• Title/Summary/Keyword: channel sensing methods

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Novel schemes of CQI Feedback Compression based on Compressive Sensing for Adaptive OFDM Transmission

  • Li, Yongjie;Song, Rongfang
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.703-719
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    • 2011
  • In multi-user wireless communication systems, adaptive modulation and scheduling are promising techniques for increasing the system throughput. However, a mass of wireless recourse will be occupied and spectrum efficiency will be decreased to feedback channel quality indication (CQI) of all users in every subcarrier or chunk for adaptive orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems. Thus numerous limited feedback schemes are proposed to reduce the system overhead. The recently proposed compressive sensing (CS) theory provides a new framework to jointly measure and compress signals that allows less sampling and storage resources than traditional approaches based on Nyquist sampling. In this paper, we proposed two novel CQI feedback schemes based on general CS and subspace CS, respectively, both of which could be used in a wireless OFDM system. The feedback rate with subspace CS is greatly decreased by exploiting the subspace information of the underlying signal. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed methods, with the same feedback rate, the throughputs with subspace CS outperform the discrete cosine transform (DCT) based method which is usually employed, and the throughputs with general CS outperform DCT when the feedback rate is larger than 0.13 bits/subcarrier.

A Color Interpolation Method for Improved Edge Sensing (에지 선별을 개선한 컬러 보간법)

  • Cho, Yang-Ki;Kim, Hi-Seok
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.31 no.12C
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    • pp.1216-1223
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    • 2006
  • In many imaging devices, a single image sensor is used, which is covered by a color filter array to filter out the specific color components from light. Since an image acquired from this image sensors have a color components at each pixel, it is needed to be reconstructed to a perfect image. In this paper, a new color interpolation method for the imaging devices having a single image sensor is proposed. The proposed method improves a edge sensing function to obtain satisfactory results in edges of an image, md presents a new inter-channel correlation for improving interpolation performance in smooth region. We have compared our method with several exiting methods, and our experimental results have proved better interpolation performance in comparing with the other results.

Performance Analysis of Fading Avoidance Scheme using Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Technique (협력 스펙트럼 감지 기법을 이용한 페이딩 회피 방안에 대한 성능 분석)

  • Kim, Tae-Wook;Kong, Hyung-Yun
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.61-65
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, we propose a method using cooperative spectrum sensing to avoid multipath and frequency selective fading. One of methods in conventional scheme was multi input multi output (MIMO) solution. However, in the wireless environment, mobile device hardly supports multi antenna because of limitation of hardware. Motivated from above problems, the proposed method provides the information of excellent channel to transmitter. As a result, quality of service (QoS) required by users can be satisfied. Finally, performance of the proposed protocol is analyzed in term of bit error rate (BER).

A RSS-Based Localization for Multiple Modes using Bayesian Compressive Sensing with Path-Loss Estimation (전력 손실 지수 추정 기법과 베이지안 압축 센싱을 이용하는 수신신호 세기 기반의 위치 추정 기법)

  • Ahn, Tae-Joon;Koo, In-Soo
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.29-36
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    • 2012
  • In Wireless Sensor Network(WSN)s, the detection of precise location of each node is essential for utilizing sensing data acquired from sensor nodes effectively. Among various location methods, the received signal strength(RSS) based localization scheme is mostly preferable in many applications because it can be easily implemented without any additional hardware cost. Since a RSS-based localization scheme is mainly affected by radio channel or obstacles such as building and mountain between two nodes, the localization error can be inevitable. To enhance the accuracy of localization in RSS-based localization scheme, a number of RSS measurements are needed, which results in the energy consumption. In this paper, a RSS based localization using Bayesian Compressive Sensing(BSS) with path-loss exponent estimation is proposed to improve the accuracy of localization in the energy-efficient way. In the propose scheme, we can increase the adaptative, reliability and accuracy of localization by estimating the path-loss exponents between nodes, and further we can enhance the energy efficiency by the compressive sensing. Through the simulation, it is shown that the proposed scheme can enhance the location accuracy of multiple unknown nodes with fewer RSS measurements and is robust against the channel variation.

A Cooperative Spectrum Sensing and Dynamic Spectrum Decision Methods for Heterogeneous Cognitive Radio Network (이종 인지 라디오 네트워크에서 협력 스펙트럼 센싱 및 동적 스펙트럼 결정 방법)

  • Kim, Nam-Sun
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.37 no.7A
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    • pp.560-568
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    • 2012
  • Spectrum sensing and spectrum decision are the main functions that cognitive radios (CRs) have to perform in order to get the best available spectrum band for the establishment of a wireless communication. These problems are worsened in the presence of users with different demands and spectrum channels with different properties in a heterogeneous network. The primary objective in this work is to design and simulate a new spectrum decision algorithm for heterogeneous cognitive radio system. To this end, first, we consider all cognitive users are separated into different traffic classes according to their Quality of Service (QoS). The cognitive users within one traffic class perform spectrum sensing in centralized group-based cooperative spectrum sensing system and the users of different traffic classes share the sensing results. Second, we propose a novel use of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to optimally select available bands according to user requirements and detected spectrum channel characteristics (SCC). In this paper, utility function is used as spectrum decision algorithm. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed method shows can effectively select the best available spectrum channels with a low complexity.

Development of SWIR 3D Lidar System with Low Optical Power Using 1 Channel Single Photon Detector (1채널 단일광자검출기를 이용한 낮은 광출력의 SWIR(Short Wave Infrared) 3D 라이다 시스템 개발)

  • Kwon, Oh-Soung;Lee, Seung-Pil;Shin, Seung-Min;Park, Min-Young;Ban, Chang-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.25 no.6_3
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    • pp.1147-1154
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    • 2022
  • Now that the development of autonomous driving is progressing, LiDAR has become an indispensable element. However, LiDAR is a device that uses lasers, and laser side effects may occur. One of them is the much-talked-about eye-safety, and developers have been satisfying this through laser characteristics and operation methods. But eye-safety is just one of the problems lasers pose. For example, irradiating a laser with a specific energy level or higher in a dusty environment can cause deterioration of the dust particles, leading to a sudden explosion. For this reason, the dust ignition proof regulations clearly state that "a source with a pulse period of less than 5 seconds is considered a continuous light source, and the average energy does not exceed 5 mJ/mm 2 or 35 mW" [2]. Energy of output optical power is limited by the law. In this way, the manufacturer cannot define the usage environment of the LiDAR, and the development of a LiDAR that can be used in such an environment can increase the ripple effect in terms of use in application fields using the LiDAR. In this paper, we develop a LiDAR with low optical power that can be used in environments where high power lasers can cause problems, evaluate its performance. Also, we discuss and present one of the directions for the development of LiDAR with laser power limited by dust ignition proof regulations.

An Electrical Particle Velocity Profiler Using Particle Transit Time Across Uneven Inter-Gap Electrodes (비등간격 전극열에서의 입자 통과시간을 이용한 전기적 입자속도분포 검출기)

  • Kim, Tae-Yoon;Lee, Dong-Woo;Cho, Young-Ho
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.297-302
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    • 2008
  • We present an electrical particle velocity profiler using particle transit time across uneven inter-gap electrodes. We measure both the particle position and velocity from the voltage signals generated by the particles passing across sensing electrodes, thus obtaining the velocity profile of the particles in a microfluidic channel. In the experimental study, we use polystyrene microparticles to characterize the performance of the electrical particle velocity profiler. The particle velocity profile is measured with the uncertainty of 5.44%, which is equivalent to the uncertainty of 5% in the previous optical method. We also experimentally demonstrate the capability of the present method for in-channel clogging detection. Compared to the previous optical methods, the present electrical particle velocity profiler offers the simpler structure, the cheaper cost, and the higher integrability to micro-biofluidic systems.

Evaluation of GSICS Correction for COMS/MI Visible Channel Using S-NPP/VIIRS

  • Jin, Donghyun;Lee, Soobong;Lee, Seonyoung;Jung, Daeseong;Sim, Suyoung;Huh, Morang;Han, Kyung-soo
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.169-176
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    • 2021
  • The Global Space-based Inter-Calibration System (GSICS) is an international partnership sponsored by World Meteorological Organization (WMO) to continue and improve climate monitoring and to ensure consistent accuracy between observation data from meteorological satellites operating around the world. The objective for GSICS is to inter-calibration from pairs of satellites observations, which includes direct comparison of collocated Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO)-Low Earth Orbit (LEO) observations. One of the GSICS inter-calibration methods, the Ray-matching technique, is a surrogate approach that uses matched, co-angled and co-located pixels to transfer the calibration from a well calibrated satellite sensor to another sensor. In Korea, the first GEO satellite, Communication Ocean and Meteorological Satellite (COMS), is used to participate in the GSICS program. The National Meteorological Satellite Center (NMSC), which operated COMS/MI, calculated the Radiative Transfer Model (RTM)-based GSICS coefficient coefficients. The L1P reproduced through GSICS correction coefficient showed lower RMSE and Bias than L1B without GSICS correction coefficient applied. The calculation cycles of the GSICS correction coefficients for COMS/MI visible channel are provided annual and diurnal (2, 5, 10, 14-day), but long-term evaluation according to these cycles was not performed. The purpose of this paper is to perform evaluation depending on the annual/diurnal cycles of COMS/MI GSICS correction coefficients based on the ray-matching technique using Suomi-NPP/Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) data as reference data. As a result of evaluation, the diurnal cycle had a higher coincidence rate with the reference data than the annual cycle, and the 14-day diurnal cycle was the most suitable for use as the GSICS correction coefficient.

Generation of Large-scale Map of Surface Sedimentary Facies in Intertidal Zone by Using UAV Data and Object-based Image Analysis (OBIA) (UAV 자료와 객체기반영상분석을 활용한 대축척 갯벌 표층 퇴적상 분류도 작성)

  • Kim, Kye-Lim;Ryu, Joo-Hyung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.2_2
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    • pp.277-292
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to propose the possibility of precise surface sedimentary facies classification and a more accurate classification method by generating the large-scale map of surface sedimentary facies based on UAV data and object-based image analysis (OBIA) for Hwang-do tidal flat in Cheonsu bay. The very high resolution UAV data extracted factors that affect the classification of surface sedimentary facies, such as RGB ortho imagery, Digital elevation model (DEM), and tidal channel density, and analyzed the principal components of surface sedimentary facies through statistical analysis methods. Based on principal components, input data to be used for classification of surface sedimentary facies were divided into three cases such as (1) visible band spectrum, (2) topographical elevation and tidal channel density, (3) visible band spectrum and topographical elevation, tidal channel density. The object-based image analysis classification method was applied to map the classification of surface sedimentary facies according to conditions of input data. The surface sedimentary facies could be classified into a total of six sedimentary facies following the folk classification criteria. In addition, the use of visible band spectrum, topographical elevation, and tidal channel density enabled the most effective classification of surface sedimentary facies with a total accuracy of 63.04% and the Kappa coefficient of 0.54.


  • Park, Durk-Jong;Ahn, Sang-Il
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • v.2
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    • pp.784-787
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    • 2006
  • Dual-polarized transmission is one of the effective methods to transmit such a high speed data thanks to two independent channel leads to the orthogonal feature between RHCP (Right-Hand Circular Polarization) and LHCP (Left-Hand Circular Polarization). However, in practical case, the transmitted signal by RHCP polarized antenna in satellite can be occurred at the output port of LHCP polarized antenna in ground station, vice versa. XPD (Cross-Polarization Discrimination) is the ratio of the signal level at the output of a receiving antenna that is nominally co-polarized to the transmitting antenna to the output of a receiving antenna of the same gain but nominally orthogonally polarized to the transmitting antenna. In this paper, the detailed estimation of XPD within the interface between satellite and ground station is written and the influence of XPD to link performance is also described.

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