• Title/Summary/Keyword: data-based model

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The Effect of Entrepreneurship, Perception of Entrepreneurial Environment and Participation in Government Start-up Support Project on Business Performance (창업자들의 기업가정신과 창업환경인식, 그리고 정부의 창업지원사업 참여정도가 경영성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Jang, Young-Hye;Jang, In Sung;Kim, Pansoo
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.115-125
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    • 2019
  • This study examined the effects of entrepreneurship and perception of entrepreneurial environment on business performance. In particular, this study analyzed the difference in the effect of each independent variable on the dependent variable by using the government's participation in the start-up support project as a moderate variable. In order to achieve the purpose of this study, the researcher drew the variables corresponding to entrepreneurship and the variables related to entrepreneurship awareness. Innovativeness and risk sensitivity were selected as variables for entrepreneurship, and market environment and product environment were selected as variables for perception of entrepreneurial environment. Based on the above variables the research model was completed including the degree of participation in the government's start-up support project as a moderating variable. The data for the empirical analysis were collected from start-up companies in Daegu in 2018. A total of 601 questionnaires were collected and 399 copies of the data were used in this study after removing the unfaithful answers. The results of the analysis showed that innovation had a negative effect on management performance, and risk sensitivity, market environment, and product environment had a positive effect on management performance. In terms of the moderating effect, in the case of innovation, the higher the participation in government support projects, the lesser the negative effect. Risk sensitivity and product environment showed a strong impact on companies with a lot of government support projects, and the market environment had a strong impact on those who participated less. This study confirmed the importance and necessity of entrepreneurship and perception of entrepreneurial environment that influence the management performance of entrepreneurs. It is also meaningful in that it deals with the practical effects of the government's start-up support project on the start-up performance.

Key Determinants of Online Wine Purchasing Intention (와인의 온라인 구매의 주요 결정요인에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Sora;Han, Su-Jin;Kim, Yoo-Jung
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.18 no.12
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    • pp.123-138
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    • 2013
  • This paper was to figure out why online wine purchasing is not activated despite of the many advantages of having online transactions and to fine key determinants of online wine purchasing intention. Thus, the purpose of this study was to identify the determinants of online wine purchase intention, and examines the relationships between the determinants and online wine purchase intention. Data was collected from those who have experienced in using online wine store to purchase wine, and data was used to test the proposed research model. The findings showed that perceived usefulness and social influence(subjective norm, image) were key determinants of online wine site trust, but they were not related to online wine site trust. It also was found that perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and subjective norm were positively and significantly related to online wine purchase intention whereas it had no relationship with image. In addition, online wine site trust was shown to influence on online wine purchase intention. Finally, the mediating effects were found in the relationships between perceived usefulness, subjective norm, and online wine purchase intention. Based on the results of the study, implications for future research are drawn.

Effects of Shop Selection Attributes, Lifestyle on Customer Satisfaction and Relationship Orientation of Franchise Beauty Shop Users

  • HWANG, Yean-Hwa;KIM, Moon-Ju
    • The Korean Journal of Franchise Management
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.7-19
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: The hotel industry needs a leader who can actively demonstrate leadership to respond to and accept changes in the organization in a highly competitive and fast-changing environment. Therefore, the role of leaders who instill clear vision and goals of the organization in their members, listen to their opinions, and empathize is paramount. Leaders should encourage successful organizational activities based on active participation by employees and create the best environment for working with a sense of mission and responsibility. This study aims to identify the relationship between empathy leadership and job engagement as a result variable of team cohesion in the hotel culinary department and conduct empirical studies on the role of empathy leadership and job engagement. Research design, data, and methodology: The data were collected from employees who work in culinary department at a five-star franchise hotel located in the Seoul metropolitan area. Because it is difficult to conduct a survey through face-to-face contact with employees due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the online survey was conducted from February 1 to February 28, 2020. A total of 330 questionnaires through online were distributed and 268 employees completed the survey, yielding a response rate of 81%. Of the 268 returned responses, 27 responses were not usable due to missing information. Thus, a total of 241 responses were used for analysis. Results: The study results are as follows. First, it has been shown that the empathy leadership of culinary department in hotel companies has a significant positive impact on the job engagement. Second, it has been shown that job engagement has a significant positive effect on members' team cohesiveness. Third, empathy leadership of hotel companies' culinary department has a significant positive impact on members' team cohesiveness. Fourth, job engagement has a significant positive (+) mediating effect in the relationship between empathy leadership and team cohesiveness in culinary department. Conclusion: This study supports the theory that an emotional and empathic leader's behavior or ability can change the effectiveness or atmosphere of a rapidly changing hotel culinary team organization by presenting a research model on the effect of empathic leadership on job engagement and team cohesiveness. And hotel chefs should be more aware of the importance of empathic leadership and make them a human resource of the organization through formal and informal communication with culinary employees.

Effects of Depression and Self-Esteem on Life Satisfaction of the Elderly: Comparison between Elderly People Who Live Alone and Those Who Live with Others (노인의 우울감과 자아존중감이 생활만족도에 미치는 영향: 독거노인과 비독거노인의 비교를 중심으로)

  • Choi, Jung-Hyun;Choi, So-Yun
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.11 no.12
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    • pp.49-58
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    • 2021
  • This study examined the effects of antecedent variables on life satisfaction of elderly people who live alone and who live with others by comparing the levels of depression, self-esteem, and life satisfaction. Using the 15th data of the Korean Welfare Panel held in 2020, independent sample t-test and hierarchical regression analysis were conducted. Elderly people who live alone had a high sense of depression, low self-esteem, and low life satisfaction. For both of them, the older the age and the higher the income level, the higher the life satisfaction. The regression model, which added depression and self-esteem, had a significant effect on both of them, but the effect of self-esteem was higher (𝛽=.40, .41) than that of depression (𝛽=-.28, -.29). The effects of depression and self-esteem on life satisfaction were higher in elderly people who live alone (R2=.409) than in elderly people who live with others (R2=.398). Based on the research results, this study suggested appropriate policies and practice directions to enhance self-esteem and improve life satisfaction of elderly people who live alone.

The Effect of Five-Star Franchise Hotel Chef's Empathy Leadership on Job Engagement and Team Cohesiveness

  • LEE, Dong-cheul;KOO, Dong-Woo;SHIN, Dong-Jin
    • The Korean Journal of Franchise Management
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.35-46
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: The hotel industry needs a leader who can actively demonstrate leadership to respond to and accept changes in the organization in a highly competitive and fast-changing environment. Therefore, the role of leaders who instill clear vision and goals of the organization in their members, listen to their opinions, and empathize is paramount. Leaders should encourage successful organizational activities based on active participation by employees and create the best environment for working with a sense of mission and responsibility. This study aims to identify the relationship between empathy leadership and job engagement as a result variable of team cohesion in the hotel culinary department and conduct empirical studies on the role of empathy leadership and job engagement. Research design, data, and methodology: The data were collected from employees who work in culinary department at a five-star franchise hotel located in the Seoul metropolitan area. Because it is difficult to conduct a survey through face-to-face contact with employees due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the online survey was conducted from February 1 to February 28, 2020. A total of 330 questionnaires through online were distributed and 268 employees completed the survey, yielding a response rate of 81%. Of the 268 returned responses, 27 responses were not usable due to missing information. Thus, a total of 241 responses were used for analysis. Results: The study results are as follows. First, it has been shown that the empathy leadership of culinary department in hotel companies has a significant positive impact on the job engagement. Second, it has been shown that job engagement has a significant positive effect on members' team cohesiveness. Third, empathy leadership of hotel companies' culinary department has a significant positive impact on members' team cohesiveness. Fourth, job engagement has a significant positive (+) mediating effect in the relationship between empathy leadership and team cohesiveness in culinary department. Conclusion: This study supports the theory that an emotional and empathic leader's behavior or ability can change the effectiveness or atmosphere of a rapidly changing hotel culinary team organization by presenting a research model on the effect of empathic leadership on job engagement and team cohesiveness. And hotel chefs should be more aware of the importance of empathic leadership and make them a human resource of the organization through formal and informal communication with culinary employees.

The Effect of the Interest in the Latest Technology of the 4th Industrial Revolution among Workers at Welfare Institutions for the Disabled on the Resistance and Anxiety : The Mediating Effect of Acceptance of the Latest Technology (장애인복지기관 종사자의 4차산업혁명 최신기술 관심도가 최신기술 활용 저항도와 불안도에 미치는 영향: 최신기술 수용도의 매개효과를 중심으로)

  • Nam, Hee-Eun;Im, Yu-Jin;Baik, Jeong-Won;Kim, Nam-Sook;Yoon, Young-Ji
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.188-198
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to verify the mediating effect from acceptance of the latest 4th Industrial Revolution technologies on the relationships between interest in the latest technologies, resistance to the latest technologies, and anxiety in workers at welfare institutions for the disabled. In order to achieve this goal, data were collected from July to August 2018 from workers at disability welfare centers in P Metropolitan City, and we analyzed data from 187 persons. Multiple regression analysis was applied to test the causal relationships between variables; the step-by-step analysis model of Baron and Kenny (1986) was used to verify mediating effects, and the Sobel test was performed to verify their significance. The analyses verified that the degree of interest in the latest technologies affects the degree of resistance to, and anxiety over, the latest technologies through acceptance of the latest technologies. At the same time, we verified that the degree of interest had a complete mediation effect because it did not directly affect the acceptance. In addition, the Sobel test result showed that the mediating effect was statistically significant. In other words, it was found that the degree of interest in the latest 4th Industrial Revolution technologies from workers at welfare institutions for the disabled increases the possibility of adaptation to future society by lowering resistance and anxiety through acceptance of the latest technologies. Based on these results, a plan to reduce resistance to, and anxiety over, the latest technologies was sought, and related measures to increase interest in the latest technologies and their acceptance are suggested.

A Study on the Productivity and Efficiency Comparative Analysis of Container Terminal in Busan New Port (부산신항 컨테이너터미널 효율성 및 생산성 비교 분석)

  • Kang, Seok-Han;Nam, Jung-Woo;Sim, Min-Seop;Kim, Yul-Seong
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.138-147
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    • 2021
  • The need for analysis of the operational efficiency and productivity of the Busan Port Container Terminal is increasing because of the Hanjin Shipping's bankruptcy and the re-establishment of the Maritime Alliance. This paper analyzes the efficiency and productivity of five Busan New Port Container Terminal companies by using the DEA analysis and Malmquist productivity index model based on the port construction disclosure data and the collected terminal internal data. According to the analysis, the average efficiency of the five container terminals increased in 2018 but declined slightly in 2019, and the Malmquist index showed that all terminals except A have advanced productivity. Additionally, relative to facility productivity, operators at the North Container Terminal had higher facility productivity than operators at the Busan New Port Nam Container Terminal, and regarding capital productivity, the D terminal ported by HMM, a national shipping company, was the highest in facility productivity. Regarding labor productivity, the C terminal showed the highest productivity, and regarding ship work productivity, the A terminal showed the highest productivity.

Change Pattern of Heart Age in Korean Population Using Heart Age Predictor of Framingham Heart Study (Framingham Heart Study의 Heart Age Predictor를 활용한 한국인 심장나이 추이분석)

  • Cho, Sang Ok
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.8
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    • pp.331-343
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to observe the trends of heart age of Koreans by using the predictor of heart age of the Framingham Heart Study. The subjects were 20,012 adults aged 30~74 years who were enrolled in the Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey from 2005~2013. They filled in the determinants data and they had no history of cardiovascular disease (CVD). The heart age was calculated using a non-laboratory based model of prediction. The difference of heart age and chronological age, and the rate of excessive heart age over 10 years were calculated. The annual trend, the difference according to gender, the age bracket and geographic region, the heart age were all evaluated. Data analysis performed using the SAS program (version 9.3). Complex designed analysis was done. The heart age showed differences according to gender, age bracket and geographic region. The heart age is a useful comprehensive indicator for predicting the CVD events in the near future. So, it could be used for the purposes of exercising caution and guidance on CVD for administering medical care. It is strongly recommended to use heart age as an indicator for customized medical management to focus efforts on relatively vulnerable subjects and their factors for CVD. Further study on Koreans' customized heart age is needed.

An Economic Ripple Effect Analysis of National Science & Technology Information Service : Focusing An Input-Output Analysis (국가과학기술지식정보서비스의 경제적 파급효과에 관한 연구 : 산업연관분석을 중심으로)

  • Park, Sung-Uk
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.1296-1312
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    • 2018
  • The wave of the Fourth Industrial Revolution was spreaded in Moon Jae-in Government. The efficiency of the R&D budget of government began to pay attention, the role of the National Science & Technology Information Service (NTIS) which provides all national R&D information in real time World's first R&D information portal has been emphasized. NTIS provides information on national R&D projects with their participating researchers, outcomes, and facilities & equipment through of information from each ministry and institution. NTIS supports to build science and technology policies, to enable transparent and efficient management of national R&D projects and to promote joint utilization of the R&D data among researchers and industrial utilization of the R&D data. NTIS provides since 2005. In this paper, I have analyzed the economic ripple effect of NTIS using the Input-Output model technique based on the input-output tables published by the Bank of Korea. When I set the NTIS R&D budget (about 120M$ for the last 13 years) as input coefficients, the effect on production inducement, value added inducement and employment inducement was analyzed by 211M$, 100M$ and 1,882 respectively.

Uncertainty Analysis of BAG by GNSS Correction (해저지형 표면자료의 GNSS 보정방법에 따른 불확실도 연구)

  • OH, Che-Young;KIM, HO-Yong;LEE, Yun-Sik;CHOI, Chul-Uong
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2019
  • In the recent marine sector, the development and standardization regarding S-100, which is the universal hydrographical data model standard for development of marine space information, was progressed, and for the effectiveness of marine chart production work and the multi-purpose use of water level data in S-100, S-102(Bathymetric Surface grid) standard development and various studies of BAG formats combined with water level and uncertainty, property information is being progressed. Since the water level information that is important in the operation of the ship is provided based on S-102, the calibration method of the location information when producing S-102 is an important factor in deciding the water level. In this study, the hydrographical surveying was conducted by piloting the standardized method for the production of S-102 in Korea, and have compared the accuracy of water level information according to the GNSS post treatment calibration method. As a result of comparing the water level in 2 places in the rocky terrain of the study area, the northern water level of Namu-do was shown as DL 0.79~0.83m, the eastern water level of Daeho-do was DL 12.63~12.91m, and the horizontal position errors of the intermittent sunshine water level were confirmed to be within 1m. As a result, the intermittent sunshine water level according to the location calibration method when producing the BAG was confirmed that it was in the available range for a ship's safe voyage. However, the accuracy verification for the location of the ship when conducting hydrographical surveying was judged that there is a need for a various additional study about regional characteristics and environment factor.