• Title/Summary/Keyword: client services

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e-Lollapalooza: A Process-Driven e-Business Service Integration System fore-Logistics Services

  • Kim, Kwang-Hoon;Ra, Il-Kyeun
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.33-51
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    • 2007
  • There are two newly emerging research issues in the enterprise information systems literature. One is the scalability issue for rapidly increasing choreographic volumes between interrelated organizations. The other is the business intelligence issue for traceable and monitorable business processes and services interchanging e-Business data and applications across organizations. Based upon these emerging issues, through a functional extension of the ebXML technology we have developed a process-driven e- Business service integration (BSI) system, which is named ‘e-Lollapalooza’. It consists of three major components ? the Choreography Modeler coping with the processdriven collaboration issue, the Runtime & Monitoring Client for coping with the business intelligence issue and the EJB-based BSI Engine coping with the scalability issue. This paper particularly focuses on the e-Lollapalooza’s development aspects for supporting the ebXML-based choreography and orchestration among the engaged organizations in a process-driven multiparty collaboration for e-Logistics and e- Commerce services. Here, it is fully deployed in an EJB-based middleware computing environment for e-Logistics process automation and B2B choreography.

Development of Nursing Center for Elderlies and the Disabled (노인 및 장애자를 위한 건강간호센타 운영모형 개발 - 대학 건강간호센타를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee Kap-Soon
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.17-29
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    • 1993
  • Nursing centers are nurse-managed organizations that give the client direct access to professional nursing services. Academic nursing centers are faculty-created and -organized nursing centers integrated into nursing school or cooperated with community nursing center. Academic nursing centers are needed for providing services to the forgotten or underserved populations in the community, providing learning opportunities for nursing students and practice opportunities for faculties. The intent of this study is to identify the elements needed in developing process and operations of acedemic nursing center for elderlies and the disabled, and to present the desired model for academic nursing center. The processes of my study were : 1) The articles of the academic nursing centers in U. S. were reviewed and analysed. 2) The academic nursing center for elderlies and the disabled was developed and operated in my paper. 3) Desired model for academic nursing center was presented in my paper. The followings are the results of my study: 1. Elements needed in developing process of academic nursing center were philosophy and goals, the community support, assessment of the validity of the service and health needs, identification of the service contents, roles and responsibilities, communication lines, finances for facilities and operations, cooperation with resources, and developing record system. 2. Elements needed in operations of academic nursing center were the structural organizations, realization of the above philosophy and goals, development of policy and nursing standards, faculty participation, continuity of services, and financial solutions. 3. The desired model was presented according to the process and operations.

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A Method of GeoWeb Services Using SVG (SVG 그래픽을 이용한 GeoWeb 서비스 방법)

  • Nah, Bang-Hyun;Kwon, Chang-Hee
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.401-411
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    • 2008
  • GeoWeb services deliver various thematic information related to geographic positions over the internet GeoWeb services needs to provide efficient accessibilities to geographic contents by interaction with users through the map graphic elements. SVG, which is an application of XML, gives rich DOM I/F for interaction with graphic objects. In this study map servers and client viewers are implemented to serve SVG map available on the fixed mobile internet computing environments. Map servers are made compliant with OGC WMS and WFS specifications and SVG map viewers are developed for both Windows PC and WinCE PDA.

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Cognitive and Affective Trust in IT Consulting Service (IT컨설팅에서 인지적 신뢰와 정서적 신뢰에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Jungi;Cho, Cheulhyun;Kim, Hanbyeol;Lee, Jungwoo
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.39-54
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    • 2013
  • IT consulting is becoming a norm rather than exception in this age of smart work and information revolution. As IT consulting is one of the knowledge intensive services requiring high credence on both sides, maintaining a good trustful relationship is critical in sustenance of strategic partnership between business firms and IT service firms. Trust is known to be one of the salient constructs in service relationships. In this study, building from the social psychology literature, trust is conceptualized as two dimensions : cognitive and affective trust. Using two dimensions of trust as mediators, a research model is constructed for IT consulting specific context : relationship continuance intention as the dependent construct while expertise, service performance, reputation, relationship satisfaction and value similarity as antecedents of cognitive and affective trust. 145 data points were collected through a survey of IT service client project managers retrospectively asking their experience with IT consultants. Findings suggest that cognitive trust is associated with perceived level of expertise and service performance while affective trust with relationship satisfaction and value similarity, respectively. Interestingly, the paths from reputation are found to be statistically insignificant towards both dimensions of trust, indicating IT service context would be more practically outcome oriented than any other professional service context. Also, cognitive trust seems to maintain stronger influence on relationship continuance intention as anticipated. Implications and limitations are discussed at the end.

A Study on WSDL Document Structure in Web Services (웹 서비스에서의 WSDL 문서 구문에 대한 연구)

  • Hwang Eui-Chul
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2005.11a
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    • pp.234-238
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    • 2005
  • The WSDL is the specifications which defines the fact that must describe a web service how with the XML. It uses the WSDL and the client discovers a web service and the opening to the public function which the web service provides calling there is a possibility of doing. In this paper application shows the WSDL definition of a simple service providing Slip data process. The service supports a triple web method called WriteSlipXMLFromSql, WriteSlipXMLFromSqlProc, InsertSlipDataToDb which is deployed using the SOAP protocol over HTTP. In this paper, Our proposed web services are expected to contribute to constructing useful world wide web services which are essential in building E-Commerce society.

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QuLa: Queue and Latency-Aware Service Selection and Routing in Service-Centric Networking

  • Smet, Piet;Simoens, Pieter;Dhoedt, Bart
    • Journal of Communications and Networks
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.306-320
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    • 2015
  • Due to an explosive growth in services running in different datacenters, there is need for service selection and routing to deliver user requests to the best service instance. In current solutions, it is generally the client that must first select a datacenter to forward the request to before an internal load-balancer of the selected datacenter can select the optimal instance. An optimal selection requires knowledge of both network and server characteristics, making clients less suitable to make this decision. Information-Centric Networking (ICN) research solved a similar selection problem for static data retrieval by integrating content delivery as a native network feature. We address the selection problem for services by extending the ICN-principles for services. In this paper we present Queue and Latency, a network-driven service selection algorithm which maps user demand to service instances, taking into account both network and server metrics. To reduce the size of service router forwarding tables, we present a statistical method to approximate an optimal load distribution with minimized router state required. Simulation results show that our statistical routing approach approximates the average system response time of source-based routing with minimized state in forwarding tables.

Effect of Airscape Environment on Cabin Crew Performance Satisfaction and Organizational Loyalty (에어 스케이프 환경이 객실 승무원의 직무만족과 조직충성도에 미치는 영향)

  • Yeom, Ji-Hye;Hong, Yeong-Sik;Son, Tae-Bok
    • 한국항공운항학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2015.11a
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    • pp.198-211
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    • 2015
  • Aviation industry, which is highly dependent on human resources, emphasizes airline's human resources management and performance check because quality of services provided to customers is closely related to airline's employees. Because roles of cabin crews take a significant portion of services provided to customers, airlines and cabin crews represent an inseparable relationship. Attitudes of cabin crews who plays the role of facing and dealing with customers directly in the process of providing flight related services are an essential factor that determines an image of an airline and actually have significant impact on the performance as well. By increasing performance satisfaction of cabin crews, organizational loyalty can be strengthened and such successful human resources management could have a positive effect on increasing customer satisfaction as well as revenues. From corporate's perspective, performance satisfaction of an employee is a crucial factor that decides the quality of service provided to customers that supports employee retention as well as client retention. This can eventually lead to organization loyalty that can positively affect overall work performance. Thus if corporates put efforts in and invests to improve and develop favorable attitudes and service quality within employees, performance satisfaction and organizational goals will be more effectively achieved.

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Development of SIP based Call Processing Language Server System (SIP기반 호 처리 언어(CPL) 서버 시스템의 설계 및 구현)

  • Yi Jong-Hwa;Min Kyung-Joo;Kang Shin-Gak
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.29 no.1B
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    • pp.101-108
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    • 2004
  • SIP(Session Initiation Protocol) is a suitable protocol for supporting Internet telephony services and currently market requirements fur developing supplementary telephony services such as unconditional call forwarding, call forwarding on busy or no answer, call filtering services have recently grown. CPL(Call Processing Language) is a standard technology that can be used to describe and control internet telephony services. In this paper, we describe the CPL system for supplementary Internet telephony services using SIP as an application level call signaling protocol. Those supplementary services are composed of CPL client which is a SIP UA, SIP Proxy server, Registrar and CPL server In this paper, we describe the design and implementation of the CPL server system in detail which is developed in Linux 7.2 using C and C++ programming languages.

Barriers to Cervical Screening among Pacific Women in a New Zealand Urban Population

  • Foliaki, Sunia;Matheson, Anna
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.1565-1570
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    • 2015
  • Background: In Aotearoa/New Zealand cervical screening programmes have reduced cervical cancer; however, half of cervical cancer cases among Pacific women are found among clients who had not attended cervical screening. Hence, we set out to determine health provider perspectives on barriers that prevent their services reaching Pacific women within Aotearoa/New Zealand. Materials and Methods: Twenty semi-structured interviews were conducted with health care providers, Pap smear takers and community workers in the Wellington region. Participants were asked their views on factors that enabled and/or constrained the participation of Pacific women in their cervical screening services. Results: Six interrelated themes influencing participation in cervical screening among Pacific women in the Wellington region were apparent: the funding and practice of service delivery; family always coming first; the cost of screening services; type of employment; the appropriateness of information; and attitudes to self and screening. Conclusions: Determining specific ethnic group actual health needs and meeting them contributes to overall improvement in New Zealand's health status. The results identified the need for improvements to the delivery of screening services including adapting cervical screening services to the requirements of Pacific women through more outreach services at alternate clinic hours; culturally appropriate practitioners; the ability to take up opportunities for health checks and foster long-term relationships; as well as appropriate monitoring and evaluation of approaches. Funding and reporting relationships also need to be compatible with the goal of improving outcomes for Pacific women. Further research into client voices for their particular needs to compliment the service provider perspective as well as minority groups is called for.

A Design Method for Dynamic Selection of SOA Services (SOA 서비스의 동적 선택 설계 기법)

  • Bae, Jeong-Seop;La, Hyun-Jung;Kim, Soo-Dong
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.91-104
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    • 2008
  • Service-Oriented Computing (SOC) is the development method that published services are selected and composed at runtime to deliver the expected functionality to service clients. SOC should get maximum benefits not only supporting business agility but also reducing the development time. Services are selected and composed at runtime to improve the benefits. However, current programming language, SOC platforms, business process modeling language, and tools support either manual selection or static binding of published services. There is a limitation on reconfiguring and redeploying the business process to deliver the expected services to each client. Therefore, dynamic selection is needed for composing appropriate services to service clients in a quick and flexible manner. In this paper, we propose Dynamic Selection Handler (DSH) on ESB. we present a design method of Dynamic Selection Handler which consists of four components; Invocation Listener, Service Selector, Service Binder and Interface Transformer. We apply appropriate design patterns for each component to maximize reusability of components. Finally, we describe a case study that shows the feasibility of DSH on ESB.