• Title/Summary/Keyword: color segmentation

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Improvement of Disparity Map using Loopy Belief Propagation based on Color and Edge (Disparity 보정을 위한 컬러와 윤곽선 기반 루피 신뢰도 전파 기법)

  • Kim, Eun Kyeong;Cho, Hyunhak;Lee, Hansoo;Wibowo, Suryo Adhi;Kim, Sungshin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.502-508
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    • 2015
  • Stereo images have an advantage of calculating depth(distance) values which can not analyze from 2-D images. However, depth information obtained by stereo images has due to following reasons: it can be obtained by computation process; mismatching occurs when stereo matching is processing in occlusion which has an effect on accuracy of calculating depth information. Also, if global method is used for stereo matching, it needs a lot of computation. Therefore, this paper proposes the method obtaining disparity map which can reduce computation time and has higher accuracy than established method. Edge extraction which is image segmentation based on feature is used for improving accuracy and reducing computation time. Color K-Means method which is image segmentation based on color estimates correlation of objects in an image. And it extracts region of interest for applying Loopy Belief Propagation(LBP). For this, disparity map can be compensated by considering correlation of objects in the image. And it can reduce computation time because of calculating region of interest not all pixels. As a result, disparity map has more accurate and the proposed method reduces computation time.

Salient Object Detection Based on Regional Contrast and Relative Spatial Compactness

  • Xu, Dan;Tang, Zhenmin;Xu, Wei
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.7 no.11
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    • pp.2737-2753
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    • 2013
  • In this study, we propose a novel salient object detection strategy based on regional contrast and relative spatial compactness. Our algorithm consists of four basic steps. First, we learn color names offline using the probabilistic latent semantic analysis (PLSA) model to find the mapping between basic color names and pixel values. The color names can be used for image segmentation and region description. Second, image pixels are assigned to special color names according to their values, forming different color clusters. The saliency measure for every cluster is evaluated by its spatial compactness relative to other clusters rather than by the intra variance of the cluster alone. Third, every cluster is divided into local regions that are described with color name descriptors. The regional contrast is evaluated by computing the color distance between different regions in the entire image. Last, the final saliency map is constructed by incorporating the color cluster's spatial compactness measure and the corresponding regional contrast. Experiments show that our algorithm outperforms several existing salient object detection methods with higher precision and better recall rates when evaluated using public datasets.

Construction of Skin Color Map for Resolving Hand Occlusion in AR Environments (증강현실 환경에서 손 가림 해결을 위한 피부 색상 정보 획득)

  • Park, Sang-Jin;Park, Hyungjun
    • Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.111-118
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    • 2014
  • In tangible augmented reality (AR) environments, the user interacts with virtual objects by manipulating their physical counterparts, but he or she often encounters awkward situations in which his or her hands are occluded by the augmented virtual objects, which causes great difficulty in figuring out hand positions, and reduces both immersion and ease of interaction. To solve the problem of such hand occlusion, skin color information has been usefully exploited. In this paper, we propose an approach to simple and effective construction of a skin color map which is suitable for hand segmentation and tangible AR interaction. The basic idea used herein is to obtain hand images used in a target AR environment by simple image subtraction and to represent their color information by a convex polygonal map in the YCbCr color space. We experimentally found that the convex polygonal map is more accurate in representing skin color than a conventional rectangular map. After implementing a solution for resolving hand occlusion using the proposed skin color map construction, we showed its usefulness by applying it to virtual design evaluation of digital handheld products in a tangible AR environment.

Automatic Segmentation of the meniscus based on Active Shape Model in MR Images through Interpolated Shape Information (MR 영상에서 중간형상정보 생성을 통한 활성형상모델 기반 반월상 연골 자동 분할)

  • Kim, Min-Jung;Yoo, Ji-Hyun;Hong, Helen
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.16 no.11
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    • pp.1096-1100
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, we propose an automatic segmentation of the meniscus based on active shape model using interpolated shape information in MR images. First, the statistical shape model of meniscus is constructed to reflect the shape variation in the training set. Second, the generation technique of interpolated shape information by using the weight according to shape similarity is proposed to robustly segment the meniscus with large variation. Finally, the automatic meniscus segmentation is performed through the active shape model fitting. For the evaluation of our method, we performed the visual inspection, accuracy measure and processing time. For accuracy evaluation, the average distance difference between automatic segmentation and semi-automatic segmentation are calculated and visualized by color-coded mapping. Experimental results show that the average distance difference was $0.54{\pm}0.16mm$ in medial meniscus and $0.73{\pm}0.39mm$ in lateral meniscus. The total processing time was 4.87 seconds on average.

Retouching Method for Watercolor Painting Effect Using Mean Shift Segmentation (Mean Shift Segmentation을 이용한 수채화 효과 생성 기법)

  • Lee, Sang-Geol;Kim, Cheol-Ki;Cha, Eui-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.15 no.9
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    • pp.25-33
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    • 2010
  • We propose a retouching method that converts a general photography to a watercolor painting image using bilateral filtering and mean shift segmentation which are mostly used in image processing. The first step is to weaken high frequency components of the image, while preserving the edge of image using the bilateral filtering. And after that we perform DoG(Difference of Gradient) edge extraction and mean shift segmentation respectively from the bilateral filtered image. The DoG edge extraction is performed using luminance component of the image whose RGB color space is transformed into CIELAB space. Experimental result shows that our method can be applied to various types of image and bring better result, especially against the photo taken in daylight.

Video Segmentation using the Automated Threshold Decision Algorithm (비디오 분할을 위한 자동 임계치 결정 알고리즘)

  • Ko Kyong-Cheol;Lee Yang-Won
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.10 no.6 s.38
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    • pp.65-74
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    • 2005
  • This Paper Propose a robust scene change detection technique that use the weighted chi-square test and the automated threshold-decision algorithm. The weighted chi-test can subdivide the difference values of individual color channels by calculating the color intensities according to mSC standard, and it can detect the scene change by joining the weighted color intensities to the predefined chi-test which emphasize the comparative color difference values. The automated decision algorithm uses the difference values of frame-to-frame that was obtained by the weighted chi-test. In the first step, The average of total difference value and standard deviation value is calculated and then, subtract the mean value from the each difference values. In the next step, the same process is performed on the remained difference value. The propose method is tested on various sources and in the experimental results, it is shown that the Proposed method is efficiently estimates the thresholds and reliably detects scene changes.

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6D ICP Based on Adaptive Sampling of Color Distribution (색상분포에 기반한 적응형 샘플링 및 6차원 ICP)

  • Kim, Eung-Su;Choi, Sung-In;Park, Soon-Yong
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.5 no.9
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    • pp.401-410
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    • 2016
  • 3D registration is a computer vision technique of aligning multi-view range images with respect to a reference coordinate system. Various 3D registration algorithms have been introduced in the past few decades. Iterative Closest Point (ICP) is one of the widely used 3D registration algorithms, where various modifications are available nowadays. In the ICP-based algorithms, the closest points are considered as the corresponding points. However, this assumption fails to find matching points accurately when the initial pose between point clouds is not sufficiently close. In this paper, we propose a new method to solve this problem using the 6D distance (3D color space and 3D Euclidean distances). Moreover, a color segmentation-based adaptive sampling technique is used to reduce the computational time and improve the registration accuracy. Several experiments are performed to evaluate the proposed method. Experimental results show that the proposed method yields better performance compared to the conventional methods.

A Study on the Implement of Image Recognition the Road Traffic Safety Information Board using Nearest Neighborhood Decision Making Algorithm (최근접 이웃 결정방법 알고리즘을 이용한 도로교통안전표지판 영상인식의 구현)

  • Jung Jin-Yong;Kim Dong-Hyun;Lee So-Haeng
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.4
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    • pp.257-284
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    • 2000
  • According as the drivers increase who have their cars, the comprehensive studies on the automobile for the traffic safety have been raised as the important problems. Visual Recognition System for radio-controled driving is a part of the sensor processor of Unmanned Autonomous Vehicle System. When a driver drives his car on an unknown highway or general road, it produces a model from the successively inputted road traffic information. The suggested Recognition System of the Road Traffic Safety Information Board is to recognize and distinguish automatically a Road Traffic Safety Information Board as one of road traffic information. The whole processes of Recognition System of the Road Traffic Safety Information Board suggested in this study are as follows. We took the photographs of Road Traffic Safety Information Board with a digital camera in order to get an image and normalize bitmap image file with a size of $200{\times}200$ byte with Photo Shop 5.0. The existing True Color is made up the color data of sixteen million kinds. We changed it with 256 Color, because it has large capacity, and spend much time on calculating. We have practiced works of 30 times with erosion and dilation algorithm to remove unnecessary images. We drawing out original image with the Region Splitting Technique as a kind of segmentation. We made three kinds of grouping(Attention Information Board, Prohibit Information Board, and Introduction Information Board) by RYB( Red, Yellow, Blue) color segmentation. We minimized the image size of board, direction, and the influence of rounding. We also minimized the Influence according to position. and the brightness of light and darkness with Eigen Vector and Eigen Value. The data sampling this feature value appeared after building the learning Code Book Database. The suggested Recognition System of the Road Traffic Safety Information Board firstly distinguished three kinds of groups in the database of learning Code Book, and suggested in order to recognize after comparing and judging the board want to recognize within the same group with Nearest Neighborhood Decision Making.

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Mdlti-View Video Generation from 2 Dimensional Video (2차원 동영상으로부터 다시점 동영상 생성 기법)

  • Baek, Yun-Ki;Choi, Mi-Nam;Park, Se-Whan;Yoo, Ji-Sang
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.33 no.1C
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    • pp.53-61
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, we propose an algorithm for generation of multi-view video from conventional 2 dimensional video. Color and motion information of an object are used for segmentation and from the segmented objects, multi-view video is generated. Especially, color information is used to extract the boundary of an object that is barely extracted by using motion information. To classify the homogeneous regions with color, luminance and chrominance components are used. A pixel-based motion estimation with a measurement window is also performed to obtain motion information. Then, we combine the results from motion estimation and color segmentation and consequently we obtain a depth information by assigning motion intensity value to each segmented region. Finally, we generate multi-view video by applying rotation transformation method to 2 dimensional input images and the obtained depth information in each object. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm outperforms comparing with conventional conversion methods.

Object Detection using Multiple Color Normalization and Moving Color Information (다중색상정규화와 움직임 색상정보를 이용한 물체검출)

  • Kim, Sang-Hoon
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.12B no.7 s.103
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    • pp.721-728
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    • 2005
  • This paper suggests effective object detection system for moving objects with specified color and motion information. The proposed detection system includes the object extraction and definition process which uses MCN(Multiple Color Normalization) and MCWUPC(Moving Color Weighted Unmatched Pixel Count) computation to decide the existence of moving object and object segmentation technique using signature information is used to exactly extract the objects with high probability. Finally, real time detection system is implemented to verify the effectiveness of the technique and experiments show that the success rate of object tracking is more than $89\%$ of total 120 image frames.