• 제목/요약/키워드: claims review criteria

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관상동맥질환의 보험의학적 이해 (Review of the coronary artery disease in terms of insurance medicine)

  • 이신형
    • 보험의학회지
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    • 제32권2호
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    • pp.33-38
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    • 2013
  • Coronary artery diseases are very important agenda in the insurance medicine. Insurance medicine is defined as using medical knowledge for insurance administration such as underwriting, claims, and customer satisfaction. This review article contains review of coronary artery disease in terms of insurance medicine. Estimation of extra-risks for acute myocardial infarction are MR of 349% and EDR of 41‰. In medical underwriting, individual life applicants can be assessed by Framingham's CHD risk assessment model. In claims, medical claims review is a useful method of consulting for claims staffs. Several diagnostic criteria of acute myocardial infarction are introduced in time. The universal definition of myocardial infarction by ESC/ACCF/WHF was demonstrated the most valuable predictor of 10-year mortality. Contents for State-Of-The-Art of the coronary artery disease are current antithrombotics. There are many novel anti-thrombotic agents such as ticagrelol, dabigatran, rivaroxaban, and pegnivacogin.

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동일날짜 처방전 2매 이상인 외래 소아환자 의약품처방의 적정성에 대한 후향적 평가 (Retrospective Drug Utilization Review on the Same-Day Multiple Prescriptions for Pediatric Outpatients)

  • 남궁보라;손현순;최경업;신현택
    • 한국임상약학회지
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    • 제22권1호
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    • pp.73-80
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    • 2012
  • This study was to determine the inappropriate drug use in pediatric outpatients who received 2 or more prescriptions on the same day. Retrospective drug utilization reviews (DURs) were implemented to samples obtained from national health insurance claims data during December 2008 to February 2009, using 5 DUR criteria (duplication, drug-drug interaction, drug-disease interaction, drug-age contraindication, incorrect dosage) established in the Drug Information Framework (DIF)-$Korea^{TM}$, DUR program. Among 38,451 claims analyzed in the study, 74.7% had more than one conflicts in the 5 DUR modules. Among 16,472 patients analyzed, 49.6% had conflicts with duplication criteria composing of ingredient duplication (23.3%) and therapeutic class duplication (39.6%). Incorrect dosages were found in 73.6% of patients and under-dosage conflicts accounted for 59.9%, which was higher than over-dosage conflicts (38.3%). In this study, inappropriate drug prescriptions such as under-dose, pediatric contraindication and therapeutic duplication were prevalent in pediatric outpatient settings, suggesting much more awareness to the society, to prevent drug related problems in a vulnerable pediatric group.

의적클레임검토 유형론 (Typology of the medical claims review)

  • 이신형
    • 보험의학회지
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    • 제26권
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    • pp.41-53
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    • 2007
  • In the course of insurance claim administration, medical experts' opinions are called medical claim reviews. They are classified into two main categories: medical verification and counsel for claim staff. Medical verification compare between product coverage and the insured's physical condition. Medical counsel for claim staff is advice for claim staff when they have a question about medical knowledge to make a claim decision. A common example of medical verification is insurance coding of pituitary apoplexy. Some clinicians have insisted that the ICD coding of pituitary apoplexy is l63 of cerebral infarction, but the exclusion criteria of I code show that neoplasm is coded as C00 to D48. Thus, pituitary apoplexy must be coded as D33. An example of medical counsel for claim staff is interpretation of some medical conditions. It is divided into UCR(usual, customary, and reasonable) assessment, assessment of causality, and so on. Disability evaluation is another subject of medical counsel for claim staff. The final claim decision must be made by claim staff because only the claim staff have the authority of claim decision. Medical claims review is only an expert's opinion.

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일부 지역 치과위생사의 치과 건강보험에 관한 지식 및 심사조정률에 미치는 요인 (Analysis of the knowledge and insurance screening review rates of health insurance claims in the dental hygienist)

  • 박신영;문혜리
    • 한국치위생학회지
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    • 제15권3호
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    • pp.353-361
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    • 2015
  • Objectives: The purpose of the study is to investigate the level of knowledge and screening review rates of dental health insurance claims in dental hygienists. This analysis will provide the educational information to the dental hygienists. Methods: A self-reported questionnaire was completed by dental hygienists in Jeonbuk from December 17, 2012 to January 24, 2013. The questionnaire was distributed by ordinary mail or direct visit. Except incomplete answers, 350 data were collected and analyzed. The study instrument was adapted from the structured questionnaire by Hong and Yoo. The questionnaire consisted of education experience of health insurance management, subjective and objective knowledge, insurance screening review, and need for health insurance education. Data were analyzed by SPSS 12.0 program. Cronbach alpha in the objective knowledge on health insurance rate criteria was 0.836 and this was a reliable figure. Results: The subjective knowledge level of dental insurance was higher in the senior dental hygienists. Subgingival curettage was the lowest percentage of correct answers in the objective knowledge. In recent six months, higher review control rate was shown in the higher claim for health insurance and insurance screening review. Conclusions: The majority of the respondents had lower level of knowledge of health insurance claims. The continuous education of dental health insurance will be necessary in the dental hygienists.

기스트와 말토마의 보험의학적 악성도 판단 (Medical review of Insurance claims for GIST and MALToma)

  • 이신형
    • 보험의학회지
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    • 제27권2호
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    • pp.68-74
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    • 2008
  • Medical verification of cancer diagnosis in insurance claims is a very important procedure in insurance administrations. Claims staffs are in need of medical experts' opinions about claim administration. This procedure is called medical claim review (MCR) and is composed of verification and advice. MCR verification evaluates the insured’s physical condition by medical records and compares it with product coverage. It is divided into assessment of living assurance benefit, verification of cancer, and assessment of the cause of death. Actually cancer verification of MCR is applicable to coding because the risk ratio in product development is usually coded data. There are some confusing neoplastic diseases in assessing the verification of cancer. This article reviews gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST) and mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue tumors (MALToma) of the stomach. The second most common group of stromal or mesenchymal neoplasms affecting the gastrointestinal tract is GIST. Nowadays there are many articles about the pathophysiology of GIST. However there are few confirmative theories except molecular cell biology of KIT mutation and some tyrosine kinase. Therefore, coding the GIST, which has previously been classified as an intermediate risk group according to NIH2001 criteria, for cancer verification of MCR is suitable for D37.1; neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behavior of digestive organs and the stomach. The gastrointestinal tract is the predominant site of extranodal non-Hodgkin's lymphomas. B-cell lymphomas of the MALT type, now called extranodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma of MALT type in the REAL/WHO classification, are the most common primary gastric lymphomas worldwide. Its characteristics are as follows. First, it is different from traditional stomach cancers such as gastric adenocarcinoma. Second, the primary therapy of MALToma is the eradication of H. pylori by antibiotics and the remission rate is over 80%. Third, it has a different clinical course compared to traditional malignant lymphoma. Someone insisted that cancer verification is not possible for the above reasons. However, there have been findings on pathologic mechanism, and according to WHO classification, MALToma is classified into malignant B-cell lymphoma and it must be verified as malignancy in MCR.

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약제비 제외가 의원의 진료비 효율성 순위에 영향을 미치는가? (Does Omission of Pharmacy Cost Affect Cost-Efficiency Rankings in Medical Clinics?)

  • 강희정;홍재석
    • 보건행정학회지
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    • 제20권4호
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    • pp.45-57
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    • 2010
  • Background : If different cost efficiency indexes were informed to the same clinic depending on the inclusion or exclusion of pharmacy cost, it may impair the reliability of provider-profiling system. This study aimed to investigate whether the omission of pharmacy cost affects cost-efficiency rankings in medical clinics. Methods : Data for ambulatory care cost at 23,112 medical clinics were collected from the claims database, which was constructed after review by the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service (HIRA) of Korea in April 2007. We calculated two types of cost efficiency indexes by inclusion or exclusion of pharmacy cost for a medical clinic. The agreement between the decile rankings of the two indexes was also assessed using the weighted kappa statistic of Landis and Koch. Results : When the cost efficiency index for total cost including pharmacy cost was compared with the index for total cost excluding it, the agreement between the two indexes was only 55%. The agreements between the two indexes were relatively low within specialties which have larger pharmacy volume of total cost and lower correlation between total cost with or without pharmacy cost included than the average level of all the specialties. Conclusion : These results suggest that the omission of pharmacy cost may result in contradictory outcomes that may be confusing to a medical institution and may impair the reliability of provider-profiling systems. It is very important to standardize profiling criteria for the reliability of provider profiling system.

의료보험청구자료중 뇌혈관질환 상병기호의 정확도에 관한 연구 (The Accuracy of ICD codes for Cerebrovascular Diseases in Medical Insurance Claims)

  • 박종구;김기순;이태용;이강숙;이덕희;이선희;지선하;서일;고광욱;류소연;박기호;박운제;김춘배
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • 제33권1호
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    • pp.76-82
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    • 2000
  • Objectives : We attempted to assess He accuracy of ICD codes for cerebrovascular diseases in medical insurance claims (ICMIC) and to investigate the reasons for error. This study was designed as a preliminary study to establish a nationwide surveillance system. Methods : A total of 626 patients with medical insurance claims who indicated a diagnosis of cerebrovascular diseases during the period from 1993 to 1997 was selected from the Korea Medical Insurance Corporation cohort (KMIC cohort: 115,600 persons). The KMIC cohort was 10% of those insured who had taken health examinations in 1990 and 1992 consecutively. The registered medical record administrators were trained in the survey technique and gathered data from March to May 1999. The definition of cerebrovascular diseases in this study included cases which met ore of two criteria (Minnesota, WHO) or 'definite stroke' in CT/MRI finding. We questioned the medical record administrators to explain the error if the final diagnoses were not coded as stroke. Results : The accuracy rate of the ICMIC was 83.0% (425 cases) Medical records were not available for 8.2% (51 cases) due to the closing of hospitals, the absence of a computer system or omission of medical record, etc. Sixty-three cases (10.0%) were classified as impossible to interpret due to insufficient records in 'major clinical symptoms' or 'neurological deficits'. The most common reason was 'to meet review criteria of medical insurance benefits (52.9%)'. The department where errors in the ICMIC occurred most frequently was the department for medical insurance claims in the hospital. Conclusion : The accuracy rate of the ICMIC was 83.0%.

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The quality of subgroup analyses in chronic pain randomized controlled trials: a methodological review

  • AminiLari, Mahmood;Ashoorian, Vahid;Caldwell, Alexa;Rahman, Yasir;Nieuwlaat, Robby;Busse, Jason W.;Mbuagbaw, Lawrence
    • The Korean Journal of Pain
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    • 제34권2호
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    • pp.139-155
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    • 2021
  • The quality of subgroup analyses (SGAs) in chronic non-cancer pain trials is uncertain. The purpose of this study was to address this issue. We conducted a comprehensive search in MEDLINE and EMBASE from January 2012 to September 2018 to identify eligible trials. Two pairs of reviewers assessed the quality of the SGAs and the credibility of subgroup claims using the 10 criteria developed by Sun et al. in 2012. The associations between the quality of the SGAs and the studies' characteristics including risk of bias, funding sources, sample size, and the latest impact factor, were assessed using multivariable logistic regression. Our search retrieved 3,401 articles of which 66 were eligible. The total number of SGAs was 177 of which 52 (29.4%) made a subgroup claim. Of these, only 15 (8.5%) were evaluated as being of high quality. Among the 30 SGAs that claimed subgroup effects using an appropriate method of performing interaction tests, the credibility of only 5 were assessed as high. None of the subgroup claims met all the credibility criteria. No significant association was found between the quality of SGAs and the studies' characteristics. The quality of the SGAs performed in chronic pain trials was poor. To enhance the quality of SGAs, scholars should consider the developed criteria when designing and conducting trials, particularly those which need to be specified a priori.

수출거래(輸出去來)에서 상업송장(商業送狀)의 일치성의무(一致性義務)에 관한 관습적(慣習的) 해석기준(解釋基準) (Customary Criteria on the Compliance Duty of Commercial Invoice in the Export Trade)

  • 서정두
    • 무역상무연구
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    • 제25권
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    • pp.99-119
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    • 2005
  • Recently, the export claims related to the compliance of the commercial invoice are increasing. This paper aims to review the basic requirements of the invoice, and two theories on the document compliance, i.e., the strict compliance and the substantial compliance, and to analyse the substantial compliance of the invoice through some recent cases under the UCP 500, ICC's opinions and the International Standard Banking Practice (ISBP). As regards the compliance of the invoice, a majority of the cases has held that it must comply strictly with the credit terms ("strict compliance rule"). However, a minority of courts and credit industry standards such as the UCP and ISBP published by ICC take a different approach, infusing the credit law notions such as equity, "substantial compliance rule", etc. The extent of the substantial compliance of the invoice is particularly explained in the above-mentioned invoice paragraphs of the ISBP and supported by a large number of ICC's official opinions. Especially, the parties and descriptions in the invoice must correspond with those in the credit, being not inconsistent with the other documents. Other issues related to invoices such as a tolerance of the quantity, the amount, and the number of originals or copies, etc. must comply with the credit terms substantially.

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포괄적 보호조항의 적용범위에 관한 연구 - ICSID 중재사례를 중심으로 - (A Study on the Scope of Umbrella Clause : Focusing on the ICSID Arbitration Cases)

  • 황지현
    • 무역학회지
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    • 제41권5호
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    • pp.305-323
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    • 2016
  • 투자계약이 투자협정의 보호를 받을 수 있도록 규정하는 포괄적 보호조항은 투자계약상의 이행의무를 투자협정국간의 구체적인 합의로 명시하며 투자보호를 강화하는 역할을 한다. 그러나 대부분의 투자협정에 규정되어 있는 포괄적 보호조항은 그 적용범위와 관련하여 확립된 기준이 없어 논란한 여지가 많다. 포괄적 보호조항은 그 적용범위에 따라 투자의 보호 범위를 확장하거나 축소할 수 있기 때문에 중요한 의의를 가진다. 그러므로 본 연구는 포괄적 보호조항의 적용범위와 관련하여 ICSID 중재사례에 초점을 맞추어 이를 분석하고자 한다. 그리고 이러한 사례분석을 통하여 포괄적 보호조항의 적용범위를 획정할 수 있는 기준들을 유추하여 실무적인 지침을 마련하고자 한다.

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