• Title/Summary/Keyword: dental Implants

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Finite Element Analysis of Stress Distribution around the Micro-Patterned Implants (마이크로패터닝을 부여한 임플란트 주변골에서의 하중 분포에 관한 유한요소분석법적 연구)

  • Hur, Bae-Young;Kim, Dae-Gon;Park, Chan-Jin;Cho, Lee-Ra
    • Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.67-76
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    • 2008
  • Implant requires long lasting, strong osseointegration using bio-mechanical interlocking by bone ingrowth. In regarding the size level for bone ingrowth, the micro-patterning would enhance bone response. Micro-patterning can increase the area contacting the bone tissues. Therefore, it may distribute the load to the surrounding bone tissue, more effectively. This study compared and analyzed the load distributing effect with the shape and number of micro-patterning. For the optimal comparison of threads, the assumptions different from general finite element analysis model were made. It was assumed that the implant was axisymmetric and infinitely long. The implant was assumed to be completely embedded in the infinitely long cortical bone and to have 100% bone apposition. The implant-bone interface had completely fixed boundary conditions and received an infinitely big axial load. The condition of threads were as follows. The reference model 1 had conventional thread. Model 2 had 2 micro-patterns on the upper flank of the thread. Model 3 had 2 micro-patterns on the lower flank of the thread. Model 4 had 2 micro-patterns on the upper and lower flanks of the thread. Model 5 had 3 micro patterns on the upper and lower flanks of the thread. The results were as follows: 1. The thread with micro-patterns distributed stress better than the conventional thread. 2. The thread with micro-patterns on the lower flank distributed stress better than that with micro-patterns on the upper flank. 3. The thread with 3 micro-patterns distributed stress better than that with 2 micro-patterns, However, an area with stress concentration occurred.

Three-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis for Comparison between Titanium Implant Abutment and Zirconia Implant Abutment (지르코니아 임플란트 지대주와 티타늄 임플란트 지대주의 삼차원적 유한요소응력분석)

  • Yun, Mi-Jung;Kim, Chang-Weop;Jeong, Chan-Mo;Seo, Seung-U
    • Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.51-61
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    • 2011
  • Recently, restoring implants in the esthetically demanding region, zirconia-based materials are widely used due to their superior mechanical properties, accuracies, and esthetics. The purpose of this study was to investigate the load transfer and mechanical stability of zirconia and titanium implant abutments by using the three-dimensional finite element analysis model. The internal conical joint type and external butt joint type implant system was selected as an experimental model. Finite element models of bone/implant/prosthesis complex were constructed. An load of 250N was applied vertically beside 3mm of implant axis. Stress distribution of zirconia and titanium implant abutment is similar. The maximum equivalent stress of titanium implant abutment is lower than zirconia implant abutment about 15%. Howevere considering a high mechanical strength that exceed those of titanium implant abutment, zirconia implant abutment had similar mechanical stability of titanium implant abutment clinically.

Effect of fluoride-containing gel on the roughness of a titanium surface and the promotion of bacterial growth (불소함유 겔이 티타늄 표면의 세균성 바이오필름 성장에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Sun-Jin;Lee, Jae-Kwan;Chang, Beom-Seok;Lee, Si-Young;Um, Heung-Sik
    • Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.16-23
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate whether fluorides at various pH cause changes in the surface roughness of titanium implants that alter the adherence of bacterial biofilms. Materials and Methods: The titanium disks were assigned randomly to the following seven groups according to the fluoride agents and application time (1 minute or 30 minute) used: control (no treatment); group 1 (1.23% acidulated phosphate fluoride [APF] at pH 3.5 for 1 minute); group 2 (1.23% APF at pH 3.5 for 30 minute); group 3 (1.23% APF at pH 4.0 for 1 minute); group 4 (1.23% APF at pH 4.0 for 30 minute); group 5 (2% NaF gel at pH 7.0 for 1 minute); group 6 (2% NaF gel at pH 7.0 for 30 minute). The surface roughness of the titanium disks and the amount of adherent bacteria were measured. Results: Group 2 showed a significantly greater surface roughness than the control group (P < 0.0001). No significant differences in the amount of surface bacteria were observed between the treated samples and the controls. In addition, there were no significant differences in bacterial adherence relative to the incubation period between the treated samples and the controls. Conclusion: The surface roughness of the titanium disks was significantly greater after treatment with APF at pH 3.5 for 30 min compared with that of the controls. In addition, we found that the amount of Porphyromonas gingivalis, Fusobacterium nucleatum, and Aggregatibactor actinomycetemcomitans was similar among all groups

Development of Acrylic Acid Grafted Polycaprolactone (PCL)/Biphasic Calcium Phosphate (BCP) Nanofibers for Bone Tissue Engineering Using Gamma-Irradiation (감마선을 이용한 아크릴산이 도입된 골조직공학용 PCL/BCP 나노섬유 지지체의 개발)

  • Jeong, Jin-Oh;Jeong, Sung In;Shin, Young Min;Park, Jong-Seok;Gwon, Hui-Jeong;An, Sung-Jun;Huh, Jung-Bo;Shin, Heungsoo;Lim, Youn-Mook
    • Polymer(Korea)
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.418-425
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    • 2015
  • Polycaprolactone (PCL) and biphasic calcium phosphate (BCP) have been considered as useful materials for orthopedic devices and osseous implants because of their biocompatibility and bone-forming activity. However, PCL-based scaffolds have hydrophobic surfaces reducing initial cell adhesion or proliferation. To overcome the limitation, we fabricated surface-modified PCL/BCP nanofibers using gamma-irradiation for bone tissue engineering. PCL/BCP nanofibers were prepared by electrospinning and then we supplemented hydrophilicity by introducing acrylic acid (AAc) through gamma-irradiation. We confirmed the surface of nanofibers by SEM, and then the initial viability of MG63 was significantly increased on the AAc grafted nanofibers, and alkaline phosphatase activity($1.239{\pm}0.226nmole/{\mu}g/min$) improved on the modified nanofibers than that on the non-modified nanofibers($0.590{\pm}0.286nmole/{\mu}g/min$). Therefore, AAc-grafted nanofibers may be a good tool for bone tissue engineering applications.

Effect of adipose-derived stem cells on bone healing on titanium implant in tibia of diabetes mellitus induced rats (당뇨 유도 백서 경골에 매식한 티타늄 임플란트 주위에 지방조직 유래 줄기세포 적용 시 골치유에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Min-Gu;Jung, In-Kyo;Shin, Sang-Hun;Kim, Chul-Hoon;Kim, Bok-Joo;Kim, Jung-Han;Hwang, Young-Sup;Jung, Eu-Gene;Kim, Jin-Woo;Kim, Uk-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.392-401
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    • 2010
  • Introduction: Diabetes mellitus, as a major health problem for the elderly has been shown to alter the properties of the bone and impair bone healing around a titanium implant in both humans and animals. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of adipose-derived stem cells on the healing process around a titanium implant in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Materials and Methods: Thirteen rats were divided into two groups: adipose-derived stem cells injected group and a control group. A titanium screw implant (diameter: 2.0 mm, length: 3.5 mm) was placed into both tibia of 13 rats: 13 right tibia as the control group and 13 left tibia as the experimental group. The rats were sacrificed at different intervals (1, 2, and 4 weeks) after implantation for histopathology observations and immunohistochemistric analysis. Results: The histopathological findings revealed earlier new formed bone in the experimental group than the control group. In particular, at 1 week after implantation, the experimental group showed more newly formed bone and collagen around the implant than the control group. In immunohistochemistric analysis, osteoprotegerin (OPG) expression in the experimental group increased early compared to that of the control group until 2 weeks after implantation. However, after 2 weeks, OPG expression in the experimental group was similar to OPG expression in the control group. The receptor activator of nuclear factor ${\kappa}B$ ligand (RANKL) expression in the experimental group increased early compared to that of the control group, and then decreased at 2 weeks. After 2 weeks, the level of RANKL expression was similar in both groups. Conclusion: These results suggest that adipose-derived stem cells in implantation can promote bone healing around titanium, particularly in diabetes mellitus induced animals.

The Effect of Titaniuml Surface Treatment on Osteoblast-Like Cell Attachment and Proliferation (Titanium 표면처리 방법이 Osteoblast-like Cells의부착 및 증식에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Do-Yung;Seol, Yang-Jo;Rhyu, In-Cheul;Hahm, Byung-Do;Chung, Chong-Pyoung;Choi, Sang-Mook;Kim, Woo-Jin;Baik, Hong-Koo;Heo, Seong-Joo;Han, Chong-Hyun;Kim, Myung-Ho;Choi, Yong-Chang;Chun, Heoung-Jae;Kwon, Soo-Kyoung
    • Journal of Periodontal and Implant Science
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.491-504
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    • 2000
  • In clinical therapy, the current goal of dental implants is to enhance quantity and quality of osseointegration. Surface roughness and oxide structure are considered to influence the behavior of adherent cells. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of different surface treatment on cellular response. The attachment and proliferation of osteoblast-like cell on sandblasted, sandblasted and etched, thermal oxidated surfaces have been compared. Sandblasting was done with $Al_2O_3$ particles(grain size of $50{\mu}m$), etching was processed with $NH_4OH$ : $H_2O_2$ : $H_2O(1:1:5)$ at $90^{\circ}C$ for 1 minute. Thermal oxidation was followed sandblasting and etching at $400^{\circ}C$, $600^{\circ}C$, $800^{\circ}C$ for 2 hours. Measurement of surface roughness after the different treatment did not show any differences of Ra value between terated surfaces. Cell attachment and proliferation were increased during experiment period, but no difference was observed. SEM evaluation revealed a similar pattern of osteoblast-like cells, well attached with dendritic extension and producing numerous matrix vesicles on cell surface. The results of this study showed that oxide layer alteration by thermal oxidation did not affect the attachment and proliferation of osteoblast-like cells. This suggests the possibility that the cellular responses are further influenced by surface roughness than titaniun oxide structure.

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Stress Analysis on the Supporting Bone around the Implant According to the Vertical Bone Level (치조골 높이가 다른 임프란트 주위 지지골 응력분석)

  • Boo, Soo-Boong;Jeung, Jei-Ok;Lee, Seung-Hoon;Kim, Chang-Hyun;Lee, Seung-Ho
    • Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.55-68
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the distribution of stress in the surrounding bone around implant placed in the first and second molar region. Two different three-dimensional finite element model were designed according to vertical bone level around fixture ($4.0mm{\times}11.5mm$) on the second molar region. A mandibular segment containing two implant-abutments and a two-unit bridge system was molded as a cancellous core surrounded by a 2mm cortical layer. The mesial and distal section planes of the model were not covered by cortical bone and were constrained in all directions at the nodes. Two vertical loads and oblique loads of 200 N were applied at the center of occlusal surface (load A) or at a position of 2mm apart buccally from the center (load B). Von-Mises stresses were analyzed in the supporting bone. The results were as follows; 1. With the vertical load at the center of occlusal surface, the stress pattern on the cortical and cancellous bones around the implant on model 1 and 2 was changed, while the stress pattern on the cancellous bone with oblique load was not. 2. With the vertical load at the center of occlusal surface, the maximum von-Mises stress appeared in the outer distal side of the cortical bone on Model 1 and 2, while the maximum von-Mises stress appeared in the distal and lingual distal side of the cortical bone with oblique load. 3. With the vertical load at a position of 2 mm apart buccally from the center, there was the distribution of stress on the upper portion of the implant-bone interface and the cortical bone except for the cancellous bone, while there was a distribution of stress on the cancellous bones at the apical and lingual sides around the fixture and on the cortical bone with oblique load. 4. With the changes of the supporting bone on the second molar area, the stress pattern on the upper part of the cortical bone between two implants was changed, while the stress pattern on the cancellous bone was not. The results of this study suggest that establishing the optimum occlusal contact considering the direction and position of the load from the standpoint of stress distribution of surrounding bone will be clinically useful.

The effect of a titanium socket with a zirconia abutment on screw loosening after thermocycling in an internally connected implant: a preliminary study (내부연결 임플란트용 타이타늄 소켓을 이용한 지르코니아 지대주에서 열순환이 나사풀림에 미치는 영향: 예비연구)

  • Kyung, Kyu-Young;Cha, Hyun-Suk;Lee, Joo-Hee
    • Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.114-118
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of a titanium component for the zirconia abutment in the internal connection implant system on screw loosening under thermocycling conditions. Materials and Methods: Internal connection titanium abutments and external connection zirconia abutments with titanium sockets were connected respectively to screw-shaped internal connection type titanium implants with 30 Ncm tightening. These implant-screw-abutment assemblies were divided into two groups of five specimens each; titanium abutments as control and zirconia abutments with titanium sockets as experimental group. The specimens were subjected to 2,000 thermocycles in water baths at $5^{\circ}C$ and $55^{\circ}C$, with 60 seconds of immersion at each temperature. The removal torque values (RTVs) of the abutment screws of the specimen were measured before and after thermocycling. RTVs pre- and post-thermocycling were investigated in statistics. Results: There was not screw loosening identified by tactile and visual inspection in any of the specimens during or after thermocycling. The mean RTV difference for the control group and the experimental group were $-1.34{\pm}2.53Ncm$ and $-1.26{\pm}2.06Ncm$, respectively. Statistical analysis using an independent t-test revealed that no significant differences were found in the mean RTV difference of the groups (P > 0.05). Conclusion: Within the limitations of this in vitro study, the titanium socket for the zirconia abutment did not show a significant effect on screw loosening under thermal stress compared to the titanium abutment in the internal connection implant.


  • Oh, Sung-Hwan;Choi, Young-Won;Kim, Bum-Soo;Yeo, In-Bum;Jo, Pil-Kwy
    • Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.520-530
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    • 2006
  • Undifferentiated mesencymal stem cells(UMSCs) have been thought to be multipotent cells that can replicate as undifferentiated cells and that have the potential to differentiate into lineages of mesenchymal tissue including the bone, cartilage, fat, tendon, muscle, and marrow stroma. It can be used to sinus lifting, Guided bone regeneration, other bone graft in dental part. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of mesencymal stem cells on sinus augmentation with autogenous bone, fibrin glue mixture in a rabbit model. 8 New Zealand white rabbits were divided randomly into 4 groups based on their time of sacrifice(1, 2, 4 and 8 weeks). First, undifferentiated mesenchymal stem cells were isolated from iliac crest marrow of rabbits and expanded in vitro. cell culture was performed in accordance with the technique described by Tsutsumi et al. In the present study, The animals were sacrificed at 1, 2, 4 and 8 weeks after transplantation, and the bone formation ability of each sides was evaluated clinically, radiologically, histologically and histomorphologically. According to the histological observations, Stem cell group showed integrated graft bone with host bone from sinus wall. At 2 and 4weeks, It showed active newly formed bone and neovascularization. At 8 weeks, lamella bone was observed in sinus graft material area. Radiologically, autobone with stem cell showed more radiopaque than autobone without stemcell. there were significant differences in bone volume between 2 and 4 weeks (p<0.05). In summary, the autobone with stem cells had well-formed, newly formed bone and neovasculization, compared with the autobone without stem cells (esp. 2 weeks and 4 weeks) The findings of this experimental study indicate that the use of a mixture of mesenchymal stem cell yielded good results in osteogenesis and bone volume comparable with that achieved by autogenous bone. Therefore, this application of this promising new sinus floor elevation method for implants with tissue engineering technology deserves further study.

Primary implant stability in a bone model simulating clinical situations for the posterior maxilla: an in vitro study

  • Han, Ho-Chyul;Lim, Hyun-Chang;Hong, Ji-Youn;Ahn, Su-Jin;Han, Ji-Young;Shin, Seung-Il;Chung, Jong-Hyuk;Herr, Yeek;Shin, Seung-Yun
    • Journal of Periodontal and Implant Science
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.254-265
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine the influence of anatomical conditions on primary stability in the models simulating posterior maxilla. Methods: Polyurethane blocks were designed to simulate monocortical (M) and bicortical (B) conditions. Each condition had four subgroups measuring 3 mm (M3, B3), 5 mm (M5, B5), 8 mm (M8, B8), and 12 mm (M12, B12) in residual bone height (RBH). After implant placement, the implant stability quotient (ISQ), Periotest value (PTV), insertion torque (IT), and reverse torque (RT) were measured. Two-factor ANOVA (two cortical conditions${\times}$four RBHs) and additional analyses for simple main effects were performed. Results: A significant interaction between cortical condition and RBH was demonstrated for all methods measuring stability with two-factor ANOVA. In the analyses for simple main effects, ISQ and PTV were statistically higher in the bicortical groups than the corresponding monocortical groups, respectively. In the monocortical group, ISQ and PTV showed a statistically significant rise with increasing RBH. Measurements of IT and RT showed a similar tendency, measuring highest in the M3 group, followed by the M8, the M5, and the M12 groups. In the bicortical group, all variables showed a similar tendency, with different degrees of rise and decline. The B8 group showed the highest values, followed by the B12, the B5, and the B3 groups. The highest coefficient was demonstrated between ISQ and PTV. Conclusions: Primary stability was enhanced by the presence of bicortex and increased RBH, which may be better demonstrated by ISQ and PTV than by IT and RT.