• Title/Summary/Keyword: detail object

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The Distributed Transport Platform for Real-Time Multimedia Stream (실시간 멀티미디어 스트림을 위한 분산 전송 플랫폼)

  • 송병훈;정광수;정형석
    • Journal of KIISE:Information Networking
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.260-269
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    • 2003
  • The traditional distributed object middleware platform is not suitable for the transmission of stream data, because RPC(Remote Procedure Call)-based message transmission have a great overhead. Therefore, the OMG(Object Management Group) proposes the AV(Audio and Video) stream reference model for streaming on the distributed object middleware platform. But, this reference model has not a detail of implementation. Particularly it also has not congestion control scheme for improvement of network efficiency on the real network environment. It is a very important and difficult technical issue to provide the stream transmission platform with advanced congestion control scheme. In this paper, we propose an architecture of a distributed stream transport platform and deal with the design and implementation concept of our proposed platform. Also, we present a mechanism to improve streaming utilization by SRTP(Smart RTP). SRTP is our proposed TCP-Friendly scheme.

Vehicle Tracking using Euclidean Distance (유클리디안 척도를 이용한 차량 추적)

  • Kim, Gyu-Yeong;Kim, Jae-Ho;Park, Jang-Sik;Kim, Hyun-Tae;Yu, Yun-Sik
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.7 no.6
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    • pp.1293-1299
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, a real-time vehicle detection and tracking algorithms is proposed. The vehicle detection could be processed using GMM (Gaussian Mixture Model) algorithm and mathematical morphological processing with HD CCTV camera images. The vehicle tracking based on separated vehicle object was performed using Euclidean distance between detected object. In more detail, background could be estimated using GMM from CCTV input image signal and then object could be separated from difference image of the input image and background image. At the next stage, candidated objects were reformed by using mathematical morphological processing. Finally, vehicle object could be detected using vehicle size informations dependent on distance and vehicle type in tunnel. The vehicle tracking performed using Euclidean distance between the objects in the video frames. Through computer simulation using recoded real video signal in tunnel, it is shown that the proposed system works well.

Geometry-to-BIM Mapping Rule Definition for Building Plane BIM object (건축물 평면 형상에 대한 형상-to-BIM 맵핑 규칙 정의)

  • Kang, Tae-Wook
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.10
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    • pp.236-242
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    • 2019
  • Recently, scanning projects have been carried out in various construction and construction fields for maintenance purposes. The point cloud generated by the scan results is composed of a number of points representing the object to be scanned. The process of extracting the necessary information, including dimensions, from such scan data is called paradox. The reverse engineering process of modeling a point cloud as BIM involves considerable manual work. Owing to the time-consuming reverse engineering nature of the work, the costs increase exponentially when rework requests are made, such as design changes. Reverse engineering automation technology can help improve these problems. On the other hand, the reverse design product is variable depending on the use, and the kind and detail level of the product may be different. This paper proposes the G2BM (Geometry-to-BIM mapping) rule definition method that automatically maps a BIM object from a primitive geometry to a BIM object. G2BM proposes a process definition and a customization method for reverse engineering BIM objects that consider the use case variability.

AANet: Adjacency auxiliary network for salient object detection

  • Li, Xialu;Cui, Ziguan;Gan, Zongliang;Tang, Guijin;Liu, Feng
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.15 no.10
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    • pp.3729-3749
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    • 2021
  • At present, deep convolution network-based salient object detection (SOD) has achieved impressive performance. However, it is still a challenging problem to make full use of the multi-scale information of the extracted features and which appropriate feature fusion method is adopted to process feature mapping. In this paper, we propose a new adjacency auxiliary network (AANet) based on multi-scale feature fusion for SOD. Firstly, we design the parallel connection feature enhancement module (PFEM) for each layer of feature extraction, which improves the feature density by connecting different dilated convolution branches in parallel, and add channel attention flow to fully extract the context information of features. Then the adjacent layer features with close degree of abstraction but different characteristic properties are fused through the adjacent auxiliary module (AAM) to eliminate the ambiguity and noise of the features. Besides, in order to refine the features effectively to get more accurate object boundaries, we design adjacency decoder (AAM_D) based on adjacency auxiliary module (AAM), which concatenates the features of adjacent layers, extracts their spatial attention, and then combines them with the output of AAM. The outputs of AAM_D features with semantic information and spatial detail obtained from each feature are used as salient prediction maps for multi-level feature joint supervising. Experiment results on six benchmark SOD datasets demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms similar previous methods.

Feature-Based Multi-Resolution Modeling of Solids Using History-Based Boolean Operations - Part I : Theory of History-Based Boolean Operations -

  • Lee Sang Hun;Lee Kyu-Yeul;Woo Yoonwhan;Lee Kang-Soo
    • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.549-557
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    • 2005
  • The requirements of multi-resolution models of feature-based solids, which represent an object at many levels of feature detail, are increasing for engineering purposes, such as analysis, network-based collaborative design, virtual prototyping and manufacturing. To provide multi-resolution models for various applications, it is essential to generate adequate solid models at varying levels of detail (LOD) after feature rearrangement, based on the LOD criteria. However, the non-commutative property of the union and subtraction Boolean operations is a severe obstacle to arbitrary feature rearrangement. To solve this problem we propose history-based Boolean operations that satisfy the commutative law between union and subtraction operations by considering the history of the Boolean operations. Because these operations guarantee the same resulting shape as the original and reasonable shapes at the intermediate LODs for an arbitrary rearrangement of its features, various LOD criteria can be applied for multi-resolution modeling in different applications.

Development of BIM Library for Civil Structures based on Standardized Drawings-Focused on 2D Standard Drawings of The MOLIT (표준도 기반의 토목구조물 BIM 라이브러리 개발 -국토교통부 표준도를 대상으로)

  • Moon, HyounSeok;Ju, KiBum
    • Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.80-90
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    • 2014
  • In architecture projects, BIM library has widely been using for prefabrication of products and design process. However, since the shape of structures is different by each project in civil engineering projects and a shape representation system is complicated, it is not easy to develop a standardized BIM library. To solve these issues, this study develops BIM library based on standardized 2D shop drawings for civil structures. The standardized shop drawings, which are the targets of the BIM library model, should be first selected. Besides, in order to define modeling scope with the level of general and shop drawings for each structure, LOD(Level of Detail) and breakdown structure are determined, and development methods of families of 3D object type including 2D profile and rebar through commercial software are established. With these, properties of BIM library are configured, and a utilization model of the BIM libraries is constructed for 3D modeling and a simulation using the BIM library. Therefore, this study can identify properties that are necessary when IFC schema is configured for civil engineering projects. For future, it is expected that easiness of BIM design for the civil engineering projects and generation, management, and analysis system of BIM library for road projects will be secured.

Efficient Connection of Migration Routes with Their Weights Using EGOSST (EGOSST를 이용한 이동 경로의 가중치를 반영한 효과적 연결)

  • Kim, In-Bum
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartA
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    • v.18A no.5
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    • pp.215-224
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, a mechanism connecting all weighted migration routes with minimum cost with EGOSST is proposed. Weighted migration routes may be converted to weighted input edges considered as not only traces but also traffics or trip frequencies of moving object on communication lines, roads or railroads. Proposed mechanism can be used in more wide and practical area than mechanisms considering only moving object traces. In our experiments, edge number, maximum weight for input edges, and detail level for grid are used as input parameters. The mechanism made connection cost decrease average 1.07% and 0.43% comparing with the method using weight minimum spanning tree and weight steiner minimum tree respectively. When grid detail level is 0.1 and 0.001, while each execution time for a connecting solution increases average 97.02% and 2843.87% comparing with the method using weight minimum spanning tree, connecting cost decreases 0.86% and 1.13% respectively. This shows that by adjusting grid detail level, proposed mechanism might be well applied to the applications where designer must grant priority to reducing connecting cost or shortening execution time as well as that it can provide good solutions of connecting migration routes with weights.

A Study on the Detail Preference of Girls One-piece Dress - Focus on 3 to 6 Years Old - (여아의 원피스 드레스 디테일 선호도 - 만 3~6세를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Eun-Young;Kweon, Soo-Ae
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.167-182
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    • 2015
  • This study was to investigate the preference tendency by detail and material preference of summer one-piece dresses for the children, and evaluation standard of children's wear in purchasing one-piece dresses as an object of mothers who have girls as buying representatives of children's wear in order to supply real information of design about the one-piece dresses for the girls in accordance with the consumers' demands. The results of this study revealed that the one-piece dress was favorite one to them in purchasing their summer wear. This study showed tendency that the more the mother's fashion interest was, the more the mother's preference on the one-piece dress was. As to the material preference of one-piece dress, it preferred the natural fiber to the synthetic fiber much, and the preferred customer order in purchasing one-piece dresses for their children was analyzed as activity, material, design collar, and pattern. As to the preference by form factor of one-piece dress, it preferred A-line silhouette in the silhouette, natural waist in the waist position, 5~7cm from the knee in the length of one-piece dress, and flared skirt in shape of skirt. The preference on the collar type was soutien collar, and the preference on the neckline type was round neckline. In addition, the preference on sleeve form was shirtsleeve, and the preference on trimming was lace trimming.

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A Study on Saliency-based Stroke LOD for Painterly Rendering (회화적 렌더링을 위한 세일리언시 기반의 스트로크 단계별 세부묘사 제어에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Ho-Chang;Seo, Sang-Hyun;Yoon, Kyung-Hyun
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.199-209
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, we suggest a stroke level of detail (LOD) based on a saliency density. On painter]y rendering, the stroke LOD has an advantage of making the observer concentrate on the main object and improving accuracy of expression. For the stroke LOD, it is necessary to classify the detailed and abstracted area. We divide the area on the basis of saliency distribution and the level of detailed expression is controlled based on the saliency information. 'We define that the area of which the saliency distribution is high is a major subject that an artist tries to express, it is described in detail. The area of which the saliency distribution is low is abstractly described. Each divided area has the abstraction level. And by adapting the brushes of which sizes are appropriate to each level, it is possible to express the area which needs to be expressed in details from the one which needs to be expressed abstractly.

The selection of level-of-detail using the difference of image (영상에서의 차이를 이용한 상세도 레벨의 선택)

  • Son, Ho-Jun;Heo, Jun-Hyeok;Wohn, Kwang-Yun
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 1997
  • Two factors are required for a virtual reality system; realism and immersion. Since realism is determined primarily by the realistic image, objects in a virtual environment should be represented with details by their own characteristics. Also, reflection on light must be considered. On the other hand, immersion is defined as realistic movements and fast interactions. Thus, virtual environment should be rendered as fast as possibl. Regular frame rate should also be kept to make moves as intended by the user. In a complex virtual environment composed of objects with various levels, the appropriate level for individual object should be assigned according to the view point, in other words, the selection of level-of-detail is needed. In this paper, the problem of determining the levels of detail is formalized in terms of error, cost and L -distance. Error is defined as the difference between the current level image and the highest level image, cost as rendering time, and L-distance as the level difference between the previous and the current level. To solve this problem, a new method called the well-distributed adaptive algorithmis proposed.

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