• Title/Summary/Keyword: combined actions

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Degradation mechanisms of concrete subjected to combined environmental and mechanical actions: a review and perspective

  • Ye, Hailong;Jin, Nanguo
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.107-119
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    • 2019
  • In-service reinforced concrete structures are simultaneously subjected to a combination of multi-deterioration environmental actions and mechanical loads. The combination of two or more deteriorative actions in environments can potentially accelerate the degradation and aging of concrete materials and structures. This paper reviews the coupling and synergistic mechanisms among various deteriorative driving forces (e.g. chloride salts- and carbonation-induced reinforcement corrosion, cyclic freeze-thaw action, alkali-silica reaction, and sulfate attack). In addition, the effects of mechanical loads on detrimental environmental factors are discussed, focusing on the transport properties and damage evolution in concrete. Recommendations for advancing current testing methods and predictive modeling on assessing the long-term durability of concrete with consideration of the coupling effects are provided.

Studies on Efficacy of Combined Preparation of Crude Drugs(XXIII) -Analgesic, Anticonvulsive, Sedative, Antipyretic Actions of Yangkyuksanwhatang and its Effects on Isolated Ileum and Blood Vessel- (생약복합제제(生藥複合製劑)의 약효연구(藥效硏究) (제13보)(第13報) -양격산화탕(凉膈散火湯)의 진통(鎭痛) 항경련(抗痙攣) 진정(鎭靜) 해열(解熱) 작용(作用) 및 적출(摘出) 장관(腸管) 및 혈관(血管)에 미치는 영향(影響)-)

  • Hong, Nam-Doo;Kim, Jong-Woo;Song, Il-Byung;Won, Do-Hee;Kim, Nam-Jae;Kim, Jin-Sung
    • Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.63-72
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    • 1985
  • Analgesic, anticonvulsive, sedative and antipyretic actions of Yangkyuksanwhatang which is composed of nine crude drugs including Rehmanniae Radix, and its effects on isolated ileum and blood vessel were investigated. The results of the studies were summerized as follows; 1. Analgesic and antipyretic effects were observed. 2. Suppressive actions were not shown on the convulsion induced by strychnine, but significant effects were noted on the convulsion induced by picrotoxin. 3. A prolongation of anesthetic time induced by pentobarbital sodium was significantly observed. 4. Relaxing actions were noted on the ileum of mice, and also, same effects were recognized on the contraction of the ileum due to acetylcholine chloride and barium chloride. 5. The expansion of blood vessels by relaxation of smooth muscle and hypotensive effects were noted.

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Pharmacological Actions of the Combined Preparations, 'Sahyangsohap-won' and 'Woohwangporyong-hwan' (사향소합원 및 우황포룡환의 약효 연구)

  • Lee, Eun-Bang;Han, Yong-Nam
    • Korean Journal of Pharmacognosy
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.292-301
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    • 1986
  • The combined preparations of the traditional Korean prescriptions, Sahyangsohap-won (A1) and Woohwangporyong-hwan (B1) were evaluated on pharmacological actions in rats and mice, in parallel with the preparations of their modified prescriptions (A2 and B2). The acute toxicities of the four preparations were very low of which $LD_{50}$ values were more than 4g/kg, p.o. and no systematic symptoms were found at the doses. All the preparations showed sedative action by prolongation of sleeping time induced with hexobarbital sodium. The action was more potent in the modified preparations than in the original ones. All the preparations had no anticonvulsant action both in chemoshock seizures induced by pentetrazole and strychnine and in electroshock seizure. In rat fundus preparation, A1 and A2 elicited strong contraction at the concentration of $1{\times}10^{-3}\;g/ml$ in bath, whereas B1 and B2 did neither contraction nor relaxation at the same concentration. The four preparations had no inhibitory effect against acetylcholine induced spasm. In rat intestinal preparation, the four preparations exhibited neither contraction nor relaxation. However, A1 and A2 had antagonistic effect against spasm at the concentration of $1{\times}10^{-3}\;g/ml$. Single administration of each preparation at the dose of 0.24g/kg, p.o. stimulated the secretion of pepsin in rat stomach without inciting the secretion of gastric juice. Their stimulating actions were more marked in B1 and B2 than in A1 and A2, and were more promptly exhibited in the modified preparations (A2 and B2). Accelerating action of bile secretion by single administration of each preparation was found at the dose of 0.24g/kg, p.o. in rats. All the preparations except A2 also stimulated the secretion of bile acid.

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Studies on the Efficacy of Combined Preparation of Crude Drugs (IVX). -Effect of 'Banhabaikchulchenma-Tang' on the Analgesic and Sedative Actions- (생약복합제제(生藥複合製劑)의 약효연구(藥效硏究) (제14보)(第14報) -반하백출천마탕(半夏白朮天麻湯)이 진통(鎭痛) 및 진정작용(鎭靜作用)에 미치는 영향(影響)-)

  • Hong, N.D.;Kim, J.W.;Song, I.B.;Kim, N.J.
    • Korean Journal of Pharmacognosy
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.107-112
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    • 1983
  • Experimental studies were made to evaluate clinical efficacy and validate Oriental medicine description of 'Banhabaikchulchenma-Tang' which has been used for controlling of headache, heartburn and giddiness, etc. The results of these studies were as follows; 1) Suppressive actions were not shown on convulsion due to spine and diencephatic causes. 2) Analgesic action was recognized in mice and rats. 3) Sedative actions due to prolongation of hypnosis time, muscle relaxation and decreasing locomotive function were noted. 4) Relaxing action was noted in the ileum of mice, also antagonistic antispasmodic action was recognized on contraction of the ileum induced by acteylcholine and $BaCl_2$. In connection with results of these studies, efficacy based on the Oriental medical reference were consistant with actual experimental results. It is considered that 'Banhabaikchulchenma-Tang' has the therapeutic effect on the headache and giddiness, etc.

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Improvement of Accuracy for Human Action Recognition by Histogram of Changing Points and Average Speed Descriptors

  • Vu, Thi Ly;Do, Trung Dung;Jin, Cheng-Bin;Li, Shengzhe;Nguyen, Van Huan;Kim, Hakil;Lee, Chongho
    • Journal of Computing Science and Engineering
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.29-38
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    • 2015
  • Human action recognition has become an important research topic in computer vision area recently due to many applications in the real world, such as video surveillance, video retrieval, video analysis, and human-computer interaction. The goal of this paper is to evaluate descriptors which have recently been used in action recognition, namely Histogram of Oriented Gradient (HOG) and Histogram of Optical Flow (HOF). This paper also proposes new descriptors to represent the change of points within each part of a human body, caused by actions named as Histogram of Changing Points (HCP) and so-called Average Speed (AS) which measures the average speed of actions. The descriptors are combined to build a strong descriptor to represent human actions by modeling the information about appearance, local motion, and changes on each part of the body, as well as motion speed. The effectiveness of these new descriptors is evaluated in the experiments on KTH and Hollywood datasets.

Studies on the Efficacy of Combined Preparation of Crude Drugs (XX) -Effects of Tongkyu-tang on Analgesic, Antipyretic, Sedative, Anti-inflammatory, Isolated Ileum and Antihistaminic Activities- (생약(生藥) 복합제제(複合製劑)의 약효(藥效) 연구(硏究)(제20보)(第20報) -통규탕(通竅湯)이 진통(鎭痛), 해열(解熱), 진정(鎭靜), 항부종(抗浮腫), 적출장관(摘出腸管) 및 항(抗)히스타민작용(作用)에 미치는 영향(影響)-)

  • Chae, Byung-Yoon;Hong, Nam-Doo;Kim, Nam-Jae
    • Korean Journal of Pharmacognosy
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.18-25
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    • 1985
  • Experimental studies were conducted to investigate for the effect of Tongkyu-tang on analgesic, antipyretic, sedative, anti-inflammatory, isolated ileum and anti-histamine actions. Tongkyu-Tang was composed of sixteen crude drugs including Astragali Radix, which has been used for the treatment of common cold, headache, rhinitis, nasal obstruction, rhincospasm, etc. The following results have been obtained; analgesic and antipyretic actions were obtained. Prolonged action against the hypnotic duration of pentobarbital were significantly noted in mice. Anti-inflammatory effects in the paw edema induced by 1% carrageenin and 1% dextran were significantly shown in rats. Spontaneous motilities of isolated ileum of mice were strongly suppressed, and contractions of isolated ileum of mice and guinea-pigs induced by acetylcholine chloride, barium chloride and histamine were remarkably inhibited. Antihistamine actions were noted. Considering the above experimental results, it is suggested that effects of Tongkyu-tang based on the Oriental Medical References were similarly consistent with the actual experimental results.

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Studies on the Efficacy of Combined Preparation of Crude Drugs (XXIX) -Effects of Insamyangwee-tang on Gastrointestinal Tract- (생약(生藥) 복합(複合) 제제(製劑)의 약효(藥效) 연구(硏究)(제29보)(第29報) -인삼양위탕(人蔘養胃湯)이 위장관(胃腸管)에 미치는 영향(影響)-)

  • Hong, Nam-Doo;Jeong, Gyu-Man;Lee, Dong-Hyun;Joo, Soo-Man
    • Korean Journal of Pharmacognosy
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.215-222
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    • 1986
  • Although the 'Insamyangwee-tang' has been widely used in clinical purposes in the oriental medicine, its clinical efficacy is only documentated for the cases of gastritis, gastric ulcer and enteritis, but the experimental study on these has not been undertaken. So, to investigate the clinical efficacy of 'Insamyangwee-tang' comparing with animal experiments, This study was carried out. The results showed that relaxing action was shown on the isolated ileum in mice and that strong antagonistic actions were seen on $BaCl_2$, acetylcholine and histamine induced contraction of the ileum in mice, rats, rabbits and guinea-pigs that the relaxing effect of the intestinal smooth muscle was recognized. Inhibitory effects on transport rate in the small intestine of mice. Strong antagonistic actions were seen on acetylcholine induced contraction of duodenum in rats and remarkably inhibiting actions were seen of duodenum in rats. Inhibitory action on the secretion of gastric juice and pepsin, anti-ulceration effect was recognized.

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Motivation-based Hierarchical Behavior Planning

  • Song, Wei;Cho, Kyung-Eun;Um, Ky-Hyun
    • Journal of Korea Game Society
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.79-90
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    • 2008
  • This paper describes a motivation-based hierarchical behavior planning framework to allow autonomous agents to select adaptive actions in simulation game environments. The combined behavior planning system is formed by four levels of specification, which are motivation extraction, goal list generation, action list determination and optimization. Our model increases the complexity of virtual human behavior planning by adding motivation with sudden and cumulative attributes. The motivation selection by probability distribution allows NPC to make multiple decisions in certain situations in order to embody realistic virtual humans. Hierarchical goal tree enhances the effective reactivity. Optimizing for potential actions provides NPC with safe and satisfying actions to adapt to the virtual environment. A restaurant simulation game was used to elucidate the mechanism of the framework.

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Pharmacological studies of some oriental Medicinals (동양약물의 약리학적 연구)

  • Takagi, Keijiro
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 1973
  • The pharmacological activities of paeoniflorin abtained from paeony roots, F$_M$100 from glycyrrhiza roots, crude saikosides from bupleurum roots, crude platycodin from platycodon roots, and bothj of ginsenoside Rb and ginsenoside Rg series from ginseng roots were investigated. Paeoniflorin, F$_M$ 100, crude saikosides, and crude platycodin exhibited sedative antipyretic, anlagesic and anti-ulcerative actions. In addition, crude saidosides and crude platycodin showed antitusaive and the potent anti-inflammatory action. An expectorant action was also observed with crude platycodin. These results coincided with the clinical applications of the aforementioned oriental medicinals. It also should be noted that crude saikosides nad crude platycodin are preferable to the other steroidal nad nonsteroidal drugs as an anti-inflammatory agent, because the drugs aggravate the digestive ulcer. In ginseng, G No3. and GNS frctions out of ginsenoside Rb series hsowed stimulant and antifatigue actions. The synergistic effects identified between paeoniflorin and F$_M$ 100 on the various pharmacological activities, have verified the reasonability of combined uses of two oriental drugs as Jakyak Gaqmcho-Tang.

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Studies on the Efficacy of Combined Preparations of Crude Drugs (IX) -Effect of 'Jakyakgamcho-Tang' on Anti-inflammatory and Antiulcerative Actions, and Motility of Isolated Intestine- (생약복합제제(生藥複合劑制)의 약효연구(藥效硏究) 제9보(第9報) -작약감초탕(芍藥甘草湯)이 장관(腸管), 위궤양(胃潰瘍), 부종(浮腫)에 대(對)한 영향(影響)-)

  • Hong, N.D.;Kim, J.W.;Jeong, G.M.;Kim, N.J.
    • Korean Journal of Pharmacognosy
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.87-91
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    • 1982
  • This study was undertaken to investigate the effect of 'Jakyakgamcho-Tang' and parched 'Jakyakgamcho-Tang' on anti-inflammatory and antiulcerative actions, and motility of isolated intestine of mice. The results of this study were summarized as follows; Anti-inflammatory effect was showed markedly by the administration of water extract of 'Jakyakgamcho-Tang' and parched 'Jakyakgamcho-Tang'. Isolated intestine of mice was relaxed with the treatment of 'Jakyakgamcho-Tang' and parched 'Jakyakgamcho-Tang' and intestinal contraction induced by $BaCl_2$ and acetylcholine was also inhibited. The water extract of 'Jakyakgamcho-Tang' and parched 'Jakyakgamcho-Tang' were significantly inhibited Shay's ulceration in rats.

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