• Title/Summary/Keyword: canonical analysis

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Looking for an Adequate Methodology for the Korean Reservoir Using Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA를 통한 한국 호소 연구 방법론 탐색)

  • Chung, Sang-Ok;Jeon, Hyoung-Joo;Hong, Kwan-Eui;Kim, Jong-Hwa;Park, Young-Seuk
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.365-373
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    • 2006
  • With a few exceptions, Korean lakes are artificially constructed for multi-purposes throughout the country. In the majority of cases, a lake is in a multiple series of reservoirs along a river or is an estuary Moreover, nutrient supplying activities (including sand extraction) and biomanipulation(esp., overfishing and fish introduction) are omnipresent in most cases. Furthermore, there is an Asian monsoon every year. In brief, europhication and algal blooms break out as a result of complicated causes. However limnological monitoring and scientific working programs are in the course of beginning. The question is what kind of strategy is desirable to establish a solid limnological database for the efficiency of the restoration process in each Korean reservoir We present light monitoring cases on the basis of algal and some physicochemical data in 2005. Do they give some useful informations despite their simplicity. Based on physicochemical factors and phytoplankton data using Utermohl method and Canonical Correspondence Analysis(CCA) were performed for Lake Cheongpyeong, Lake ASan, Lake Namyang, and Lake SapGyo. The results of CCA showed that Lake Cheongpyeong was different from the other three Lakes at estuary. Also each Lake at estuary was slightly different from one other. This result would encourage to initiate building an adequate Korean reservoir-ecosystem understanding and models for better ecological management despite the limited data. However, the results also indicate to sustain collecting ecological data and building database to interpret the Korean ecological reservoir model.

A Study on the Vegetation Ecological Characteristics and Management of Ansan Reclaimed Wetlands (안산 간척 습지의 식생 생태적 특성 및 관리에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Kee-Dae
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.318-335
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    • 2007
  • Floral study and present vegetation survey were conducted at a representative reclaimed wetland located behind the Rural Research Institute at Ansan, Gyeonggi-do. The importance values were calculated from the ground cover and frequency of recorded species within quadrats and detrended canonical correspondence analysis was conducted using environment variables, such as total nitrogen, electric conductivity, available phosphate, nitrate nitrogen and the distance from the inner roads. And basal areas for the trees encroaching on the reclaimed wetland were estimated to take a look at the on-going situation about the succession routes on land. As a result, 46 families and 158 species of plants were recorded and Pragmites communis was found to be a dominant species as the present vegetation. The ordination analysis results showed that species distribution was purposely explained by total nitrogen in soil and its content in nitrate nitrogen. The invasion of Robinia pseudoacacia and Pinus rigida whose basal areas were $22.3m^2$ and $1.6m^2$ respectively, into the interior areas of the reclaimed wetland was found to cause a disturbance making some parts of the wetland into land. The zoning program using water level control and migratory roads is becoming a contributing factor in destroying a wetland, so it's suggested that some adjustments should be needed to take care of it.

Relationships Between Importance and Satisfaction of Rice-based Menu Selection Attributes of Family Restaurants (패밀리 레스토랑 쌀 메뉴 선택속성의 중요요인과 만족요인의 관계)

  • Ku, Cha-Hyeong;Lee, Sang-Gun;Yoon, Yoo-Shik
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.497-507
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    • 2008
  • This study investigated relationships between the importance and satisfaction of rice-based menu selection attributes at family restaurants. For data collection, a total of 250 copies of questionnaires were distributed to 4-year college students who had an experience of a rice-based menu at casual dining restaurants, and finally 221 surveys (88.4%) among them were analyzed by using SPSS Win ver. 11.5. Twenty selection attributes were used to test the level of importance and satisfaction for rice-based menu. The factor analysis identified six dimensions of the importance of rice-based menu selection attributes; variety of items, menu information, recommendation & atmosphere, food quality, preferred menu, and price. Also, five dimensions of satisfaction were identified as nutrition & taste, menu information, preferred menu & atmosphere, variety of items, and cooking. Canonical correlation analysis revealed that preferred menu factor of importance was highly correlated with preferred menu and restaurant atmosphere factor of satisfaction of rice-based menu selection. The managerial implications of these results for rice-base menu selection attributes are as follows: There seems to be a need to develop a variety of rice-based menus, because rice-based menus tend to be considered as an additional menu, not a main course. Aggressive marketing and communication strategies are necessary to position rice-based menu as a main course for college students and as a major maket segment to family restaurants.

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Short-term Changes of Community Structure of Phytoplankton in Summer Around Namhae Island of Korea (여름철 남해도 연안 식물플랑크톤 군집 구조의 단기 변화)

  • Im, Wol Ae;Gang, Chang Geun;Kim, Suk Yang;Lee, Sam Geun;Kim, Hak Gyun;Jeong, Ik Gyo
    • ALGAE
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.49-58
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    • 2003
  • The short-term dynamics of the summer phytoplankton community structure were investigated in coastal waters around Namhae Island, the Southern Sea of Korea. The study was based on a comprehensive survey constituting 39 collections from 13 stations on July 18-22, August 1-2, 14-16 and 27-30, respectively. The community structure was analysed using cluster analysis and important environmental correlates of the assemblage structure were identified with canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). Water temperature, salinity, NO₂, NO₃, NH₄, PO₄, chlorophyll a and transparency were measured as physico-chemical environmental factors which may be associated with the phytoplankton community structure. Variations of salinity and concentrations of NO₃ and chlorophyll a were not significant. In addition to warmer water temperature, concentrations of NO₂, NO₄and PO₄ decreased at the beginning of August. And transparency was deeper and water column became very unstable after the middle of August. A wide taxonomic diversity was encountered during the survey, including a total of 121 taxa which was composed of 72 diatoms, 48 dinoflagellates and 1 euglenoid species. Cluster analysis showed that the Phytoplankton community could be divided into 4 distinct groups, indicating rapid changes of the community in the short course of this survey. These phytoplankton groups also showed distinctive dispersion patterns in 2-dimensional canonical space, indicating distinct groupings for stations at each survey. Dominant taxa of diatoms (Chaetoceros curvisetus, Chaetoceros spp., Leptocylindrus danicus, Leptocylindrus mediteraneus, Skeletonema costanum, and Pseudo-nitzschia pungen) clustered in region of CCA space corresponding to stations surveyed at the middle of July. Dominant taxa of dinoflagellates were tightly associated with stations surveyed at the middle (Karenia breve) and end (Cochlodinium polykrikoides and Polykrikos schwartzii) of August. The CCA also showed that the phytoplankton community compositions were highly associated with water temperature, transparency, NO₂, NH₄ and PO₄, suggesting that gradients in physical and nutrient conditions affect short-term changes in phytoplankton composition.

Discriminating Domestic Soybeans from Imported Soybeans by 20 MHz Pulsed NMR (20 MHz pulsed NMR을 이용한 국내산과 수입산 콩의 판별)

  • Rho, Jeong-Hae;Lee, Sun-Min;Kim, Young-Boong;Lee, Taek-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.653-659
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    • 2003
  • A 20 MHz pulsed NMR systems was employed to discriminate the geographical origin of soybeans and black beans (yak-kong) from Korea and foreign countries. Crude fat contents measured by soxhlet method were significantly (p<0.05) different between domestic and imported soybeans. Moisture and crude protein contents, measured by AOAC, were significantly different between domestic and imported black beans. In soybeans, values by solid fat content method and Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) method using 20 MHz pulsed NMR showed the significant difference among soybeans from various the geographical origins. In black beans (yak-kong), NMR values measured by NMR except $T_1$ SR pulse sequence revealed the significant difference by the geographical origins. The habitat of soybeans and black beans could be identified by canonical discriminant analysis of chemical composition with $70{\sim}91.7\;%$ accuracy. Low field NMR data followed by discriminant analysis, however, granted the 100% of accuracy for classification of soybeans.

Structural and Biochemical Characterization of the Two Drosophila Low Molecular Weight-Protein Tyrosine Phosphatases DARP and Primo-1

  • Lee, Hye Seon;Mo, Yeajin;Shin, Ho-Chul;Kim, Seung Jun;Ku, Bonsu
    • Molecules and Cells
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    • v.43 no.12
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    • pp.1035-1045
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    • 2020
  • The Drosophila genome contains four low molecular weight-protein tyrosine phosphatase (LMW-PTP) members: Primo-1, Primo-2, CG14297, and CG31469. The lack of intensive biochemical analysis has limited our understanding of these proteins. Primo-1 and CG31469 were previously classified as pseudophosphatases, but CG31469 was also suggested to be a putative protein arginine phosphatase. Herein, we present the crystal structures of CG31469 and Primo-1, which are the first Drosophila LMW-PTP structures. Structural analysis showed that the two proteins adopt the typical LMW-PTP fold and have a canonically arranged P-loop. Intriguingly, while Primo-1 is presumed to be a canonical LMW-PTP, CG31469 is unique as it contains a threonine residue at the fifth position of the P-loop motif instead of highly conserved isoleucine and a characteristically narrow active site pocket, which should facilitate the accommodation of phosphoarginine. Subsequent biochemical analysis revealed that Primo-1 and CG31469 are enzymatically active on phosphotyrosine and phosphoarginine, respectively, refuting their classification as pseudophosphatases. Collectively, we provide structural and biochemical data on two Drosophila proteins: Primo-1, the canonical LMW-PTP protein, and CG31469, the first investigated eukaryotic protein arginine phosphatase. We named CG31469 as DARP, which stands for Drosophila ARginine Phosphatase.

An Analytical Study on the Stem-Growth by the Principal Component and Canonical Correlation Analyses (주성분(主成分) 및 정준상관분석(正準相關分析)에 의(依)한 수간성장(樹幹成長) 해석(解析)에 관(關)하여)

  • Lee, Kwang Nam
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.70 no.1
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    • pp.7-16
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    • 1985
  • To grasp canonical correlations, their related backgrounds in various growth factors of stem, the characteristics of stem by synthetical dispersion analysis, principal component analysis and canonical correlation analysis as optimum method were applied to Larix leptolepis. The results are as follows; 1) There were high or low correlation among all factors (height ($x_1$), clear height ($x_2$), form height ($x_3$), breast height diameter (D. B. H.: $x_4$), mid diameter ($x_5$), crown diameter ($x_6$) and stem volume ($x_7$)) except normal form factor ($x_8$). Especially stem volume showed high correlation with the D.B.H., height, mid diameter (cf. table 1). 3) (1) Canonical correlation coefficients and canonical variate between stem volume and composite variate of various height growth factors ($x_1$, $x_2$ and $x_3$) are ${\gamma}_{u1,v1}=0.82980^{**}$, $\{u_1=1.00000x_7\\v_1=1.08323x_1-0.04299x_2-0.07080x_3$. (2) Those of stem volume and composite variate of various diameter growth factors ($x_4$, $x_5$ and $x_6$) are ${\gamma}_{u1,v1}=0.98198^{**}$, $\{{u_1=1.00000x_7\\v_1=0.86433x_4+0.11996x_5+0.02917x_6$. (3) And canonical correlation between stem volume and composite variate of six factors including various heights and diameters are ${\gamma}_{u1,v1}=0.98700^{**}$, $\{^u_1=1.00000x_7\\v1=0.12948x_1+0.00291x_2+0.03076x_3+0.76707x_4+0.09107x_5+0.02576x_6$. All the cases showed the high canonical correlation. Height in the case of (1), D.B.H. in that of (2), and the D.B.H, and height in that of (3) respectively make an absolute contribution to the canonical correlation. Synthetical characteristics of each qualitative growth are largely affected by each factor. Especially in the case of (3) the influence by the D.B.H. is the most significant in the above six factors (cf. table 2). 3) Canonical correlation coefficient and canonical variate between composite variate of various height growth factors and that of the various diameter factors are ${\gamma}_{u1,v1}=0.78556^{**}$, $\{u_1=1.20569x_1-0.04444x_2-0.21696x_3\\v_1=1.09571x_4-0.14076x_5+0.05285x_6$. As shown in the above facts, only height and D.B.H. affected considerably to the canonical correlation. Thus, it was revealed that the synthetical characteristics of height growth was determined by height and those of the growth in thickness by D.B.H., respectively (cf. table 2). 4) Synthetical characteristics (1st-3rd principal component) derived from eight growth factors of stem, on the basis of 85% accumulated proportion aimed, are as follows; Ist principal component ($z_1$): $Z_1=0.40192x_1+0.23693x_2+0.37047x_3+0.41745x_4+0.41629x_5+0.33454x_60.42798x_7+0.04923x_8$, 2nd principal component ($z_2$): $z_2=-0.09306x_1-0.34707x_2+0.08372x_3-0.03239x_4+0.11152x_5+0.00012x_6+0.02407x_7+0.92185x_8$, 3rd principal component ($z_3$): $Z_3=0.19832x_1+0.68210x_2+0.35824x_3-0.22522x_4-0.20876x_5-0.42373x_6-0.15055x_7+0.26562x_8$. The first principal component ($z_1$) as a "size factor" showed the high information absorption power with 63.26% (proportion), and its principal component score is determined by stem volume, D.B.H., mid diameter and height, which have considerably high factor loading. The second principal component ($z_2$) is the "shape factor" which indicates cubic similarity of the stem and its score is formed under the absolute influence of normal form factor. The third principal component ($z_3$) is the "shape factor" which shows the degree of thickness and length of stem. These three principal components have the satisfactory information absorption power with 88.36% of the accumulated percentage. variance (cf. table 3). 5) Thus the principal component and canonical correlation analyses could be applied to the field of forest measurement, judgement of site qualities, management diagnoses for the forest management and the forest products industries, and the other fields which require the assessment of synthetical characteristics.

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A Stabilization algorithm for Fuzzy Systems with Singleton Consequents

  • Michio Sugeno;Lee, Chang-Hoon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems Conference
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    • 1998.06a
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    • pp.36-41
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    • 1998
  • This paper presents a stabilization algorithm for a class of fuzzy systems with singleton consequect. To this aim, we introduce two canonical forms of an unforced fuzzy system and a stability theorem. A design example is shown to verify the stabilization algorithm.

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A study on the design of HB step motor using the piecewise-linear circuit analysis (구간 선형 회로 해석을 이용한 HB 스텝 모터의 설계에 관한 연구)

  • 이태규;허욱렬
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1988.10a
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    • pp.573-578
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    • 1988
  • The objectives of this paper are to establish an equivalent magnetic circuit of the hybrid PM step motor and to apply the canonical piecewise linear eqation and the Kazenelson algorithm of solving the nonlinear magnetic circuit, so that the static holding torque and the magnetic properties of the motor are determined. The results of that are applied to the design of the hybrid step motor.

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Nucleotide Sequence and Secondary Structure of 5S rRNA from Sphingobium chungbukense DJ77

  • Kwon, Hae-Ryong;Kim, Young-Chang
    • Journal of Microbiology
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.79-82
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    • 2007
  • The 58 rRNA gene from Sphingobium chungbukense DJ77 was identified. The secondary structure of the 199-base-long RNA was proposed. The two-base-long D loop was the shortest among all of the known 5S rRNAs. The U19-U64 non-canonical pair in the helix II region was uniquely found in strain DJ77 among all of the sphingomonads.