• Title/Summary/Keyword: doi moi

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The Effects of ODA, FDI and Education Expenditure on Economic Growth: Vietnam After Doi Moi (ODA, FDI 및 교육비 지출이 경제성장에 미치는 영향: Doi Moi 이후의 베트남)

  • Cho, Woo-sung;Lee, Keon-hyeong;Jeon, Ki-hong
    • Korea Trade Review
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    • v.44 no.6
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    • pp.187-199
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    • 2019
  • Vietnam's economic growth has progressed rapidly since Doi Moi. Vietnam is a key driving force for global economic growth on behalf of China. Therefore, this study analyzed the factors of Vietnam's economic growth by using time series variables after Doi Moi. Study results show that educational expenditures affect ODA in the short term. In the long run, GDP and FDI are causally related to ODA. Based on the above findings, it can be seen that FDI and ODA played a significant role in Vietnam's economic growth. This finding suggests that in order for Vietnam's economy to grow further, the capital market should be more open to foreigners so that FDI and ODA can flow more smoothly. Since the inflow of FDI is also linked to educational expenditure, it is important to understand that the workforce is being upgraded in the Vietnamese labor market.

An Analysis of Status Community Forest Management in Vietnam (베트남의 지역사회 산림 관리 현황 분석)

  • Nguyen Din, Hai;Kim, Sung-Soo
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.389-395
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    • 2004
  • 베트남은 도이 모이 (Doi Moi) 개혁 정책이 1996년에 도입된 이후, 산림분야에서는 분권적 관리 체계를 받아들였고 국가 경제는 정부의 관리 체제하에 시장지향형(market-oriented)으로 변화하였다. 이러한 상황에서 경제 분야에서는 임업활동을 수반할 수 있게 되었고 지속가능한 임업 발전을 위하여 임야와 토지가 개인, 가정 그리고 사회경제적 조직들에게 분배되었다. 지역사회의 주민들은 임업활동에 더 적극적으로 되었고, 사회임업은 베트남에서 점차적으로 발전하며 사람들에 의한 사람들을 위한 임업으로 자리잡고 있다. 지역사회 산림(community forest)의 근본적인 특징은 전과정에 있어서 농민과 지역주민의 참여를 유도한다는 데에 있다. 지역주민에 의한 산림 관리는 새로운 산림 관리 방식으로 각 가정에 의해 관리되는 농업에 있어 급속한 변화들이 나타나는 것과는 대조적이다. 본 논문은 지역사회 산림의 현황과 임업 발전에 있어서 지역주민 참여의 이점과 문제점을 SWOT(Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) 분석을 통해 구명하고자 하였다.

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A Comparative Study on the Self-help Approach in Rural Development between Vietnam's New Rural Development and Korea's Saemaul Undong

  • Do, Trang Thu;Nguyen, Hanh Thi My;Vu, Trang Thu
    • East Asian Economic Review
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.91-125
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    • 2016
  • Vietnam's "Doi Moi", initiated in 1986, translated to high economic growth and rapid urbanization for the country, but also widened the gap between rural and urban areas. Vietnam's National Target Program on New Rural Development for 2010-2020 was aimed at developing the rural economy and improving the living standards of rural people, but after five years the urban-rural gap remains substantial. Two of the main reasons are the lack of investment capital and lack of effective ways to mobilize community involvement. In contrast, during the 1970s, rural areas in Korea experienced huge improvements under the "Saemaul Undong" movement. The program's success at promoting sustainable development in Korea's rural areas has inspired rural programs in other developing countries. In this paper, we compare and contrast the two movements to provide explanations for the different results between the two countries. Based on this analysis, and policy implications stemming from it, we recommend resource mobilization strategies to change villagers' attitude and increase their involvement in Vietnam's rural development movement, aligning with the inclusivity principle "people know, people discuss, people do and people check".

Public Debt Management and Its Impact on Economic Development: The Case of Vietnam

  • THI, Phuong Lan Vo
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.9 no.9
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    • pp.283-289
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    • 2022
  • Public investment is the process of investing capital in projects that serve national interests and thereby create a driving force for economic development in each country. Especially in developing countries, investment capital is limited, so improving the efficiency of public investment becomes a decisive factor for economic development and enhancing the country's status and ultimately making the country a should be rich. Vietnam has a low starting point, has gone through the doi moi process, and has gradually become a middle-income country, and public investment is attracting attention to improve the quality of the country's infrastructure. The objective of this study is to evaluate the factors affecting the effectiveness of public debt management in Vietnam, through a survey of 150 experts with knowledge of public investment and public debt management, using the results of the estimation through the Using SPSS software, the research results show that the monitoring system and human resource quality have an impact on the effectiveness of public debt management. The study could not, however, discover any proof of the influence of institutional quality, geographic location, or accountability on the effectiveness of public debt management. The research also addresses several policy recommendations for Vietnam that would help the country manage its public debt better in the future.

Continuing Gradual Reform in Vietnam: An Analysis of the 11th Congress of the Communist Party (베트남에서 점진적 개혁의 지속: 제11차 공산당대회 결과 분석)

  • LEE, Hanwoo
    • The Southeast Asian review
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.105-138
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    • 2011
  • The 11th Congress of the Vietnamese Communist Party(VCP) held in January 2011 was the forum to reconfirm the gradual reform. By analysing the documents submitted to the Congress, it can be realized that the VCP's reform policy reveals the compromise between conservative and progressive perspectives by "the Socialist-oriented Market Economy". The VCP proposes to proceed the balanced reform for the sustainable development by multi-sector economy to achieve the basis of the modern state by 2020 on the one hand and also urges to strive against "the peaceful evolution" to defend the socialist regime from abroad as well as within the party itself on the other hand. In personnel structure of the Central Committee and Politburo, this term of the Party still keeps the balance of the localities and sectors of the society. No big change was in the selection of top leaders, as almost of them were promoted slightly in the existing echelon of the Politburo. On the prospect of the reform process Vietnam will continue the reform as gradual as before.

The Coffee Production and Change, and the Implications in Dak Lak, Vietnam (베트남 닥락 지방의 커피 생산과 변화, 그리고 의미)

  • Lee, Sang-Yool
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.389-407
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    • 2013
  • The objective of this research is to provide an understanding of how coffee production has been taking place since the coffee industry in Vietnam came out in the global market after Doi Moi. Current research tries to understand how the local households of coffee production adjusts to their production process according to internal and external influences. In order to explore coffee production in the level of local and household units, the structure of coffee production in Dak Lak is first explored in terms of production and sales with the cases from two communes. The examination reveals that general characteristics of coffee crops that would reflect coffee production structure. Further, this study interrogates farmers' response to reflect some direct and indirect influences in recent years. That shows how the elements of coffee production in global market induce a change of coffee production in the study area. Those aspects are analyzed in relation to yearly coffee price fluctuation and diversification. Also, this research explores some of farmers' responses toward the environmental friendly coffee production.

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The Political Economy of Multinational Factory Regimes and Recent Strikes in Vietnam (다국적 공장 레짐의 정치경제학과 베트남의 최근 파업)

  • Chae, Suhong
    • The Southeast Asian review
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.67-111
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    • 2009
  • 지난여름 베트남 남부의 호치민시와 인근의 공장지대는 전례 없는 파업의 확산을 경험했다. 연구자가 만난 한국기업의 매니저들은 이를 "파업의 도미노 현상"으로 묘사했다. 호치민시 노동조합의 고위간부는 "도이머이(Doi Moi) 이후 노사관계에 가장 혼란스러운 변화가 일어나고 있다"라고 단언하기도 했다. 본 연구는 한국계 다국적 공장을 사례로 1) 최근 파업의 정치경제학적 배경은 무엇인지를 살펴본 다음, 2) 왜 어떤 공장은 최근의 파업의 소용돌이 속에서 상대적으로 안전했던 반면 다른 기업은 그렇지 못했는지, 3) 왜 어떤 공장은 파업의 과정에서 협상을 성공적으로 이끈 반면 다른 기업은 그렇지 못했는지, 4) 최근의 파업이 개별 다국적 공장의 체제에 어떤 사회적, 문화적, 정치적 영향을 미쳤는지 살펴보고자 하였다. 연구자는 연구목적을 위하여 호치민 인근과 동나이에 위치한 약 20여개의 공장을 방문하였으며 서로 다른 특징을 가지고 있는 3개의 섬유공장을 선별하여 현지연구를 실시하였다. 이 가운데 첫 번째 공장은 연구자가 90년대 말 현지연구를 실시하여 공장체제의 성격을 잘 알고 있는 다국적 공장이었다. 나머지 두 공장은 재정 상황과 정치과정의 특징이 첫 번째 공장과 대조될 뿐 아니라 서로 다른 공장이었다. 세 공장을 비교 연구함으로써 연구자는 다국적 공장의 재정적 혹은 경제적 상태가 노동쟁의의 성격을 만드는 주요한 조건이 되지만, 회사의 경제적 조건이 양호하고 경영진이 온정주의적 철학을 실천하고 있다고 해서 파업을 미연에 방지할 수 없다는 점을 보여주고자 하였다. 호치민 인근의 파업이 크게는 세계적인 경제위기, 작게는 회사의 재정상태에 영향을 받고 있지만 특정 공장에서 노동쟁의가 일어나는가의 여부는 이 공장의 정치과정과 레짐의 성격에 의해 좌우된다는 점을 밝히고자 했다. 특히 다국적 공장의 정치과정의 안정을 위해서는 '매개자' 역할을 하는 베트남 중간간부, 사무실 직원, 노조간부 등의 역할이 매우 중요하였다. 이들이 위계적으로 그리고 사회문화적으로 다른 외국인 경영진과 공장 노동자의 갈등을 어떻게 흡수하고 중재하는가에 따라 공장체제의 안정 여부가 달려 있었다. 이번 파업은 각각 다른 정치경제적 조건을 가진 여러 공장의 경영진과 노동자가 이러한 사실을 새삼 깨닫게 하는 계기로 작용했다.

Changes in Corporate Governance and Competitiveness in Vietnam: Strategies for the Equitization of Vinacafe (베트남 기업 지배구조의 변화와 경쟁력: 비나카페의 주식회사화 전략)

  • Ji, Hochul;Lee, Sung-Cheol
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.415-430
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    • 2015
  • Since the late 1990s Vinacafe has gone through strategic changes in corporate governance and managements due to an increase in the introduction of coffee MNCs, a growth of global demands in sustainable coffee, aging coffee tree, and the deterioration of coffee production with climate changes in Vietnam. Vinacafe has attempted to cope with these kinds of changes through strategies for equitization. Therefore, the main aim of this paper is to identify strategies for enhancing the competitiveness of the Vietnamese coffee industry by investigating changes in corporate governance and processes of coffee production and distribution. The equitization of Vinacafe has led to the enhancement of coffee competitiveness in two perspectives. Firstly, as it has decentralized decision-making from headquarter, subsidiaries have become able to strength their competitiveness themselves by introducing new technologies, improving coffee quality, and encouraging the introduction of eco-friendly production methods through cooperative relationships with stakeholders involved in coffee production and distributions in Vietnam. Secondly, it has also enhanced competitiveness through the diversification and effectiveness of coffee managements by intensifying the flexibility of contract with coffee farmers and diversifying coffee sales and supply chains in Vietnam.

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Does Vietnam Follow the East Asian Developmental State?: A Study of the Developmental Model in the 30 Year Reform Process (베트남은 동아시아 발전국가를 따르는가?: 30년 개혁과정의 '발전 모델' 고찰)

  • LEE, Han Woo
    • The Southeast Asian review
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.51-90
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    • 2016
  • Vietnam has proceeded the gradual reform without radical political change since launching the 'Doi Moi', the comprehensive reform policy adopted in late 1986. Vietnam has been evaluated as a country to perform the economic growth for 30 years successfully, although there were economic recessions for a short time. Through looking at the process of reform, while the state economic sector and foreign-invested sector have contributed to the economic growth in the initial stage of reform, the domestic private sector and foreign-invested sector's economic roles have increased and the state sector's role has been decreased, as the reform has been proceeded. As the state's developmental role has been revealed prominently in the reform process and state's involvement into economic affairs in Vietnam, it is reasonable, in part, to categorize Vietnam as a developmental state like East Asian developmental states. However this evaluation is tentative, as it seems that Vietnamese state's industrial policies have contributed economic growth partly and remarkable economic growth has been shown in the sectors that the government has not focused. In conclusion, Vietnam has changed into a mixed country which has the characteristics of East Asian developmental state formally and the features of Southeast Asian countries which have focused more on the foreign-invested developmental strategy.

Socio-Economic Differentials along the Ethnic Line among Coffee Farms in Central Highland, Vietnam (베트남 중부고원지대 커피농가의 사회경제적 격차: 민족성의 영향을 중심으로)

  • Chung, Su-Yeul;Lee, Sung-Cheol;Joh, Young Kug
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.360-377
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    • 2016
  • Since after the 1986 economic reform policy(Doi Moi), the central highland in Vietnam has transformed into one of the largest coffee producing areas. The transformation had been supported by mass migration of ethnic Kinhs from the coastal lowland. It did not take long for the Kinh migrants to be the ethnic majority in the region. Meanwhile the growth of coffee industry entailed in socio-economic disparity, specially between Kinh migrants and native ethnic minorities. The disparity has becomed obvious not only between coffee farming Kinhs and non-coffee farming ethnic minorities but also between coffee farming Kinhs and ehtnic minorities. The previous literatures highlight the lack of human and social capital and the lagging modernization in ethnic minority societies. However, they fall short in showing the explicit processes why ethnic minority coffee farmers earn less than ethnic majority counterparts. With a case study of Dak Lak province, this research attempts to show the reason why there is income gap between Kinh and ethnic minority Ede coffee farmers by comparing their ways of producing coffee and selling their products. The results show that Ede's land productivity is significantly lower than Kinh's. It is because Ede farmers use less fertilizer due to the shortage of the capital. Also they often get into debt for coffee production and should pay it back right after the harvest. It deprives them of chance to raise earning by selling the coffee beans at a higher price.

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