• Title/Summary/Keyword: drawing development

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University-Industry Collaboration of Humanities and Social Sciences Majors and Regional Development: The Case of Japan (인문사회계열의 산학협력과 지역발전: 일본 사례를 중심으로)

  • Jang, Hoo-Eun;Lee, Jong-Ho;Heo, Sun-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.50 no.5
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    • pp.515-526
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    • 2015
  • This study investigates the role of universities in regional development by drawing upon case studies from Japan in which local universities contribute to regional development through the promotion of Industry-University Collaboration Projects of humanities and social sciences majors. Based on these cases, policy implications are derived for Korea. As a result of the analysis of Japan's cases, university-industry collaboration activities incorporating active participation and cooperation of various regional actors led by local universities of humanities and social sciences majors were seen to contribute to regional development. Rather than taking a passive attitude toward solving regional problems, the universities have entered into a more proactive relationship with their local community through university-industry collaboration of humanities and social sciences majors. They thereby also address problems and challenges relating to various aspect of the local community such as economy, culture and education. To activate university-industry collaboration of humanities and social sciences majors in order to strengthen regional development in Korea, awareness-raising of university-industry collaboration, development of student-led programs, proactive attitudes and efforts by the universities, arrangement of support plans by the government, and the like are required.

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Innovation Strategy For New Product Development Process by Indicative Planning & QM Tools (유도계획과 QM 도구들을 활용한 신제품 개발과정의 혁신 전략)

  • Ryu, Ji-Hyun;Jung, Tae Wook;Song, In-Cheol;Oh, Hyun-Seung;Lee, Sae-Jae;Cho, Jin-Hyung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.78-86
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    • 2017
  • The new businesses started by the companies usually results in being unsuccessful. The main reasons for that are either aiming targeting wrong customers, unsatisfaction of customers' requesting quality standards, or taking wrong actions against the competitors in the market. Therefore, companies should aim the targets for the newly developing products based on the fulfilling values for the customers when they start the new businesses, and should take good cares for risk managements at the each step of the new business to prevent the failure in advance. In addition to that, the companies starting new businesses not only need to take the customers attributes (CA) into account, but they also should apply the new technologies as one system to initiate a new business to satisfy the basic wants of the customers. This article suggests the New Product Development Pursuing Model using the Indicative Planning methodology and the Quality Management tools. The New Product Development Pursuing Model would be completed by the following steps as below; 1. Drawing the CTQ (Critical To Quality) for setting up the new product development objectives by : i) using the VOC (Voice Of Customers) obtained by the QFD (Quality Function Deploypment) if the market is mature, ii) applying AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) to information in the QIS (Quality Information System) if the market is unmature to get enough need information of the customers. 2. Risk Management in NPD : The NPD pursuing model consisted of the IP (indicative planning) is suggested not by the process of top-down-way mandatory planning process, but by the tools used in the administrative science and economic fields, namely by governance. The companies could apply innovative methodology for new products development processes to fulfil the customers satisfaction in the fields, through the CA (Contingency Approach) of the NPD (New Product Development) process.

The Significance and Implications of Establishing Marine Economic Development Pilot Zones in the Viewpoint of China's Marine Industry Policy (중국 해양산업정책에서 해양경제개발 시범구 설정의 의미와 시사점)

  • Liang, Yin-Jing;Choi, Sung-Doo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.59-70
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    • 2014
  • In recent years, Chinese government established 4 pilot zones at Shandong, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Fujian. The national marine development pilot zones policy is formed in order to promote development of Chinese marine economy, as if Chinese government selected 4 special economic zones as the policy experiment areas for economic structural reform at the beginning stage of reform and opening-up. This article utilizes the policy-making theory of Incrementalism Model and aims at searching for the essence, historical formation process, implementation state, implications of 4 Chinese marine economic development pilot zones policy. Moreover, the prospect of their future development is analyzed. The marine pilot zone policy has the following features: new development model with advanced industries and sciences & technology, highly civil participation, plural policy goals. These research results would be able to contribute not only to getting better understanding of China's marine industry policy, but also to drawing lessons for the construction of Korea's marine economic special zone in the viewpoint of policy transfer.

The Classification according to the Correlation between TOD Planning Factors and the Seoul Metropolitan Subway Influential Area by Using MDS Analysis (다차원척도법(MDS)을 활용한 지하철 역세권과 TOD계획요소의 연관성에 따른 유형분류)

  • Kim, Seong-Eun;Won, You-Ho
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.167-176
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    • 2013
  • The City Complex Development and TOD originated from the Compact City are entrenched domestically. The New Urban Development such as these changes Structure of Urban space from the Automobile to the Public Transportation. Also, Transit-Oriented Development is drawing attention as sustainability because it has effects of Environment as Green growth. However, An empirical Study is insufficient about Influence Factors of Transit Oriented Development. Therefore This study sets up the Density spaced 1000m apart of Transit Oriented than the existing and did 7 Types considered of Accessibility, Complexity and Design Element according to the Factorial analysis. As a result, this study drew that (1) 'intraregional accessibility of public transit', (2) 'degree of development', 'pedestrian-friendly facility', (3) 'interzonal accessibility of public transit', (4) 'land-use of the city centre', 'complex using of rail station area', 'complementary public transit' are related 201 in number of the Subway stations according to the Multi-dimensional scaling.

Contemplation of Korean Offshore Wind Industry Development (한국의 해상풍력산업 발전전략 고찰)

  • Kim Jong-hwa
    • Journal of Wind Energy
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.5-10
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    • 2024
  • Offshore wind power generation has significant advantages, including enhanced energy security and job creation. However, despite these benefits, South Korea has not fully utilized its potential in this sector. In contrast, offshore wind power industry development in Europe has been driven by government leadership. Drawing from this experience, South Korea also needs to relax regulations, strengthen necessary infrastructure, and enhance financial support systems to activate the offshore wind power industry. For this, sustained government leadership is absolutely essential. Without addressing the capacity issues in the power grid, we cannot expect offshore wind power generation to succeed. To address grid issues, we propose the enactment of a special law called the "Special Act on Grid Expansion." Considering KEPCO's financial situation, private investment should be encouraged for grid construction. The role of developers is crucial for the successful development and operation of offshore wind power. They manage risks throughout various stages, from site acquisition to construction and operation, which have a significant impact on the success or failure of projects. Since domestic developers currently lack experience in offshore wind power, a cooperative strategy that leverages the experience and technology of advanced countries is necessary. Energy issues should be recognized as important tasks beyond mere political ideologies, as they are crucial for the survival of the nation and its development. It is essential to form a public consensus and implement ways for residents to coexist with offshore wind power, along with the conservation of marine ecosystems and effective communication with stakeholders. Expansion of the offshore wind power industry requires support in various areas, including financial and tax incentives, technology research investment, and workforce development. In particular, achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 necessitates the activation of offshore wind power alongside efforts by major corporations to transition to renewable energy. South Korea, surrounded by the sea, holds significant offshore wind power potential, and it is our responsibility to harness it as a sustainable energy source for future generations. To activate the offshore wind power market, we need to provide financial and tax support, develop infrastructure and research, and foster a skilled workforce. As major corporations transition to renewable energy to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, offshore wind power must play a significant role. It is our responsibility to fully utilize South Korea's potential and make offshore wind power a new driver of growth.

A Study on the Effectiveness of CT-TDPS Learning Model in Problem Solving Programming using Scratch (스크래치를 이용한 문제해결 프로그래밍에서 CT-TDPS 학습 모형의 효과성 연구)

  • Kim, Young-Jik;Kim, Seong-Sik
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.41-47
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    • 2020
  • Computational Thinking(CT) is drawing attention as a core competency required for future talent in the 21st century. Software education for improving CT ability at home and abroad is in full swing. Among them, problem-solving programming education helps to improve CT ability. The CT-TDPS learning model follows the decomposition, abstraction thinking process, which modularizes complex problems, and the Agile development method, which is an iterative and incremental programming method to implement it. In this study, we tried to confirm the improvement of CT ability by applying CT-TDPS learning model to problem solving programming education using Scratch. As a result of the study, it was confirmed that in the problem solving programming education using the CT-TDPS learning model, it improved in all aspects of computing concept, computing performance, and computing perspective, which are sub-factors of CT ability. In addition, it was confirmed that there was a significant difference in the experimental group as a result of the t-test on the Dr.Scratch automatic evaluation result.

A Development of the Test of Earth Science Inquiry Abilities Using Structured Items (구조화된 문항을 이용한 지구과학 탐구능력 평가 도구 개발)

  • Cheong, Cheol;Woo, Jong-Ok;Kim, Jeong-Yul
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.93-101
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study is to develop a test of earth science inquiry abilities using structured items. To develop a more valid and reliable instrument factual data was used, and most of the previous studies regarding inquiry teaching method and inquiry evaluation were consulted. The model developed in this study is composed of 5 stages; recognizing problems and generating hypotheses, designing inquiry, pursuiting inquiry, interpreting data, and drawing conclusion. Also, in this study 10 science inquiry abilities; recognizing problems, generating hypotheses, controlling variables, designing experiments, performing experiments, transforming data, inferencing, predicting, conclusing, and generalizing were clearly defined. The test developed in the study, Test of Earth Science Inquiry Abilities, includes 25 multiple-choice (five-choice) items and requires testing time of 50 minutes. The content validity of items, objectivity of scoring keys and clarity of items were checked by 7 experienced specialists in science education and earth science. The developed test were investigated and revised through three field tests. According to the results of the third field trial, test reliability (Cronbach $\alpha$) was 0.62, difficulty index was 0.54 and index of discrimination was 0.35. Also, the developed Test of Earth Science Inquiry Abilities showed a correlation coefficient of 0.53 with TIPS. Therefore, the development of Test of Earth Science Inquiry Abilities using structured items satisfied the reliability and validity requirements for general assessment instruments for students' earth science inquiry abilities.

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A Development of Risk Identification Checklist for Stakeholders in the Construction Phase of the Urban Regeneration-Projects (도시재생사업 건설단계의 참여주체별 위험인지 체크리스트 개발)

  • Park, Kyu-Young;Young, Moon-Serk;Kim, Seon-Gyoo
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.67-75
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    • 2009
  • The mixed-use development project like urban regeneration project has been enforced with long period and participation of various stakeholders. For this character, lots of risk could be occurred during the process of project and the project's success or failure depends on the risk management. So the process of identifying and responding to risks in urban regeneration projects should be followed systemically. The risk identification phase is the first step to identify risk factors and define risk's character. One of the risk identification methods, the checklist, is the most practical and well-known one. This study suggests the check list that devide risks classified by stakeholders through analizing tasks of stakeholders and drawing risks. This kind of checklist which handles risk factors classified by stakeholders is an easy tool to identify risks and expected to be effective to find risks for various stakeholders and themselves in the urban regeneration projects.

Basic Study for Development of Qigong Exercise Appropriate for Musculoskeletal Characteristics of Seniors (노인의 근골격계 특성에 적합한 기공운동 개발을 위한 기초연구)

  • Kim, Yi Soon;Lee, Jeong Won;Kim, Gyeong Cheol;Park, Tae Soeb;Kwak, Yi Sub;Lee, Hai-Woong
    • Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.115-123
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    • 2014
  • Objective : The objective of this study is to develop a Qigong exercise program to reinforce musculoskeletal system of seniors appropriate for physical strength and conditions of seniors aged 65 years or above based on health Qigong exercise of oriental medicine. Method : Qigong exercise motions that can improve strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and cardiovascular endurance of seniors were developed by primarily performing literature review of Qigong experts on the fields like oriental medicine, Qigong exercise, physical education and health science and secondarily using motion training for increased validity of motions. Results : The Qigong exercise program for musculoskeletal system of seniors was designed with 12 motions repeated 8 times and 20 minutes per session, including shoulder exercises (alternate turning of left and right shoulders, turning both arms back and forth, holding and lifting elbow to put it aside), waist exercises (wrapping the head with hands to bow, twisting waist while looking at the tip of hand, large spinning of ball, putting hands together to pull back), and knee exercises (going up a down while lifting a rock, balancing the body while lifting a knee, lifting and spreading knees while drawing circle with arms, raising both arms to the side while lifting heels, breathing). Conclusion : Once the effects of Qigong exercise for musculoskeletal system of seniors developed in this study are tested, the program is expected to contribute to development of Qigong exercise, a core part of oriental medicine health improvement project.

Location Selection for Residential Development with AHP and GIS Analysis Modeling Method (계층적 GIS분석 모델링에 의한 주거지개발 적지선정)

  • Han, Seung-Hee
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.440-447
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    • 2011
  • Selecting a suitable place is to determine the attributive conditions and qualified areas for the aim as factors and is to be fulfilled systematically for selecting the area which satisfies all these. This research tries to achieve a rational suitability analysis of residential development using the GIS modeling method and the hierarchical analysis process. A spatial and attributive analysis has been systematized for selecting a suitable place for the study and GIS analysis model has been used for the effective conclusion drawing for different levels. As a next step, a quantitative and qualitative evaluation index was created through complex consideration of the criteria and decision factors of the location selection, and weights were added depending on the relative importance of these factors. In particular, 3D terrain model simulation method has been used in order to reflect the aesthetic factors of the scenery which is an element of the subjective evaluation factors and considered qualitative and subjective evaluation factors which were not considered for the existing AHP technique. After the research, a location that satisfies complex requirements was found rapidly and accurately through the GIS model and hierarchical analysis.