-475
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    • 2012
  • This study aims to analyze chemotherapy medication safety management system and formulate efficient methods to solve problems in the medication safety practices through application of 6 sigma techniques. From the results of analysis conducted, targeting nurses, such 3 factors as process-related factor, nurse-related factor and environment-related factor were identified as problems of the chemotherapy medication safety management. Through analyzing the prior knowledge about chemotherapy mediation safety and level of performance of nurses, the educational performance to complement deficiencies were selected as the final improvement plan, and the improvement activities were completed through drawing out management plans that specify management methods and countermeasures in the event of problems.

A Study on the Analysis of Energy Consumption in University Campuses (종합대학 캠퍼스의 에너지 소비현황 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Jung, Jae-Woong;Kim, Dong-Woo;Seok, Ho-Tae;Yang, Jeong-Hoon
    • 한국태양에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2009.11a
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    • pp.175-180
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    • 2009
  • Today, the amount of energy consumption at the university campuses is huge. The effort for the energy consumption reduction in university campuses is certainly needed by the following reason; first, contribution for the reduction request about green house gas emission. Second, energy cost reduction in university campus. Third, emotional spreading influence consideration as the maximum higher educational institutions. For the energy consumption reduction in university campus, the energy consumption analysis of current situation has to be executed. The energy reduction possibility in which it exists in university campus can be understood through the energy consumption analysis. And the application is possible as fundamental data of the policy establishment for the effective energy reduction in university campuses. This research analyzed the energy consumption present state of the major university campus of the Korea as the fundamental research for the energy consumption reduction plan preparation of the university campus. Moreover, surveys were performed and analyzed for the energy manager in charge of the university campus.

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The Development and Its Application of Teaching-Learning Plan in Food and Nutrition Area by Using Reading Education (독서교육을 이용한 식생활 단원 수업의 교수-학습 지도안 개발 및 적용)

  • Han, Ga-Eun;Yoo, Ji-Yeon;Jung, In-Kyung;Kim, Jung-Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.125-137
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to improve the interest of food and nutrition area in Technology Home Economics subject as well as food safety and choice. For that, we developed new teaching-learning plan by using reading education method and applied to the 9th grade students in Buchun, Kyunggi-do. Experimental and control groups were selected based on their test score in nutrition section. Control and experimental groups were educated by general lecture or reading education method for 4 weeks and the effect of different educational methods was tested. The results of study as follow: First, teaching-learning plan by using reading education method has been developed. To apply reading education method, we developed reading record cards which could help students to understand the terminology and nutritional problems. In addition, students had time to discuss about food safety and choice after reading education which could improve the interest in Technology Home Economics subject and communication skills. Second, after applying the developed lesson plan, the results showed that reading education method improved the interest and attitude about Technology Home Economics subject and teacher, and food choice attitude. However, reading education method had no effect on the interest on reading book about food and nutrition, and These results suggested that reading education method improved the interest and recognition about Technology Home Economics subject and teacher and food choice attitude. Therefore, to establish the proper dietary behavior in junior high school students, we need to develop and apply diversity of teaching-learning plan by using reading educational method.

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The Recognition Comparison for the Utilization State of Smart Devices and Culinary Education Application Development of High School Students (고등학생의 스마트 기기 활용 실태와 조리교육 애플리케이션 개발에 대한 인식 비교 연구)

  • Kang, Keoung-Shim
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.10 no.11
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    • pp.619-626
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to compare and analyze the utilization state of smart devices and the recognition level of educational application development of the general high school and the specialized high school. Specialized high school students preferred the utilization of smart devices more and daily spent on the devices more time than general high school students. As for the learning field, language for the general high school and the certificate of qualification for the specialized high school were shown high. The merit of smart device utilization is the use of spare time and its infrastructure was most required. The most expected content is a video lecture for the general high school and cooperative learning for the specialized high school and the most satisfied point was mobility. The specialized high school students feel more necessity about the application development for culinary education and had a plan to utilize it more and more preferred practice videos. As for the food development areas, the general high school students hoped simple food and the specialized high school students did cooking technician food and they both hoped the application to be uploaded in portal sites and the department homepage. The application development for culinary education is required to focus simulation learning including practice videos and cooking recipes and add an evaluation function to check the academic achievement levels. It is required to provide the subject goals of each course and concrete information on solving problems. Contents including video, music, texts need to be attached to improve learning immersion. There should be the beginning and development of a lesson and the flow of arrangement and communication between main bodies of learning should be improved by utilization of SNS cooperative learning services.

The Evolution of IT architecture in Universities: A Case study of Korean Domestic Universities (대학 정보기술 아키텍처 발전방향에 관한 연구: 국내 대학 사례를 중심으로)

  • Yoon, Sung-Chul;Suh, Hyun-Suk;Lee, Seog-Jun
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.111-131
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    • 2002
  • Strategic information systems assist organization with the significant opportunity to gain competitive advantage in executing its business plans and realizing its business goals. The universities establish long-range plan of information systems in an effort to provide just-in-time, useful, efficient and effective information services to their members such as professors, students, and staffs when carrying out various organizational activities. The university information systems started from the primitive computer-based application, extended to the administrative and educational e-transformation, even to the virtual university concept. Through an empirical analysis and complementary case examples, the current study carefully chose three Korean universities according to their chronological importance, that have undergone the information systems planning process years from 1995 to 2001. These universities then, were compared in terms of the information technology architecture: the information architecture, infra architecture, and information management architecture. These three areas of system were cross-examined under the consideration of the evolution of information technology architecture, and its impact on the development of university e-transformation. As part of a fulfillment plan to satisfy the needs of customers of current trend, it is evident that the university e-transformation provides a stepladder to highly competitive, first class university in the market, through achieving the educational advancement, research enhancement, and administrative efficiency. The result of the study analysis indicates that, of the three architectures examined, the weakness showed in the information management architecture. Therefore it is crucial for the university staffs, managers and professors to understand the significance of the successful implementation of the information system and its maintenance. Our study certainly will act as a catalyst for the promotion of the future university e-transformation projects.

Improving the Development of Korean Fashion Illustrations Textbooks (교육 과정 개선을 위한 국내 패션일러스트레이션 교재 콘텐츠 연구)

  • Kim, Mihyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.65 no.5
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    • pp.103-112
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    • 2015
  • This study examines the fashion illustrations textbooks that have been published in the domestic market, and identifies its characteristics and problems in regards to its use in developing creative students. The purpose of the study is to propose ways to improve the development of the fashion illustration textbooks. The research method of this study are as follows: First, the teaching materials on fashion illustration in Korea were researched to examine the current state of publication. Second, its contents were analyzed to identify its characteristics. Third, an improvement plan of educational materials on fashion illustration in Korea were proposed. As for the scope of study, 18 volumes of fashion illustration teaching materials published in Korea during 2004-2014 were targeted. It should be noted that translated publications, digital fashion illustration materials and teaching materials for specialized and professional organizations were excluded. Conclusions of this study are as follows: First, examination of the textbooks revealed that additional content is needed regarding theoretical understanding of fashion illustration, as well as illustrations of men and children, as there was an insufficient amount of those topics. Second, the contents on the illustration application using current trends were lacking in the unit on illustration application. Accordingly, it is necessary to develop contents that reflect these trends. Lastly, the textbooks should be packaged with compact discs CDs containing video clips to assist students to get a better grasp of the material. The result of this study can be used to develop new teaching materials on fashion illustration, and be utilized as basic information in the curriculum design of fashion illustration.

Development and Application of Visiting Physical-Computing Experience in an Education Program

  • Lee, Eun-Sang
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.27 no.9
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    • pp.279-286
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to present a case of the development and application of a one-time special lecture program that requires the use of computers in frontline elementary and secondary schools. For this purpose, the researcher developed an Arduino-based special lecture program that works as a teaching tool to help with the functions of a student PC with a Raspberry Pi. This special lecture program was applied at three elementary and middle schools near K-University, and then the program was evaluated. The results of this study are as follows. First, the researcher developed a teaching aid for PC functions to be used in special lectures. Second, teaching and learning materials for visiting special lecture education programs using Arduino were developed. Third, in the special lecture, a teaching-learning method was used to guide a small number of students individually. Fourth, the special lecture program resulted in high satisfaction. The results of this study can be a useful reference for teachers who plan one-time special lecture programs requiring computers or for those who want to apply physical computing-related devices in an educational field.

Research of a plan setting Secondary School Teacher Recruitment Test of Electricity·Electronics·Communication Subject (중등교사 임용시험 전기·전자·통신 과목의 출제방안 연구)

  • kim, Jinsu;Rho, Taechun;Ryu, BungRho;Eun, Taeuk
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.128-154
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    • 2006
  • In the knowledge-based society, the quality of education is the core factor of national development. Above all, for improving educational quality, it is important to advance teacher's quality. Therefore, in order to maintaining high-level quality of education, it is required to select and appoint competent teacher. It deserves emphasis on importance of teacher recruitment test for maintaining high-level quality of education in this changes of age. Specially, Secondary School Teacher Recruitment Test of Electricity Electronics Communication Subject is declined qualitatively as each Subject of Electricity Electronics Communication is integrated and criterion of examination is obscured. This research analyzed The seventh curriculum and curriculum of Institution of Teacher Education of Electricity Electronics Communication Subject and already known examination of it On the basis of analyzing result, A field, proportion and points of examination decided through a expert conference are as follow: first, Teacher Recruitment Test of Electricity Electronics Communication Subject consists of subject pedagogics and contents. a proportion of subject pedagogics is 20% and subject contents is 80%. second, a subfield of subject contents consists of industrial education, industrial curriculum, industrial instruction method, practical guidance method, management of practical field organization, assesment of industrial education, industrial-educational cooperation and vocation and career education. third, subject contents consists of a common special, foundation special and application special field. a common a proportion of special field is 7.4%, foundation special is 20% and application special field which consists of electric field(21.3%), electronic field(21.3%) and communication field(10%) is 52.6%. fourth, Teacher Recruitment Test of Electricity Electronics Communication Subject execute practical technique test after finishing writing test.