• Title/Summary/Keyword: dietary

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Determination of Dietary Fiber Contents in Mushrooms (식용버섯 중 식이 섬유소의 함량 측정)

  • 임수빈;김미옥;구성자
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.69-76
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    • 1991
  • Recent epidemiological observations suggested beneficial effects of dietary fiber on man's health. The obsective of this study was to obtain the dietary fiber reference data of mushrooms. The dietary fiber contents of six different mushrooms (Cornellus edodes, Auricularia auriculajudae, Gyrophora esculanta, Agaricus bisporus, Pleurotus ostreatus, Collybia velutipes) were analyzed by Southgate method, modified neutral detergent fiber (NDF) method and Food Research Institute (FRI) method. Duplicate sample were used for each determination. The mean values of total dietary fiber by Southgate method, modified NDF method and FRI method were respectively $20.08\pm1.45g$/100g dry weight, $20.24\pm1.85g$/100g dry weight and $21.5\pm2.70g$/100g dry weight. The mean values of all mushroom samples by FRI method were significantly different from the mean values of the samples by modified NDF method and Southgate method. However, there was no difference in the mean values of the samples between modified NDF method and Southgate method. By Southgate method, total dietary fiber of mushrooms composed of 1.7-3.1% soluble fiber, 47.0-66.6% hemicellulose, 28.4-57.7% cellulose and 0.9-3.3% lignin. By modified NDF method, total dietary fiber of mushrooms composed of 61.8-79.1% hemicellulose, 5.4-32.9% cellulose and 4.5- l5.5% lignin. Therefore, dietary fiber contents of mushrooms were mainly hemicellulose. Our values for total dietary fiber for six mushrooms were 2~4 times higher than crude fiber in textbook.

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Study of Nutritional Status, Dietary Patterns, and Dietary Quality of Atopic Dermatitis Patients (아토피 피부염 환자의 영양상태.식이형태 및 식사의 질 평가)

  • Chung Yun-Mi;Kim Bang-Shil;Kim Nack-In;Lee Eun-Young;Choue Ryo-Won
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.38 no.6
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    • pp.419-431
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    • 2005
  • The prevalence of atopic dermatitis (AD) continues to increase in the industrialized countries related to Western lifestyle and dietary patterns. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the nutritional status, dietary patterns and dietary quality of AD patients. AD patients (n=50) and gender age matched healthy control (HC) were studied in case-control clinical trail. Preference and frequencies of consumption for 98 foods were estimated by questionnaires. Dietary pattern, current nutrients intake, and dietary quality were evaluated by the 3-day food records. As a result, anthropometric measurements from HC and AD patients were not significantly different. AD patients had significantly lower preference for buckwheat, some fishes (shellfish, flatfish, salmon), egg yolk, some vegetables (onion, garlic, Chinese-cabbage, radish, pepper, mushroom), coffee, and snack than those of HC had (p<0.05). AD patients had significantly lower frequency for pea, some fishes (shellfish, herring, flatfish, salmon, codfish), egg, some vegetables (spinach, pumpkin, mushroom), margarine/butter, nuts, coffee and apple juice, fried chicken, coke than those of HC had (p<0.05). The intake of vitamin $B_1$, vitamin $B_2$ (p<0.05) and vitamin E (p<0.001) of AD patients were significantly lower than those of HC. The intake for Ca and Zn of AD patients were remarkably lower than RDA for each nutrient. Moreover, AD patients' index of nutritional quality (INQ) and nutrient adequacy ratio (NAR) of vitamin E, vitamin $B_1$, vitamin $B_2$ were lower than those of HC. AD patients' dietary quality including dietary diversity score (DDS), dietary variety score (DVS), DMGFV (dairy, meat, grain, fruit, vegetable), dietary quality index (DQI) was poor. This results indicate that atopic dermatitis patients had significantly different food preference and food frequency when these were compared with those of healthy people. The dietary diversity, dietary variety and dietary quality of atopic dermatitis patients were very limited.

The Current Statues and Cause of Dietary Supplement Use in Elite Athletes (우수선수들의 운동영양 보조물 이용 현황과 원인)

  • Kim, Jong-Kyu;Lee, Nam-Ju;Lee, Mi-Sook
    • 한국체육학회지인문사회과학편
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    • v.51 no.3
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    • pp.427-435
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this review study is to examine current status of dietary supplement use to enhance athletic performance capacity in elite athletes based upon anti-doping education, sports type, athletic performance capacity, gender, and age. Several previous review studies have focused on the biochemistry characteristics and intake incidence of dietary supplements and those studies have not showed enough evidence of the reason why elite athletes usually take dietary supplements. Anti-doping education may increase the incidence of dietary supplement use in elite athletes because of increasing expertise of dietary supplements. It would be expected that increased incidence of long-term dietary supplement use may induce positive effects on the body having potential effects on athletic performance capacity, although a trace of nutrients may not directly effect on the outcome of the game. Moreover, it seems that the difference of dietary supplement use based upon gender and age may come from sports type and the difference of dietary supplement intake reason may come from health and body condition maintenance rather than athletic performance capacity when considering dietary supplement use items based upon intake reasons. Most elite athletes consume at least over 2 dietary supplement items in a long period of time rather than 1 dietary supplement item in a short period of time; however, the scientific evidence of dietary supplement use seems to be insufficient. Therefore, further experimental approach studies concerning dietary supplement effects would be needed.

Dietary Fiber Intake of Subjects with Non-Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus and Hyperlipidemia

  • Jungro Yoon;Kim, Eunkyung;Kim, Changok;Kyungah Ji
    • Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.52-59
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    • 1999
  • The present study was conducted to evaluate the dietary fiber intake of 130 subjects, that included 49 subjects(29 form Wonju, 20 from Kangnung) with diabetes mellitus, 23 hyperlipidemia patients, and 58 normal subjects. After the type and amount of foods that a subject took for one day were investigated using the 24-h recall method, the intake of various nutrients and dietary fiber were calculated using a program that already contained the information on dietary fiber contents. The results showed that diabetics from Kangnung who did not undergo dietary therapy had more fat intake that those from Wonju, hyperlipidemia patients, and normal subjects thus, had more energy intake. Also, the crude fiber intake in male and female diabetics from Kangnung were 8.43${\pm}$3.47g and 3.35${\pm}$3.29g, respectively, showing significantly high amounts compared to those of male and female diabetics from Wonju, hyperlipidemia patients, and normal subjects; however, the intake of crude fiber per 1,000 kcal in males and females was not significantly different among the four groups. Also, the dietary fiber intake(14.8-19.8g/day) and the dietary fiber intake per energy unit(7.7-10.9g/1,000kcal) were not significantly different between the four groups. The dietary fiber intakes of diabetics and hyperlipidemia patients were not significantly different from those in normal subjects, and these amounts were significantly lower than recommended levels. Thus, the methods of increasing dietary fiber intake, such as developing low-calorie, high-dietary fiber foods or additives, needs to be researched.

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The Influence of Self-resilience on Dietary Management in Middle School Students (중학생의 자아탄력성이 식생활관리에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Yunhwa
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.399-410
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    • 2015
  • Objectives: This study aims to identify self-resilience factors that drive right dietary and food safety practices in middle school students. Methods: Data was collected from 438 middle school students in Daegu using a self-administered questionnaire in December, 2013. The questionnaire consisted of 81 items with the following categories: general information, self-resilience, right dietary and food safety practices. Statistical analyses to determine frequency, average, ANOVA, factor analysis, reliability analysis, and regression analysis were performed using SPSS 21. Results: The results of factor analysis indicated that self-resilience was classified into challenge, adaptability, patience and achievement needs, and right dietary practices were sub-grouped into family meals, experience of dietary life, eco-friendly, balanced food, economy and bad food control, and food safety practices consisted of management of bacteria, hand washing and eating off a plate, safety food and food purchasing. The score of right dietary and food safety practices showed significant differences by sex, grade, and school achievement (p < 0.05). The economy factor of right dietary practices was significantly affected by the management of bacteria (p < 0.001), hand washing and eating off a plate (p < 0.001), safety food (p < 0.01), food purchasing of food safety practices (p < 0.05). The challenge factor of self-resilience significantly affected family meals, experience of dietary life, balanced food, economy, bad food control, management of bacteria, hand washing and eating off a plate, and safety food (p < 0.05). The adaptability factor of self-resilience was associated with factors such as eco-friendly, balanced food, economy, bad food control, management of bacteria, hand washing and eating off a plate, and food purchasing (p < 0.05). Conclusions: This study suggests that dietary education programs for middle school students could incorporate food safety practices, and self-resilience such as challenge, adaptability, patience and achievement needs to be effective.

Study on Dietary Attitude, Dietary Behavior, and Nutrition Knowledge of Male High School Students in Chungnam according to Breakfast Status (충남지역 일부 남자 고등학생의 아침결식에 따른 식태도, 식행동 및 영양지식)

  • Choi, Won-Kyeong;Bae, Yun-Jung;Kim, Eun-Jin;Kim, Myung-Hee;Choi, Mi-Kyeong
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.779-788
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to provide fundamental data on the importance of eating breakfast by analyzing the dietary habits, dietary attitude, dietary behavior, and nutrition knowledge between of male high school students according to breakfast eating status. The subjects consisted of 400 male high school students living in Chungnam. There was no significant difference according to grade, height, and weight between students who skipped breakfast and those who ate breakfast. Further, satisfaction and perception about body weight were not statistically different between the two groups. Regarding relationships with friends, to the response 'I have a lot of relationships with friends' was 25.5% in the skipping breakfast group and 45.7% in the eating breakfast group. The academic records of the students who ate breakfast were much higher. Meal regularity, meal satisfaction, and dietary attitude of the eating breakfast group were better than those of the skipping breakfast group. Regarding the level of nutritional knowledge, students who skipped breakfast scored $7.6{\pm}2.9$ points while the students who ate breakfast scores $7.9{\pm}3.1$ points, indicating no significant difference. The students who ate breakfast had better friendships, higher academic achievement, and better dietary behavior and attitude. Therefore, it is necessary to increase nutrition education and reduce the skipping of breakfast through a variety of methods, such as school food service and simple recipes for Korean food. It should also be considered that nutrition education for parents be widely provided.

Study on the Correlation Between the Dietary Habits of Mothers and Their Preschoolers and the Mother's Need for Nutritional Education for Preschoolers (어머니와 유아의 식습관 관련성 및 유아의 섭식지도를 위한 영양교육 필요성 조사)

  • Pyun, Jeong-Soon;Lee, Kyung-Hea
    • Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.62-76
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    • 2010
  • This study was conducted to investigate the dietary habits and practices of mothers and their children from 3 to 6 years of age as well as the mother's attitudes about nutrition education. This study focused mainly on two areas: 1) the dietary habits and actual dietary practices of mothers and their children and 2) a mother's perception and need for nutrition education. The results of the regression analysis showed that there was a significant relationship between the dietary habits of mothers and their children's (p<0.05). There was statistical significance in total food frequency intake and the food frequency intake between the mothers and children (r=0.829, p<0.01). The results of the regression analysis showed that the mother's dietary attitude (meal regularity, meal tempo) could positively influence their children's dietary attitude (p<0.01). The mothers showed a high interest in nutrition education; 81.6% of mothers tried to apply nutrition information to their actual dietary life, 77.6% of them recognized the need of nutrition education on preschoolers' dietary life and health, and 75.2% of them wanted to participate in nutrition education program(s) for their children. The percent of mothers that wanted to be offered lectures, food practices and hand-outs were 36.9%, 18.4%, 15.5%, respectively. The combined results of this study showed that mothers sincerely recognize the need for nutrition education and they have a high and deep interest in nutrition education.

Analysis of Dietary Education Status and the Demand of Child Center Teachers in Masan (마산시 소재 유아교육기관 교사의 식생활 교육 실태와 교육 요구도 분석)

  • Her, Eun-Sil;Jung, So-Hye
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.166-176
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    • 2009
  • This study was performed to develop dietary education programs for children, by researching the actual conditions of dietary education and its demand aimed at teachers in child centers in Masan. Most of the interviewed teachers were in their 20s(71%) with under 5 years teaching experiences(56.8%), and working in a kindergarten environment(34.9%). The rate of doing dietary education on mealtime was 96.4%. The main items taught pertained to 'not leaving food(20.6%)' and 'washing hands before meals(20.5%)'. The primary teaching method for students with unbalanced eating habits was 'eating after teaching them to understood(76.8%). The primary reward for good behavior was 'using food(76.8%)', usually as 'candy'(50.8%) or 'cookies'(25.8%). The desirable dietary education type was 'during spare moments(52.6%)' and 'at mealtime (23.5%)'. The concepts taught were 'balanced eating(23.2%)' and 'food hygiene(21.2%), and the students were interested in 'the roles of foods and nutrients'(34.5%), 'balanced eating(20.9%)', and 'food hygiene(19.1%)'. Educational activities encompassed 'pictures and drawing(25.7%)', 'fairy tales(23.4%)', 'songs(19.4%)', and 'play(14.1%)'. Also, the activities of most interest were 'fairy tales(29.4%)', 'play(24.4%)', and then 'songs(23.1%)'. The greatest difficulties during dietary education were 'attracting interest from the children(37.8%)' and 'making and purchasing materials(33.9%)'. Approximately, 44.2% of the teachers had experiences in dietary education, and 96.4% stated teachers had the intention to participate in dietary education. They want to address 'child meal direction(23.0%)', 'health problems(22.7%)', and then 'child nutrient requirements (17.3%)'. Also the majority wanted it two times per year(57.6%) or one time per year(30.9%). This study indicated that proper dietary education must be established in child centers by developing various practical dietary education programs and then implementing them.

Research Trend of Nutrition through Analysis of Articles Published in 'Korean Journal of Community Nutrition' (대한지역사회영양학회지에 게재된 논문분석을 통한 영양연구의 동향)

  • Jo, Jin-Suk;Lee, Kyoung-Sin;Kim, Ki-Nam
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.278-293
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the research trend of nutrition for the recent 12 years from 1996 to 2007 by analyzing 734 articles published in the Korean Journal of Community Nutrition. The majority of the articles (61.4%) were classified as survey types in terms of data collection methods. Most of the subjects used in the articles were adults (28.8%), and the subject whose research has been increased at the highest rate was "patients". The most frequent keywords in the title of articles were "nutrient intake" (231times), "food service" (92times), "dietary habits" (69times), and "obesity" (69times). The keywords that have appeared more frequently with the years were "osteoporosis" (450.0%), "menopause" (350.0%) and "dietary attitudes" (208.3%). As for research interests, "nutrient intake" was dominant in the early stage of research while "disease", "dietary habits", "dietary attitudes" and "nutrition education" have increased in recent years. Some of the most common methods of nutrition assessment were "dietary intake" (41.2%), "anthropometric" (34.0%) and "biochemical test" (14.7%). The most common methods of dietary intake were "24-hours recall" (28.6%) and "dietary habits" (23.3%). The results of this study showed some biases in data collection methods, gender of the subjects, and study areas. Moreover, inconsistent terminologies, questionnaire contents, and measures were used for the researches on dietary behaviors, dietary habits, dietary attitudes, which made it difficult to compare their results for each research. Therefore, standardized research methods and terminologies need to be developed regarding dietary practices.

Dietary Habit by Residence Types of Male College Students Registered Nutrition Course for Nonmajor (영양관련 교양과목을 수강한 남자대학생의 거주형태별 식생활비교)

  • Jung Eun-Hee
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.99-107
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    • 2006
  • This study was performed to investigate the dietary habit based on residence types of male college students who registered nutrition course for nonmajor. Self reports on dietary habit and one-day dietary records were obtained from 158 male college students in Chungbuk area. The distribution of residence type of male college student was as follows; self-boarding(43.0%), home(41.1%), boarding with meal(12.7%), and others(3.2%). The mean age of subjects were $22.6{\pm}2.5$, and the mean height and weight were $175.0{\pm}5.6cm\;and\;69.1{\pm}9.3kg$, respectively. The dietary habit of male college students considered to be taken more care of, showing indifference to dietary balance, irregularity of meal, and skipping breakfast. One-day dietary records by 24hr recall methods also showed less diverse food intake(mean DVS, 12.7; mean DDS, 3.92). Especially, the students with self boarding residence were more likely not to eat properly, including indifference to dietary balance, irregularity of meal, skipping breakfast, frequent dining-out, high experience of smoking and drinking, and low DVS and DDS. Also the students with self boarding residence seemed not to make a good choice for food, showing high food intake frequency score in canned food, fast food and instant ramyun, while low score in fruit and fishes. More attention should be taken for self-boarding students to recognize the problems in their own dietary behavior, and more practical suggestion to improve their dietary status would be necessary.

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