• Title/Summary/Keyword: code mapping

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Methodology of Application to Air Quality Model to Evaluate the Results of the Enforcement Plan in Seoul Metropolitan Area (수도권 지역의 대기환경관리 시행계획 추진결과 평가를 위한 대기질 모델링 적용 방법)

  • Yoo, Chul;Lee, Dae-Gyun;Lee, Yong-Mi;Lee, Mi-Hyang;Hong, Ji-Hyung;Lee, Seok-Jo
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.20 no.12
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    • pp.1647-1661
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    • 2011
  • The Government had devised legislation of Special Act and drew up guidelines for improving air quality in Seoul Metropolitan area. In 2007 local government of Seoul, Incheon and Gyeonggi conducted the results of application policy by reduced air pollutants emission for the first time. Although there was reduction of air pollutant emission in each local government, it was ineffective as expected using air pollution monitoring database. Therefore we worked out a way to prepare modeling input data using the results of enforcement plan. And we simulated surface $NO_2$ and PM10 before and after decrease in air pollutants emission and examine reduction effects of air pollution according to enforcement regulation except other influence, by using MM5-SMOKE-CMAQ system. Each local government calculated the amount of emission reduction under application policy, and we developed to prepare input data so as to apply to SMOKE system using emission reduction of enforcement plan. Distribution factor of emission reduction were classified into detailed source and fuel codes using code mapping method in order to allocate the decreased emission. The code mapping method also included a way to allocate spatial distribution by CAPSS distribution. According to predicted result using the reduction of NOx emission, $NO_2$ concentration was decreased from 19.1 ppb to 18.0 ppb in Seoul. In Gyeonggi and Incheon $NO^2$ concentrations were down to 0.65 ppb and 0.68 ppb after application of enforcement plan. PM10 concentration was reduced from 18.2 ${\mu}g/m^3$ to 17.5 ${\mu}g/m^3$ in Seoul. In Gyeonggi PM10 concentration was down to 0.51 ${\mu}g/m^3$ and in Incheon PM10 concentration was decreased about 0.47 ${\mu}g/m^3$ which was the lower concentration than any other cities.

Methods for Quantitative Disassembly and Code Establishment of CBS in BIM for Program and Payment Management (BIM의 공정과 기성 관리 적용을 위한 CBS 수량 분개 및 코드 정립 방안)

  • Hando Kim;Jeongyong Nam;Yongju Kim;Inhye Ryu
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.36 no.6
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    • pp.381-389
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    • 2023
  • One of the crucial components in building information modeling (BIM) is data. To systematically manage these data, various research studies have focused on the creation of object breakdown structures and property sets. Specifically, crucial data for managing programs and payments involves work breakdown structures (WBSs) and cost breakdown structures (CBSs), which are indispensable for mapping BIM objects. Achieving this requires disassembling CBS quantities based on 3D objects and WBS. However, this task is highly tedious owing to the large volume of CBS and divergent coding practices employed by different organizations. Manual processes, such as those based on Excel, become nearly impossible for such extensive tasks. In response to the challenge of computing quantities that are difficult to derive from BIM objects, this study presents methods for disassembling length-based quantities, incorporating significant portions of the bill of quantities (BOQs). The proposed approach recommends suitable CBS by leveraging the accumulated history of WBS-CBS mapping databases. Additionally, it establishes a unified CBS code, facilitating the effective operation of CBS databases.

A Study on the Depiction of ENC Features to Apply S-52 Standards Under the 3D Visualization Environment (3차원 가시화 환경에서 S-52 표준을 적용하기 위한 전자해도 객체의 표현방법에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Hee-Yong
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.40 no.6
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    • pp.369-374
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    • 2016
  • Recently, due to the rapid development of smart computing technology, there have been a lot of studies on 3D navigation, and consequently the advanced commercial 3D navigation system and 3D VTS system are on the market. Even the 3D technology is well known and wide spreaded, unfortunately, the secret of code behind is still unleashed. The purpose of this paper is to show the basic methodologies to display ENC features under 3D display environment to meet the requirement of S-52 standards. The OpenGL ES is used to develop 3D ENC Viewer for further use on mobile platforms and web based vessel monitoring system. P articularly, area object triangulation, complex line drawing, polygon pattern filling and symbol drawing by texture mapping are explained in detail. The result of performance test is shown as table for correlation of SENC file size to display speed.

Utilization of Google Earth for Distribution Mapping of Cholangiocarcinoma: a Case Study in Satuek District, Buriram, Thailand

  • Rattanasing, Wannaporn;Kaewpitoon, Soraya J;Loyd, Ryan A;Rujirakul, Ratana;Yodkaw, Eakachai;Kaewpitoon, Natthawut
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.16 no.14
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    • pp.5903-5906
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    • 2015
  • Background: Cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) is a serious public health problem in the Northeast of Thailand. CCA is considered to be an incurable and rapidly lethal disease. Knowledge of the distribution of CCA patients is necessary for management strategies. Objectives: This study aimed to utilize the Geographic Information System and Google $Earth^{TM}$ for distribution mapping of cholangiocarcinoma in Satuek District, Buriram, Thailand, during a 5-year period (2008-2012). Materials and Methods: In this retrospective study data were collected and reviewed from the OPD cards, definitive cases of CCA were patients who were treated in Satuek hospital and were diagnosed with CCA or ICD-10 code C22.1. CCA cases were used to analyze and calculate with ArcGIS 9.2, all of data were imported into Google Earth using the online web page www.earthpoint.us. Data were displayed at village points. Results: A total of 53 cases were diagnosed and identified as CCA. The incidence was 53.57 per 100,000 population (65.5 for males and 30.8 for females) and the majority of CCA cases were in stages IV and IIA. The average age was 67 years old. The highest attack rate was observed in Thung Wang sub-district (161.4 per 100,000 population). The map display at village points for CCA patients based on Google Earth gave a clear visual deistribution. Conclusions: CCA is still a major problem in Satuek district, Buriram province of Thailand. The Google Earth production process is very simple and easy to learn. It is suitable for the use in further development of CCA management strategies.

Developing a Work Procedure for Efficient Map Generalization (효율적인 일반화 자료처리를 위한 작업공정 개발)

  • Choi, Seok-Keun;Kim, Myung-Ho;Hwang, Chang-Sup
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.73-82
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    • 2003
  • This paper proposes a work procedure for generalizing large-scale digital maps ver. 2.0(1/5,000) into a small-scale digital map(1/25,000). Unlike a existent digital map, the digital map ver. 2.0 has a variety of attribute data as well as graphic data. To perform an efficient map generalization with these structural properties, we establish a work procedure as follow; firstly, delete layers which don't exist in small-scale digital map's feature code, and secondly, generalize features which have been classified into 8 layers, and finally merge 8 layers which have been generalized into 1 layer. Therefore, we expect that a work procedure which is proposed in this paper will play a fundamental role in automated generalization system and will contribute to small-scale digital mapping and thematic mapping.

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Applied Practices on Codification Through Mapping Design Thinking Mechanism with Software Development Process (소프트웨어개발 프로세스와 디자인씽킹 메커니즘의 접목을 통한 코딩화 적용 사례)

  • Seo, Chae Yun;Kim, Jang Hwan;Kim, R.Young Chul
    • KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.107-116
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    • 2021
  • In the 4th Industrial Revolution situation it is essential to need the high quality of software in diverse industrial areas. In particular current software centered schools attempt to educate the creative thinking based coding to non-major students and beginners of computer. But the problem is insufficient on the definition and idea of the creative thinking based software. In addition in a aspect of coding education for non-major and new students we recognize to have no relationship between creative thinking methods and coding. In other words we should give them how to practically code and design through learning the creative thinking. To solve this problem we propose the codification of design thinking mechanism without the knowledge of software engineering through mapping creative thinking with software development process. With this mechanism we may expect for students to have some coding ability with the creative design.

Development and Lessons Learned of Clinical Data Warehouse based on Common Data Model for Drug Surveillance (약물부작용 감시를 위한 공통데이터모델 기반 임상데이터웨어하우스 구축)

  • Mi Jung Rho
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2023
  • Purposes: It is very important to establish a clinical data warehouse based on a common data model to offset the different data characteristics of each medical institution and for drug surveillance. This study attempted to establish a clinical data warehouse for Dankook university hospital for drug surveillance, and to derive the main items necessary for development. Methodology/Approach: This study extracted the electronic medical record data of Dankook university hospital tracked for 9 years from 2013 (2013.01.01. to 2021.12.31) to build a clinical data warehouse. The extracted data was converted into the Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership Common Data Model (Version 5.4). Data term mapping was performed using the electronic medical record data of Dankook university hospital and the standard term mapping guide. To verify the clinical data warehouse, the use of angiotensin receptor blockers and the incidence of liver toxicity were analyzed, and the results were compared with the analysis of hospital raw data. Findings: This study used a total of 670,933 data from electronic medical records for the Dankook university clinical data warehouse. Excluding the number of overlapping cases among the total number of cases, the target data was mapped into standard terms. Diagnosis (100% of total cases), drug (92.1%), and measurement (94.5%) were standardized. For treatment and surgery, the insurance EDI (electronic data interchange) code was used as it is. Extraction, conversion and loading were completed. R language-based conversion and loading software for the process was developed, and clinical data warehouse construction was completed through data verification. Practical Implications: In this study, a clinical data warehouse for Dankook university hospitals based on a common data model supporting drug surveillance research was established and verified. The results of this study provide guidelines for institutions that want to build a clinical data warehouse in the future by deriving key points necessary for building a clinical data warehouse.

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BER Performance of an Offset Stacked Spreading CDMA System Based on Orthogonal Complementary Codes (직교 상보코드 기반의 옵셋누적 확산 CDMA 시스템의 비트오율 성능)

  • Kim, Myoung-Jin
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea TC
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2009
  • DS-CDMA system has very low bandwidth efficiency, hence it is difficult to maintain high spreading gain for high speed data transmission. Offset stacked spreading CDMA(OSS-CDMA) is a transmission scheme where spreading codes with chip offsets are overlapped, then transmitted. This kind of system requires a code set that guarantees orthogonality between codes in the set of any cjip offset. An orthogonal complementary code set has a property that the crosscorrelation function between codes in the group is zero for all shifts, hence it can be used for an OSS-CDMA system. In an OCC-OSS CDMA system each user is assigned an orthogonal complementary code group. User data bit is spread by the given codes and overlapped, and the code sequences are transmitted with multicarrier. However, the offset stacked spread sequences are multilevel, and the number of symbol levels is increases as the spreading efficiency is increased. When the OSS sequence is transmitted with MPSK mapping, the signal constellation becomes dense, and the system is easily affected by channel impairments. In this paper, we propose a level clipping scheme on OSS sequence before MPSK modulated. Simulations have been carried out to investigate the BER performance of the OCC-OSS CDMA system in AWGN environment. The results show that proposed scheme outperform the scheme without level clipping.

FMM: Fusion media middleware for actual feeling service (실감 서비스 제공을 위한 융합 미디어 미들웨어)

  • Lee, Ji-Hye;Yoon, Yong-Ik
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.308-315
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    • 2010
  • User Generated contents(UGC) interchange with internet users actively in Web2.0 environment. According to growth of content sharing site, the number of non-expert's contents increased. But non-expert's contents have a simple media just recorded. For providing actual feeling like effects and actions to non-expert's contents, we suggest Fusion Media Middleware(FMM). The FMM can increase user satisfaction by providing actual feeling. Furthermore, The content changes advanced media that has emotional impression. The FMM for providing actual feeling classify the inputted media as a scene based on MPEG-7. The FMM provide an actual feeling to simple media by inserting effects like a sound, image and text among the classified media. Using the BSD code of MPEG-21, the FMM can link up with inputted media and effects. Through the mapping BSD code the FMM control synchronization between media and effects. In this paper, Using the Fusion Media Middleware, the non-expert's contents express value as multimedia that has an actual feeling. Futhermore, the FMM creates flow of new media circulation.

Spatial-temporal Assessment and Mapping of the Air Quality and Noise Pollution in a Sub-area Local Environment inside the Center of a Latin American Megacity: Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Bogotá Campus

  • Fredy Alejandro, Guevara Luna;Marco Andres, Guevara Luna;Nestor Yezid, Rojas Roa
    • Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.232-243
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    • 2018
  • The construction, development and maintenance of an economically, environmentally and socially sustainable campus involves the integration of measuring tools and technical information that invites and encourages the community to know the actual state to generate positive actions for reducing the negative impacts over the local environment. At the Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Campus $Bogot{\acute{a}}$, a public area with daily traffic of more than 25000 people, the Environmental Management Bureau has committed with the monitoring of the noise pollution and air quality, as support to the campaigns aiming to reduce the pollutant emissions associated to the student's activities and campus operation. The target of this study is based in the implementation of mobile air quality and sonometry monitoring equipment, the mapping of the actual air quality and noise pollution inside the university campus as a novel methodology for a sub-area inside a megacity. This results and mapping are proposed as planning tool for the institution administrative sections. A mobile Kunak$^{(R)}$ Air & OPC air monitoring station with the capability to measure particulate matter $PM_{10}$, $PM_{2.5}$, Ozone ($O_3$), Sulfur Oxide ($SO_2$), Carbon Monoxide (CO) and Nitrogen Oxide ($NO_2$) as well as Temperature, Relative Humidity and Latitude and Longitude coordinates for the data georeferenciation; and a sonometer Cirrus$^{(R)}$ 162B Class 2 were used to perform the measurements. The measurements took place in conditions of academic activity and without it, with the aim of identify the impacts generated by the campus operation. Using the free code geographical information software QGIS$^{(R)}$ 2.18, the maps of each variable measured were developed, and the impacts generated by the operation of the campus were identified qualitative and quantitively. For the measured variables, an increase of around 21% for the $L_{Aeq}$ noise level and around 80% to 90% for air pollution were detected during the operation period.