• Title/Summary/Keyword: color images

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Extraction of Text Regions from Spam-Mail Images Using Color Layers (색상레이어를 이용한 스팸메일 영상에서의 텍스트 영역 추출)

  • Kim Ji-Soo;Kim Soo-Hyung;Han Seung-Wan;Nam Taek-Yong;Son Hwa-Jeong;Oh Sung-Ryul
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.13B no.4 s.107
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    • pp.409-416
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    • 2006
  • In this paper, we propose an algorithm for extracting text regions from spam-mail images using color layer. The CLTE(color layer-based text extraction) divides the input image into eight planes as color layers. It extracts connected components on the eight images, and then classifies them into text regions and non-text regions based on the component sizes. We also propose an algorithm for recovering damaged text strokes from the extracted text image. In the binary image, there are two types of damaged strokes: (1) middle strokes such as 'ㅣ' or 'ㅡ' are deleted, and (2) the first and/or last strokes such as 'ㅇ' or 'ㅁ' are filled with black pixels. An experiment with 200 spam-mail images shows that the proposed approach is more accurate than conventional methods by over 10%.

A Compression Method for the True Color Images Using the Similarities of Data (데이타의 유사성을 이용한 실제 색상 화상의 압축 기법)

  • Kim, Tai-Yun;Song, Gil-Yeong;Jo, Gwang-Mun;Choe, Chang-Won
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.1 no.3
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    • pp.398-408
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    • 1994
  • It is true color that is allocated 1 byte to three basic colors, red, green, and blue in order to represent a pixel of an image. It is a merit that almost all colors are representable by using the true color. However, it requires a lot of storages. An efficient image compression method is necessary. Most of the existing compression methods have not considered the characteristics of the true color images. Therefore, the efficient compression has been almost impossible. The differences of each pixel and its adjacent pixels in the true color images are few. Only a few bits in 3 bytes data which represent a pixel have different values. But the different bits are scattered in 3 bytes, so efficient compression results are not achieved. Therefore, in the study it is shown that the similarities of data are increased by relocating the data structures of true color images. And an efficient compression strategy which uses the similarities of data is proposed.

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A Study of the Interior Image based on the Color Analysis in School Libraries (색채 분석을 통한 학교도서관 실내 이미지 연구)

  • Soomin Ji;Bong-Suk Kang
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.27-45
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the colors in the school libraries and identify the images of adjectives derived from the colors. This study investigated the hue (basic color), value (brightness) and chroma (color intensity) in the school libraries through KSCA program. It analyzed 15 school libraries from elementary schools to high schools. Furthermore, with the aids of I.R.I Adjective Image Scale, the adjective images of the colors could be identified. The results are as follows: In the elementary school libraries, the hue was used in the order of YR (yellow red), N (neutral), and Y (yellow), while in the order of YR (yellow red), N (neutral), and R (red) in the middle school libraries. All the school libraries had medium brightness on average, whereas the colors had a low chroma. As for the adjective images of the colors, the adjective 'gentle' has appeared the most in every school library. The school libraries have similar colors and adjective images for all levels, not presenting any particular differences in the colors of every interior space arrangement.

Color Code Detection and Recognition Using Image Segmentation Based on k-Means Clustering Algorithm (k-평균 클러스터링 알고리즘 기반의 영상 분할을 이용한 칼라코드 검출 및 인식)

  • Kim, Tae-Woo;Yoo, Hyeon-Joong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.7 no.6
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    • pp.1100-1105
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    • 2006
  • Severe distortions of colors in the obtained images have made it difficult for color codes to expand their applications. To reduce the effect of color distortions on reading colors, it will be more desirable to statistically process as many pixels in the individual color region as possible, than relying on some regularly sampled pixels. This process may require segmentation, which usually requires edge detection. However, edges in color codes can be disconnected due tovarious distortions such as zipper effect and reflection, to name a few, making segmentation incomplete. Edge linking is also a difficult process. In this paper, a more efficient approach to reducing the effect of color distortions on reading colors, one that excludes precise edge detection for segmentation, was obtained by employing the k-means clustering algorithm. And, in detecting color codes, the properties of both six safe colors and grays were utilized. Experiments were conducted on 144, 4M-pixel, outdoor images. The proposed method resulted in a color-code detection rate of 100% fur the test images, and an average color-reading accuracy of over 99% for the detected codes, while the highest accuracy that could be achieved with an approach employing Canny edge detection was 91.28%.

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A Study on the Relationship Between Emotion and Behavior of User's with the Color Images of Indoor Space in Hotels (호텔 실내공간 색채이미지에 대한 이용자의 감정과 행동의 관계)

  • Kim, Su-Hee;Kim, Bong-Ae
    • Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning & Design
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.67-74
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze relationship between emotion and behavior with the color images of indoor space in hotels. The study methods evaluation experiments of emotion and behavior with computer graphic images. Study results are as follows: First, The color image according to the indoor space had a significant influence on the user's emotions. Lobby and restaurant had difference in pleasure arousal emotion by color image, and also guest room had difference in pleasure dominance emotion by color image. Second, The color image according to the indoor space had a significant influence on the user's behavior. Also lobby and restaurant had difference in movement hobby eating resting behavior by color image, and guest room had difference in hobby eating resting behavior by color image. Third, As a result of analyzing the effect of user's emotions on the behavior according to the indoor space: In the lobby, the more un-arousal increasing of users, the more hobby resting behavior increasing. And the more dominance increasing of users, the more movement hobby eating resting behavior increasing. In the restaurant, the more dominance increasing of users, the more movement eating hobby behavior increasing. The more arousal increasing of users, the more movement resting behavior increasing. The more un-arousal increasing of users, the more hobby eating behavior increasing. In the guest room, the more un-arousal dominance increasing of users, the more hobby eating resting behavior increasing. And also the more arousal increasing of users, the more movement behavior increasing.

"The Light": An Experimental Moving Image which uses Color, Trace, and Interactivity of Light to Measure Quantitative Presence ("The Light": 정량적 프레즌스 측정을 위한 빛의 색, 빛의 움직임, 빛과의 인터랙션을 이용한 추상영상 실험)

  • Jeon, Seongsin;Kim, Seong Whan
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.6 no.12
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    • pp.587-592
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    • 2017
  • In this paper, we raise a question: what makes presence in artistic works. Presence has been defined as a physiological and emotional feeling which feels that he or she is immerged in a specific artworks when he/she is very interested in the artwork. We design and implemented an abstract media art "The Light" which uses the color, trace, and interactivity of light to measure quantitative presence. Frequency spectrum of light on specific object which we perceive makes color; Motion of light and its impact on object makes shape which perceived in our human visual system; Interactivity or perceived distance between object and observer makes intensity of perception. We experimented our images with subjective survey which includes PQS (presence questionnaire survey) and objective test using brain signals (EEG). From our interactive experimental moving images tested on 30 subject, we conclude that we can make more presence as we interact more with images. Photo-realistic images is just pass-by and it is transformed to abstract images, as we more focused on the images, and the essential components of the abstraction includes color, trace, and interaction with subjects.

Identification of cranial nerve ganglia using sectioned images and three-dimensional models of a cadaver

  • Kim, Chung Yoh;Park, Jin Seo;Chung, Beom Sun
    • The Korean Journal of Pain
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.250-260
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    • 2022
  • Background: Cranial nerve ganglia, which are prone to viral infections and tumors, are located deep in the head, so their detailed anatomy is difficult to understand using conventional cadaver dissection. For locating the small ganglia in medical images, their sectional anatomy should be learned by medical students and doctors. The purpose of this study is to elucidate cranial ganglia anatomy using sectioned images and three-dimensional (3D) models of a cadaver. Methods: One thousand two hundred and forty-six sectioned images of a male cadaver were examined to identify the cranial nerve ganglia. Using the real color sectioned images, real color volume model having a voxel size of 0.4 × 0.4 × 0.4 mm was produced. Results: The sectioned images and 3D models can be downloaded for free from a webpage, anatomy.dongguk.ac.kr/ganglia. On the images and model, all the cranial nerve ganglia and their whole course were identified. In case of the facial nerve, the geniculate, pterygopalatine, and submandibular ganglia were clearly identified. In case of the glossopharyngeal nerve, the superior, inferior, and otic ganglia were found. Thanks to the high resolution and real color of the sectioned images and volume models, detailed observation of the ganglia was possible. Since the volume models can be cut both in orthogonal planes and oblique planes, advanced sectional anatomy of the ganglia can be explained concretely. Conclusions: The sectioned images and 3D models will be helpful resources for understanding cranial nerve ganglia anatomy, for performing related surgical procedures.

A Study on the Color Design Support System for Selecting Color Combination (실내 색채 디자인 지원 시스템에 관한 연구)

  • 고경진;정선영;이현수
    • Proceeding of Spring/Autumn Annual Conference of KHA
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    • 2001.11a
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    • pp.65-68
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    • 2001
  • Color is an imfortant factor for interior design. But both selecting the appropriate color and combinating many color are not easy. Actually designers spend much time searching interior images published in magazine to refer to previous cases of the color combination. And the side up, they undergo a process to try to search own hoping color in the interior design example of the magazine. As an alternative to avoid this inefficient process, this study provides a method to show good cases of color combination. This method can reduce trial and error in the determination the color combination.

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Efficient Object-based Image Retrieval Method using Color Features from Salient Regions

  • An, Jaehyun;Lee, Sang Hwa;Cho, Nam Ik
    • IEIE Transactions on Smart Processing and Computing
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.229-236
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    • 2017
  • This paper presents an efficient object-based color image-retrieval algorithm that is suitable for the classification and retrieval of images from small to mid-scale datasets, such as images in PCs, tablets, phones, and cameras. The proposed method first finds salient regions by using regional feature vectors, and also finds several dominant colors in each region. Then, each salient region is partitioned into small sub-blocks, which are assigned 1 or 0 with respect to the number of pixels corresponding to a dominant color in the sub-block. This gives a binary map for the dominant color, and this process is repeated for the predefined number of dominant colors. Finally, we have several binary maps, each of which corresponds to a dominant color in a salient region. Hence, the binary maps represent the spatial distribution of the dominant colors in the salient region, and the union (OR operation) of the maps can describe the approximate shapes of salient objects. Also proposed in this paper is a matching method that uses these binary maps and which needs very few computations, because most operations are binary. Experiments on widely used color image databases show that the proposed method performs better than state-of-the-art and previous color-based methods.

The Development of Fashion Design, Based on the Symbolism of the Color White

  • Wi, Mi-Kyung;Choy, Hyon-Sook
    • International Journal of Costume and Fashion
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.18-35
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    • 2008
  • As an essential factor of plasticity in fashion, color reflects socio-cultural trends and has possessed different symbolism in its historical development. This study aims to search for an academic approach towards finding out how the concepts and symbolism of the color white were expressed in actual clothing. This will be realized through the investigation of the various meanings this particular color possesses. The secondary purpose of this study is to give shape to the results of above said academic investigation by proposing their integration into actual fashion design. The methodology employed in this study and results are as follows. First, the symbolism of the color white abstracted from the research of literature on this subject was classified into six categories; purity, grace, abstinence, sublimity, decorativeness, and avant-garde. Second, for empirical research, six designs were developed and produced into white dresses. The development of these dress designs was realized by presenting the symbolism of the aforementioned six categories into images, and the formative constructions of these images by applying various design details, expressive techniques, and characteristics of the materials. Through an investigation into the color white, which has been excluded from previous chromatics research as a major color, integration of the symbolism and chromatic image of this color into the actual fashion design process is made possible. The significance of this study is in that it proposes multifarious possibilities in fashion design, and also in extending the horizon of chromatics research in fashion through the realization of the above process.