• Title/Summary/Keyword: color simulation

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A Novel Imaging System for Removal of Underwater Distortion using Code V

  • Maik, Vivek;Daniel, Stella;Chrispin Jiji, A.
    • IEIE Transactions on Smart Processing and Computing
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.141-150
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    • 2017
  • Images obtained from underwater are usually degraded due to the environmental conditions. Some of the typical degradation factors include turbidity and color degradation. These degradations can be attributed to the absorptive and scattering properties of underwater degradation in terms of optical parameters, such as modulation transfer function (MTF), optical transfer function (OTF),point spread function (PSF), and color constancy. In this paper, we use the CODE V optical simulation software to mimic underwater conditions and model the imaging platform, thereby studying various parameters, such as PSF and MTF, and we use the PSF to remove the underwater turbidity. Experimental results show increased performance with the algorithm, compared to other existing methods.

HSI Channel Analysis for Effective Image Watermarking (효율적 영상 워터마킹을 위한 HSI 채널 분석)

  • Lee, Joo-Shin
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.183-188
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    • 2013
  • Image watermarking schemes are researched in the field of digital watermarking for multimedia data copyright protection, but color image watermarking scheme is a little bit insufficient. In this paper, we analyzed HSI channel analysis in color models for effective image watermarking. Simulation results are satisfied with invisibility and correlation from the extracted watermark.

A Robust Multi-part Tracking of Humans in the Video Sequence (비디오 영상내의 사람 추적을 위한 강인한 멀티-파트 추적 방법)

  • 김태현;김진율
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2003.07e
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    • pp.2088-2091
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    • 2003
  • We presents a new algorithm for tracking person in video sequence that integrates the meanshift iteration procedure into the particle filtering. Utilizing the nice property of convergence to the modes in the meanshift iteration we show that only a few sample points are sufficient, while in general the particle filtering requires a large number of sample points. Multi-parts of a person is tracked independently of each other based on the color Then, the similarity against the reference model color and the geometric constraints between multi-parts are reflected as the sample weights. Also presented is the computer simulation results, which show successful tracking even for complex background clutter.

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A Study on The Performance Evaluation of Differentiated Service Using Time Sliding Window with 3 Color Marking (3 색 표식을 갖는 타임 슬라이딩 윈도우를 사용하는 차등화 서비스의 성능평가 연구)

  • Chun, Sang-Hun
    • 전자공학회논문지 IE
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    • v.48 no.3
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    • pp.16-19
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    • 2011
  • Differentiated Service is an IP QoS ensuring method based on packet marking that allows packets to be prioritized according to user requirements. During the time of congestion, more low priority packets are dropped than high priority packets. Different policy models are used to determine how to mark the packet. This paper investigated the performance of Differentiated Service using time sliding window with 3 color marking (TSW3CM). Simulation results using NS-2 showed that Differentiated Service can provide the quality of service requirements.

The Improved Watershed Algorithm using Adaptive Local Threshold (적응적 지역 임계치를 이용한 개선된 워터쉐드 알고리즘)

  • Lee Seok-Hee;Kwon Dong-Jin;Kwak Nae-Joung;Ahn Jae-Hyeong
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.891-894
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    • 2004
  • This paper proposes an improved image segmentation algorithm by the watershed algorithm based on the local adaptive threshold on local minima search and the fixing threshold on label allocation. The previous watershed algorithm generates the problem of over-segmentation. The over-segmentation makes the boundary in the inaccuracy region by occurring around the object. In order to solve those problems we quantize the input color image by the vector quantization, remove noise and find the gradient image. We sorted local minima applying the local adaptive threshold on local minima search of the input color image. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm controls over-segmentation and makes the fine boundary around segmented region applying the fixing threshold based on sorted local minima on label allocation.

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A fractal coding technique for color image sequence employing non-contractive interframe mapping (비축소 프레임간 변환을 이용한 컬러 동영상 프랙탈 부호화 기법)

  • 김창수;김인철;이상욱
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.22 no.8
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    • pp.1707-1714
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    • 1997
  • This paper proposes a novel algorithm for fractal coding of image sequence, based on the CPM (Circular Prediction Mapping) and the NCIM (Non Contractive Interframe Mapping). In the CPM and the NCIM, each range block is approximated by a domain block in the adjacent frame, which is of the same size as the range block. Also, in this paepr, we propose a coding scheme of color components and an algorithm for controlling the bit rate, resepectively, for practical implementation of the fractal coder. The computer simulation results on real image sequences demonstrate that the proposed algorithm provides very promising performance at low bit-rate, below 256 Kbps.

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Simple Application Cases of Morphing Method using Geo-spatial Data

  • Lee, Ki-Won;Park, Yong-Jae
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.251-256
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    • 2008
  • Morphing method, one of classic image processing algorithms, has been used in various application fields. The motivation of this work is to investigate its applicability in consideration to geo-spatial data including airborne or space-borne images. For this purpose, the Beier and Neely morphing algorithm is tentatively implemented in the form of a prototype with user interface. As the results, this feature-based morphing with paired image sets can be used for general users: image simulation using two or more images and construction of color-blending image between source image and destination image in different types. Some simple application cases were demonstrated. This scheme is the simple and useful approach for those who want to utilize both geo-spatial data sets and airborne/space-borne image sets.

Detecting Doors Edges in Diverse Environments for Visually Disabled People

  • Habib, Mohamed Ibrahim
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.9-15
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    • 2021
  • It is a challenge for visually impaired people to access unfamiliar environments independently, hence the quality of life is reduced, and safety of life is compromised. An accurate and reliable door detection system comprising of way finding and indoor navigation can be beneficial for a large number of autonomous and mobile applications for visually impaired people. This paper illustrates an image-based door detection scheme for visually impaired people using stable features (edges and corners) including color averaging and image resizing. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme shows a significant improvement when compared with existing scheme.

Fall Situation Recognition by Body Centerline Detection using Deep Learning

  • Kim, Dong-hyeon;Lee, Dong-seok;Kwon, Soon-kak
    • Journal of Multimedia Information System
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.257-262
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    • 2020
  • In this paper, a method of detecting the emergency situations such as body fall is proposed by using color images. We detect body areas and key parts of a body through a pre-learned Mask R-CNN in the images captured by a camera. Then we find the centerline of the body through the joint points of both shoulders and feet. Also, we calculate an angle to the center line and then calculate the amount of change in the angle per hour. If the angle change is more than a certain value, then it is decided as a suspected fall. Also, if the suspected fall state persists for more than a certain frame, then it is determined as a fall situation. Simulation results show that the proposed method can detect body fall situation accurately.

Implementation of a Sightseeing Multi-function Controller Using Neural Networks

  • Jae-Kyung, Lee;Jae-Hong, Yim
    • Journal of information and communication convergence engineering
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.45-53
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    • 2023
  • This study constructs various scenarios required for landscape lighting; furthermore, a large-capacity general-purpose multifunctional controller is designed and implemented to validate the operation of the various scenarios. The multi-functional controller is a large-capacity general-purpose controller composed of a drive and control unit that controls the scenarios and colors of LED modules and an LED display unit. In addition, we conduct a computer simulation by designing a control system to represent the most appropriate color according to the input values of the temperature, illuminance, and humidity, using the neuro-control system. Consequently, when examining the result and output color according to neuro-control, unlike existing crisp logic, neuro-control does not require the storage of many data inputs because of the characteristics of artificial intelligence; the desired value can be controlled by learning with learning data.