• Title/Summary/Keyword: character table

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Omnichannel's Perception Effect on Omnichannel Use and Customer-Brand Relationship (옴니채널의 지각된 편리성과 유용성이 옴니채널 사용과 소비자-브랜드 관계에 미치는 영향)

  • Yim, Duk-Soon;Han, Sang-Seol
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.14 no.7
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    • pp.83-90
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    • 2016
  • Purpose - This study focuses on new type distribution channel that named as Omnichannel. Omnichannel is developed from Multichannel which is used in many distribution channels to buy or selling goods. Omnichannel basically needs an Information and Communications Technologies(ICT) to use, so researcher conduct a Technology Acceptance Model(TAM) to research model. Customer-brand relationship was used as dependent variable to focus on the role of Omnichannel. Research design, data, and methodology - The subject of this study is customer who purchase goods or service through omnichannel. Based on the literature from the preceding research analysis of TAM and customer-brand relationship, this study was constructed by the reference to previous studies, final research model design for figure out casual relationship among perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, omnichannel use and customer-brand relationship. From 2016 February 3 to March 17, questionnaire survey targeted customers who use online and offline channels. 273 questionnaire survey had conducted, then, 252 survey data were available for empirical analysis. Researcher provide descriptive statistics for checking generality. Cronbach's alpha value was used to check the reliability of data. Exploratory factor analysis was used for purification of values and eigenvalue checking. After EFA, Confirmatory factor analysis was used to prepare structural equation modeling with executing structural equation modeling for confirming hypothesis which developed by researcher. Results - The main results of this empirical study are as follows. First, omnichannel's perceived ease of use has positive significant effect on perceived usefulness(estimate: 0.579). Moreover, omnichannel's perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness has positive significant effect on omnichannel use(estimate: 0.325,0.648). Second, using omnichannel has positive significant effect on brand-customer relationship(estimate: 0.521). Every hypothesis adopted as researcher designed. This study found out the intermediate relationship between perceived ease of use and omnichannel use by investigating hypothesis. Conclusions - Base on the empirical result, this study confirmed that TAM theory perceived has relation with omnichannel. First, factors of TAM has positive effect on omnichannel use, so it highlights the important role of customer based interface and usefulness. Especially, perceived usefulness has high indirect influence on ease of use and use of omnichannel. It seems that when customers try to decide use or not use omnichannel, customers focus on percept benefits from omnichannel. Thus, a provider should applicate attractive price table, accurate product or service information and high switching cost strategy to emphasize the usefulness of omnichannel. Second, using omnichannel enhances the relationship between customers and brand, because there are more time and frequency to serve customers. It is important because good relationship between customers can increase the future's financial performance through word of mouse, positive brand image and loyalty to brand or company. Finally, despite of empirical result and implications, this study has limitations. First, there are only a few previous studies about omnicahnnel, so literature reviews are restricted. While set up the factors which can affect the use of omnichannel, next study should be considered with broader theories or models(ex: contingency theory). Second, omnichannel has developed from multichannel, so comparative analysis is needed between these methods because there is a possibility about different forte character of each distribution system on customer's consuming patterns.

Recognition and Application on the Curriculum of High School Home Economics by Teachers and Students -Centering on the Unit of Cooking Practice- (고등학교 가정과 교사와 학생의 가정과 교과내용에 관한 인식 및 활용 -조리실습단원을 중심으로-)

  • 주명자;임양순
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 1991
  • The purpose of this study is to find out problems through looking into the actual condition of management and the extent of application in cooking practice in High School Home Economics Education, and as a practical subject, to present some basic materials to contribute to accomplishing the object of High School Home Economics Education through trying to find a direction to enhance educational value. The contents of this study are these : to study with a theoretical background character, object, and contents of Home Economics referring to related books and to investigate the actual condition of management, the extent of application to life of cooking practice unit, and standard of recognition of students and teachers about this subject and to find out rational and efficient method of management. 552 girl students and 72 home economics teachers in cities and counties in Kangwon-do were asked to answer the answer-sheet prepared. The result of this study is summerized as follows. 1. Most of the respondent regard the characters and objects of Home Economics as a matter of basic education, education for life, and education for the wholeman, but they neglect the aspect of education for a course of this subject. 2. Among the contents of Home Economics, students are much interested in the Unit of preparing table, especially in cooking. Most of the teachers teach the cooking unit with only explanation without practice because of the lack of material and human resources. 3. Students have desire to do cooking practice, but the extent of application of their real life appears to be low. 4. It appears to be necessary that boy students as well as girl students should learn Home Economics as an education for preparation for managing housework. 5. Home Economics teachers are mostly satisfied with their teaching profession. But teachers who have been teaching for 3 or 5 years appear not to be satisfied with it. 6. Although Home Economics teachers can teach Cooking practice Unit with confidence, they usually do it with theory rater than with practice, and they evaluate it after practicing, but most of them do not add the result to the student’s grade. 7. They use most of the cookers fixed on the standard list of High School Cooking Practice appliances, but they seldom use electric heating cookers.

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A bibliography about 『OedaeBiyo-bang(外臺秘要方)』, 『Cheongeum-bang(千金方)』, and 『Uisim-bang(醫心方)』 -Documents which directly quoted 『Sanbeon-bang』- (『외대비요방(外臺秘要方)』, 『천금방(千金方)』, 『의심방(醫心方)』의 서지학적 연구 -『산번방(刪繁方)』 산재문헌의 서지사항-)

  • Kim, Do Hun;Jung, Chang Hung
    • The Journal of Korean Medical History
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.31-55
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    • 2004
  • For the sake of the Restoration(to the original state) of "Sanbeon-bang(刪繁方)", in this study observed carefully the bibliographical results of "Oedaebiyo-bang", "Cheongeumyo-bang", "Cheongeumik-bang" and "Uisim-bang", which directly quoted "Sanbeon-bang". "Sanbeon-bang" is mostly remained in "Oedaebiyo-bang", and the other provisions of "Sanbeon-bang" mostly lie scattered in "Cheongeumyo-bang" and "Cheongeumik-bang", established 100years before "Oedaebiyo-bang" and "Uisim-bang", established 200years after "Oedaebiyo-bang". And there are few other documents which quoted the "Sanbeon-bang". "Cheongeumyo-bang", a synthetic medical work was compiled in 652, and which refered large quantity of medical documents before Dang-dynasty(唐代) by Son Sa-mak(孫思邈). And he linked the technical opinion of himself. The comments of medicine, as well as the prescriptions are refleting the outcome before Dang-dynasty systematically. For the most part of the medical arguments in "Sanbeon-bang" lie scattered in "Cheongeumyo-bang". "Cheongeumik-bang", also a synthetic medical work which is for the sake of supplement of "Cheongeumyo-bang" was complied in 682 by Son Sa-mak. As well as "CheongeumYo-bang" it doesn't make clear the sources of quotation from "Sanbeon-bang". So it used as the data for confirmation. "Oedaebiyo-bang" was compiled in 752 of Dang-Dynasty by Wang Do(王燾) the a governor-general of Eop-gun. Wang Do was descended from a noble family, and usually visited the palace and dealed with large number of books in Hongmunguan(弘文館), the national library. He programmed the book on the base of wide scopic collection of medical documents. And he took charge of gverment post at the same time as Wang Bing(王氷) who compiled "Chaju-Hwangje-Naegyeong-Somun(次注黃帝內經素問)" in 762. So we can guess they might have seen the same documents and holded the medical knowledge in common. The 40 volume "Oedaebiyo-bang" was a great medical complete book in those days. In particular, it became the model of medical complete books of after ages. The description of the book is mostly the qutation of medical documents of before ages. The character is recording of quotation documents and the order of volume. On the base of the recording, we can reconstruct the table of contents of Sanbeon-bang. By way of the contens, we can understand the purpose of "Sanbeon-bang". Besides, I can see a lot of qouotations of "Sanbeon-bang" in "Cheongeum-bang" and "Uisim-bang" are repeatedly quotated in "Oedaebiyo-bang". For that reason, I observed the bibliographical results of "Oedaebiyo-bang" in detail. "Uisim-bang" was compiled in 982 by the Japanese Niwayasyori(丹波綱賴). It followed the example of the structure of "Oedaebiyo-bang", refered to the contents of "Cheongeumyo-bang", collected chinese medical classic books spreaded in Japan. It contains medical documents of before Su-Dang(隋唐)-era, indicated the source of quotation. The importance of the book is summarization and preservation of large quantity of chinese medicine before 10th century. In this study, a lot of the quotation in "Uisim-bang" from "Sanbeon-bang" were not in "Oedaebiyo-bang".

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A Study on the Problem of Insurance Terms Choice in the Marine Cargo Insurance Contract (해상적하보험계약(海上積荷保驗契約)에 있어서 보험조건선택(保險條件選擇)의 문제점(問題點)에 관한 고찰(考察))

  • Ra, Gong-Wu;Han, Sang-Hyun
    • Korean Business Review
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    • v.11
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    • pp.415-437
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    • 1998
  • On choosing insurance terms it would be a reasonable choice to choose insurance terms in proportion to how much risk is to be with considering of how much risk is exactly to be in a cargo's owner of his or hers as there are conditions such as a character of cargo, a packing condition, a loading ship, a shipping section, and a premium. But when we see on the present state of the statistical insurance table, the effects are entirely different from it stated above and these serious problems are of both the problem to prove who is on duty and the problem to cover how much the indemnity are to be. When we see a shipper as the insured, in the last 3 years that all risks has been more than 95 percent is to prove the reason mentioned above and there would be an intention for the shipper to transfer a claim for the indemnity to the insurer to evade from the complexity. Also when we see how much both I.C.C and New I.C.C is used, New I.C.C has been used less two times than I.C.C, that is due to the restriction of the scale of covering the indemnity. So both the introduction of trade clause as to insured in the same line of business and the positive application, taking into account of the principle of proving who is on duty and the scale of covering the indemnity, are to be accomplished.

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RFID Tag Identification with Scalability Using SP-Division Algorithm on the Grid Environment (그리드 환경에서 SP분할 알고리즘을 이용한 확장성 있는 RFID 태그 판별)

  • Shin, Myeong-Sook;Ahn, Seong-Soo;Lee, Joon
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.13 no.10
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    • pp.2105-2112
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    • 2009
  • Recently RFID system has been adopted in various fields rapidly. However, we ought to solve the problem of privacy invasion that can be occurred by obtaining information of RFID Tag without any permission for popularization of RFID system To solve the problems, it is Ohkubo et al.'s Hash-Chain Scheme which is the safest method. However, this method has a problem that requesting lots of computing process because of increasing numbers of Tag. Therefore, We suggest the way (process) satisfied with all necessary security of Privacy Protection Shreme and decreased in Tag Identification Time in this paper. First, We'll suggest the SP-Division Algorithm seperating SPs using the Performance Measurement consequence of each node after framing the program to create Hash-Chain Calculated table to get optimized performance because of character of the grid environment comprised of heterogeneous system. If we compare consequence fixed the number of nodes to 4 with a single node, equal partition, and SP partition, when the total number of SPs is 1000, 40%, 49%, when the total number of SPs is 2000, 42%, 51%, when the total number of SPs is 3000, 39%, 49%, and when the total number of SPs is 4000, 46%, 56% is improved.

Classification of Soil Creep Hazard Class Using Machine Learning (기계학습기법을 이용한 땅밀림 위험등급 분류)

  • Lee, Gi Ha;Le, Xuan-Hien;Yeon, Min Ho;Seo, Jun Pyo;Lee, Chang Woo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Disaster and Security
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.17-27
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    • 2021
  • In this study, classification models were built using machine learning techniques that can classify the soil creep risk into three classes from A to C (A: risk, B: moderate, C: good). A total of six machine learning techniques were used: K-Nearest Neighbor, Support Vector Machine, Logistic Regression, Decision Tree, Random Forest, and Extreme Gradient Boosting and then their classification accuracy was analyzed using the nationwide soil creep field survey data in 2019 and 2020. As a result of classification accuracy analysis, all six methods showed excellent accuracy of 0.9 or more. The methods where numerical data were applied for data training showed better performance than the methods based on character data of field survey evaluation table. Moreover, the methods learned with the data group (R1~R4) reflecting the expert opinion had higher accuracy than the field survey evaluation score data group (C1~C4). The machine learning can be used as a tool for prediction of soil creep if high-quality data are continuously secured and updated in the future.

A study on the Definition and Classification of 'Social Art Activities' ('사회적 예술활동'의 개념 규정과 유형화에 대한 연구)

  • Chung Su hee;Lee Byung min
    • Korean Association of Arts Management
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    • v.46
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    • pp.5-33
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    • 2018
  • The study aims to explore the social art activities and to try the rules and types of the concepts as a aspect of recent art. In fact, there have already been many discussions about the relationship between art and society. However, it is pointed out that many of these discussions are at abstract and narrative levels, and the subjects of discussion are also focused on the art as a result. For this reason, this paper approaches social and artistic activities as a new trend about 'society' & 'art'. In particular, this paper would like to define concepts for social art activities and attempt to characterize them based on analysis of various cases. To that end, it compiles the discussion on the relationship between the arts and society of existing scholars. This paper especially intend to select examples of representative social and artistic activities that are actually taking place in Seoul and then use them to analyze the data from the Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture, which conducted the Round Table. As a result, studies have shown that Social Art Activities focus on artists activities and processes unlike Social Art. Since the artist himself becomes the main body and the result, he has a sympathetic character in the changes that will occur in the process and in response to certain consequences. This suggests that there are a variety of reasons for their participation and the results of their activities, and that they may be positioned for social and artistic activities depending on the location of their contacts.

Evaluation of Approximate Exposure to Low-dose Ionizing Radiation from Medical Images using a Computed Radiography (CR) System (전산화 방사선촬영(CR) 시스템을 이용한 근사적 의료 피폭 선량 평가)

  • Yu, Minsun;Lee, Jaeseung;Im, Inchul
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.6 no.6
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    • pp.455-464
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    • 2012
  • This study suggested evaluation of approximately exposure to low-dose ionization radiation from medical images using a computed radiography (CR) system in standard X-ray examination and experimental model can compare diagnostic reference level (DRL) will suggest on optimization condition of guard about medical radiation of low dose space. Entrance surface dose (ESD) cross-measuring by standard dosimeter and optically stimulated luminescence dosimeters (OSLDs) in experiment condition about tube voltage and current of X-ray generator. Also, Hounsfield unit (HU) scale measured about each experiment condition in CR system and after character relationship table and graph tabulate about ESD and HU scale, approximately radiation dose about head, neck, thoracic, abdomen, and pelvis draw a measurement. In result measuring head, neck, thoracic, abdomen, and pelvis, average of ESD is 2.10, 2.01, 1.13, 2.97, and 1.95 mGy, respectively. HU scale is $3,276{\pm}3.72$, $3,217{\pm}2.93$, $2,768{\pm}3.13$, $3,782{\pm}5.19$, and $2,318{\pm}4.64$, respectively, in CR image. At this moment, using characteristic relationship table and graph, ESD measured approximately 2.16, 2.06, 1.19, 3.05, and 2.07 mGy, respectively. Average error of measuring value and ESD measured approximately smaller than 3%, this have credibility cover all the bases radiology area of measurement 5%. In its final analysis, this study suggest new experimental model approximately can assess radiation dose of patient in standard X-ray examination and can apply to CR examination, digital radiography and even film-cassette system.

Flower and Microspore Development in 'Campbell Early' (Vitis labruscana) and 'Tamnara' (V. spp.) Grapes ('캠벨얼리'와 '탐나라' 포도의 꽃과 소포자 발달)

  • Yim, Bomi;Mun, Jeong-Hwan;Jeong, Young-Min;Hur, Youn Young;Yu, Hee-Ju
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.420-428
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    • 2015
  • The majority of cultivated varieties of grape have perfect flowers that are clustered in an individual inflorescence. Grape flower has a single pistil, five stamens, a protective flower cap (calyptra), and a calyx. After fertilization, an individual flower develops into a single berry. Although there are a number of reported studies focusing on berry formation, berry enlargement, and sugar accumulation in grape, the morphological studies of flower, including gametophyte morphogenesis and structural change in floral organs, have not yet been studied in detail. In this study, we investigated the flower structure and development characteristics of grape using microscopy and defined the floral development stages 9 to 13 based on microspore or male gametophyte development stage from tetrad to mature pollen. We used seeded diploid table grapes 'Campbell Early' (Vitis labruscana) and 'Tamnara' (V. spp.) as plant materials. At floral development stage 9, pollen mother cells develop to tetrads. During floral development stages 10 to 11, unicellular microspore develop to mid bicellular pollen. At the end of floral stage 12, male gametophyte develops to mature tricelluar pollen. In floral stage 13, the flower cap falls off and flower bud opens. During floral development stages 9 to 12, there were no major changes in calyx length, whereas the length of the flower cap continuously increased. The flower cap-to-calyx length ratio was 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, and 6.5 at floral stages 9, 10, 11, and 12, respectively. The flower cap-to-calyx length ratio was consistent in the two grape cultivars, suggesting that the ratio is a morphological character representing floral development stage. This study provides a reference for determining floral development stage of the two grape cultivars. It will be useful for the determination of optimum time for microspore culture needed to generate doubled haploid lines and appropriate gibberellic acid treatment needed to induce parthenocarpic fruit development in 'Tamnara' grape.

Community Structure of Pinus densiflora and Quercus mongolica forest in Jochimryeong to Shinbaeryeong of the Baekdudaegan (백두대간 조침령-신배령 구간 소나무림과 신갈나무림의 군락구조)

  • Lee, Ha Young;Kim, Hye Jin;Shin, Hak Sub;Han, Sang Hak;Ko, Seung Yeon;Song, Ju Hyeon;Lee, Jung Hyo;Jang, Kyung Hwan;Yun, Chung Weon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.103 no.3
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    • pp.339-352
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    • 2014
  • The study was carried out to analyze vegetation structure of Pinus densiflora and Quercus mongolica forests located in Jochimryeong to Shinbaeryeong of the Baekdudaegan mountain range. The survey for 50 plots was conducted from April 2012 to August 2013 in the permanent plots ($100m{\times}100m$) using phytosociological analysis. As a result, the vegetations were classified into five vegetation units. In species composition, they were classified into Q. mongolica community group divided into 2 community such as Fraxinus rhynchophylla community and Carpinus cordata community, F. rhynchophylla community was subdivided Pinus densiflor group (into Euonymus sachalinensis subgroup, Vitis coignetiae subgroup) and Juglans mandshurica group. C. cordata community was subdivided Acer komarovii group and Betula ermanii group. In terms of importance value, P. densiflora and Q. mongolica were more than 20% respectively. P. densiflora was found to have the highest relative coverage. Analysis of interspecific association showed four types which were coincident with differential species and character species on the constancy table. Based on the diameter class distribution, P. densiflora forest presented a normal distribution pattern except for other species which showed a reverse Jshaped distribution pattern, therefore P. densiflora forest would likely be replaced by Q. mongolica forests. While in Q. mongolica forest, diameter class distribution of all species population presented a reverse J-shaped distribution pattern, therefore Q. mongolica forest could likely remain in the future.