• Title/Summary/Keyword: clothing classification

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A Study on the Classification of the Women's Pants Silhouettes by Their Pattern Construction (여성 팬츠의 패턴 구조에 따른 스타일 분류)

  • Yoon, Mi-Kyung;Nam, Yun-Ja
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.33 no.5
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    • pp.741-751
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    • 2009
  • In order to design and develop the various silhouette of pants pattern for standardized pants patterns, this study is to classify the pants style by the silhouette and to characterize each pants pattern which are classified. Recent 37 ready-made pants patterns of various style were collected in order to analyze their silhouette from April to July 2007. Measurement of each region of the pants pattern were compared and analysed. After analyse the standard deviation, coefficient of variance, minimum, maximum, range about the measurement of each region of the pants pattern, major pattern design factors were extracted. Five major factors are the angle of center front line and center back line, the crotch extension, the position of center back line against center front line, the curvature of center back line, and amount of waist dart. As a result, pants style were grouped as the culottes, formal, basic and tight style after considering the extracted design factors, and analysing correlation, degree of dispersion of the measurement by part. As the silhouette of pants classification from culotte to tight, the fits are closer to the figure, crotch depth increases, crotch extensions are shorter, and angle of the center back increases. The shape of the connected front and back center lines is U-shape for culotte and is closer to V-shape as the silhouette becomes tight.

On the Vocabulary of Clothing in the Middle of Chosun Dynasty - Base on Mrs. Soonchen Kim's Letters - (조선중기 의생활 어휘에 대하여 - 순천 김씨묘 언문간찰 중심 -)

  • 장인우
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.52 no.4
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study was to understand clothing culture in the middle of Chosun Dynasty by observing the vocabularies in Mrs. Sooncheon Kim's letters written in pure Korean in the 16th Centuries. To analyze the vocabulary, classification was made into three groups : names of clothing, material, verb, and observe the constituent and change on vocabularies. The results are as follows : - The vocabularies of clothing in letters in 16th Centuries consist of pure Korean, Chinese and Mongolia, and most of them are pure Korean. - Most of the vocabularies which are not used today were pure Korean : Garamei·Myentei…. - The vocabularies changed and used today had the definite meaning from that of general : Godo, Cheksum. The vocabularies of material haying various unit of measurement and grade according to the material of clothing mean the systematic development of physical culture of that time, and the development of the various modifications of the act and expression mean the varlous ways of clothing life.

Color Assortment Decision Factors Considered by Women's Clothing Merchandisers in Korea & United States

  • Kang, Keang-Young
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.34-45
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    • 2008
  • This research was designed to find decision factors through color assortment planning process by Korean women's clothing merchandisers and to look for if there exists difference with American women's clothing merchandisers. A merchandise assortment is a collection of various quantities of styles, colors, sizes, and prices of related merchandise, usually grouped under one classification within a department. The subjects were 20 women's clothing merchandisers who work for clothing retail stores from 5 to 22 years in US and Korea. The authoring process was done for qualitative data analysis. The decision factors of color assortment planning were identified with four stages; information search, qualitative evaluation, quantitative evaluation, and selection. There were differences of color assortment decision factors due to different business types, business sizes, fashion-ability, sourcing ways, and merchandise turnover. Noticeable color assortment decision factor differences caused by country difference were not found except considering the target market ethnicity and skin color in US market. Korea merchandisers seem to be more sensitive to present sales data usages and spot order availability in color assortments because of more local production use than American merchandisers.

Market segmentation based on the clothing benefits of female college students in Uzbekistan - Clothing involvement and clothing purchasing behavior - (의복추구혜택에 의한 우즈베키스탄 여대생의 의류시장 세분화 연구 - 의복관여와 의복구매행동을 중심으로 -)

  • Nargiza, Parpikhodjaeva;Lee, Okhee
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.795-809
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study was first, to clarify the clothing benefits that Uzbek female college students seek through clothing products; and second, to determine whether there is a difference in clothing involvement and clothing purchasing behavior according to the type of clothing benefits. Data were collected from 290 female university students from Tashkent, Uzbekistan, and analyzed using factor analysis, K-means group classification analysis, ANOVA, Duncan test, χ2-test, and frequency analysis. Respondents were classified into four types according to their clothing benefits: individuality/economy-pursuit, comfort-pursuit, fashion/brand-pursuit, and indifference. Significant differences were identified in terms of clothing involvement, information sources, clothing evaluation criteria, clothing store attributes, clothing wearing conditions (including monthly clothing expenses), number of purchases per year, clothing purchase location, clothing preference style, and clothing dissatisfaction. The fashion/brand-pursuit and personality/economy-pursuit types were influenced more by fashion and symbolism of clothing involvement, information sources, clothing evaluation criteria, and clothing store attributes. The individuality/economy-pursuit type purchased more frequently, spent more monthly clothing expenses, and used the internet. Clothing store attributes were considered more important by female students than the other attributes. In these results, clothing benefits were identified as consumer characteristics of female Uzbek college students and market segmentation was determined. In addition, it is meaningful in providing basic data for efficient marketing activities and minimizing trials and errors in establishing local-friendly strategies for target customers in different cultures.

Classification of the Somatotype by Obesity Indexes and Body Cognition of Female College Students (비만 판정지수에 의한 여대생의 체형분류 및 체형인지도)

  • Sung, Min-Jung;Kim, Hee-Eun
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.227-234
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study was to classify real somatotype by their obesity degree and to investigate cognitive somatotype by their body consciousness in female college students. The subjects were 172 female college students aged from 19 to 23 living in Taegu. Average height of the subjects was 161.33 em, weight was 52.49 kg, Rohrer Index was 125.33, BMI was 20.18, Vervaeck Index was 84.03, and percentage of body fat was 26.07. In classification of the subjects by 3 body indexes, lean figure took 37.79~50.00%, normal figure took 45.35~54.65%, and obese figure took 4.65~8.14% and in classification of the subjects by percentage of body fat was, lean figure took 38.95%, normal figure took 46.51%, and obese figure took 14.54%. In consciousness and satisfaction about body parts, the subjects recognized that their girth items were 'thick', length items were 'short', and weight was 'heavy'. Also they generally preferred slender and long body.

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The Effect of Perceiver's Attitude on Male Impressions. (관찰자의 의복태도가 의복착용자의 인상에 미치는 영향)

  • 남미우;강혜원
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.241-256
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    • 1996
  • The purposee of this study was to identify the effect of perceiver's clothing attitude on male impressions created by the clothing cues and contexts. In addition, the effect of perceiver's evaluations of clothing appropriateness on male impressions. The subjects consisted of 256 male undergraduate students and 256 middle aged men. The experimental materials developed for this study were a set of stimuli and response scales. The stimuli were 8 color Photographs of drawings of a male figure in clothing which were minipulated in two levels, each of three clothing cues including type, style and color. The experimental design was full factorial design of 2(contexts$\times$clothing types$\times$clothing style$\times$clothing color). Each of the 16 sub-samples includes 16 subjects from the two perceiver group. Questionnaires used to measure perceivers responses to the stimuli were 7-point semantic differential scales composed of 37 bipolar adjectives representing personal traits. Four aspects of clothing attitude(fashion interest, status symbols consiousness, clothing conformity, practicality & comfort)were used to classify subjects into groups of 20 five-point likers type questionnaires adapted from the previous research. Clothing appropriateness were developed 5 point likest scales for evaluation of a stimulus person in each context. The data was processed by factor analysis, ANOVA, multiple classification analysis, Duncan's multiple range test, cluster analysis, MANOVA and pearson's product moment correlations. The major findings drawn from this study were as follows: 1. Perceiver's clothing attitude influenced impression formed by the social contexts and clothing crises. In three groups classified by their clothing attitude, the status symbol-oriented group was most affected by the social contexts and clothing cues. 2. Perceiver's evaluation of clothing appropriateness was related with impressions by a stimulus person. In summary the effect of contexts and clothing cues on impression formation varied according to perceiver's clothing attitude and clothing approopiateness.

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A Study on the Mokpan-Dangkogit which was appeared on Male Clothing in the Lee Dynasty (조선시대 남자복식에 나타난 목판당코깃 연구)

  • Ku Nam-Ok
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.55 no.3 s.93
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    • pp.47-58
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    • 2005
  • Mokpan-dangkogit was one pattern of collars normally attached to female clothing in Lee Dynasty and it was very rare that a collar of Mokpan-dangkogit was found in male clothing particularly under the Confucianism-dominated society. The detailed procedures of the study are as follows: To summarize a systematic classification on collar of Lee Dynasty along with characteristics of each collar in literature review; To exam various types of Mokpan-dangkogit found in male clothing in the era of Lee Dynasty through relics of the past; and To analyze a period of time which Mokpan-dangkogit first appeared in the process of clothing history of Lee Dynasty and those who wore it. In conclusion, a relationship between female Mokpan-dangkogit and male counterpart was discussed.

현대여성(現代女性)의 의복의식(衣服意識)에 관한 조사(調査) 연구(硏究) - 서울 지역(地域)의 양복(洋服) 착용자(着用者)를 중심(中心)으로 -

  • Lee, Hee-Myung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.2
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    • pp.73-88
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    • 1978
  • This article is an attempt to explain, at least in part, the contemporary Korean women's consciousness of Western Dreasses. As time changes, the role of clothing undergoes varisous transitions, while values and ways of life are constantly in change. It is, therefore, proper and appropriate to recognize as among the major aspects of social psychology such phenomenon as interests, understanding of clothing, the choice of a dress, and attitudes toward clothing, etc. The purpose of this study is to discover problems concerning and their clothing and their solutions, by means of a surveying approach. The method of research used is based upon questionares distributed to parents of first-year pupils in elementary schools and to female clerks working in offices, covering the period from August through October, 1976. The number of the questionares distrubuted totalled 600, and 526 were returned to the research to be utilized for analysis. The contents of the survey included such things as values concerning clothing, kinds of clothing and their practical use, the selection of clothing and the method of purchase, fashions, etc. The classification of aquisition are self-made clothing, clothing made to order and ready-made materials. It is composed of 25 items, including affirmative reasons as well as negative ones. The processing of the material returned was made by using the computer, and based upon classifications such as ages, monthly income, occupations; thus diagraming the result in percentages. The conclusion made and the improvements proposed are as follows: 1. The values of clothing were placed on the expression of the wearer's personality (32.7) and on eauty(28. 6%). The lower age group places is stress upon the expression of personality, while the higher age group stresses beauty. About 50% of wearers are contented with their clothing, their clothing, the rest of whom them indicating their dissatisfaction with what they wear. As to designs at the time of selection, about 46% indicated their preference of personal expression, 31.8% on usefulness. In selecting material, practicality is emphasized; in selecting patterns, single color is preferred. In short, personal expression and esthetic values are primary, with consideration of practicality in mind. 2. The classification of clothing according to their uses indicates the highest numbers in normal wear (home wears) and clothings to be worn outside home. As to evening dresses, (party dress) only one or two articles were checked by many, and no such article was clamed to be possessed by most. The highest ratio of wearing was shown in the case of home wear (47.3%) and clothing to be worn outside the home, which is 55.8%. The budget for one article of clothing was greatest in the case of home wear, and clothing worn outside the home. Many used both kinds of articles for the same purpose. It is desirable, therefore, that the kinds of clothing should be varied according to the purpose for which they are worn, and that clothing appropriate for that purpose should be worn. 3. The motivation for purchasing clothing was highly chosen in the item of seasonal change, which was 55.7%; Clothing deliberately made was indicated by 45.2%. In the mothods of purchasing clothing, clothing made to order and ready-made was indicated by 44.4%, which is the highest; Clothing made to order was 25.4%, and self-sewing was 1.1%, which is the lowest. (1) In the case of self-sewing, "I like it but it is very hard," was checked by 43.6%; "It is so difficult that I cannot wear such clothing" was checked by 13.3%. From these, we can conclude that the questionees are willing to make clothing by themselves, but techniques involved in sewing and at her problems involved in the skill are complicated but when those problems are eliminated there is a possibility for practice. The response checked by questionees concerning the self-sewing was, "It's economical", which is a clear indication that many questionees are positive for self-sewing. It is generally believed that ready-made clothing is cheaper, but it is not necessarily so. In consideration of the quality of clothing, self-sewing is a necessity, and it is desirable that it should be encouraged. (3) Problems involved in ready-made clothing, such as designs, skills, size (fitting) should be eliminated. When these problems are scientifically gotten rid of, it is possible that affirmative returns will be expected. Affirmative responses such as "Ready-made clothing is economical," "You can select there on the spot," are good signs that many women expect to wear ready-made clothing. It is in this sense that the prospect for ready-made clothing is brighter when much development for ready-made clothing is on the way. 4. Much concern for fashion are checked in such item of questions as "Fashionable clothing in the show window," "Clothes worn by women." The first item was checked by 50.1 %, and the second was checked by 48.6%. The reason for following fashion is "Because many people wear them," which was indicated by 30.4%. The reason for not following fashion is "It is too expensive," which was checked by 29.6%. The 26.2% of the answers indicated that "Fashionable clothing is devoid of personality," The influences of fashion over the development of fashion over the development of clothing are two-fold: Esthetic and active. It is not to be deniable that people follow fashion more or less. 1978.9>

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Textile material classification in clothing images using deep learning (딥러닝을 이용한 의류 이미지의 텍스타일 소재 분류)

  • So Young Lee;Hye Seon Jeong;Yoon Sung Choi;Choong Kwon Lee
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.12 no.7
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    • pp.43-51
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    • 2023
  • As online transactions increase, the image of clothing has a great influence on consumer purchasing decisions. The importance of image information for clothing materials has been emphasized, and it is important for the fashion industry to analyze clothing images and grasp the materials used. Textile materials used for clothing are difficult to identify with the naked eye, and much time and cost are consumed in sorting. This study aims to classify the materials of textiles from clothing images based on deep learning algorithms. Classifying materials can help reduce clothing production costs, increase the efficiency of the manufacturing process, and contribute to the service of recommending products of specific materials to consumers. We used machine vision-based deep learning algorithms ResNet and Vision Transformer to classify clothing images. A total of 760,949 images were collected and preprocessed to detect abnormal images. Finally, a total of 167,299 clothing images, 19 textile labels and 20 fabric labels were used. We used ResNet and Vision Transformer to classify clothing materials and compared the performance of the algorithms with the Top-k Accuracy Score metric. As a result of comparing the performance, the Vision Transformer algorithm outperforms ResNet.

The Effect of Contexts, Clothing Cues and Perceiver's Age on Male Impressions. (상황, 의복단서 및 관찰자의 연령이 남자 의복착용자의 인상에 미치는 영향)

  • 남미우;강혜원
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.311-326
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    • 1994
  • The purpose of this study was to identify 1) the effect of two contexts (job interview, Informal outing) and clothing cues (type, style, color) on male impresssions 2) the effect of perceiver's age on male impressions created by the clothing cues and contexts. The subjects consisted of 256 male undergraduate students and 256 middle-aged men. The experimental materials developed for this study were a set of stimuli and response scales. The stimuli were 8 color photographs of drawings of a male figure in clothing which were manipulated in two levels, each of three clothing cues including type, style and color. The experimental design was full factorial design of $(2^4contex^2{\times}clothing type^2{times}clthing color^2$. Each of the 16 sub-samples includes 16 subjects from the two perceiver group. Questionnaires used to measure perceivers responses to the stimuli were 7-point semantic differential scales composed of 37 bipolar adjectives representing personal traits. The data was processed by factor analysis, ANOVA, multiple classification analysis, Duncan's multiple range test. The major findings drawn from this study were as follows: 1. Three factors emerged to account for the dimensional structure of the impressions of the male figure in clothing in two social situations. These factors involved evaluation, activity and uniqueness. 2. The contexts, clothing types and clothing styles had significant effects on evaluation, activity and uniqueness. The clothing styles had a considerable effect on both evaluation and uniqueness while the clothing types affected activity. The clothing color had least effect on the impression and had only moderate effect on evaluation. 3. Perceiver's age influenced impressions formed by the social contexts and clothing cues. Male college students were least affected by contexts and clothing cues, while middle-aged men wert affected most.

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