• Title/Summary/Keyword: conifer forest

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Studies on the Effect of Diffusion Process to Decay Resistance of Mine Props (간이처리법(簡易處理法)에 의한 갱목(坑木)의 내부효력(耐腐効力)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Shim, Chong Supp;Shin, Dong So;Jung, Hee Suk
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.1-19
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    • 1976
  • This study has been made to make an observation regarding present status of the coal mine props which is desperately needed for coal production, despite of great shortage of the timber resources in this country, and investigate the effects of diffusion process on the decay resistances of the mine props as applied preservatives of Malenit and chromated zinc chloride. The results are as follows. 1. Present status of the coal mine props Total demand of coal mine props in the year of 1975 was approximately 456 thousand cubic meters. The main species used for mine props are conifer (mainly Pinus densiflora) and hardwood (mainly Quercus). Portions between them are half and half. With non fixed specification, wide varieties of timber in size and form are used. And volume of wood used per ton-of coal production shows also wide range from 0.017 cubic meter to 0.03 cubic meter. 2. Decay resistance test a) The oven dry weight decreased between untreated specimen and treated specimen has not shown any significantly, although it has shown some differences in average values between them. It may be caused by the shorter length of the test. b) The strength of compression test between untreated specimen and treated specimen has also shown the same results as shown in case of weight decrease. Reasons assumed are the same. c) The amounts of the extractives in one percent of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) between untreated and treated specimen have shown the large value in case of untreated specimen than that of treated. 3. The economical benifit between untreated and treated wood when applied in field has seen better in long term base in case of treated wood, although the primary cost of treated wood add a little bit more cost than that of the untreated wood.

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Morphogenetic Environment of Jilmoe Bog in the Odae Mountain National Park (오대산국립공원 내 "질뫼늪"의 지형생성환경)

  • Son, Myoung-Won;Park, Kyeong
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.133-142
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    • 1999
  • The wetland is very important ecologically as a habitat of diverse organisms. The purpose of this paper is to elucidate the morphogenetic environment of Jilmoe Bog found in the Odae Mountain National Park Jilmoe Bog is located in the high etchplain(1,060m) where Daebo Granite which had intruded in Jura epoch of Mesozoic era has weathered deeply and has uplifted in the Tertiary. The annual mean temperature of study area is $5.3^{\circ}C$, the annual precipitation is 2,888mm. The minimun temperature of the coldest month(january) is below $-30^{\circ}C$ and the depth of frozen soil is over 1.6m. Jilmoe bog consists of a large bog and a small bog. The length of the large bog is 63m and its width is 42m. The basal surface of Jilmoe bog is uneven. Jilmoe bog is a string bog fanned due to frost actions. In String bog, its surface is wavy with stepped dry hills and net-like troughs crossing hill slope. It seems that string bog is related to the permofrost or seasonal permofrost of cold conifer forest(taiga) zone(where the depth of frozen soil is very deep in the least in winters). String bog is a kind of thermokarst that frozen soil thaws differentially locally in declining permofrost and ground surface becomes irregular. There is turf-banked terracette of width $30{\sim}40cm$ in the headwall of small cirque-type nivation hollow formed at footslope of Maebong mountain around Jilmoe bog. This turf-banked terracette is formed by the frost growth of soil water below grass mat in periglacial climate environment. Where water is plentiful such as a nivation follow${\sim}$valley corridor and a headwall of valley, turf patterned grounds of width $30{\sim}50cm$ are found. This turf patterned ground is 'unclassified patterned ground', earth hummock. In conclusion, Jilmoe bog is a string bog of thermokarst that the relief of ground surface is irregular according to locally differentially thawing of permofrost(frozen soil). Jilmoe bog is high moor, its surroundings belongs to periglacial environment that turf-banked terracette and turf patterned ground are fanned actively.

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