• Title/Summary/Keyword: city classification

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Development and Application of Evaluation System for Disaster Prevention Ability of Urban Parks (도시공원 방재기능 평가체계 개발 및 적용)

  • Huang, Zhirui;Lee, Ai Ran
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.199-207
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    • 2020
  • Against the backdrop of frequent weather disasters such as floods, droughts, and heat waves worldwide, urban parks should provide functions for the safety of urban residents as well as rest, culture, and ecological functions. In this study, a classification system for urban disaster prevention parks is proposed for the safety of the urbanites with the aim of securing a complex function in a green space in response to climate changes in the city. Analytical indicators were extracted through literature research, and the classification system was verified through on-site surveys of the target sites and interviews with those involved. The large class for evaluation was divided into three types: location, spatial composition, and disaster prevention complex facilities of urban parks; the direction of improvement was proposed for problems identified through empirical analysis.

Development, value and use of wetland inventory (습지목록의 개발, 가치 및 활용방안)

  • Yi, Gi Chul
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.303-315
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    • 2012
  • This study developed a wetland inventory describing the characteristics and change of Nakdong estuary wetland ecosystem. The data which are used to develop the inventory are Landsat TM(April 1, 1986; June 23, 1987; June 18, 1997), Kompsat(Jan. 12, 2008) and LiDAR(March 1, 2009) images and published monitoring data of Busan metropolitan city. The developed inventory was utilized for the classification of wetland cover, the spatiotemporal analysis of wetland and landscape pattern, the distribution of benthos species etc. Furthermore, the developed 3 dimensional wetland map showed a better way to delineate wetland boundary and understand wetland dynamics. Considering these results, it's concluded that it is possible to use the similar techniques for the development of wetland inventory in Korea.

Validation of the Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC) to Nursing in Korea (간호결과 분류체계의 타당성 검증 - 지역사회 간호결과를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Eun-Joo
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.523-531
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    • 2002
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to assess the importance and sensitivity to nursing interventions of six sensitive nursing outcomes selected from the Nursing Outcomes Classification. The outcomes in this study were Self-Care: Activities of Daily Living, Self-Care: Instrumental Activities of Daily Living, Treatment Behavior: Illness or Injury, Knowledge: Health Promotion, Caregiver Performance: Direct Care, and Caregiver Physical Health. Method: Data were collected from 97 visiting nurses working in public health centers located in a province and a capital city. The Fehring method was used to estimate outcomes and indicators for content validity. Simultaneous multiple regression and stepwise regression were used to evaluate relationships between each outcome and its indicators. Results: Results confirmed the importance and nursing sensitivity of the outcomes and their indicators. Multiple regression revealed key indicators of each outcome. Self-Care: Instrumental Activity of Daily Living needed to be revised. Neither all of the indicators nor the indicators showing the highest importance and contribution ratio were selected as independent variables for the stepwise regression model. The R2 of the regression models ranged from 29 to 56% in importance by selected indicators and from 56 to 83% in contribution. Conclusion: Further research is needed for the revision of outcomes and their indicators.

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Detecting Land Use Changes in an Urban Area using LANDSAT TM and JERS-1 OPS Imagery (LANDSAT TM과 JERS-1 OPS 영상을 이용한 도시지역의 토지이용 변화 검출)

  • Lee, Jin-Duk;Yeon, Sang-Ho;Ryu, Jae-Yup;Kim, Sung-Gil
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.73-83
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    • 1999
  • The land use/cover information, which is periodically obtained from satellite imagery, can be effectively applied to change detection in rapidly changing urban areas. Also it can be used not only as base maps for spatial database in urban information system but as decision-making data for desired urban planning and development direction. In this study, we carried out both unsupervised and supervised classification on land use from Landsat TM and JERS-1 OPS data, which were collected respectively in 1991 and 1997, covering Kumi City and then detected land use changes.

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Classification of Metro Station Areas Using Multi-Source Big Data: Case Studies in Beijing

  • Shuo Chen;Xiangyu Li
    • International Journal of High-Rise Buildings
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.63-74
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    • 2023
  • Large-capacity public transportation systems, represented by urban metro lines, are the key to alleviating the significant increase in urbanization and motorization in China. But to improve the agglomeration effect of metro stations in a more accurate and targeted way requires scientific evaluation and classification of the surrounding areas of metro stations. As spatial and functional design are the core factors for urban renewal design, this study took Beijing as an example, using multi-source data to evaluate the morphology and functional composition surrounding areas of metro stations, and the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) matrix was used to classify and characterize each type of surrounding areas from morphological-functional dimensions. It shows a negative correlation of the mix-use index with the floor area ratio, and only about 20% of the areas achieve the ideal situation of high construction intensity with high mix-use diversity. Hoping to provide a reference for city managers and designers in dealing with the surrounding metro stations with different construction intensities in a more precise way.

A Study on the Correlation between Pressure Ulcer Assessment, Preventive Nursing Performance, and Related Factors of New Nurses at Tertiary Hospitals (상급종합병원 신규간호사의 욕창 사정 및 예방 간호 수행도와 관련 변수 간의 상관관계 연구)

  • Jeong, Hae-Bean;Kim, Minju
    • Journal of East-West Nursing Research
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.188-196
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to describe the visual differentiation ability for pressure ulcer (PU), knowledge of the pressure injury classification system, attitudes, and ability to perform PU assessment and preventive nursing performance, and to examine the relationship between these variables. Methods: This was a descriptive, cross-sectional study. Data were collected from 154 new nurses working at tertiary hospitals in B metropolitan city. Results: Both visual differentiation ability for pressure ulcer and the performance of PU assessment and preventive nursing performance were positively correlated with knowledge of the pressure injury classification system and attitudes toward pressure ulcer prevention. Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that developing visual educational content, such as photographs and case studies, may improve visual differentiation ability for pressure ulcers. Additionally, the development of guidelines for implementing evidence-based nursing is recommended.

The Urban Parks and Rivers Contribute to the Citizen Satisfaction and Utilization in Uijeongbu City

  • Kim, Yoo-Ill
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.5_2
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    • pp.151-162
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    • 2010
  • This research aimed at measuring Park and Green Satisfaction (PGS) using subjective indicators of 'surface, line and spot' green evaluated by citizens. Also frequency of visits to park and green measured using objective indicators (number of visits) to find the relationship with PGS. A conceptual model of PGS was developed to relate evaluation to satisfaction and finally to utilization of open spaces. A sample of 500 questionnaire survey was employed for Uijeongbu City in Korea. A Structual Equation Modeling (AMOS) techniques was used to test the hypothesized relationship among factors (construct). As a result, first, PGS was explained by three latent factors of 'urban park' (${\gamma}=0.54$), 'linear facilities' (${\gamma}=0.25$), and 'surface green' (${\gamma}=0.15$) respectively. These three exogenous construct was found very useful classification system for open spaces of cities. Second, PGS (${\gamma}=0.34$) was found as a mediating variable to utilization of open spaces and also PGS was closely related to citizens Environmental Quality Satisfaction (EQS), such concept as, 'livability' and 'aesthetic quality'. The more satisfied with park and green the more people use the space. The PGS was an important QOL indicator together with the subjective indicator of 'livability'. Third, jogging and walking trails and bike ways along the river corridor was the most important green facilities contribute to the PGS and EQS. The near the distance (within 500m) the more number of visit to river corridor (green way). The river corridor promote accessibility to nature and other parks.

A study on the Development of Assessment Category and Items for Building Design Evaluation - Focused on the Small and Medium Building - (건축물 디자인 평가를 위한 평가체계 및 평가항목개발에 관한 연구 - 중소형 건축물을 중심으로 -)

  • Ryu, Soo-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.19-27
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study is to develop an evaluation category and items for architectural design assessment in attempt to improve design of small scale buildings within Se-Jong City. Some of the domains in existing design assessment are building design, function, environment, and technology. The category and items developed in this study however, is composed to aim for the building's qualitative design assessment. Therefore the architectural assessment tool in this study includes design assessment of the building. Also, assessment category was comprised to verify the design expression used in improving the function and environmental condition of the building. The study was enforced by extracting raw data from existing architectural design related cases. Classification system and assessment category was developed and presented through combination of expert advice, survey, and sample test. In result of this study, the composition system required for design assessment can be divided into five large classifications ; public and harmony, access, form, environmental design, and space. Total of 24 assessment categories are developed and presented. The assessment category and standard presented in this study reflects the distinct regional characteristics and originality of Se-Jong city, creating one of a kind design assessment tool.

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  • Shaikh, Asif Ahmed;Gotoh, Keinosuke
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • v.2
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    • pp.555-558
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    • 2006
  • In recent years, urban development has expanded rapidly in Nawabshah City of Pakistan. A major effect associated with this population trend is transformation of the landscape from natural cover types to increasingly impervious urban land. The core objective of this study are to provide time-series information to define and measure the urban land cover changes of Nawabshah, Pakistan between the years 1992 and 2002, and to examine related urbanization impacts on air quality of the study area. Two multi-temporal Landsat images acquired in 1992 and 2002 together with standard topographical maps to measure land cover changes were used in this study. The image processing and data manipulation were conducted using algorithms supplied with the ERDAS Imagine software. An unsupervised classification approach, which uses a minimum spectral distance to assign pixels to clusters, was used with the overall accuracy ranging from 84 percent to 92 percent. Land cover statistics demonstrate that during the study period (1992-2002) extensive transformation of barren and vegetated lands into urban land have taken place in Nawabshah City. Results revealed that land cover changes due to urbanization has not only contaminated the air quality of the study area but also raised the health concerns for the local residents.

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Development of a potential evaluation method for urban expansion using GIS and RS technologies (GIS와 RS를 이용한 도시확산 포텐셜 평가기법의 개발)

  • Kim, Dae-Sik;Chung, Ha-Woo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.10 no.3 s.24
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    • pp.41-51
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    • 2004
  • This study aims to develop a potential evaluation method for urban spatial expansion using remote sensing (RS) and geographic information system (GIS). A multi-criteria evaluation method with several criteria and their weighting values was introduced to evaluate the score and quantification of the potential surface around the existing cities. The six criteria with one geographic factor, slope, and five accessibility factors, time distance from center of the city, national road, interchange of expressway, a big city, and station, were defined for the potential. RS techniques were applied for classification of the actual urban expansion maps between two periods, and GIS functions were used for score of accessibility criteria with a distance decay function from geographic, road and several point maps, which was developed in this study. The new methodology was applied to a test area, Suwon, between 1986 and 1996. In order to optimize the six weighting values, this study made new findings to search the optimal combination of the weighting values from new methodology, weighted scenario method for intensity order (WSM), combined with intensity order and AHP method, including a trial and error method for sensitivity analysis to make the intensity order. The optimal combination of the weighting values by the new method generated the optimal potential surface, considering spatial trend of urban expansion in the test area.