• Title/Summary/Keyword: cultural differences

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Stress and Adaptation of Adopting Families : Open Adoption in Korea and Australia (입양 가정의 스트레스와 적응 : 한국과 호주의 공개입양가정을 중심으로)

  • Koo, Mee-Hyang
    • Korean Journal of Child Studies
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.105-119
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    • 2008
  • Investigating cross-cultural differences of family stress and adaptation in Korea and Australia, 49 families in open adoption were administered the Family Index of Regenerativity and Adaptation-General (McCubbin, 1987), Family Problem Solving Communications (McCubbin et al., 1988), and Social Support Index (McCubbin et al., 1982). Data were analyzed by T-test and correlation analysis. Results indicated that adoption itself was the primary stressor in both countries. Korean adoptive families were under stress by family-oriented factors; Australian adoptive families experienced external family stress. Regarding family hardiness, coping efforts and family communication, Australian adoptive families reported significantly higher family functioning than Korean adoptive families. Findings suggested that a broad range of social support is needed to improve family adaptability in both countries.

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A Case Study of Two Korean Students' Classroom Interactions in a Graduate Course in America

  • Nam, Jung-Mi
    • English Language & Literature Teaching
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.57-75
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    • 2007
  • This small-scale research project attempts to describe and explore the Korean students' perspectives on oral classroom interaction in a second language classroom in a graduate course in America. Based on the interpretist paradigm, this study employed the qualitative research methodology, triangulating the following methods: class observation, interviews, and document analysis. The findings are that the Korean participants perceived the importance of oral classroom interaction in an American classroom, and that there were shared several factors which influence their participation such as socio-cultural differences, course content, English skills, course requirement, and classroom activity types. Based upon the findings, pedagogical implications are provided for the teachers to help Korean students achieve academic success in American universities.

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The Experiences of Family Caregiving in a Chronic Care Unit

  • Cho, Myung-Ok
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.35 no.8
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    • pp.1461-1475
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    • 2005
  • Purpose. The main purpose of this critical ethnography was to examines the process and discourses through which family caregivers experience while caring for their sick family member in a hospital. Methods. This was achieved by conducting in-depth interviews with 12 family caregivers, and by observing their caring activities and daily lives in natural settings. The study field was a unit for neurologic patients. Data was analyzed using taxonomy, discourse analysis, and proxemics. All research work was iteratively processed from March 2003 to December 2004. Results. Constant comparative analysis of the data yielded the process of becoming a successful family caregiver: encountering the differences and chaos as novice; constructing their world of skilled caregivers; and becoming a hospital family as experienced caregivers. During the process of becoming an experienced hospital family, the discourse of family centered idea guided their caring behaviors and daily lives. Conclusion. The paternalistic family caregivers struggled, cooperated, and harmonized with the patriarchal world of professional health care system. During this process of becoming hospital family, professional nurses must act as cultural brokers between the lay family caring system and the professional caring system.

A Cross-Cultural Study of Father's gender role attitudes and Father's Involvement Behaviors in Korea an Japan (한국과 일본 아버지의 성역할태도와 양육참여행동과의 비교연구)

  • 상량순자
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.137-150
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    • 1998
  • This study in investigated differences between father's involvement Behavior perceived by their children which consisted of both qualitative and quantitative behavior and Father's gender role attitude in korea and Japan. The research sample consists of 240, 4-5th grade Korean children and their fathers and 215, 5-6th grade Japanese children and their fathers in Seoul and Tokyo respectively,. Results showed that (1) Korean fathers exhibited more affectionate child rearing behavior than Japanese fathers. On the other han Japanese father exhibited more father's involvement behavior than Korean fathers (2) Korean fathers tended to show more traditional gender role attitude than Japanese fathers do. (3) In the both countries father's affectionate child rearing behavior are greatly affected by non-traditional gender role attitude whereas father's involvement are affected by length of time the that fathers devot to child care.

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The relationship between mother's value and parenting attitudes and children's behavioral inhibition (어머니의 가치관 및 양육태도와 아동의 행동억제간의 관계)

  • 이사라
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.85-96
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    • 2000
  • this study examined behavioral inhibition in relation to their mothers' value and attitudes toward children's inhibited behavior as a function of child sex. Data were collected via questionnaires from a sample of 483 7-to 8 year-olds and their mothers. Results showed that there were no significant differences in mother's value mothers' attitudes toward child behavior and child's behavioral inhibition according to child sex. However it was found that mothers' value was associated with attitudes toward child inhibition and behavioral inhibition in 7-to 8 year-olds girls. more specifically mothers who hold high traditional values were not concerned about girls' inhibited behavior and thus in turn had more inhibited girls. But the associations were not found for boys. the results indicated cultural effects on parenting attitudes as well as child inhibition.

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Elementary and Secondary School Teachers' Perspectives of Effective Mathematics Teaching

  • PANG, JeongSuk;KWON, Mi Sun
    • Research in Mathematical Education
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.141-153
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    • 2015
  • This paper compares and contrasts the perspectives of effective mathematics teaching by 135 elementary school teachers, 132 middle school teachers, and 124 high school teachers using a questionnaire in South Korea. All groups of teachers chose in common the teaching and learning strand as the most important for effective mathematics instruction. However, elementary school teachers placed greater importance on the curriculum and content strand than their counterparts did. Elementary school teachers tended to agree more upon the 48 items related to good mathematics teaching than their counterparts did. The similarities and differences among the groups of teachers are expected to provoke discussion of what constitutes high-quality mathematics instruction and how such perspectives may be situated in the socio-cultural context.

A Comparative Study on the Formative Relation of Yangban's Residential Architecture and Furniture in the Chosun Dynasty (조선시대 양반계층의 주택과 가구의 조형적 연계성에 대한 비교연구)

  • Kim, Jin-Ok
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.15 no.5 s.58
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    • pp.3-11
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    • 2006
  • Our residential architecture and furniture have developed their unique formative characteristics under the influence of the natural environment as well as under socio-cultural influence. In order to understand such characteristics of our residential architecture and furniture, we need to clarify similarities and differences through comparative study from various perspectives. The present study purposed to examine the effects of mutual relations among Yangban's residential architecture and their furniture in the Chosun Dynasty on their formative characteristics, to identify the formative characteristics of shapes, materials, colors, patterns and decorations found in the residential architecture and their furniture, and to make a comparative analysis of the formative characteristics of the residential buildings and their furniture. This research will provide a ground for reinterpreting our culture and help to apply Korean culture identity to today's interior and furniture design.

Sasang Typology from a Personality Perspective (사상 유형학의 성격심리학적 고찰)

  • 채한;이수진;고광찬
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.151-164
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    • 2004
  • Objectives : The objective of this study was to examine the biopsychological traits of each Sasang type from a personality theory perspective. Methods : A review of different theories of personality is provided, in addition to review of ten previous studies on the psychological characteristics of the Sasang types. Results : 1. Similarities and differences were found between Sasang typology and Western theories of personality. 2. The prevalence of Sasang type was 28:36:36 (So-Yang:Tae-Eum:So-Eum), and the majority of the study sample were males in their twenties. 3. The Yin-Yang and Large-Small axes of Sasang typology were comparable to Eysenck's Extraversion and Neuroticism dimension. So-Yang type showed high extraversion and low neuroticism, and So-Eum type exhibited low extraversion and high neuroticism. Tae-Eum type was extravert and neurotic, and highly distinctive in such physical traits as Body Mass Index and blood triglyceride concentration. 4. We make recommendations for future studies on Sasang typology within a biopsychosocial and cognitive framework. Conclusions : This study demonstrates the possibility of Sasang typology being explicable from a cross-cultural biopsychosocial theory.

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Study on Space Characteristics for Promoting Use of Spa Resort Hotels (스파리조트 호텔의 기능적 공간구성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Kwang-Lye;Ahn, Hee-Young
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Interior Design Conference
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    • 2006.05a
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    • pp.215-219
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    • 2006
  • According to increase of personal incomes, spread of automobiles, a five-day only work week and expansion of cultural life, modern people today are increasingly showing leisure time interests. Under such social circumstances in which people's spare time are gradually increasing, weekend trips accompanied with hotel staying are increasing to a greater extent rather than one-day trips. In Korea where differences between regions and four seasons are remarkable, the resort industry has developed in harmony with seasonal environments and regional characteristics. In particular, an increasing number of modern people living in the wellbeing era tends to visit spa resort hotels for recreation and health. This study intends to compare realities of local and foreign spa resort hotels and investigate space characteristics of local spa resort hotels for promotion of use. In this study, it has been found that the proposed addition of characteristic-oriented spaces to the existing recreation, service and basic facilities beside the fundamental accommodations would be able to remarkably elevate use of the hotels.

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A Review Study for Developing Health Profiles to Measure the Self-Perceived Health Stati of Koreans (한국인의 자가평가 건강수준 평가 도구 개발을 위한 문헌 고찰)

  • Yang, Jin-Sun;Chun, Jin-Ho
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2003
  • Valid evaluation of self-perceived health status is important for the promotion of individual health and quality of life, In advanced countries, many types of health profile have been developed, and currently, the SF-36, NHP, and EuroQol, etc, are widely used. However, the outcomes of these profiles may vary according to regional, cultural or emotional backgrounds. For these reasons a Korean Health Profile should be developed. In this study, we reviewed the concept of self-perceived health status, and its significance to public health, and reviewed some of the differences between the available profiles in 139 related publications. Based on this review, we are trying to develop a Korean Health Profile in order to measure the self-perceived health stati of Koreans.