• Title/Summary/Keyword: cooperative treatment

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A Survey on Korean Medicine Doctors' Recognition and Treatment Method for Developing Clinical Practice Guideline of Nausea and Vomiting of Pregnancy (임신오조 한의표준임상진료지침 개발을 위한 한의사의 인식과 치료 실태에 관한 조사)

  • Heung-Sook Lee;Hyo-Jeong Jung;Su-Ji Choi;Dong-Il Kim
    • The Journal of Korean Obstetrics and Gynecology
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.36-54
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    • 2023
  • Objectives: This study was aimed to develop a Korean Medicine (KM) clinical practice guideline (CPG) of Nausea and Vomiting of Pregnancy (NVP). Methods: We conducted a questionnaire survey targeting KM doctors belonging to the Association of Korean Medicine by e-mail. We received 1,023 responds, and analyzed the answers. Results: 1. 83.0% of respondents knew the concepts and contents of CPG, and 98.1% had practical use plan. 2. 82.1% of respondents used pattern identification diagnosis for NVP patients, and the most commonly diagnosed pattern was spleen-stomach weakness (脾胃虛弱) with 41.3%. 3. The most frequently used treatment for NVP patients was KM combined treatment (46.7%). Herbal medicine+acupuncture (46.8%) was most used among KM combined treatments, and herbal medicine (37.1%) was most used among KM single treatments. 4. Among the contents of CPG for NVP, the fields of interest were selected in the order of KM treatment, KM-Western medicine cooperative treatment, KM diagnosis, prevention and regimen management. In the 'diagnosis part', the use of the symptom evaluation scale questionnaire was 41.8%, higher than the KM pattern diagnosis (34.4%). In the 'treatment part', herbal medicine accounted for 33.8%, higher than that of acupuncture (including electro-acupuncture) at 23.7%. 5. As for the expected development effects, opinions on evidence-based, safety, clinical use, and standardization were the most common. Conclusions: We figured out KM doctors' recognition of KM clinical practice guideline, clinical diagnosis, treatment on NVP to make the contents of the CPG reflecting the clinical situation.

Clinical Outcomes and Prognostic Factors Associated with the Response to Erlotinib in Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Patients with Unknown EGFR Mutational Status

  • Aydiner, Adnan;Yildiz, Ibrahim;Seyidova, Avesta
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.3255-3261
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    • 2013
  • Background: The efficacy of erlotinib is controversial in patients with unknown EGFR mutational status. The aim of this study was to identify the clinicopathological factors that are predictive of erlotinob treatment outcomes for NSCLC patients with unknown EGFR mutational status. Materials and Methods: A retrospective analysis of 109 patients with advanced NSCLC who had previously failed at least one line of chemotherapy and received subsequent treatment with erlotinib (150 mg/day orally) was performed. A Cox proportional hazard model for univariate and multivariate analyses was used to identify the baseline clinical parameters correlating with treatment outcome, expressed in terms of hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals. Results: The median treatment duration was 15 weeks (range, 4-184). The disease control rate was 55%, including disease stability for ${\geq}3$ months for 40% of the patients. Median progression-free survival and median overall survival (OS) were 4.2 and 8.5 months, respectively. The Cox model indicated that an Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status (ECOG PS) ${\geq}2$ (HR 3.82; p<0.001), presence of intra-abdominal metastasis (HR 3.42; p=0.002), 2 or more prior chemotherapy regimens (HR 2.29; p=0.021), and weight loss >5% (HR 2.05; p=0.034) were independent adverse prognostic factors for OS in NSCLC patients treated with erlotinib. Conclusions: This study suggests that NSCLC patients should be enrolled in erlotinib treatment after a first round of unsuccessful chemotherapy to improve treatment success, during which they should be monitored for intra-abdominal metastasis and weight loss.

Effect of Dye-Degrading Microbes' Augmentation on Microbial Ecosystem of the Fluidizing Media and Color Treatment in a Pilot Plant (염료 분해균 증대를 통한 Pilot Plant에서의 담체 내 미생물 생태와 색도처리에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Jung-Tae;Lee, Geon;Park, Do-Hyeon;Kang, Kyeong-Hwan;Kim, Joong-Kyun;Lee, Sang-Joon
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.681-695
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    • 2014
  • In a pilot-scale dyeing wastewater treatment using two-type fluidizing media, each thickness of biofilm was 15 and 30 ${\mu}m$, respectively. The numbers of protozoa inhabited in small-size (PEMT A) and big-size (PEMT B) media were $7.5{\times}10^4$ and $1.25{\times}10^5$ cells/ml, respectively, and dominant species were Entosiphon sulcatus var sulcatus in PEMT A and Chlamydomonas reinhardtii in PEMT B, respectively. Flask experiments using the two media revealed that the percentages of color removal were 25.8% in PEMT A and 27.1% in PEMT B after 72-h cultivation, indicating the necessity of bioaugmentation. Experiments for bioaugmentation effect on color removal were carried out in the pilot-scale treatment for 75 d by three-step operation under the control of wastewater loading rate and microbial input rate. Dye degradation occurred mainly in the second reaction tank, and the attachment of augmented dye-degrading microorganisms to media took at least 35 d. Final value of chromaticity in effluent was 227, meeting the required standard. Therefore bioaugmentation onto media was good for color treatment. In summary, thickness of biofilm formed on the media depended upon the size of media, resulting in different ecosystem inside the media. Hence, this affected microbial community and color treatment further. Accordingly, the reduction of operation cost is expected by efficient color-treatment process using bioaugmented media.

A Case Report of Symptom Improvement in Stage IV Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Treated with a Korean Medicine-based Integrative Cancer Treatment (전이성 4기 대장암 환자의 한의기반 통합암치료를 통한 증상 호전 증례보고)

  • Kim, Jong-hee;Park, Ji-hye;Oh, Hyeon-muk;Park, So-jung;Yoo, Hwa-seung
    • The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine
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    • v.41 no.6
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    • pp.1274-1281
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    • 2020
  • Objective: This case report shows symptom improvements in stage IV metastatic colorectal cancer treated with a Korean medicine-based integrative cancer treatment (ICT). Methods: A 61-year-old male patient diagnosed with colorectal cancer in November 2017 and metastasis to the lung, peritoneum, and liver in September 2020 was treated with Integrative Cancer Treatment (ICT) for abdominal pain, abdominal discomfort, and anorexia for 1 month. Clinical outcomes were measured with the National Cancer Institute Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Event (NCI-CTCAE), a numeral rating (NRS), the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG), and the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-General (FACT-G) scales. Results: After treatment, the patient's abdominal pain was improved from NRS 8 to 1, and the ECOG score of the patient was improved from grade 3 to 2. Integrative Cancer Treatment. Also the score improved on the FACT-G test, and there were no serious side effects of grade 3 or higher according to the NCI-CTCAE. Conclusion: This case study suggests that Korean medicine-based ICT may help to improve abdominal pain and quality of life in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer.

A Case Report on Improvement of Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy and Pantalgia Side Effects with Integrated Cancer Treatment in a Breast Cancer Patient (유방암 환자의 통함 암 치료를 통한 항암화학요법 유발 말초신경병증, 전신통 호전에 대한 증례 보고)

  • Eun-Ji Kim;Hye-ri Bae;Nam-Hun Lee
    • Journal of Korean Traditional Oncology
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.11-24
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    • 2023
  • Objectives: To report the improvement of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy and pantalgia with integrative cancer treatment on adverse effects of chemotherapy in a breast cancer patient. Methods: A 63-year-old female patient who has been diagnosed with breast cancer got treated for 103 days with integrative cancer treatment including acupuncture, moxibustion, herbal medicine, physiotherapies, hand and foot bath to decrease side effects of chemotherapy. The patient was also treated Western immunotherapies like Thymosin, Viscum album. Paclitaxel, Carboplatin, Doxorubicin, Cyclophosphamide was applied and chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy(CIPN), pantalgia and nausea occured. The efficacy of treatment was measured by a numeric rating scale(NRS) of symptoms, National Cancer Institute Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Event(NCI-CTCAE) and Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group(ECOG) Performance Status Scale. Results: The NRS scroes for CIPN, pantalgia, nausea were improved. There was no adverse effects of 3 or higher assessed by the NCI-CTCAE. The ECOG grade improved from grade 2 to 1. Conclusions: This study suggests that integrative cancer treatment could improve CIPN, pantalgia after chemotherapy in breast cancer.

Effect of Dietary sugar beet pulp supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, fecal Microflora, blood profiles and Diarrhea incidence in weaning pigs

  • Yan, C.L.;Kim, H.S.;Hong, J.S.;Lee, J.H.;Han, Y.G.;Jin, Y.H.;Son, S.W.;Ha, S.H.;Kim, Y.Y.
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.59 no.8
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    • pp.18.1-18.8
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    • 2017
  • Background: In 2006, the European Union (EU) has decided to forbid use of antibiotics as growth promoters. Although many researches had been conducted about fiber source as alternatives of antibiotics, there are still lack of reports in the literature about the optimum level of sugar beet pulp supplementation, affecting growth performance and nutrient digestibility in weaning pigs. Therefore, different level of sugar beet pulp was added to diets to determine the effects of sugar beet pulp supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, fecal microflora, blood profile and incidence of diarrhea in weaning pigs. Methods: A total of 200 weaning pigs [$(Yorkshire{\times}Landrace){\times}Duroc$], averaging $9.01{\pm}1.389kg$ of initial body weight were, allotted to 5 treatments in a randomized complete block (RCB) design. Each treatment was composed of 4 replicates with 10 pigs per pen. The treatments were control treatment: Corn-SBM basal diet + ZnO (phase 1: 0.05%; phase 2; 0.03%) and four different levels of sugar beet pulp were supplemented in Corn-SBM basal diet (3, 6, 9 or 12%). Two phase feeding programs (phase 1: 1-2 weeks; phase 2: 3-5 weeks) were used for 5 week of growth trial. Results: In feeding trial, there were no significant differences in growth performance and incidence of diarrhea among treatments. The E.coli counts were not significantly different among dietary treatments but linear response was observed in Lactobacillus counts as sugar beet pulp supplementation increased (P < 0.05). In addition, IGF-1, IgA and IgG were not affected by dietary treatments. However, the BUN concentration was decreased when pigs were fed the treatments of diets with SBP compared to that of control treatment (P < 0.05). In nutrient digestibility, crude fiber and NDF digestibilities were improved as the sugar beet pulp increased (P < 0.05). However, digestibilities of crude ash, crude fat, crude fiber and nitrogen retention were not affected by dietary sugar beet pulp levels. Conclusion: This experiment demonstrated that sugar beet pulp can be supplemented in weaning pigs' diet instead of ZnO to prevent postweaning diarrhea without any detrimental effect on growth performance.

Minimally Invasive Option Using Percutaneous Pedicle Screw for Instability of Metastasis Involving Thoracolumbar and Lumbar Spine : A Case Series in a Single Center

  • Park, Ho-Young;Lee, Sun-Ho;Park, Se-Jun;Kim, Eun-Sang;Lee, Chong-Suh;Eoh, Whan
    • Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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    • v.57 no.2
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    • pp.100-107
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    • 2015
  • Objective : To report a minimally invasive treatment option using percutaneous pedicle screw fixation with adjuvant treatment for metastatic thoraco-lumbar and lumbar spinal tumors. Methods : This is a retrospective study of charts of patients with spinal metastases. All were older than 18 years of age and were considered to have more than 3 months of life expectancy. The patients had single or two level lesions, and compression fracture or impending fracture. Exclusion criterion was metastasis showing severe epidural compression with definite neurological symptoms. Usually spinal segments from one level above to below pathology were stabilized. Visual analog scale (VAS) score for pain assessment and Frankel scale for neurological deficit were used, while pre- and post-operative performance status was evaluated using the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG). Results : Twelve patients (nine men, three women; median age 54.29 years) underwent surgery. All patients presented with back pain with/without radicular pain. There were no early complications and perioperative mortalities. Following surgery, a significant difference between average pre- and post-operative VAS scores was found (p=0.003). Overall, 91.8% of patients (11/12) experienced improvement in their ECOG score post-operatively. The mean ambulation time was 196.9 days [95% confidence interval (CI), 86.2-307.6 days; median, 97 days]. During follow-up, nine patients died and the mean overall survival time in enrolled twelve patients was 249.9 days (95% CI, 145.3-354.4 days; median, 176 days). Conclusion : Minimally invasive treatment using percutaneous pedicle screw fixation with adjuvant treatment is a good alternative treatment option for potential instability of the thoraco-lumbar and lumbar spinal metastasis.

A Study on the Status of Patients with Infertility in a Department of Oriental Gynecology for the last Three Years and on the Future Policy of Infertility Treatment in Oriental Medicine (최근 3년간 일개 불임전문 한방병원에 내원한 불임환자의 실태분석과 한방불임치료정책에 대한 제언)

  • Kwon Su-Kyung;Kang Myung-Ja;Kim Dong-Il
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine
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    • v.27 no.2 s.66
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    • pp.44-56
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    • 2006
  • Objectives : This study was to analyze the status of patients with infertility in the department of oriental gynecology in an oriental medical hospital and propose infertility treatment in oriental medicine. Methods : This study was presented with 2,153 cases of infertile women who had visited the department of oriental gynecology in one oriental hospital in Seoul from 2002 to 2004. Results : The total number infertile patients has decreased year by year. The age range of patients was getting higher and the age group between 30 and 35 took up about one half of the total patients. The duration of infertility for less than 3 years held about 50-60% of the total patients, and the mean duration of infertility was $39.18{\pm}29.57$ months (2004). The most common occupations of females were professionals or administrative managers. The secondary infertility was increasing and unexplained infertility increased from 38.2% (in 2002) to 54.4% (in 2004). However the duration of treatment was shorter. This shows that the age range of the patients having oriental-medicine treatment is gradually getting higher and the number of the patients having oriental-medicine treatment and compliance is decreasing. Conclusions : More studies about objectification of oriental medicine need to precede any other studies. Then, it is thought to be necessary to rebuild cooperative relationships between oriental & western medicine through systematic research and political supports and to establish firm foundations of oriental medicine.

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A Case Report of Symptom Improvement after lobectomy in Male Breast Cancer with Lung Metastasis Patient Treated with Korean Medicine based Integrative Cancer Treatment (남성 유방암 폐전이 환자의 폐절제술 후 한의기반 통합암치료로 증상 호전에 대한 증례보고)

  • Ko, Eun ju;Ha, Su-jeong;Park, Ji-hye;Park, So-jung;Lee, Yeon-weol;Cho, Chong-kwan;Yoo, Hwa-seung
    • Journal of Korean Traditional Oncology
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2020
  • Objective: The purpose of this study is to report improvement of symptoms after lobectomy of male breast cancer lung metastasis treated with Korean Medicine based Integrative Cancer Treatment (ICT). Methods: A male left breast cancer patient diagnosed with metastasis on lung at July 2019. After Video assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) left lower lobe (LLL) lobectomy and En bloc wedge resection the patient visited the Daejeon korean medicine hospital of Daejeon university East West Cancer Center (EWCC) to treat operation-site (op-site) pain, dysphagia, anorexia with Korean Medicine Treatment. The patient was treated with Korean Medicine based ICT for an approximately 20 days. The clinical outcomes were measured by National Cancer Institute Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Event (NCI-CTCAE), Numeral rating scale (NRS) and Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG). The safety of treatment was verified by blood tests. Results: After treatment, op-site pain was improved from NRS 9 to 6, dysphagia and anorexia were relieved from NRS 9 to 2. And ECOG score of the patient was improved from grade 2 to 1. Conclusion: This case study suggests that Korean Medicine based ICT may help to improve post operative sequelae in metastatic lung cancer patient.

The Effects of Chelidonium majus on NO and $TNF-{\alpha}$ Production in Macrophages (백굴채가 대식세포의 NO 및 $TNF-{\alpha}$ 생성에 미치는 영향)

  • 김홍준;문석재;김동웅;문구;원경숙;윤준철;김유경;원진희
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.138-147
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    • 2003
  • Objectives : In this study, we investigated the mechanism by which Chelidonium majus (CM) regulates nitric oxide (NO) production. Methods : Using mouse peritoneal macrophages, the mechanism by which CM regulates NO or tumor necrosis $factor-{\alpha}(TNF-{\alpha})$ production was examined. NO release was measured by the Griess method. $TNF-{\alpha}$ production was measured by the ELISA method. The protein extracts were prepared and samples were analyzed for the inducible NOS(iNOS) expression and nuclear factor kappa $B(NF-{\kappa}B)$ activation by Western blotting. Results : When CM was used in combination with recombinant $interferon-{\gamma}{\;}(rIFN-{\gamma})$, there was a marked cooperative induction of NO production. CM had an effect on NO production by itself. The expression of the iNOS gene was increased in $rIFN-{\gamma}$ plus CM-stimulated peritoneal macrophages and almost completely inhibited by pre-treatment with pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate (PDTC), an inhibitor of $NF-{\kappa}B$. The $NF-{\kappa}B$ activation was increased in rIFN-{\gamma} plus CM-induced peritoneal macrophages. The increased production of NO from $rIFN-{\gamma}$ plus CM-stimulated peritoneal rnacrophages was decreased by the treatment with $N^{G}-monomethyl-{_L}-arginine{\;}(N^{G}MMA){\;}N^{\alpha}-Tosyl-Phe$ chloromethyl ketone (TPCK) , and was almost completely inhibited by pre-treatment with PDTC. Furthermore, treatment with CM alone or rIFN-{\gamma} plus CM in peritoneal macrophages caused a significant increase in $TNF-{\alpha}$ production. PDTC decreased CM-induced $TNF-{\alpha}$ production significantly. After CM treatment in HT-29 or AGS cells, cell viability decreased. Conclusions : These findings demonstrate that CM increases the production of NO and $TNF-{\alpha}{\;}by{\;}rIFN-{\gamma}-primed$ macrophages and suggest that NF-B plays a critical role in mediating these effects of CM.

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