• Title/Summary/Keyword: diameter of hole

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Cutting force regulation of microdrilling using the sliding mode control (슬라이딩 모드 제어를 이용한 마으크로 드릴의 절삭력 제어)

  • 정만실;조동우
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 1997.04a
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    • pp.842-846
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    • 1997
  • Micro-hole drilling (holes less than 0.5 mm in diameter with aspect ratios larger than 10) is gaining increased attention in a wide spectrum of precision production industries. Alternative methods such as EDM, laser drilling, etc. can sometimes replace mechanical micro-hole drilling but are not acceptable in PCB manufacture because they yield inferior hole quality and accuracy. The major difficulties in micro-hold drilling are related to wandering motions during the inlet stage, high aspect ratios, high temperature,etc. However, of all the difficulties, the most undesirable one is the increase of drilling force as the drill penetrates deeper into hold. This is caused mainly by chip related effects. Peck-drilling is thus widely used for deep hole drilling despite the fact that it leads to low productivity. Therefore, in this paper, a method of cutting force regulation is proposed to achieve continuous drilling. A proportional plus derivative (PD) and a sliding modecontrol algorithm will be implemented for controlling the spinle rotational frequeency. Experimental results will show that sliding mode control reduces the nominal cutting force and its variation better than the PD control, resulting in a number of advantages such as an increase in drill life, fast stabilization of the wandering motion, and precise positioning of the hole.

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A Study on Fracture Behavior in Shear Band during Micro Hole Punching Process (미세 홀 펀칭시 전단 파괴 거동 연구)

  • 유준환;임성한;주병윤;오수익
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Technology of Plasticity Conference
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    • 2003.05a
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    • pp.230-235
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    • 2003
  • In the micro hole punching, the size and shape of burr and burnish zone are very important factors to evaluate quality of micro holes which depend on punch-die clearance, stain rate, workpiece material and etc. To get micro holes with small burr and wide burnish zone for industrial demands, not only the parametric study but also a study on fracture behavior in shear band are necessary. In this study, 100 $\mu\textrm{m}$, 25 $\mu\textrm{m}$ micro holes in diameter were fabricated on brass (Cu63/Zn37) and SUS 316 foils as aspect ratio 1:1, and the characteristics of micro holes was investigated comparing with man holes over several mm by scanning electron microscopic views and section views. Like macro hole, micro hole is also composed of 4 portions, rollover, burnish zone, fracture zone and it shows similar fracture behavior in shear band, but? by high strain rate (10$^2$∼ 10$^3$s$\^$-1/) unlike macro hole fabrication and increment of relative grain size several different results are shown.

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The Trapped Field Characteristics of YBCO Superconductor Composite in Terms of Applied Magnetic Field (인가 자기장에 의한 YBCO 초전도체 복합체의 포획 자기장 특성)

  • Lee, M.S.;Jang, G.E.;Choi, Y.S.;Jun, B.H.;Han, Y.H.;Park, B.J.
    • Progress in Superconductivity
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.12-16
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    • 2010
  • We have measured the trapped field of YBCO bulk with different configuration by applying the magnetic field of $Nb_3Sn$ superconducting magnet. Initially the circular type of YBCO bulk superconductor was prepared and then hole, parallel to the c-axis and located at the center of bulk was mechanically drilled. The YBCO bulk with hole was filled with resin. Typical size of hole in YBCO bulk was 10 mm in diameter. Trapped field characteristics were compared with different specimen conditions. Our preliminary result indicates the increment rate of trapped field, 0.232 kG, measured on the YBCO without hole was much higher than that, 0.011 kG, measured on YBCO with hole.

Modeling and Investigation of Multilayer Piezoelectric Transformer with a Central Hole for Heat Dissipation

  • Thang, Vo Viet;Kim, In-Sung;Jeong, Soon-Jong;Kim, Min-Soo;Song, Jae-Sung
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • v.6 no.5
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    • pp.671-676
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    • 2011
  • A multilayer square-type piezoelectric transformer with a hole at the center was investigated in this paper. Temperature distribution at the center was improved by using this construction, therefore increasing input voltage and output power. This model was simulated and investigated successfully by applying a finite element method (FEM) in ATILA software. An optimized structure was then fabricated, examined, and compared to the simulation results. Electrical characteristics, including output voltage and output power, were measured at different load resistances. The temperature distribution was also monitored using an infrared camera. The piezoelectric transformer operated at first radial vibration mode and a frequency area of 70 kHz. The 16 W output power was achieved in a three-layer transformer with 96% efficiency and $20^{\circ}C$ temperature rise from room temperature under 115 V driving voltage, 100 ${\Omega}$ matching load, $28{\times}28{\times}1.8mm$ size, and 2 mm hole diameter. With these square-type multilayer piezoelectric transformers, the temperature was concentrated around the hole and lower than in piezoelectric transformers without a hole.

Electrochemical Machining Using Tungsten Microelectrode (텅스텐 미세 전극을 이용한 전해 가공)

  • Ryu, Shi-Hyoung;Yu, Jong-Sun
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.134-140
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    • 2009
  • The feasibility of electrochemical drilling and milling on stainless steel are investigated using tungsten microelectrode with $10{\mu}m$ in diameter. For the development of environmentally friendly and safe electrochemical process, citric acid solution is used as electrolyte. A few hundred nanoseconds duration pulses are applied between the microelectrode and work material for dissolution localization. Tool fracture by Joule heating, micro welding, capillary phenomenon, tool wandering by the generated bubbles are observed and their effects on micro ECM are discussed. Occasionally, complex textures including micro pitting corrosion marks appeared on the hole inner surface. Metal growth is also observed under the weak electric conditions and it hinders further dissolutions for workpiece penetration. By adjusting appropriate pulse and chemical conditions, micro holes of $37{\mu}m$ in diameter with $100{\mu}m$ in depth and 26Jim in diameter with $50{\mu}m$ in depth are drilled on stainless steel 304. Also, micro grooves with $18{\mu}m$ width and complex micro hand pattern are machined by electrochemical milling.

Effect of Moisture Content of Sawdust and Length to Diameter Ratio of a Hole in Flat-die Pelletizer on The Fuel Characteristics of Wood Pellets Produced with Quercus mongolica, Pinus densiflora, Pinus rigida and Larix kaempferi

  • Yang, In;Kim, Seong-ho;Han, Gyu-Seong
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.382-398
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    • 2017
  • This study was conducted to identify the potential of Quercus mongolica (QUM), Pinus densiflora (PID) and Pinus rigida (PIR) as a raw material for pellet production. Larix kaempferi (LAK), which has mostly been used for pellet production in Korea, was also used as a control. All specimens contained very minimal amounts of sulfur and chlorine. Ash content of LAK was the lowest, followed by PID, PIR and QUM. For the size distribution, the mass fraction between 0.42 mm and 0.25 mm was the highest in PIR. Most fuel characteristics of the produced wood pellets improved with the use of 12% moisture content (MC) particles and the increase of the ratio of length to diameter of a hole in flat-die (L/D ratio). When the MC, bulk density and durability of QUM, PID, PIR and LAK pellets was compared with the standards of the KFRI and ISO, the use of wood particles of 12% MC and flat-die with an L/D ratio of 5.00 for PID particles are suitable for high-quality pellets in the aspects of all fuel characteristics. For PIR and QUM, further work is needed to seek the optimum conditions for the production of high-quality and durable pellets.

Sieving the Polymer Chains through Anodic Aluminum Oxide Membranes (Anodic Aluminum Oxide Membrane을 통한 고분자 사슬의 선택적 투과)

  • Choi, Yong-Joon;Lee, Han Sup
    • Membrane Journal
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.291-300
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    • 2016
  • Techniques for selectively separating molecules of gas and liquid states using various separation membranes have been widely used in variety of applications such as chemical, biological, pharmaceutical, and petrochemical industries. As the nanochannel diameter, inter-channel distance and length of the nanochannel of the anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) membranes can be precisely controlled, various studies to effectively separate mixture of various molecules using AAO membrane have been widely carried out. In this study, we fabricated AAO membranes of cylindrical nanochannels of various diameter sizes and of through-hole structure, that is, nanochannels of which both ends of each nanochannel are open. Using those AAO membranes of through-hole nanochannel structure, we studied the selective permeation polymer chains dissolved in a solvent based on hydraulic volume of the polymer chains. We found a precise, quantitative relationship between the radius of gyration of polymer chains that permeated through nanochannels inside AAO membrane and the diameter of nanochannels. In addition, we demonstrate that the behavior of the polymer solution flowing through nanochannel of the AAO membrane can be successfully described with the Hagen-Poiseuille relationship. It is, therefore, possible to theoretically interpret the nanoflow of the solution flowing inside the cylindrical nanochannel.

An Experimental Investigation on the Flow Field around the Wing Having a Circular Damage Hole (원형 손상 구멍이 있는 날개 주위 유동장에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Lee, Ki-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.36 no.10
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    • pp.954-961
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    • 2008
  • An experimental study has been conducted to investigate the flow field around the wing having a circular damage hole. The damage was represented by a circular hole passing through the model with 10% airfoil chord diameter and normal to the chord. The hole was centered at quarter or half chord. The PIV flow fields and static pressure measurements on the wing upper and lower surface were carried out at Rec=2.85×105 based on the chord length. The PIV results showed the two types of flow structures around a damage hole were formed. The first one was a weak jet that formed an attached wake behind the damage hole. The second one resulted from increased incidence; this was a strong jet where the flow through the hole penetrates into the free-stream resulting in extensive separation of oncoming boundary layer flow and development of a separated wake with reverse flow. The surface pressure data showed a big pressure alteration near the circular damage hole. The severity of pressure alteration was increased as a damage hole located nearer to the leading edge.

The Optimization of Fuel Injection Nozzles for the Reduction of NOx Emissions in a Large Diesel Engine (대형 디젤엔진의 NOx 저감을 위한 연료분사노즐 최적화 연구)

  • Yoon, Wook-Hyeon;Kim, Byung-Seok;Kim, Dong-Hun;Kim, Ki-Doo;Ha, Ji-Soo
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.60-65
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    • 2004
  • Numerical simulations and experiments have been carried out to investigate the effect of fuel injection nozzles on the combustion and NOx formation processes in a medium-speed marine diesel engine. Spray visualization experiment was performed in the constant-volume high-pressure chamber to verify the numerical results on the spray characteristics such as spray angle and spray tip penetration. Time-resolved spray behaviors were captured by high-speed digital camera and analyzed to extract the information on the spray parameters. Spray and combustion phenomena were examined numerically using FIRE code. Wave breakup and Zeldovich models were adopted to describe the atomization characteristics and NOx formation processes. Numerical results were verified with experimental data such as cylinder pressure, heat release rate and NOx emission. Finally, the effects of fuel injection nozzles on the engine performance were investigated numerically to find the optimum nozzle parameters such as fuel injection angle, nozzle hole diameter and number of nozzle holes. From this study, the optimum fuel injection nozzle (nozzle hole diameter, 0.32 mm, number of nozzle holes, 8 and fuel injection angle, $148^{\circ}$) was selected to reduce both the fuel consumption and NOx emission. The reason for this selection could be explained from the highest fuel-air mixing in the early phase of injection due to the longest spray tip penetration and the highest heat release rate after $19^{\circ}$ ATDC due to the increased injection duration.