• Title/Summary/Keyword: department of psychiatry

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Parenthood (어버이살이)

  • Cho, Doo-Young
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.3-11
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    • 1997
  • In becoming parents, the marital partners enter into a new developmental phase. The conception of the child is an act of mutual creativity during which the boundaries between the self and another were temporarily obliterated more completely than at any time since infancy. The infant is a physical fusion of the parents, and their personalities unite within the child. for many women, creativity as a mother becomes a central matter that provides meaning and balance to their lives. The husband usually has strong desires for an offspring and can be transformed by it. The child can profoundly affect one or both parents, and the influences are reciprocal-a child's needs or specific difficulties uncover a parent's inadequacy. following the child's development, each transition into a new developmental phase requires an adaptation by the parents, and one or another of these required adaptations may disturb a parent's equilibirium. And the personality changes, emotional difficulties, and regressions of a spouse that occur in response to some phase of parenthood can upset the marriage. Not only do children identify with parents, but parents also identify with their children. The parents take pleasure in child's joy and suffer with the child's pain more than in almost any other relationship. certain respects e parents lives again in the child. Through the process of identification the child can also provide one of the two parents with the opportunity to experience intimately the way in which a person of the opposite gender grows up. Parenthood also provides the opportunity to be loved, admired, and needed simply because one is a parent and, as such, a central and necessary object in the young child's life. The many potentialities for emotional satisfactions from parenthood manage to outweigh the tribulations and sacrifices that are required. The child also exerts an indirect effect through changing the parent's position in the society, for new sets of relationships are established as the parents are drawn to other couples with children of the same age, and for a new impetus toward economic and social mobility often possesses the parents. frequently the couple's relatedness to their own parents improves and grows firmer once again. Parenthood, the satisfactions it provides and the demands it makes, varies as life progresses : and changes with the parent's interests, needs, and age as well as with the children's maturation. There are phases in the child's life that the parents are reluctant to have pass, whereas they tolerate others largely through knowing that they will soon be over. The changing lives of the children provide many satisfactions that offset the tribulations, uncertainties, and regrets. The parents change. The young father, who was just starting on his carrier whom the first child was born, settles into a life pattern. He becomes secure with increasing achievement and interacts differently with the youngest child and provides a different model for him than for the oldest. The mother may have less time for a second or third child than for her first, but she may also be more assured in her handling of them. The birth of a baby when the parents art in their late thirties will find them Less capable of physical exertion with the child and less tolerant of annoyances, but they are less apt to be annoyed. Eventually the children min and leave home, but the couple do not cease to be parents.

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Event Related Potential and Neuropsychological Tests (사건 관계 전위와 신경심리 검사)

  • Lee, Sung-Hoon;Koo, Ae-Sook;Woo, Jong-Ho;Kim, Byung-Gun
    • Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.76-86
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    • 1994
  • Objectives: This research was performed in order to observe the neuropsychological implication and functional anatomical source of event related potentials(ERP) by studying of correlations between event related potentials and neuropsychological tests. Methods: The latency and voltage of P100 of visual evoked potential (VEP), and N120 and P300 of event related potentials were studied in 56 patients and their correlations with neuropsychological tests were computed. Results: The tests showing significant correlation with latency P100 were visual continous performance test(VCPT) and contingent continous performance test(CCPT) without any significant correlation with voltage of P100. In latency of N120 category test and verbal IQ of KWIS showed significant correlation, and in voltage of N120, finger tapping test, VCPT, CCPT and digit symbol test displayed significant correlations. The latency of P300 had significant correlation with trail making A test and Stroop test. In the voltage of P300 significant correlations were shown with trail making B test, digit symbol test and Wechsler memory scale, finger tapping test, stroop test, VCPT and CCPT. Conclusion : N120 may be considered to reflect the function of medial frontal lobe and P300 may be considered to be developed from the subcortical connection of medial temporal lobe, hippocampus, thalamus, basal ganglia and medial frontal lobe.

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Clinical Characteristics of NSSI and Predictors of Suicide Attempts in Clinically Depressed Korean Adolescents (일 대학병원에 방문한 우울한 청소년에서 비자살성 자해행동의 임상적 특성과 자살 시도 예측요인)

  • Kim, Gyung-Mee
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.69-76
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    • 2019
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study was to examine the prevalence and clinical characteristics of nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI), and its association with suicide attempts among clinically depressed adolescents in Korea. Methods : In total, 113 depressed adolescents aged 12-18 years in South Korea were enrolled in this study. We assessed sociodemographic and clinical characteristics including suicidality and non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) using various self-reported scales and semi-structured interview for diagnosis of psychiatric disorders. Demographic and clinical characteristics of the subjects were compared between NSSI and non-NSSI groups. We examined significant predictors of suicide attempts using logistic regression analysis. Results : Among 113 depressed participants, 48 (42.1%) adolescents were classified into the NSSI group. In the NSSI group, there were significantly more females, showed higher depression, higher state-anxiety, and more suicide ideation. The most predictive factors of suicide attempts were history of NSSI, observed suicide/NSSI behaviors of their family or friends, and total state anxiety score. Conclusions : NSSI is more common problem among clinically depressed adolescents and history of NSSI is a significant predictor of present suicide attempts. To include the assessment of NSSI for clinically depressed adolescent may be crucial for intervention programs for high risk adolescents of suicide in Korea.

Relationship between Somatization and Mental Health of Registered Nurses (간호사의 신체화 증상과 정신건강의 관계)

  • Joo, Jungmin;Goo, Ae Jin;Kim, Sung-Wan
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.135-142
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    • 2020
  • Objectives : To identify the relationship between somatization, stress, depression, anxiety, and psychological symptoms risk for nurses working in the intensive care unit. Create clinical evidence of psychosomatic medicine research and complement the meaning of somatization. Methods : Seventy of the mental health checkups conducted by the National Mental Health Center among the nurses using tools including Perceived Stress scale, Fatigue Severity Scale, Patient Health questionnaire-15, Korean Beck Depression Inventory, Korean Beck Anxiety Inventory, and Symptom Checklist-90-Revision. Results : 12.9% of the patients experienced more than moderate somatization. There was no statistical relationship between somatization and psychological stress perception, but feeling of anxiety and decreased self-confidence were related to the level of somatization. The group with severe somatization experienced more depression and anxiety. The group with high physical fatigue also had no statistical relationship with psychological stress perception, but had an effect on the feeling of tension, stress, or decreased control. Physical fatigue level was increased by experience of depression, not by anxiety. For psychological symptoms the higher the level of somatization, the higher the obsession and hostility was explored. In the linear regression model, stress, depression, and anxiety accounted for 39.3% of somatization and 16.1% of physical fatigue symptoms. Conclusions : We can estimate the decrease in stress cognitive symptoms, accompanying depression and anxiety, compulsion and hostility as characteristics of somatization. The causal relationship between somatization and psychological symptoms cannot be confirmed in this study, but the interrelationships are observed, can be referred to mediation strategies.

The Empathy and Justice Contemplated From the Neuroscientific Perspective in the Age of Social Divisions and Conflicts (분열과 반목의 시대에 신경과학적 관점에서 고찰해보는 공감과 정의)

  • Ji-Woong, Kim
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.55-65
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    • 2022
  • Although humans exist as Homo Empathicus, human society is actually constantly divided and conflicted between groups. The human empathy response is very sensitive to the justice of others, and depending on the level of others' justice, they may feel empathy or schadenfreude to the suffering of them. However, our empathy to others' suffering are not always fair, and have inherent limitations of ingroup-biased empathy. Depending on whether the suffering other persons belongs to an ingroup or an outgroup, we may feel biased empathy or biased schadenfreude to them without even realizing it. Recent advances in information and communication technology facilitate biased access to ingroup-related SNS or ingroup media, thereby deepening the establishment of a more biased semantic information network related groups. These processes, through interacting with the inherent limitation of empathy, can form a vicious cycle of more biased ingroup empathy and ingroup-related activities, and accelerate divisions and conflicts. This research investigated the properties and limitations of empathy by reviewing studies on the neural mechanism of empathy. By examining the relationship between empathy and justice from a neuroscientific point of view, this research tried to illuminate the modern society of division and conflict in a different dimension from the classical perspective of social science.

A Study of Depression in Positive and Negative Schizophrenics (양성 및 음성 정신분열증 환자의 우울에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jung-Hoon
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.338-351
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    • 1994
  • This study was to find out whether there were differences in the levels of depressions between positive and negative schizophrenics. This research was derived from the fact that negative schizophrenics show higher levels of depression than positive schizophrenics. This study also examined the levels of psychomotor dysfunction in positive and negative schizophrenics. For this study, there were 453 subjects. They consisted of 119 positive schizophrenics, 122 negative schizophrenics and 212 normal people. They were asked to complete Zung's Self-Rating Depression Scale(SDS) and to perform one subtest, Digit Symbol of KWIS(Korean Wechsler Intelligence Scale). Subjects' levels of depression were measured by the SDS. the level of psychomotor dysfunction was measured by Digit Symbol subtest of Korean Wechsler Intelligence Scale. ANOV A and Duncan's multiple comparison analysis were used to examine whether there were differences of depression and psychomotor dysfunction among the normal people, positive and negative schizophrenics. The results were as follows: It was found that the depression level was higher in the negative schizophrenic patients than positive schizophrenic patients. Levels of depression were significantly higher in negative schizophrenics than positive schizophrenics. Psychomotor retardation symptom was the most effective variable that discriminates between the normals and the schizophrenics. And it would be concluded that the psychomotor dysfunction was more severe in negative schizophrenics than positive schizophrenics.

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Development of the Korean Form of Zung's Self-Rating Depression Scale (한국형 자가평가 우울척도의 개발)

  • Lee, Jung-Hoon
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.292-305
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    • 1995
  • This study was carried out to develop a Korean language version of Zung's self-rating depression scale (SDS). The subjects consisted of 173 males and 161 females drawn from various groups of the general population by a cluster of sampling methods. In order to analyze the data on depression scores, Pearson's product moment correlation coefficient method was carried out, as well as reliability and factor analysis, by the SPSS/PC+ program. The results obtained were as follows: The mean average of the total depression scores were $40.60{\pm}8.66$ for the subjects. Thirty-seven subjects (11.1%) showed high depression scores of 50 or over. Test-retest reliability(coefficient r=0.82, p <0.001), internal consistency(coefficient r=0.84, p <0.001) were satisfactory. Factor analysis using oblique technique rotation yielded five factors. The items of confusion, indecisiveness, decreased libido, diurnal variation, and psychomotor retardation were scored higher by the subjects. The items of suicidal rumination, psychomotor agitation, constipation, irritability, and weight loss were scored lower.

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Assessment and Treatment of Depression in the Medically III (신체질환 환자들에서 우울증의 평가 및 치료)

  • Koh, Kyung-Bong
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.111-132
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    • 2001
  • Depression in the medically ill is a common clinical problem that primary physicians and psychiatric consultants encounter. Treatment of such patients begins with a careful evaluation of the patient's medical and psychiatric conditions. The assessment of depression in the medical patients requires a multidimensional approach. Psychological instruments are also used as a method of assessment in these patients. First of all, what the therapists have to do is to find and remove organic causes. Psychosoical treatment includes dealing with the patient's resistance and despondency relevant to physical diseases. For biological treatment, it is important to select appropriate antidepressants. Therapists should be familiar with the side effects of the antidepressants as well as the patient's primary depressive symptoms, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the available agents. In addition, special attention should be paid to the potential for drug-illness and drug-drug interactions. Tricyclic antidepressants can be still effectively used for patients with pain disorder, although a variety of new antidepressants such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI), bupropion and venlafaxine could have more benefits in depression of the medically ill. However, electroconvulsive therapy can be recommended for refractory cases of depression in patients with medical illness.

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Sleep-Wake Cycles in Man (인간의 수면-각성 주기)

  • Kim, Leen
    • Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.147-155
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    • 1997
  • To assess the reliability of chronobiological models of sleep/wake regulation, it is necerssary that the models predict the data which has been studied in sleep research, and they should be generalized across all ages. To date, many adult human data on such models have accumulated, yet it is evident that a comprehensive theory of the biorhythmic aspects of sleep/wake states has not established. Circadian rhythms such as the time going to bed, sleep onset, slow wave sleep pressure, periodicity of REM sleep, daytime performance, and early evening alertness are resumed everyday. Even in adult humans, sleep is inherently polyphasic. In both the disentrained and entrained states, naps when allowed tend to recur in a temporally lawful manner. The monophasic sleep pattern of most industrial societies therefore appears to be purely of social origin. The endogenous biorhythmic nature of circasemidian sleep tendency is supported by the ubiquity of the phenomenon across all ages. The NREM/REM sleep cycle within sleep with its inherent physiological, endocrine, and neurochemical fluctuations represents the best-documented ultradian sleep rhythms. Also, a daytime ultradian variation in sleepiness with a periodicity similar to nocturnal NREM/REM cycle(BRAC hypothesis) is suggested. This review article provides a brief synoptic review of the evidences for circadian, circasemidian, and ultradian sleep/wake rhythms, and then the authour will suggest the issues which expedite fuller modeling of sleep/wake system, to be further discussed.

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An Interpretation of "Golden Bird" from the Perspective of Analytical Psychology (그림형제 동화 '황금 새'의 분석심리학적 해석)

  • Sang Hag Park
    • Sim-seong Yeon-gu
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.177-214
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    • 2016
  • This thesis is an interpretation of "Golden bird" of Grimm's fairy tale and similar other tales from the perspective of analytical psychology. Golden bird story start loss of golden apple in king's garden. King and three sons are one-sided structure live without female members in family. They need feminine aspect. Adventure and journey of stupid youngest son can be seen as a individuation process in analytic psychology. Ego meets several painful experience during journey. New Kingdom has a new specific collective consciousness. When ego fixed dominated specific collective consciousness he can only be liberated after completing the difficult task of the next phase in crisis of death. This process is initiation, which is a supplement to feminity after recovery of increased consciousness, marriage with the princess, which is possible to unify the sexes (coniunctio oppositorum). The ego who got the apple, bird, horse, and princess which is shown to be a supplement to feminity, does not attain a complete success. Although the youngest comes out after brothers' failure, yet separation and abandonment of persona are difficult challenges and after all he achives a higher consciousness and then he primarily marries the princess, his Anima, after he executed his brothers for his repeated hardships, when the intellectual capacity is sacrificed as offering. Also, the fox restores himself from magic after the youngest son kills him and cut his head and feet, as the fox's wish. To be transformed into a human being. It experiences another consciousness. Finally, unifying the coniunctio oppositerum is fulfilled and a divine bond achieves the wholeness and it is accomplished individuation. In clinical practice, fox is compared to a therapist as a guide of individuation process who lead clients.