• Title/Summary/Keyword: color images

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Extraction of Representative Color of Digital Images Using Histogram of Hue Area and Non-Hue Area (색상영역과 비색상영역의 히스토그램을 이용한디지털 영상의 대표색상 추출)

  • Kwak, Nae-Joung;Hwang, Jae-Ho
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.47 no.2
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2010
  • There have been studied with activity about color standard due to extention of digital contents' application area. Therefore the studies in relation to the standard are needed to represent image's feature as color. Also the methods to extract color's feature to be apt to various application are needed. In this paper, we set the base color as 50 colors from Munsell color system, get the color histogram to show the characteristics of colors's distribution of a image, and propose the method to extract representative colors from the histogram. Firstly, we convert a input image of RGB color space to a image of HSI color space and split the image into hue area and non-hue area. To split hue area and non-hue area, we use a fixed threshold and a perception-function of color area function to reflect the subjective vision of human-being. We compute histograms from each area and then make a total histogram from the histogram of hue area and the histogram of hue area, and extract the representative colors from the histogram. To evaluate the proposed method, we made 18 test images, applied conventional methods and proposed method to them Also the methods are applied to public images and the results are analyzed. The proposed method represents well the characteristics of the colors' distribution of images and piles up colors' frequency to representative colors. Therefore the representative colors can be applied to various applications

Image Mosaicking Using Feature Points Based on Color-invariant (칼라 불변 기반의 특징점을 이용한 영상 모자이킹)

  • Kwon, Oh-Seol;Lee, Dong-Chang;Lee, Cheol-Hee;Ha, Yeong-Ho
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.89-98
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    • 2009
  • In the field of computer vision, image mosaicking is a common method for effectively increasing restricted the field of view of a camera by combining a set of separate images into a single seamless image. Image mosaicking based on feature points has recently been a focus of research because of simple estimation for geometric transformation regardless distortions and differences of intensity generating by motion of a camera in consecutive images. Yet, since most feature-point matching algorithms extract feature points using gray values, identifying corresponding points becomes difficult in the case of changing illumination and images with a similar intensity. Accordingly, to solve these problems, this paper proposes a method of image mosaicking based on feature points using color information of images. Essentially, the digital values acquired from a digital color camera are converted to values of a virtual camera with distinct narrow bands. Values based on the surface reflectance and invariant to the chromaticity of various illuminations are then derived from the virtual camera values and defined as color-invariant values invariant to changing illuminations. The validity of these color-invariant values is verified in a test using a Macbeth Color-Checker under simulated illuminations. The test also compares the proposed method using the color-invariant values with the conventional SIFT algorithm. The accuracy of the matching between the feature points extracted using the proposed method is increased, while image mosaicking using color information is also achieved.

Analysis of Color Distortion in Hazy Images (안개가 포함된 영상에서의 색 왜곡 특성 분석)

  • JeongYeop Kim
    • Journal of Platform Technology
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.68-78
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    • 2023
  • In this paper, the color distortion in images with haze would be analyzed. When haze is included in the scene, the color signal reflected in the scene is accompanied by color distortion due to the influence of transmittance according to the haze component. When the influence of haze is excluded by a conventional de-hazing method, the distortion of color tends to not be sufficiently resolved. Khoury et al. used the dark channel priority technique, a haze model mentioned in many studies, to determine the degree of color distortion. However, only the tendency of distortion such as color error values was confirmed, and specific color distortion analysis was not performed. This paper analyzes the characteristic of color distortion and proposes a restoration method that can reduce color distortion. Input images of databases used by Khoury et al. include Macbeth color checker, a standard color tool. Using Macbeth color checker's color values, color distortion according to changes in haze concentration was analyzed, and a new color distortion model was proposed through modeling. The proposed method is to obtain a mapping function using the change in chromaticity by step according to the change in haze concentration and the color of the ground truth. Since the form of color distortion varies from step to step in proportion to the haze concentration, it is necessary to obtain an integrated thought function that operates stably at all stages. In this paper, the improvement of color distortion through the proposed method was estimated based on the value of angular error, and it was verified that there was an improvement effect of about 15% compared to the conventional method.

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Gamut Compression and Extension Algorithms Based on Observer Experimental Data

  • Kang, Byoung-Ho;Morovic, Jan;Luo, M. Ronnier;Cho, Maeng-Sub
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.156-170
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    • 2003
  • Gamut compression algorithms have traditionally been defined functionally and then tested with deductive methods, e.g., psychophysical experiments. Our study offers an alternative, an inductive method, in which observers judge image colors to represent the original images more accurately. We developed a computer-controlled interactive tool that modifies the color appearance of pictorial images displayed on a monitor. In experiments, observers used the tool to alter color pixels according to the region of color space to which they belonged. We created three different gamut compression algorithms based on the observer experimental data. Observer groups evaluated the performance of the newly-developed algorithms, existing gamut compression algorithms, and an image based on the average observers' results from experiments in this study. The study of gamut extension is unlike the study of gamut compression in that it mainly deals with the degree of image pleasantness as judged by observers. The results of the gamut extension experiments in this study not only make available worthwhile data but also suggest a methodology for using the observer experimental tool for future gamut extension research.

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Optimization of color filters selection to estimate surface spectral reflectance of Munsell colors (물체의 분광반사율 추정을 위한 최적필터의 선정)

  • 이승희;이을환;유미옥;노상철;안석출
    • Journal of the Korean Graphic Arts Communication Society
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.121-131
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    • 1998
  • The object color does not look same under the different light source. It depends on the surface spectral reflectance and the spectral distribution of light source. Therefore we should find the surface spectral reflectance of object color and the spectral distribution of light source for color reproduction. Using Wiener estimation, we can estimate the spectral reflectance from low dimensional images obtained with multi-band image acquisition system. The kind and the number of imaging filters have the effect on the estimation of the spectral reflectance. Therefore it is important that optimal filters are selected to minimize the error of the result. In this paper, we describe methods to select optimal filters with minimum error between measured and estimated surface spectral reflectance and to estimate surface spectral reflectance of Munsell color chart from six multi-band images by using Wiener estimation.

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Digital Image Analysis(DIA) of Color Changes in Field Growing Stages for Rice (벼의 성장단계별 색 변화에 관한 디지털 화상해석)

  • Park, Jong-Hwa;Shin, Yong-Hee;Park, Min-Seo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers Conference
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.623-626
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    • 2003
  • Image analysis was performed with two color systems, Red-Green-Blue (RGB) values and normalized Hue-Saturation-Intensity (HSI). We conducted field studies in Cheongju to determine canopy spectral reflectance and digital image analysis of rice. Spectral reflectance measurements made with a portable spectrometer(LI-1800) correlated with growing stage and digital images for rice. Images in which the color was specified by the common RGB coordinates could be used when there was a sharp contrast between the color of the rice and that of the field soil. In the absence of sharp contrast, identification of the rice covered area was much easer after the color had been transformed into HSI coordinates. This study introduced fundamental theories in digital image analysis and applied that for field situations rice.

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Computational Approach to Color Overlapped Integral Imaging for Depth Estimation

  • Lee, Eunsung;Lim, Joohyun;Kim, Sangjin;Har, Donghwan;Paik, Joonki
    • IEIE Transactions on Smart Processing and Computing
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    • v.3 no.6
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    • pp.382-387
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    • 2014
  • A computational approach to depth estimations using a color over lapped integral imaging system is presented. The proposed imaging system acquires multiple color images simultaneously through a single lens with an array of multiple pinholes that are distributed around the optical axis. This paper proposes a computational model of the relationship between the real distance of an object and the disparity among different color images. The proposed model can serve as a computational basis of a single camera-based depth estimation.

Optimization of color filters selection to estimate surface spectral reflectance of Munsell colors (물체의 분광반사 추정을 위한 최적필터의 선정)

  • 이승희;김종필;이을환;노상철;안석출
    • Proceedings of the Korean Printing Society Conference
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    • 1998.10a
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 1998
  • The object color does not look same under the different light source. It depends on the surface spectral reflectance and the spectral distribution of light source. Therefore we should find the surface spectral reflectance of object color and the spectral distribution of light source for color reproduction. Using Winer estimation, we can reconstruct the spectral reflectance from low dimensional images obtained with a few filters. The kind and the number of filters have the effect on the estimation of the spectral reflectance. Therefore it is important that optimal filters are selected to minimize the error of the result. In this paper, we describe methods to select optimal filters with minimum error between measured and estimated surface spectral reflectance and to estimate surface spectral reflectance of Munsell color from six band images by using Wiener estimation.

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Detection of Face and Facial Features in Complex Background from Color Images (복잡한 배경의 칼라영상에서 Face and Facial Features 검출)

  • 김영구;노진우;고한석
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2002.06d
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    • pp.69-72
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    • 2002
  • Human face detection has many applications such as face recognition, face or facial feature tracking, pose estimation, and expression recognition. We present a new method for automatically segmentation and face detection in color images. Skin color alone is usually not sufficient to detect face, so we combine the color segmentation and shape analysis. The algorithm consists of two stages. First, skin color regions are segmented based on the chrominance component of the input image. Then regions with elliptical shape are selected as face hypotheses. They are certificated to searching for the facial features in their interior, Experimental results demonstrate successful detection over a wide variety of facial variations in scale, rotation, pose, lighting conditions.

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An Analysis of Femme Fatale Image's Costume Form in Paintings viewed from DeLong's Theory (DeLong 이론에 의한 회화속 팜므 파탈 이미지의 복식 형태 분석)

  • Kim, Bok-Hee;Nam, Yoon-Sook
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.155-161
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    • 2011
  • This thesis, concerning Femme Fatale Images Costume Form in paintings viewed from DeLong's Theory, analyzed frequency and traits on the basis of DeLong's Form Observation Theory and drew out the result as followings. First, Costume Form was mostly open, whole, planer integration, rounded, and indeterminate. The styles were similar each other. Second, surface structure was expressed by line & shape, color, texture, and pattern of which color had the highest priority. Next, line & shape and texture had the priority in order. They were expressed through intereaction. Third, the traits of Costume Form were a similar color harmony or large light and darkness contrast+soft quality+interaction by ambiguous line & shape. So, Femme Fatale Image in paintings was expressed by soft and pure images and erotic images.