• Title/Summary/Keyword: charge detector

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Fault Classification in Phase-Locked Loops Using Back Propagation Neural Networks

  • Ramesh, Jayabalan;Vanathi, Ponnusamy Thangapandian;Gunavathi, Kandasamy
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.546-554
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    • 2008
  • Phase-locked loops (PLLs) are among the most important mixed-signal building blocks of modern communication and control circuits, where they are used for frequency and phase synchronization, modulation, and demodulation as well as frequency synthesis. The growing popularity of PLLs has increased the need to test these devices during prototyping and production. The problem of distinguishing and classifying the responses of analog integrated circuits containing catastrophic faults has aroused recent interest. This is because most analog and mixed signal circuits are tested by their functionality, which is both time consuming and expensive. The problem is made more difficult when parametric variations are taken into account. Hence, statistical methods and techniques can be employed to automate fault classification. As a possible solution, we use the back propagation neural network (BPNN) to classify the faults in the designed charge-pump PLL. In order to classify the faults, the BPNN was trained with various training algorithms and their performance for the test structure was analyzed. The proposed method of fault classification gave fault coverage of 99.58%.

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Design of CMOS Fractional-N Frequency Synthesizer for Bluetooth system (Bluetooth용 CMOS Fractional-N 주파수 합성기의 설계)

  • Lee, Sang-Jin;Lee, Ju-Sang;Yu, Sang-Dae
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2003.11c
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    • pp.890-893
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, we have designed the fractional-N frequency synthesizer for bluetooth system using 0.35-um CMOS technology and 3.3-V single power supply. The designed synthesizer consist of phase-frequency detector (PFD), charge pump, loop filter, voltage controlled oscillator (VCO), frequency divider, and sigma-delta modulator. A dead zone free PFD is used and a modified charge pump having active cascode transistors is used. A Multi-modulus prescaler having CML D flip-flop is used and VCO having a tuning range from 746 MHz to 2.632 GHz at 3.3 V power supply is used. Total power dissipation is 32 mW and phase noise is -118 dBc/Hz at 1 MHz offset.

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Development of compact ear inspection probe with fiber-coupled LED (광섬유와 LED를 활용한 소형화된 검이경 개발)

  • Choe, Yeong-Hui;Ma, Hye-Jun;Lee, Ji-Seong;Choe, Eun-Seo
    • Proceedings of the Optical Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2009.02a
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    • pp.527-528
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    • 2009
  • We developed the compact-sized ear inspector utilizing fiber-pigtailed cheap LED light source and CCD(charge coupled detector) camera. With adjusting the lens pair having different focal length respectively, optimized imaging conditions with fiber-coupled LED were obtained.

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Charge Redistribution of Pt-based Alloys

  • Lim, K.Y.;Chung, Y.D.;Kwon, S.Y.;Lee, Y.S.;C.N.Whang;Y.Jeon;Park, B.S.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 1999.07a
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    • pp.171-171
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    • 1999
  • We studied the charge redistribution in the Pt-M (M=Cu, Co) alloys by X-ray Absorption Near Edge Spectroscopy(XANES) and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy(XPS). These analysis tools provide us information about the charge transfer in the valence band of intermetallic bonding. The samples were prepared by arc-melting method. After annealing this samples in vacuum for several hours, we cold get the ordered samples, which were confirmed with XRD analysis. the core and valence level energy shift in these system were investigated by Mg $K\alpha$(1253.6eV) x-ray source for Pt-Co alloys and monochromatized Al $K\alpha$ (1486.6eV) for Pt-Cu alloys. Pt L2, L3-edge, and Cu, Co K-edge XANES spectra were measured with the total electron-yield mode detector at the 3Cl beam line of the PLS (Pohang light source0. from the changes of White line (WL) area and the core level shifts of the each metal sites, we can obtain the information about the electrons participating in the intermetallic bonding of the Pt-Cu and Pt-Co alloys.

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Design of Charge Pump Circuit for PLL (PLL을 위한 Charge Pump 회로 설계 및 고찰)

  • Hwang, Hongmoog;Han, Jihyung;Jung, Hakkee;Jeong, Dongsoo;Lee, Jongin;Kwon, Ohshin
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.675-677
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    • 2009
  • 통신기기에서 중요한 기술 중 하나인 PLL(Phase Locked Loop) 회로는 주기적인 신호를 원하는 대로, 정확한 고정점으로 잡아주는데 그 목적을 둔다. 일반적인 구조로 위상주파수검출기(Phase Frequency detector), 루프필터(Loop filter), 전압제어발진기(Voltage Controlled Oscillator), 디바이더(Divider)로 구성되어진다. 그러나 일반적인 PLL 구조로는 지터(jitter)가 증가하고 트랙(tracking) 속도가 느리다는 단점이 있다. 이를 보완하기 위해 루프필터 전단에 차지펌프(Charge pump) 회로를 추가하여 사용하고 있다. 본 논문에서는 CMOS를 이용한 PLL용 차지펌프를 설계하였다. 설계된 회로는 $0.18{\mu}m$ CMOS 공정 기술을 사용하여 CADENCE사의 Specter로 시뮬레이션 하였으며, Virtuso2로 레이아웃 하였다.

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Development of Signal Processing Modules for Double-sided Silicon Strip Detector of Gamma Vertex Imaging for Proton Beam Dose Verification (양성자 빔 선량 분포 검증을 위한 감마 꼭지점 영상 장치의 양면 실리콘 스트립 검출기 신호처리 모듈 개발)

  • Lee, Han Rim;Park, Jong Hoon;Kim, Jae Hyeon;Jung, Won Gyun;Kim, Chan Hyeong
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.81-88
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    • 2014
  • Recently, a new imaging method, gamma vertex imaging (GVI), was proposed for the verification of in-vivo proton dose distribution. In GVI, the vertices of prompt gammas generated by proton induced nuclear interaction were determined by tracking the Compton-recoiled electrons. The GVI system is composed of a beryllium electron converter for converting gamma to electron, two double-sided silicon strip detectors (DSSDs) for the electron tracking, and a scintillation detector for the energy determination of the electron. In the present study, the modules of a charge sensitive preamplifier (CSP) and a shaping amplifier for the analog signal processing of DSSD were developed and the performances were evaluated by comparing the energy resolutions with those of the commercial products. Based on the results, it was confirmed that the energy resolution of the developed CSP module was a little lower than that of the CR-113 (Cremat, Inc., MA), and the resolution of the shaping amplifier was similar to that of the CR-200 (Cremat, Inc., MA). The value of $V_{rms}$ representing the magnitude of noise of the developed system was estimated as 6.48 keV and it was confirmed that the trajectory of the electron can be measured by the developed system considering the minimum energy deposition ( > ~51 keV) of Compton-recoiled electron in 145-${\mu}m$-thick DSSD.

Structural Behavior of Mixed $LiMn_2O_4-LiNi_{1/3}Co_{1/3}Mn_{1/3}O_2$ Cathode in Li-ion Cells during Electrochemical Cycling

  • Yun, Won-Seop;Lee, Sang-U
    • Proceedings of the Materials Research Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2011.05a
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    • pp.5-5
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    • 2011
  • The research and development of hybrid electric vehicle (HEV), plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) and electric vehicle (EV) are intensified due to the energy crisis and environmental concerns. In order to meet the challenging requirements of powering HEV, PHEV and EV, the current lithium battery technology needs to be significantly improved in terms of the cost, safety, power and energy density, as well as the calendar and cycle life. One new technology being developed is the utilization of composite cathode by mixing two different types of insertion compounds [e.g., spinel $LiMn_2O_4$ and layered $LiMO_2$ (M=Ni, Co, and Mn)]. Recently, some studies on mixing two different types of cathode materials to make a composite cathode have been reported, which were aimed at reducing cost and improving self-discharge. Numata et al. reported that when stored in a sealed can together with electrolyte at $80^{\circ}C$ for 10 days, the concentrations of both HF and $Mn^{2+}$ were lower in the can containing $LiMn_2O_4$ blended with $LiNi_{0.8}Co_{0.2}O_2$ than that containing $LiMn_2O_4$ only. That reports clearly showed that this blending technique can prevent the decline in capacity caused by cycling or storage at elevated temperatures. However, not much work has been reported on the charge-discharge characteristics and related structural phase transitions for these composite cathodes. In this presentation, we will report our in situ x-ray diffraction studies on this mixed composite cathode material during charge-discharge cycling. The mixed cathodes were incorporated into in situ XRD cells with a Li foil anode, a Celgard separator, and a 1M $LiPF_6$ electrolyte in a 1 : 1 EC : DMC solvent (LP 30 from EM Industries, Inc.). For in situ XRD cell, Mylar windows were used as has been described in detail elsewhere. All of these in situ XRD spectra were collected on beam line X18A at National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS) at Brookhaven National Laboratory using two different detectors. One is a conventional scintillation detector with data collection at 0.02 degree in two theta angle for each step. The other is a wide angle position sensitive detector (PSD). The wavelengths used were 1.1950 ${\AA}$ for the scintillation detector and 0.9999 A for the PSD. The newly installed PSD at beam line X18A of NSLS can collect XRD patterns as short as a few minutes covering $90^{\circ}$ of two theta angles simultaneously with good signal to noise ratio. It significantly reduced the data collection time for each scan, giving us a great advantage in studying the phase transition in real time. The two theta angles of all the XRD spectra presented in this paper have been recalculated and converted to corresponding angles for ${\lambda}=1.54\;{\AA}$, which is the wavelength of conventional x-ray tube source with Cu-$k{\alpha}$ radiation, for easy comparison with data in other literatures. The structural changes of the composite cathode made by mixing spinel $LiMn_2O_4$ and layered $Li-Ni_{1/3}Co_{1/3}Mn_{1/3}O_2$ in 1 : 1 wt% in both Li-half and Li-ion cells during charge/discharge are studied by in situ XRD. During the first charge up to ~5.2 V vs. $Li/Li^+$, the in situ XRD spectra for the composite cathode in the Li-half cell track the structural changes of each component. At the early stage of charge, the lithium extraction takes place in the $LiNi_{1/3}Co_{1/3}Mn_{1/3}O_2$ component only. When the cell voltage reaches at ~4.0 V vs. $Li/Li^+$, lithium extraction from the spinel $LiMn_2O_4$ component starts and becomes the major contributor for the cell capacity due to the higher rate capability of $LiMn_2O_4$. When the voltage passed 4.3 V, the major structural changes are from the $LiNi_{1/3}Co_{1/3}Mn_{1/3}O_2$ component, while the $LiMn_2O_4$ component is almost unchanged. In the Li-ion cell using a MCMB anode and a composite cathode cycled between 2.5 V and 4.2 V, the structural changes are dominated by the spinel $LiMn_2O_4$ component, with much less changes in the layered $LiNi_{1/3}Co_{1/3}Mn_{1/3}O_2$ component, comparing with the Li-half cell results. These results give us valuable information about the structural changes relating to the contributions of each individual component to the cell capacity at certain charge/discharge state, which are helpful in designing and optimizing the composite cathode using spinel- and layered-type materials for Li-ion battery research. More detailed discussion will be presented at the meeting.

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Dual-Mode Reference-less Clock Data Recovery Algorithm (이중 모드의 기준 클록을 사용하지 않는 클록 데이터 복원 회로 알고리즘)

  • Kwon, Ki-Won;Jin, Ja-Hoon;Chun, Jung-Hoon
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.53 no.5
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    • pp.77-86
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    • 2016
  • This paper describes a dual-mode reference-less CDR(Clock Data Recovery) operating at full / half-rate and its operation algorithm. Proposed reference-less CDR consists of a frequency detector, a phase detector, a charge pump, a loop filter, a voltage controlled oscillator, and a digital block. The frequency and phase detectors operate at both full / half-rate for dual-mode operation and especially the frequency detector is capable of detecting the difference between data rate and clock frequency in the dead zone of general frequency detectors. Dual-mode reference-less CDR with the proposed algorithm can recover the data and clock within 1.2-1.3 us and operates reliably at both full-rate (2.7 Gb/s) and half-rate (5.4 Gb/s) with 0.5-UI input jitter.