• 제목/요약/키워드: commercial name

검색결과 98건 처리시간 0.025초

한국 민간약의 기원에 관한 조사보고 (Studies on the Origin of Korean Folk Medicine)

  • 박종희
    • 생약학회지
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    • 제24권4호
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    • pp.322-327
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    • 1993
  • The Korean folk medicine has been used to cure several diseases among the peoples and the folk remedy has so deep root. But the botanical origin of the folk medicine has been no pharmacognostical confirmation on it. It was investigated from March, 1986 to June, 1993 in order to verify its origin by describing botanical name, commercial name, and scientific name.

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인터넷주소자원에 관한 법률 제12조에 규정된 부정한 목적의 해석 : 대법원 2013. 4. 26. 선고 2011다64836 판결을 중심으로 (Bad Faith Intent in Internet Address Resources Act)

  • 박영규
    • 한국IT서비스학회지
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    • 제13권3호
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    • pp.129-148
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    • 2014
  • Generally, the Internet Address Resources Act is intended to protect the public from acts of Internet "cybersquatting", a term used to describe the bad faith, abusive registration of Internet domain names. In determining whether a person has a bad faith intent, a court may consider factors such as, (1) the trademark or other intellectual property rights of the person, if any, in the domain name, (2) the extent to which the domain name consists of the legal name of the person or a name that is otherwise commonly used to identify that person, (3) the person's prior use, if any, of the domain name in connection with the bona fide offering of any goods or services, (4) the person's bona fide noncommercial or fair use of the mark in a site accessible under the domain name, (5) the person's intent to divert consumers from the mark owner's online location to a site accessible under the domain name that could harm the goodwill represented by the mark, either for commercial gain or with the intent to tarnish or disparage the mark, by creating a likelihood of confusion as to the source, sponsorship, affiliation, or endorsement of the site, (6) the person's offer to transfer, sell, or otherwise assign the domain name to the mark owner or any third party for financial gain without having used, or having an intent to use, the domain name in the bona fide offering of any goods or services, or the person's prior conduct indicating a pattern of such conduct.

캐릭터를 의류상품에 응용하기 위한 신세대 소비자 정보 분석 (Analysis of Young Adult Information Concentrating on the Significance of Application of Cartoon Characters on Garments)

  • 김칠순;조예진
    • 복식
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    • 제51권4호
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    • pp.31-42
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study was to develop a large representative data base for character goods marketing strategy. The study was to determine character name awareness in relation to segmented distribution regions and such demographic variables as sex and age. The author also analyzed preferred design. A total of 360 questionnaires were distributed and 359 reliable ones were used for statistical analysis. A SAS statistical package including frequency tables and Chi square test and factor analysis and Kendall′s relation analyses was used. The results are as follow : character name awareness involves "character name decognition" based on asking subjects to identify character names from 50 given names. "Tele-tubbies" was found to be a dominant commercial character name as a result of the recognition test, and "Sailer-moon" was found to be a dominant animation character goods as a result of the recognition test. Character recognition was significantly different in the segmented distribution legions, three age groups and different sex groups. People considered design first in purchasing any character goods, and they considered color second in purchasing them. The most favored part of garment far character to be stitch to was the center front in the T-shirt/dress shirt, the center back in the Jumper/jacket, back pocket in the trousers/skirt. The results of a Chi-square test showed that preferred part in the trousers/skirt of character was related with age variables.

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The Ship in the New Saudi Commercial Maritime Law

  • BOUZIR, Saoussen
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • 제22권4호
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    • pp.175-182
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    • 2022
  • The new commercial maritime law in the Kingdom came comprehensive and detailed for all topics related to commercial maritime navigation, thus responding to most of the problems that arise in the field, specifically regarding the ship as the focus of the rules of maritime law. This system defines the ship in law, regulates its civil status, determines how to name it, determine its domicile, and the conditions for acquiring Saudi nationality. It also contained a regulation of the rights granted to ships by ownership, as well as their lease and mortgage, the mechanism of attachment to them to settle debts and the rights in kind dependent on them and controlling the rights of third parties on ships and the procedures for forcibly selling them from precautionary seizure and executive seizure and then forced sale in public auction. Until this research was an effort to present a clear picture about the legal system of the ship in the new Saudi commercial maritime system and confirming the extent of the success of the Saudi legislator with the ship system in highlighting the legal frameworks for this facility prepared for maritime navigation.

Thin-Layer Chromatography에 의한 시판 알사탕류의 착색료에 관한 고찰 (Study on the Detection of Artificial Dyes in the Commercial Drops by Use of Thin-Layer Chromatography)

  • 구성회;우세홍;한식일;이성호
    • 한국환경보건학회지
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.14-17
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    • 1974
  • A study was carried out to detect of illegal artificial dyes, and to confirm the used rate of illegal dyes in the production process of commercial drops (candy), from Dec. 10, 1972 to Feb. 10, 1973. In this study, it was used thin layer chromatography, the samples were divided into two groups, group A of inscribed trade name and group B of not inscribed trade name. To contrast with group A and group B, 100 samples were randomly collected in the market places, 50 samples from group A and 50 samples from group B. The following conclusions were obtained: 1) used rate of illegal dyes were 2% of group A and 9% of group B. 2) used rate of illegal dyes were 2% of red, 2% of yellow, 1% of violet and 6% of green, not in blue. 3) used rate of illegal dyes 3% of Rhodamine B, 3% of Auramine and 6% of Light green S.F. Yellowish. 4) Out of 20 cases those used mixed dyes, only one case was confirmed as two illegal dyes, and 4 cases were used one illegal dye.

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대전지역 대학생들의 시판김치 소비형태 조사 (College Students' Consumption Behavior on Commercial Kimchi in Taejon)

  • 구난숙;박은배
    • 한국생활과학회지
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    • 제8권1호
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    • pp.219-226
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    • 1999
  • The survey was conducted to investigate the consumption aspects of commercial kimchi and the future pattern of kimchi consumption. The college students(473) were randomly selected from six universities in Taejon. Ninety seven percent of students had taken the commercial kimchi. They chose kimchi manufactured by the famous company(62.4%), merchant in market(16.9%), and agricultural corporation(14.4%). In purchasing the commercial kimchi, qualty(76.0%) was considered as the most important factor and then price(13.1%), brand name(5.1%). The main reason for disliking commercial kimchi was indicated as 'different taste from home-made' by the male and 'additives added in kimchi' by the female(p<0.01). The maintenance of aging condition was believed the most essential factor to increase the consumption of commercial kimchi. Two thirds of the subjects anticipated to take home-made kimchi after marriage. Half of them replied to want to take kimchi made by traditional method, even though to buy the sauce for kimchi-making sold in market. More female students were willing to purcase the sauce for kimchi-making than the male(p<0.01).

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DNA barcode를 이용한 민어과 수산가공품 진위판별 모니터링 (Food Fraud Monitoring of Commercial Sciaenidae Seafood Product Using DNA Barcode Information)

  • 박은지;조아현;강주영;이한철;박민지;양지영;신지영;김군도;김종오;서용배;김중범
    • 한국식품위생안전성학회지
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    • 제35권6호
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    • pp.574-580
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    • 2020
  • 본 연구에서는 민어과 수산물의 표준시료 DNA 염기서열을 분석한 후 DNA barcode 염기서열을 확정하고 검증한 후 시중 유통 중인 민어과 수산가공식품의 위변조 현황을 조사하였다. 표준시료의 미토콘드리아 cytochrome c oxidase subunit I유전자를 증폭한 후 증폭된 PCR 산물의 염기서열을 분석하였다. 분석결과 종 판별에 특이적인 655 bp를 선정하여 DNA barcode 염기서열로 하였다. DNA barcode information과 primer set을 이용한 진위판별 정확성을 확인한 결과 PCR 증폭은 모두 확인되었다. NCBI에 등록된 각각 어류의 유전자 염기서열과 비교하였을 때 참조기 100%, 부세 100%, 보구치 100%, 민어 100%의 상동성을 나타내어 실험에 사용된 DNA barcode information과 primer set의 정확성을 확인하였다. DNA barcode 시험법을 이용해 시중 유통되는 민어과 수산가공품 32건에 대해 조사한 결과 위변조 사례는 나타나지 않았다. 그러나 식품공전에 등재된 보구치 대신 백조기라는 일반명이 사용되고 있어 소비자에게 혼란을 야기하고 있었다. 따라서 수산가공품 원재료 표시에 일반명과 더불어 표준명 또는 학명을 표시하여야 할 것으로 판단되었다.

A Review of Rear Axle Steering System Technology for Commercial Vehicles

  • 하룬 아흐마드 칸;윤소남;정은아;박정우;유충목;한성민
    • 드라이브 ㆍ 컨트롤
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    • 제17권4호
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    • pp.152-159
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    • 2020
  • This study reviews the rear or tag axle steering system's concepts and technology applied to commercial vehicles. Most commercial vehicles are large in size with more than two axles. Maneuvering them around tight corners, narrow roads, and spaces is a difficult job if only the front axle is steerable. Furthermore, wear and tear in tires will increase as turn angle and number of axles are increased. This problem can be solved using rear axle steering technology that is being used in commercial vehicles nowadays. Rear axle steering system technology uses a cylinder mounted on one of rear axles called a steering cylinder. Cylinder control is the primary objective of the real axle steering system. There are two types of such steering mechanisms. One uses master and slave cylinder concept while the other concept is relatively new. It goes by the name of smart axle, self-steered axle, or smart steering axle driven independently from the front wheel steering. All these different types of steering mechanisms are discussed in this study with detailed description, advantages, disadvantages, and safety considerations.

한글 글꼴 등록 시스템을 위한 글꼴 모양 분류체계 표준화 연구 (Standardization Study of Font Shape Classification for Hangul Font Registration System)

  • 김현영;임순범
    • 한국멀티미디어학회논문지
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    • 제20권3호
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    • pp.571-580
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    • 2017
  • Recently, there are many communication softwares based on text on various smart devices. Unlike traditional print publishing, mobile publishing and SNS tools tends to utilize more decorative or more emotional fonts so that users can pass some feelings from contents. So font providers have released new fonts which deal with the requirements of the market. Nevertheless being released lots of new fonts, general users have not used them because they searched only by font name or font provider's name. It means that there is no way for users to know and find new things. In this study, we suggest font shape classification rules for font registration system based on font design features. We proved the validity of classification standard study through some experiments with 50 commercial fonts. Also the result of this study was provided for Korea Telecommunication Technology Association and adopted by the Korea industrial standard.