• Title/Summary/Keyword: color images

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Understanding the Perceptions and Service Quality of Korean Foods : A Comparative Cross-cultural Study of International Tourists Visiting Korea (한국음식에 대한 인식과 서비스품질의 차이 : 방한 외국인 관광객 비교문화연구)

  • Lee, Soo-Jin;Lee, Kyung-Hee
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.11 no.10
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    • pp.467-478
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    • 2011
  • This study examines international tourists 'perceived images and service quality of Korean foods. A survey was conducted to international tourists(Chinese, Japanese, American) visiting Korea. The results of study show that there is a significant difference in several attributes of Korean traditional foods as perceived by international tourists along their nationality. Particularly, American tourists tend to highly evaluate Korean foods as ones good for health. The perceived attractiveness of Korean foods in terms of color and shape is higher for Chinese and Americans than Japanese. A distinct difference is also found in the importance and performance attributes of perceived quality of Korean foods by the nationality of tourists. The results of IPA for the perceived quality of Korean traditional foods show that the restaurant facility and atmosphere are identified as the ones that need to be improved across all the tourists.

Skin Pigmentation Detection Using Projection Transformed Block Coefficient (투영 변환 블록 계수를 이용한 피부 색소 침착 검출)

  • Liu, Yang;Lee, Suk-Hwan;Kwon, Seong-Geun;Kwon, Ki-Ryong
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.16 no.9
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    • pp.1044-1056
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    • 2013
  • This paper presents an approach for detecting and measuring human skin pigmentation. In the proposed scheme, we extract a skin area by a GMM-EM clustering based skin color model that is estimated from the statistical analysis of training images and remove tiny noises through the morphology processing. A skin area is decomposed into two components of hemoglobin and melanin by an independent component analysis (ICA) algorithm. Then, we calculate the intensities of hemoglobin and melanin by using the projection transformed block coefficient and determine the existence of skin pigmentation according to the global and local distribution of two intensities. Furthermore, we measure the area and density of the detected skin pigmentation. Experimental results verified that our scheme can both detect the skin pigmentation and measure the quantity of that and also our scheme takes less time because of the location histogram.

Development of Mobile-application based Cognitive Training Program for Cancer Survivors with Cognitive Complaints (암 환자를 위한 앱 기반의 인지건강훈련 프로그램의 개발)

  • Oh, Pok Ja;Youn, Jung-Hae;Kim, Ji Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Adult Nursing
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.266-277
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to design a mobile-application of a cognitive training program for people who have chemo-related cognitive complaints. Methods: The program was developed based on the network-based instructional system design proposed by Jung. The program consisted of several tasks centered on four cognitive domains: learning, memory, working memory, and attention. For memory learning, a target-image and all its elements (color, position, and number) were presented on the screen that had to be recognized among a number of distractor-figures. In working memory training, the previous learned target-figure according to the level of difficulty had to be remembered among many different figures. In attention training named "Find the same figure," two identical symbols in a grid-pattern filled with different images were presented on the screen, and these had to be simultaneously touched. In attention training named "Find the different figure," a different symbol in a grid pattern filled with same figures had to be selected. This program was developed to train for a minimum of 20 min/day, four days/week for six weeks. Results: This cognitive training revealed statistically significant improvement in subjective cognitive impairments (t=3.88, p=.006) at six weeks in eight cancer survivors. Conclusion: This cognitive training program is expected to offer individualized training opportunities for improving cognitive function and further research is needed to test the effect in various settings.

Development of fashion cultural products utilizing the World Heritage of Korea - Focusing on Hangeul font and architecture - (한국의 세계유산을 활용한 패션문화상품 개발 - 한글 글자꼴과 건축물을 중심으로 -)

  • Song, Jaemin;Kim, Jiyoung;Choi, Jongmyoung
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.611-628
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    • 2017
  • As a plan for establishing Korea's cultural identity and its competitive edge in the world market and for enhancing Korea's cultural status, creative and unique high value-added cultural products need to be developed utilizing our inherent cultural assets. Accordingly, this study focused on the development of the design of fashion cultural products that utilize the convergence of Hangeul our peculiar font style and Korea's cultural heritage, which is registered as part of UNESCO's World Heritage. A design method was devised that converges archetypal images of cultural property with the unique Hangeul font in a way that targets Korea's symbolic architectures. The symbolic architecture includes Korea's world-heritage pagoda architecture, such as Seokgatap pagoda and Dabotap pagoda at Bulguksa temple. It also included the architecture of royal palace, such as Injeongjeon hall at Changdeokgung palace. Finally, it also included the architecture of the fortress wall, such as Paldalmun gate in Hwaseong fortress. Thus, by developing cultural assets made from a convergence between architecture and the Hangeul font as a consumer-product image that has universality, the possibility of cultural products was pursued by applying color planning after an analysis that involved extracting the compositional colors of the flags of the world. This research and approach will lead to opportunities for further progress for Korea's cultural products in the global market as a results of additional recognition for their value, excellence, and universal appeal.

A Study on the Transition of Design of Korean Soccer Uniform -Based on national soccer players uniform- (한국 축구 유니폼 디자인 변천에 관한 연구 -국가대표 축구선수 유니폼을 중심으로-)

  • 조영아;손영미
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.52 no.7
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    • pp.103-121
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    • 2002
  • This study intended to analyze the transition of design of Korean soccer player's uniform according to development of the society and changes in formative elements, and examine features inside them by considering designs of soccer player's uniform by ages ranging from the introduction of soccer up to now. Results of the study are summed up below. First, as a result of analyzing designs of soccer player's uniforms from 1920 to 2002 Korea-Japan WorldCup based on formative elements of the style of dress. \circled1 it is shown that basic shape has been kept but changes in only color. cutting, trimming, logo and symbol have existed. \circled2 Colors of the uniforms have been different according to ages but red, blue and white colors have been used most and sometimes black was employed. so it is known that colors in the Korean national emblem have been all used. \circled3 In the beginning of the uniform there was a limitation in its design due to absence of functional materials but now highly-sensitive textile products and highly-functional textile materials guaranteeing optimal condition and highest activity of a soccer player have been utilized in various ways. \circled4 It is known that symbols modelling the image of Korea have been used in diverse ways but effected much by directions toward images pursued by designers of sponsors. Second, the meanings represented by designs of the uniforms are classified into a degree of symbolizing Korea, tradition, superiority and dynamics. That is to say, \circled1as colors and symbols coming from the emblem have been used in the uniforms. they have symbolized one nation and possessed the meaning representing even Korean national spirit. \circled2As traditional colouring and symbols have been used in the uniforms, they have shown the Korean sense of a beauty. \circled3 Colors, tones and designs overwhelming the mood of play have been used in the uniforms, so that they have played a role in making players of other team flinch mentally and making Korean players gain an advantage over them. \circled4 Thanks to strong symbols or comparative effects of colors. they have shown the dynamics representing power and energy.

A Study on the Classification and Development of Pattern Designs Represented in Luggage (여행용 가방 패턴 디자인 유형 분석 및 디자인 개발)

  • Lee, Misuk;Chung, Kyunghee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.66 no.1
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    • pp.135-154
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to research the characteristics and types applied to Korean and foreign luggage brands, and then develop pattern designs for the luggage by applying Korean cultural contents that meet the various fashion needs of travel goods. To select the Korean and foreign luggage brands, a web search was utilized by inputting the keyword, 'luggage brand'. The results, which were extracted from 200 web documents, produced 27 Korean brands and 29 foreign brands that met the requirements. For the data analysis, images and contents were collected through luggage brand websites, and then 927 pattern designs were extracted. The results were as follows. First, characters, figures, animals, and plants were commonly used for the pattern design motifs applied to Korean and foreign luggage. A notable trend was that these motifs were expressed in a stylistic way with a graphic touch. Also, a singular point was formed from the luggage overall, and regularly repeated patterns were very common as well. Secondly, pattern designs for luggage were developed through the application of 'Hangul', 'Hanbok', and 'Hanok'. Nine kinds of patterns were designed via the phases of change into a vector image and color adjustments, and were simulated in luggage design. Adobe Photoshop CS 7.0, and Adobe Illustrator CS 5.0 programs were used for the pattern designs and simulations. This study is meaningful in that it suggested pattern designs for different kinds of luggage in the motifs of Korean cultural contents. It can be used as a useful reference, as we are in a time period where travel goods have become individualized, advanced, and fashionable, as well as laying stress on original design based on cultural interpretation.

Design and Implementation of Robot-Based Alarm System of Emergency Situation Due to Falling of The Eldely (고령자 낙상에 의한 응급 상황의 4족 로봇 기반 알리미 시스템 설계 및 구현)

  • Park, ChulHo;Lim, DongHa;Kim, Nam Ho;Yu, YunSeop
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.781-788
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    • 2013
  • In this paper, we introduce a quadruped robot-based alarm system for monitoring the emergency situation due to falling in the elderly. Quadruped robot includes the FPGA Board(Field Programmable Gate Array) applying a red-color tracking algorithm. To detect a falling of the elderly, a sensor node is worn on chest and accelerations and angular velocities measured by the sensor node are transferred to quadruped robot, and then the emergency signal is transmitted to manager if a fall is detected. Manager controls the robot and then he judges the situation by monitoring the real-time images transmitted from the robot. If emergency situation is decided by the manager, he calls 119. When the fall detection system using only sensor nodes is used, sensitivity of 100% and specificity of 98.98% were measured. Using the combination of the fall detection system and portable camera (robot), the emergency situation was detected to 100 %.

Extraction of Facial Feature Parameters by Pixel Labeling (화소 라벨링에 의한 얼굴 특징 인수 추출)

  • 김승업;이우범;김욱현;강병욱
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.47-54
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    • 2001
  • The main purpose of this study is to propose the algorithm about the extraction of the facial feature. To achieve the above goal, first of all, this study produces binary image for input color image. It calculates area after pixel labeling by variant block-units. Secondly, by contour following, circumference have been calculated. So the proper degree of resemblance about area, circumference, the proper degree of a circle and shape have been calculated using the value of area and circumference. And Third, the algorithm about the methods of extracting parameters which are about the feature of eyes, nose, and mouse using the proper degree of resemblance, general structures and characteristics(symmetrical distance) in face have been accomplished. And then the feature parameters of the front face have been extracted. In this study, twelve facial feature parameters have been extracted by 297 test images taken from 100 people, and 92.93 % of the extracting rate has been shown.

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A Content-Based Image Retrieval using Object Segmentation Method (물체 분할 기법을 이용한 내용기반 영상 검색)

  • 송석진;차봉현;김명호;남기곤;이상욱;주재흠
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2003
  • Various methods have been studying to maintain and apply the multimedia inform abruptly increasing over all social fields, in recent years. For retrieval of still images, we is implemented content-based image retrieval system in this paper that make possible to retrieve similar objects from image database after segmenting query object from background if user request query. Query image is processed median filtering to remove noise first and then object edge is detected it by canny edge detection. And query object is segmented from background by using convex hull. Similarity value can be obtained by means of histogram intersection with database image after securing color histogram from segmented image. Also segmented image is processed gray convert and wavelet transform to extract spacial gray distribution and texture feature. After that, Similarity value can be obtained by means of banded autocorrelogram and energy. Final similar image can be retrieved by adding upper similarity values that it make possible to not only robust in background but also better correct object retrieval by using object segmentation method.

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A Study on the Hijab as a Fashion Item in the Tehran Street (테헤란 스트리트에 나타난 패션 아이템 히잡 연구)

  • Kim, Hyun Seo;Kim, Hyun Ju;Na, Hyun Shin
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2020
  • Hijab as a symbol of women's oppression due to the opening and reform of Islamic State group, is becoming more diverse as younger generation begins to dress more freely than ever before, spreading the perception that it is a fashion item. In response, this research conducted a theoretical review about the history of hijab, various forms of hijab, and characteristics of hijab using relevant literature, media reports, and fashion media articles. As an empirical study, image-oriented photo data shared by Tehran Street Fashion from 2015 to November 2019 were analyzed separately by fashion majors into color, pattern, and hijab-making forms. According to the analysis, six different fashion images were categorized as romantic feminine, modern chic, natural elegant, classic formal, sporty casual and gorgeous ethnic. For Muslim women in the past, hijab was worn as a repressive and closed sense by the religious system. However, in modern times, it is a way to express one's style and ideas as a fashion item. It is also and a means to express one's thoughts and beliefs. Through aesthetic consideration of Hijab as a fashion item, it was found that it was a medium for freedom of expression and a medium for beauty and individuality.